Le hice una entrevista al fundador de Belo App, Mirá 👇

2025.01.22 23:24 GastonSaillen Le hice una entrevista al fundador de Belo App, Mirá 👇

🎙️Cripto sin complicaciones: La revolución financiera de belo con Manuel Beaudroit
Sumergite en el mundo de las finanzas descentralizadas de la mano de Manuel Beaudroit, CEO y cofundador de belo, la app que está transformando cómo los latinoamericanos interactúan con el dinero.
Con una visión clara y un enfoque pragmático, Manu ha logrado crear un puente entre el universo cripto y la vida cotidiana, democratizando el acceso a herramientas financieras innovadoras en un contexto de hiperinflación, controles cambiarios y desafíos económicos
🎧 Escuchalo ahora en: https://open.spotify.com/episode/61PgwEMbJlwqEiXeJPYXlP?si=CIkcwVUuSGKEJNjJZ7ItfA
submitted by GastonSaillen to programacion [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Teyarual Delta Farce (2007) - Película churrera en la que tres soldados terminan en México y lo confunden por Irak y rescatan al pueblo del villano (Machete, Danny Trejo)

La película salió en el 2007, producción muy simple y con muchos estereotipos. Pero entretiene. En un momento de la película se escucha alguien diciendo "ya llegaron los americanos a ayudarnos!". La trama es parecida a la de Tres Amigos (1986).
Aquí el link de varias escenas o versión corta de la película:
submitted by Teyarual to mexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Resident_Fruit_571 Fundamental paper education ocs👀

Mr canine- the Spanish teacher Young-mi- student
Fun fact- mr Canine is inspired by death from puss in boots the last wish :P
submitted by Resident_Fruit_571 to FundamentalPaperEdu [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 ExtHD Bat Shit Insane Religious Fanaticism Is A Requirement For US Empire Managers | The world is ruled by religious fanatics with nukes

submitted by ExtHD to USEmpire [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 matt159b Free RPG souls-like, I'd love if ya'll tried it

Game Title: 10,000 Dragons: The Oathbreaker Saga
Playable Link: https://10kstudios.itch.io/10000-dragons-the-oathbreaker-saga
Platform: Itch.io browser based
Description: 10,000 Dragons: The Oathbreaker Saga is an action RPG where you play a forsaken warrior seeking absolution. Explore the world of Skai as you search for secrets, battle fearsome foes, and discover your mysterious past. It's a passion project that my brother and I have worked on for several years, over several iterations. We don't live in the same place, so working on this game together was a means of keeping in touch.
Free to Play Status:

Involvement: I'm an artist and my older brother made... everything else. He's a very talented writer and programmer and I made assets and animations for the project. I make motion graphics for my job, so I particularly enjoyed making the menu and title animations.
submitted by matt159b to playmygame [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Own_Signature9234 How come when people see each other they think they have to put on an act of continuous excitement where everything is so awesome?

submitted by Own_Signature9234 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Quiet_Assistance_962 I’m on a non-monogamist relationship with my boyfriend, AMA

We’ve known each other for more than a decade and we reconnected recently; we’ve been dating for 6 months now with cero exclusivity and we love it. AMA
submitted by Quiet_Assistance_962 to AMA [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 BigfootsMailman Democrat Calls for Investigation of Donald Trump's 'Vote Counting Computers' Remark

Democrat Calls for Investigation of Donald Trump's 'Vote Counting Computers' Remark submitted by BigfootsMailman to TheMinistryofProof [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 LimpCommittee6981 Do I consider dating my situationship after three years?

