Abbey is lying or was endangering her child.

2025.01.22 21:00 Best-Finish5559 Abbey is lying or was endangering her child.

Abbey is lying or was endangering her child. submitted by Best-Finish5559 to abbeyfickleysnarkpage [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 Excellent-Internal77 I need a mod

Does anyone know of a mod which makes it so you can stay for more then a month. I need one so bad.
submitted by Excellent-Internal77 to HushHushOYLCST [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 zeca_malhado Que vocês acham galera? Da pra banir links do X?

Que vocês acham galera? Da pra banir links do X? submitted by zeca_malhado to brasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 Potential_Two7195 McDonald's Pokemon cards

McDonald's Pokemon cards The cards pulled from McDonald's promotional collab. Was fun to open in real life instead of in the game. Might get more in the future!
submitted by Potential_Two7195 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 Atomi-c New Skill moves? (PS5)

I just got FC25 and I’m noticing straight away some of the skill moves I used to use in FC 24 such as the Ball Roll Drag (L1 ➡️⬇️ or ➡️⬆️) and Ball Roll Fake Turn (L2 ➡️⬇️ or ➡️⬆️) don’t work in FC 25 because they have new skill moves that require these same inputs. What are the new inputs?
submitted by Atomi-c to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 DeMiInTrO Playing magic the gathering

I have been told and was curious on what others opinions on the subject. That playing the TCG MAGIC THE GATHERING is not ok to play for Christians. Considering the gambling of buying packs and it dealing with magic etc... and especially playing at the LGS cause it's not surrounding myself with christ like people.
submitted by DeMiInTrO to Christian [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 TheNefariousChode Any art streamers out there?

I was wondering if you get hate a lot? I work on animations a lot for fun and usually that just takes a day of streaming out of my schedule, but i thought it would be fun to try and just streaming it instead. I know my stuff isnt great (and having to use a mouse doesnt help lol) but i dont want to just get sh@t on the whole time.
submitted by TheNefariousChode to Twitch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 NotFreakzz Airpods as an Android user?

I recently bought the Samsung Galaxy Buds3 (Not pros because I dont like in-ear buds, they're super uncomfortable and fall off a lot) and I have to say I'm not very happy with the purchase. They are quite bulky and they dont sit well on my ear which is disappointing, given the fact that everything else has been pretty good.
So because of that I was thinking of maybe selling those and getting Airpods instead? Now I know this isnt the best option as an Android user but I'm a fan of that design and I've heard a lot of good things about them (I've also owned a knockoff version of the airpods 2 called j18 tws which were very comfortable so I'm after that type of design).
I'm currently thinking of getting the airpods 4 instead. Would you guys recommend this? and if not, can you provide some other recommendations as alternatives?
submitted by NotFreakzz to Earbuds [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 infossindgold How to Setup HL 1 for developping in Unity?

I want to start building for HL1. I am very new to unity and am not sure how to correctly set it all up. On YouTuibe, i just found very old tutorials, which might not be up to date anymore. Do you know any good tutorial which is still working?
Thank You Alll
submitted by infossindgold to HoloLens [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 GeneralKipicus Can I set default payment/address to only one device? (Android)

Hi! I was wondering if it is possible to set a default payment and/or address to only a single device on a shared account. I'd like to have my name on my packages and have my card set for just my phone without having to constantly switch every time I purchase an item, as it's really a pain. I use the Amazon app on my Samsung Galaxy S22+. Thank you in advance!
submitted by GeneralKipicus to amazon [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 stonedghandi Looking for a crew

Recently separated old dude. My daughter gave me her Xbox one and I’m discovering GTA for the first time. Need anyone that wants to play casual and do some jobs/ races
submitted by stonedghandi to GTA5Online [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 GlacierOS SURVEY COMPLETE: ERIDANI V

SURVEY COMPLETE: ERIDANI V submitted by GlacierOS to NoSodiumStarfield [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 UsedString8670 Meet the newest member of the crypto council I'm still looking for names for her

Meet the newest member of the crypto council I'm still looking for names for her submitted by UsedString8670 to buildabear [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 Strong_Ruin_7335 First Relo - I broke up with her - VENT

She was a good person, I broke up with her. I feel horrible for doing it to her but it needed to happen. We were constantly fighting over the tiny-ist things that didn't matter, I felt my voice and words were being pushed to the side until I had to beg her to try to understand me. Our life goals didn't fully align and we couldn't come to agreements on big life decisions, so ultimately I thought that we were not going to be compatible in the long run
I have acted in ways that I regret, sometimes I let the anger get the best of me tearing the room apart, and I feel ashamed and horrible about it. I think we both have been slowly breaking down each others trust to the point where every conversation would end in a fight or disagreement. It hurts thinking about the idea of her with someone else, But I think that's just something that I will get over with time.
IDK this is the most conflicted i've felt in my entire life. She was my first relationship ever and I really did feel like I loved her but for the last 3 months of the relationship it was a constant battle in my head if I should stay or not due to the incompatibilities
Thank you for reading if you made it this far. sorry If it didn't make sense.
submitted by Strong_Ruin_7335 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 bobcatbobcatbobcat Large Marge (Sunday Driver). Harvest, phase one.

