2025.01.22 22:03 More-Author-4704 Heading home 🥰 still seeking for a long or short term sub.
My DMs are open submitted by More-Author-4704 to findommes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:03 The_Zhuster What Type of Snake is This? [California]
submitted by The_Zhuster to animalid [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:03 starlight_collector Plot twist: you're a "he"
submitted by starlight_collector to cursedmemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:03 Impressive_Refuse973 A little help please
Guys I was assigned a number for appeasement of $50 on January 7th, I haven't heard from them since and I would like to email them.
Maybe this is a silly question but where do I email them? Thanks in advance.
submitted by Impressive_Refuse973 to Pixel4a [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:03 Rycbandremember Update to rule regarding political posts with a Navy nexus
Hello Navy community!
After extensive discussion among your navy moderator team regarding political posts on this sub, we have decided to make some changes to how they will be posted and moderated. These changes were made to reduce the likelihood of comment sections turning into a dumpster fire that require many hours of moderation from the all-volunteer mod team that have lives outside of Reddit. The politics rule has been updated to reflect what follows. We have additionally added a new "Be Civil" rule and made it rule #1.
2025.01.22 22:03 joehallissey UK to US parcel forwarding - u/KingBenneth positive review
submitted by joehallissey to testimonials [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:03 Flat_Grand9958 Я зʼїхала з квартири через 💩
Троп сусіди явно не мій.
Ця історія про мене та людину, з якою я знімала квартиру. Назвемо його Нікіта.
Початок: рай чи ілюзія?
Все почалося досить добре. Знайомий нашої сімʼї, назвемо його Андрій, запропонував мені знімати кімнату в його квартирі. Гарна ціна, окрема кімната, адекватний сусід — звучало ідеально.
Спочатку все дійсно було спокійно. Я поводилася ввічливо, навіть запропонувала Нікіті користуватися моєю мультиваркою. Він показав, що де на кухні моє, а що його, і ми домовилися про комфортне співжиття.
Але ця ідилія тривала недовго. Одного разу я випадково скористалася його ножем, подумавши, що він загальний. Нікіта прямо сказав мені, що йому це не сподобалося . Я вибачилася, пояснила, що помилилася, і більше не чіпала його речі. Здавалося, конфлікт вичерпано.
Перші сигнали тривоги
Відразу після цього Нікіта почав мене… лякати. Він розповідав про тарганів у квартирі, яких я жодного разу за весь час там не бачила. Постійно казав, щоб я перевіряла свої речі, бо, мовляв, бачив, як таргани до мене залазять. Усе це виглядало дуже дивно.
Далі почалися скарги. Нікіта звинуватив мене в тому, що я нібито не виношу сміття й залишаю безлад. Це звучало абсурдно, адже я приходила додому лише ночувати( я багато навчаюсь та працюю) , а моє сміття займало максимум половину пакета. Я завжди прибираю за собою, бо звикла жити в чистоті.
Я пояснила йому, що як би за мною назбиралось сміття я його винесла або за тобою якщо він переповнений, на що він відповів «мені що фотографувати ?» . Я відповіла так . На словах я йому не вірила. Але на цю пропозицію він агресивно відповів.
Справжнє обличчя сусіда
Одного разу до мене в гості прийшла подруга, яка помітила, що в туалеті хтось не змив за собою. Таке потім почало повторюватися неодноразово, на що я його просила банально натискати на кнопку у туалеті ( мене просто почали ігнорити ) .
Ще він перестав нормально прибирати. На плиті залишалися жовті плями, як від киплячої води, які він навіть не намагався витирати. Підлога була настільки липкою, що шкарпетки буквально прилипали до неї.
Я почала параноїти через волосся, яке постійно накопичувалося у ванній. Спершу думала, що це моє. Але одного разу, коли я кілька днів була відсутня, волосся з'явилося знову. Це точно було не моє: коротке й густе, схоже на його бороду чи волосся.
Запах, який не сховати
Ще однією проблемою став запах. Узимку Нікіта перестав провітрювати квартиру, й повітря стало затхлим. Я попросила його хоча б іноді відкривати вікна, але він проігнорував мене, натомість заявив, що я «чіпляюся» й «вимахуюся».
Фінал: відчай і безсилля
Коли я зрозуміла, що мирного вирішення не буде, я звернулася до господаря. Але Андрій сказав, що не хоче вникати в наші конфлікти й просто попросить нас обох з'їхати.