Hey there Two Hot Takes Family! I need some help. I (Female, 28) have been seeing my situationship (Male, 27) for on and off again for three years now.
My situationship and I went to high school together but reconnected on Tinder in 2021. We dated for three months but never became official. We were two very different people back then. I had a very anxious attachment style and he was the complete opposite.
Over the past three years we have been talking and sleeping together on and off. When I say talking very friendship types of talks. We would go out to dinner or do an activity occasionally but a lot of the time it was hanging back at my place or his to watch dinner, eat carry out and relax. Neither him nor I are embarrassed of being scene with the other. We talk about each other to our friends and hang out with them together from time to time.
In October, I finally asked him the question of why we weren’t together. Why hadn’t we given it a shot? He told me he was stubborn and once he made up his mind about something he stuck to that. I knew this wasn’t the truth and I decided to ask him to tell me the full truth. He told me and while it was harsh to hear it was all areas I needed to work on. 1) self confidence 2) letting of items from the past and looking towards the future 3)being honest and open about how I felt about everything.
I am so grateful he told me these because this was the wake up call I needed. Not that i am doing this for him but rather I needed to this to be the version of myself I wanted to be.
After that talk I decided to focus on myself. We stopped talking until December when I reached out. I knew it would be nothing more than hooking up and hanging out and I was okay with that. Until Sunday.
On Sunday, he asked me what would be worse us being together long term or us dating and it not working out and us breaking up. I told him that honestly us hooking up would be worse. At least if we dated and we broke up it would mean we tried and there isn’t hope left.
We both decided we would take some time to think about it separately and decide if this was something we wanted to do. I love this man. He has been by my side through some tough times. My grandma dying, me getting a spinal tap (he had to help me get on the toilet and get off of it), the past weekend when I was so anxious I didn’t know what to do. Anytime I need him he is there. However, he doesn’t up to me. When things get hard in his life he retreats and copes by himself. Sunday was the first time we had a deep conversation since we originally dated. I have felt for almost a year that he was my person, but I don’t know. I’m afraid he won’t open to me the way I would want him to. I don’t want him to do this for me either. I want him to do it for himself.
Do I communicate this with him? Do I even consider us dating or do I finally shut the door for good?
submitted by LimpCommittee6981 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Buuuuma Alberta, Canada is experiencing an 'invasion' of rare owls, says expert

submitted by Buuuuma to Wildlife [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Murky-Marionberry-44 Are these LL120 rpms normal?

I noticed there's no difference between quiet and balanced on the commander core fans. When set to balanced the fans on the commander core barely go above 700 rpms. Looking at the commander Pro, the fans go to 1500 rpm's on quiet. So 2 different sets of fans on 2 different controllers with different rpms on the same setting. Is this normal?
submitted by Murky-Marionberry-44 to iCUE [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 xDarky High end Invoker monk build crit build or stat stacker?

So I'm playing crit build rn. My tempest flurry dps is at 364k in hideout and I'm running CI with 6.7k ES.
I'm thinking of swapping to stat stacker with a budget of 110 divs (could go up to 160 if i sell my current Quarterstaff). Question is if it's even worth it swapping to it. Can you get higher dps and/or ES with that kind of budget without astramentis?
submitted by xDarky to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 huntergstz sou bi, e não posso ser.

eu sou bissexual, sou mulher e tenho 14 anos. eu sempre soube que eu sentia atração por mulheres, mas sempre fui ensinada que isso é errado e nojento, pecado gravíssimo. muitos pensam que sou nova demais para pensar assim, pois ter sexualidade diferente da heterossexualidade não é "coisa para criança", assim dizem os "mais velhos". minha família é extremamente homofóbica e religiosa, colocam a culpa na religião e falam que pessoas lgbt's são aberrações. mal sabem eles que, a princesinha do papai também é a aberração que ele tanto odeia. meu pai conversou comigo e com meus irmãos, falando para não termos amigos "viados" ou "sapatonas", pq essas pessoas pra ele são "invertidas". caralho, eu nasci invertida por gostar de mulher tb? eu nasci com defeito por apenas querer amar uma pessoa do mesmo gênero?
mas a real é que eu não queria ser assim, entende? mas eu sou, eu sinto atração ao ver as amigas da minha mãe, são gostosas pow, e isso me incomoda, por que eu sei que eu NUNCA vou poder me assumir. meus pais nunca aceitariam, minhas famílias não aceitariam. eu iria viver sendo o desgosto deles. eu sei que eu só tenho 14 anos e nem deveria pensar em namoro primeiramente. mas eu só queria poder amar quem eu quisesse, entendem? no meu aniversário de 15 anos (que já está chegando) eu queria poder assumir uma garota da qual eu gosto TANTO. mas não posso. a coisa que eu mais odeio, é ser odiada sem eles nem saberem. família é um saco. de todos eles, a única que sabe é minha prima da mesma idade que eu, e mesmo assim ela também é homofóbica. ela simplesmente não aceita que eu não tenho como mudar. eu já tentei diversas vezes mudar, "renunciar" como dizem, já que sou católica. eu agradeço a Deus por ter me feito pelo menos bissexual. assim eu posso amar e me casar com alguém sem julgamentos.
esse é o meu desabafo de hoje, se alguém ler isso até o fim, eu agradeço muito pela paciência. um abraço para quem se identificar, espero que sua vida melhore.
submitted by huntergstz to BissexualidadeBr [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Inevitable_Gear4727 Another suggestion for the survey...