Large Marge (Sunday Driver). Harvest, phase one. Sunday Driver, from clone. Day 62 of flower after 75 days of veg. Ocean Forest soil, 5 gal fabric pot. Tiger Bloom, Epsom salts, kelp, silica. FloraFlex 700.
The nets were more for support than anything. But, after harvesting the outermost layer of buds, the net is proving super useful in exposing the inner, younger buds, which I’ll take in about five days. Yes, I know she’s dense - I got nervous about hitting the right defoliation window after flip to flower, and then I wimped out entirely. Hence, harvesting in phases. Live and learn. (Pics are post-phase one harvest.)
Her “fall colors” are really pretty: pinks and purples, pale yellow. She was greedy for magnesium but otherwise a real pleasure to grow.
Pulled the outermost layer of buds, all of which are THICC.
Been following this sub for a while, and there’s some good advice to be had. Thanks, dudes.
submitted by bobcatbobcatbobcat to microgrowery [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 emorac Jutarnji list - 'Pogledajte što rade Šveđani i Danci, zar su oni seljaci, a mi gospoda!? A kada smo uveli euro, dogodila se čista prevara'

Jutarnji list - 'Pogledajte što rade Šveđani i Danci, zar su oni seljaci, a mi gospoda!? A kada smo uveli euro, dogodila se čista prevara' Jurčić je poznat kao "kontroverzan", ali nije ništa drukčiji od većine našeg ekonomskog stručnjaštva, dapače ovo je tipično bezvrijedno laprdanje.
Gomila fraza, a jedva ikakve naznake ičega konkretnog u ovoliko riječi.
Recimo, kaže kako kao država treba utjecati na strukturu tržišta", što zvuči moćno, ali ni jedne riječi objašnjenja kakva je ta struktura i što konkretno treba uraditi.
Onda jasno aludira da je pad domaće proizvodnje uzrokom rasta cijena, ali svi znamo da su domaći proizvodi uglavnom bili puno skuplji od uvoza, također i prozvodi koje vidimo na policama, domaći nisu ništa jeftiniji, dapače.
Kaže da je Slovenija to riješila, ali ni riječi o tome kako.
I tako, kao većina naših ekonomista, pršte od samouvjerenosti i ostavljaju dojam da sve imaju u malom prstu, ali mogu mljeti satima a neće reći ništa suvislo i konkretno. Što je najgore, mislim da ih takvoj niškorisnosti uče na studijima.
submitted by emorac to croatia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 Affectionate-Draw840 Castaic fire

Get ready, Simi! Rather too early than too late!
submitted by Affectionate-Draw840 to simivalley [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 Aware-Wonder3786 Classic Avi - Mustang

Classic Avi - Mustang Hi All, had a bit of a nightmare trying to buy my first Breitling and had to return the premier chronograph twice.
Moving on, what’s everyone’s thoughts on the Classic Avi - Mustang? Potentially looking at getting this one instead.
submitted by Aware-Wonder3786 to breitling [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 45rs5 Among all other body parts too.

Among all other body parts too. submitted by 45rs5 to KimetsuNoYaibaMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 xatfi Trump mainitsi vahingossa Suomen

Trump mainitsi vahingossa Suomen submitted by xatfi to Uutiset [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 45rs5 Among all other body parts too.

submitted by 45rs5 to KimetsuNoYaibaMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 TyLa0 AI & Tylao

AI & Tylao Detectives 🕵️‍♀️
submitted by TyLa0 to hellaflyai [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 CautiousResearch67 Cancer & Heart Disease

Well, here it goes… I’m taking this daily to stabilize prostate cancer and prevent heart disease. Looking forward to your informed opinions.

submitted by CautiousResearch67 to Supplements [link] [comments]


K I'm currently going to a high school where I'm planning to leave next year cus I lwk might get jumped and I need input from the students that go to emily carr, Pls lmk abt the teachers the students, am I able to have a good high school life there cus my current school aint cutting it, pls help me.
submitted by Few_Gear_528 to highschool [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:59 Sharp_Nature883 Autoflowers & Tray2Grow System Questions

I've seen some folks running autos with the AutoPot Tray2Grow system with stellar results and had a few questions before I pull the trigger on one for my 2x4 tent. I run living soil and I will be using the 12 gallon hard tank as it best fits the space I'm trying to put it in. :
- For those running planter bed / fabric pots, do you have the system on for the entire plant cycle or do you top water until the leaves reach the outer edge of the pot/planter?
- Do you ever turn the system off once you turn it on?
- What upgrades/changes did you make to the setup?
- How often do you clean the root blocker and what is your preferred method for washing?
- How many 5 gallon fabric pots can you fit on it? I don't think I'll run more than 2 plants on it, but just curious if I could fit 3.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer my inquiries!
submitted by Sharp_Nature883 to Autoflowers [link] [comments]