Коли я збирала свої речі, побачила, що Нікіта залишився жити там. А господар попросив залишити ключі… Нікіті! На що я сказала: «Ні, залишу вам особисто».
Тут я зрозуміла що хазяїн явно не на моєму боці , хоч я йому детально все розповіла .
Крім того, коли я забирала речі, деякі речі ще залишалися на квартирі. Коли я хотіла повертатися їх забирати, Нікіта два дні підряд залишав у замковій скважині ключі, щоб чути, коли я приходжу. Крім цього, одного разу, коли я перший раз забирала речі, він викрутив лампочку в моїй кімнаті. Потім почав користуватися поличкою для вжиття, яку я збирала.
Цей переїзд сильно вдарив по моїх нервах. Зараз я перебралась до батьків .
submitted by Flat_Grand9958 to reddit_ukr [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:03 CuriousRottweiler Fold 5 Durability.
I just wanted to give praise to the Fold 5's durability. I work in a Winery and have had the phone for 1.5 Years, I was a wee bit dubious to get one as I work with a lot of dangerous & hazardous chemicals. This phone has been dropped in a 250K Litre fermenter overnight, been in caustic (Literally) for an hour and dropped in citric 😂 has been dropped from 10 metres (only one chip in the corner, surprisingly) and has been dropped on concrete countless times. The only damage to the phone is the small chip in the corner, How samsung achieved such durability beats me. These phones are tanks.
submitted by CuriousRottweiler to GalaxyFold [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:03 Affectionate_Fly_464 A tip for driving unreleased & exclusive reward cars:
submitted by Affectionate_Fly_464 to forza [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:03 Ok-Reference-4322 Shadowbox PS5 controller
Just made my own shadowbox PS5 controller. Have to get rid of the brown edges and the lighting is not that good but i’m pretty happy with my first project. submitted by Ok-Reference-4322 to playstation [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:03 Thisisdom Is there a good example question bank for civil service interviews?
So I've applied for a civil service roles in the past but have always struggled with the whole behaviours and STAR system, as I feel like it's not the way I (or anyone else) would naturally talk in a business setting.
I'm looking to build a simple bit of code to randomly ask civil service questions so I can do some practice before interviews, but am struggling to find a good set of example questions for each behaviour.
I can obviously make some up myself, but I'm wondering if there exists anywhere a good database of possible questions? (ideally free)
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Thisisdom to TheCivilService [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:03 Ok-Common-3187 Scent in kids club and game room
Hi, we went to grand moon last year and really liked it. The only thing I really disliked what this particular smell in the kids club and game room. It was an earthy, smoky smell, almost like incense. It was so overpowering that I smelled it on my kids after they left the club and it really bothered my daughter and me. Does anyone know what I’m talking about and does it always smell like that?
submitted by Ok-Common-3187 to palaceresorts [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:03 Quinn097 I graduated film school, and finished my demo reel for my portfolio 😁
Still building the portfolio website, but I wanted to share this because I am really proud of it! There are clips from 8 different projects in this reel, a few short films, 1 vignette, and 1 music video. Actors are repeated cuz there were a couple of people who I really enjoyed working with. submitted by Quinn097 to cinematography [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:03 Lukeduke409 Ordered c4 77” for $1696
Just ordered 77” C4 off Best Buy from the brandsmartusa price match! They also gave me the free mounting service! Took me 3 tries with the chat service to get them to price match, but well worth it! Can’t wait to finally enter the OLED universe! Next up, Sonos Arc Ultra!
submitted by Lukeduke409 to LGOLED [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:03 skipadbloom Eyes wide open
submitted by skipadbloom to lolaflanerymadness [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:03 CostAcrobatic850 will the 30 day trial bill me when it ends?
i got the 30 day trial but not on the website i was just wondering if it would end automatically
submitted by CostAcrobatic850 to Express_VPN [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:03 cantcoloratall91 Minnesota Native U.S. Border Patrol agent fatally shot during traffic stop.
