Die kommen auch in jedes Kaff

2025.01.23 00:03 DDR_in_Hausen Die kommen auch in jedes Kaff

Die kommen auch in jedes Kaff In der mysteriösen Dunkelheit der Nacht, während das beschauliche Hausen sanft in einen tiefen Schlaf versinkt, rollt ein kraftvoller Lieferwagen heran, dessen Erscheinen wie ein verheißungsvoller Lichtstrahl wirkt. Im Inneren befinden sich frische Materialien für eine geheime Kampagne, die das Potenzial hat, die Geschicke der Gemeinde zu verändern, sowie eine Gruppe leidenschaftlicher Freiwilliger, deren Herz für die Sache schlägt. Sie sind die Wächter der Tradition und der nationalen Werte, entschlossen, die Stimme des Volkes zu erheben und den Einfluss von außen abzulehnen. Mit unermüdlichem Elan entladen sie ihre Ausrüstung, klappen ihre rechtsdrehenden Leitern auf und schwingen sich, wenn nötig, mit akrobatischer Geschicklichkeit an Laternenmasten hoch, während sie die Identität ihres Heimatortes bewahren wollen.
Als der Morgen anbricht und die ersten goldenen Sonnenstrahlen das Dorf erhellen, geschieht das Unfassbare: Überall an den Straßen prangen die Wahlplakate einer strahlend fröhlichen Frau und ihrer visionären Partei, die den Mut hat, für die Interessen ihrer Bürger einzutreten. Ihre Botschaft ist klar –Heimatliebe, Sicherheit und die Stärkung des nationalen Selbstbewusstseins stehen im Vordergrund. Dank der cleveren Verwendung von rechtsdrehenden Leitern hängen sämtliche Plakate in vandalismusfreien Höhen von sieben Metern, ein Zeichen für den unermüdlichen Kampfgeist und die Entschlossenheit der Freiwilligen. Auch wenn dies gelegentlich mit einer eingeschränkten Lesbarkeit korreliert, überstrahlt die Botschaft der Hoffnung und Veränderung alles. Die Dorfbewohner werden dazu aufgerufen, ihre Augen für eine neue Ära zu öffnen und sich gegen die Werte der Globalisierung zu stellen, während sie den Aufbruch in eine glänzende Zukunft willkommen heißen – eine Zukunft, die die deutsche Kultur und Tradition in den Mittelpunkt stellt.
/un Vorsorglich: Dieshier ist ein Satirebeitrag in einem halbsatirischen Unterhaltungs-Subreddit. Ich möchte betonen, dass alle Bezüge zu realen Parteien, Personen und politischen Ansichten rein satirisch sind und nur lose auf dem persönlichen Erleben der Erstellerin basieren.
Ich möchte mich ausnahmsweise ausdrücklich von den realen Forderungen einer Partei distanzieren, die denkt sie müsste als Sidequest das Schweineschnitzel retten.
submitted by DDR_in_Hausen to UnserDorf [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 daved_it Since lots of people asked about it, here is the camera car setup. ZanyTrains car and DJI Osmo 4 camera being pushed or pulled by the Brio freight engine.

Since lots of people asked about it, here is the camera car setup. ZanyTrains car and DJI Osmo 4 camera being pushed or pulled by the Brio freight engine. submitted by daved_it to BRIO [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 MinnieMaas My Dad Just Before He Went to Europe to Fight Nazis circa 1943

My Dad Just Before He Went to Europe to Fight Nazis circa 1943 submitted by MinnieMaas to OldSchoolCool [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 Ambitious-Loquat6961 Risk kik cucalb8 my mom

Risk kik cucalb8 my mom submitted by Ambitious-Loquat6961 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 Moron_support_1994 Idk if this is poetry but I tried

I’ve always admired you from a far But never pursued I wasn’t waiting for the right moment I was leaving it up to the universe And with patients You came to me And me to you We talked And we laughed And just like that You were gone I still dream of you Day in and day out You’re always on my mind Your eyes dark But still so bright Your smile so inviting Your lips so soft Your hair so smooth Those are material things And I didn’t want from you I was attracted in other ways Your mind and soul Trapped me Your honesty and consistency Lured me Your charisma Inspired me You opened up a whole new world I miss you daily,nightly,forever
submitted by Moron_support_1994 to ShittyPoetry [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 Curry_For_Three What a beautiful start! No one ever imagined Trump getting numbers like this until recently.

What a beautiful start! No one ever imagined Trump getting numbers like this until recently. submitted by Curry_For_Three to YAPms [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 jollyspaghetti001 San makakabili ng mga stuff pangnails?