Hi y'all!
I know that there have been some great detailed posts on what to put in the survey that Infold has sent out to us, especially regarding the lack of content for Sylus in comparison to the other LI's that are out, but I thought I would put forth one more suggestion for those that may not have submitted their survey's yet:
Lets ask Infold for a Love and Deepspace game with the same treatment that Nikki Infinity received! I don't know too much about the Nikki series other than I used to play it a little bit on mobile, and then the desktop game came out, and WOW they did such a great job with it, you actually get to run around the world, interact with puzzles, different collect-a-thons, and npcs, and the story so far seems great.
My thought process is that it takes years to develop games like that, so if we ask now, imagine in a few years if we get to play as our MC and actually walk around in the areas of the world, like LinkOn, the N109 Zone, Mount Eternal, etc. I imagine it as us getting to explore the world of LaDs and having our LI with us while we complete story/event/puzzles/whatever is included in the game.
Just food for thought!
submitted by Inevitable_Gear4727 to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 recoverydelta When it's force affinity clanboss day, but all your spirit champs kinda suck... And it kinda doesn't matter.

So the question becomes, since Venomage clearly isn't putting in that much work, who can I put into the team that can smack hard without placing many debuffs? (Occult brawler is currently my stun target for magic cb)
submitted by recoverydelta to RaidShadowLegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Interesting-Toe7690 Possession is 9/10ths of the law buddy boy

Possession is 9/10ths of the law buddy boy submitted by Interesting-Toe7690 to kingofqueens [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 thetacaptain You’ll never take my polyrhythms

submitted by thetacaptain to MathRockMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Dangerous-Drawing-17 Någon hjälpa mig o spruta ??

submitted by Dangerous-Drawing-17 to tiktoktjej [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 SweetyGonzalez Nintendo America's Former Boss Reggie Fils-Aimé says Astro Bot ‘almost outdid Nintendo at its own game’

Nintendo America's Former Boss Reggie Fils-Aimé says Astro Bot ‘almost outdid Nintendo at its own game’ submitted by SweetyGonzalez to PS5 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Sweet_Ear8442 Shakira and Jennifer Lopez at the Pepsi Super Bowl Halftime Show

Shakira and Jennifer Lopez at the Pepsi Super Bowl Halftime Show submitted by Sweet_Ear8442 to dalle [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 SmartObserver115789 What happens to your 401K and HSA if you get let go from the company?

So if you get canned after a PIP theoretically, what then happens you your existing 401K and HSA accounts in Fedelity? Just was wondering so I can plan for the scenario of departure for the future.
submitted by SmartObserver115789 to IBM [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Fun_Nefariousness544 My 2011 Toyota Highlander has smoke emitting from the engine

Do I have an exhaust leak? Am I just burning coolant fluid? Cold temperatures currently here in MA
submitted by Fun_Nefariousness544 to mechanic [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 Lady_thorn_rose Newbie here! Just a question.

Can we trust that these bags are genuine leather? Have anyone gotten pu from a trusted seller who claimed the bag was genuine leather? Why do som bags have that awful plastic smell, when it is supposed to be genuine leather?
submitted by Lady_thorn_rose to RealRepLadies [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 mightymikeba Rehoming EU Kelly 40 vintage style 1995 stamp , handwesn

Rehoming EU Kelly 40 vintage style 1995 stamp , handwesn Rehoming almost brand new, worn once , Kelly 40 in beige Swift leather
submitted by mightymikeba to RepLadiesClub [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:24 echtleder Geile Damen echt Lederjacke

submitted by echtleder to lisakueppersLeder [link] [comments]