submitted by cantcoloratall91 to minnesota [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:03 Artseid The Great American Protest
submitted by Artseid to Political_Revolution [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:03 CockroachChoice How Dortmund makes top8 in the UCL
https://preview.redd.it/rcqc1e8damee1.png?width=2461&format=png&auto=webp&s=faa9063f135288753533b0d332d8a8819ec2d861 Rough markup on how Dortmund could still make the Top 8 and directly qualify for the Ro16. 4 Teams (Liverpool, Barcelona, Inter and Arsenal) will definetly finish ahead of us. Of all the mentioned teams in contention (assuming a Dortmund victory at home vs Shakhtar), only 3 may finish ahead of us. The teams in Contention are: Lille & Feyenoord face each other, thus if the match doesnt draw, one will finish ahead of us. Aston Villa, Milan, Atleti, Leverkusen -> all of which face a rather heavy underdog in their respective final match, so we will need atleast one upset in those matches alone. Atalanta, Brest and Monaco will also finish ahead of us, if they secure 3 points on Wednesday (1 is enough in the case of Atalanta), but atleast they arent heavy favourites like the previously mentioned teams. On top of all that, Madrid, Bayern and Juventus may not score high enough to beat us on Goaldifference (same goes for Celtic, but that is highly unlikely). EDIT: Graphic was made ahead of Feyenoords 3rd Goal against Bayern, so Bayern is now 2 goals down in Goaldifference. submitted by CockroachChoice to borussiadortmund [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:03 Electrical-Aspect-13 Acrobat Norma Fox on her show outfit and training her trapeze routine, circa 1956, colour by kodachrome.
submitted by Electrical-Aspect-13 to 1950s [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:03 OkBack1972 I saw a mysterious man and he disappeared in the blink of an eye (literally)
I have been thinking about this nonstop for the past two days now. And I don't know wether i was just hallucinating or if it was real. Either way I feel so confused and uncomfortable. (Sorry if this is too long)
So my sister and I went to get something from the bakery. She was looking around and i was waiting for her to choose something, that's when i noticed a man by the door of the bakery. He was inside but was standing by the door.
He looked about 6'0 tall, he was wearing a simple black t-shirt and black jeans. He also had sunglasses on. He stood out to me because of the sunglasses and i also thought they looked "outdated", basically something that you would see every guy wearing in the early 2000's. So i assumed he is probably a middle aged man with no sense of fashion (mid forties probably).
After we bought what we wanted, we were about to leave when he started walking further into the store. He slightly bumped into my shoulder when he passed by, like our bodies just touched (so i know he's real lol). I just brushed that off and walked out.
We were walking just for a little bit, like it hasn't been a minute yet and i noticed someone not too far away from where we were. It caught my eye because he seemed to have a similar build as the guy i saw before, and even was wearing a simple black tee and black jeans (no sunglasses). I thought it was a weird coincidence, because there was absolutely no way it was the same man.
That's when i blinked, and he was gone.. Like no trace AT ALL. Just vanished into thin air. He couldn't have possibly quickly turned around the corner or something because it was still far and it's impossible to reach it that fast. But i still checked quickly around that corner and there was nobody. I asked my sister if she saw him but unfortunately she wasn't paying attention.
It almost feels like a dream, but I'm positive i wasn't imagining things because i could almost see his facial features from that distance and I'm sure he's real. But again that makes it impossible, so a very vivid hallucination is the only explanation i have, but it still makes me feel uneasy.
submitted by OkBack1972 to mystery [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:03 Crafty-Inside8042 My Views on Politics and Government
submitted by Crafty-Inside8042 to Polcompballanarchy [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:03 Vast-School3317 I don't have daddy issues, but...
My dad is great. Supports me, helps me become my best, gives great advice, just wants me to be happy, and makes me feel loved. He puts me and my brother before him, and overall I could never be MORE luckier to have him as a father.
Okay, well, when I'm an adult. Not as a minor, because I don't want to be a victim.
Anyone else feel this way?
submitted by Vast-School3317 to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:03 Proper-Formal-9213 I've not been this weight for at least 25 years!
Well and truly cracked into the 80s (kgs guys not pounds!). Down to 88.8 and as the title says, I've probably not been here for a long long time!
I'm feeling really positive and like this is really working. I'm now able to actually look forward to being a healthy weight and maintaining it.
I've booked in with a nutritionist next week to get some advice for when I come off the meds later this year. Doing it now so I have time to implement any changes. If you're an AIA Vitality member (at least here in NZ), you can get an appt and 2 followups for only $45!
I haven't been taking progress photos or doing measurements (other than weight) but will be starting now.
submitted by Proper-Formal-9213 to liraglutide [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:03 Dry-Sympathy-3182 Do Christians not like Bronze Age history since the majority of civilizations were pagans at the time?
submitted by Dry-Sympathy-3182 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]