Meron ba kayong alam na physical store na bilihan ng mga pang nails within marikina? (Soft gel extension, gel polish, etc.) tyia
submitted by jollyspaghetti001 to Marikina [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 Fit_Parsnip8046 will i ever be enough?

im a 23F indian american who has been living with her parents since december, when i graduated college. i am moving out so soon, im february, and i start my corporate job in march. i was a high achiever in college and people seem to like me, but i feel like no one understands how depressed i am and how hard the things i’ve been through are.
my family is so abusive. it wasn’t until i started therapy in my early 20s when i started dating and shit hit the fan that i started discovering that. everyday at home has been intolerable. i feel stuck, and can do not much more than get up, eat a few meals, and lay around. my parents desire to control me, they want me to be this perfect indian daughter that follows their every command, but that’s not ME. it’s so hard to be in a house where your every feeling is invalidated, your interests are devalued, and your point of view is constantly shut down. to give you an understanding of how dysfunctional my family is, i went to costco with my parents last week. they were mad that i wasn’t talkative and got so angry somehow in the fight that my dad punched a hole into a door.
didnt i do all the right things? i have been the best at everything ive done. tennis, academics, journalism you name it. i got a computer science degree, graduated summa cum laude, landed a nearly six figure job at a fortune 50 company. i’ll be financially independent, the first women in my ENTIRE family to do so. but they despise me. when i started dating they financially cut me off in college, constantly yelled at me over the phone, threatened to show up and do this or that, say that i was being emotionally brainwashed in therapy. they see me as broken and mentally ill, they always have. but this emptiness and perpetual sadness and this self loathing is from never being seen, never heard, or never loved for the person i am.
i am realizing now that the two men i’ve been with were copies of my father, selfish, controlling and angry. but i just wanted to be loved so badly that i didn’t care. during those two relationship, i lost over 20 lbs, was constantly anxious, and nearly didn’t graduate my last semester of college. my friends do love me but im the therapist friend. i’m the one who understands them deeply enough to help them through their crises and worries. but it’s so rarely reciprocated even when i communicate what i need.
i just feel this huge void. i feel unlovable and unworthy and that im just someone that is something for others. and i dream of a friendship or lover that can see me as deeply as i see them. understand the things that hurt them, their dreams, their passions, their fears. but i can’t be much more than i am right now. and even that seems to never be enough.
submitted by Fit_Parsnip8046 to Vent [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 Charles_Broadsinger Who does key fob programming

Lost the fob to my vehicle, but I can get the fob pin. The dealer wants about $500, Burnettes wants $200 but three weeks wait. Who else does fob programming in the city?
Thank you
submitted by Charles_Broadsinger to saskatoon [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 leonstar007 I've been a fan of Mac since 2023 and Balloonersim is a super special album already. Very emotional album and overall outstanding project. My album of the year so far.

I've been a fan of Mac since 2023 and Balloonersim is a super special album already. Very emotional album and overall outstanding project. My album of the year so far. submitted by leonstar007 to MacMiller [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 Sad_Reason_9100 Lockup configuration

Is it worth it to lockup Pi at this point in the game?
submitted by Sad_Reason_9100 to PiNetwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 StephenMcGannon "War Party" - Anonymous artist. Xerox flyer. 1999. Announcement for a May 15, 1999 anti-war protest at the Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills, California, where President Clinton held a $25,000 a plate fundraising dinner.

submitted by StephenMcGannon to PropagandaPosters [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 Saurous97 Belle being the most cutest adorable little gremlin! (My gremlin)

Belle being the most cutest adorable little gremlin! (My gremlin) submitted by Saurous97 to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 AndrewWarra American dad called me out

American dad called me out submitted by AndrewWarra to 197 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 applekepner Relapsed after 2 months; Feeling hopeless TW/SH

After seeking help, starting antidepressants and therapy, I finally started to feel like I was getting my life together, and feeling almost normal, though still struggling with intense anxiety. I relapsed to self harm today after 2 months clean, I feel like everything I’ve worked on is down the drain. I’ve had a pretty good week, got back from a great trip with friends, managing work and assignments well, then everything fell apart this evening after a stressful conversation about my classes with my parents. I broke down alone in my room, and relapsed into self harm, my parents were aware of my upset, but left me alone (tbh better than when they interact with me at these times). I couldn’t reach a friend at the time, and fell straight back into the self hatred I’ve been holding at bay for weeks. Feeling so mortified, embarrassed and disappointed in myself. I don’t now where to go from here.
submitted by applekepner to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 Vito_Dorito Pocket Berry

Pocket Berry We won that by 1% in the end
submitted by Vito_Dorito to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 roundbottom_flask Water seeping in basement?

Water seeping in basement? Any idea why I would have a small amount of water coming into my basement? Looks like it’s seeping in around this post footing
The post footing looks like it has a cardboard wrap still around it. Would that be wicking water up?
I’ve been living in this house about 7 years and I haven’t seen this happening before. It’s under the stairs to the basement. I’m in NE Illinois and the house was built in 1939. I do have a sump pump and it seems to be working fine. It’s been realllly cold the past 3-4 days, not sure if that would make anything weird happen?
submitted by roundbottom_flask to Home [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 Rich-Ambassador574 Flying first time out to Japan on 1/26 and be back on 2/5. Worried about the fires.

Should I cancel my flight?
submitted by Rich-Ambassador574 to LAX [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 RizzyGlizzy7148 Any games that let the player use tendrils?

I’ve been sucked into symbiotes from spider man and want to be one
submitted by RizzyGlizzy7148 to VRGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 ServePrincessA Why would I work hard when I have white slaves to do that instead? 🌸

Why would I work hard when I have white slaves to do that instead? 🌸 submitted by ServePrincessA to blackfindomlovers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 That-Inspector-6090 I NEED HELP

Hello guys, good evening. Well, what happened? I have an S21 Ultra and after I updated it, a green line appeared on the screen. They told me that if I update to version 7, another green line may appear. Does anyone have any tips on how to avoid these lines on the screen?
submitted by That-Inspector-6090 to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 443610 36 days to go feat. Ángel Piqueras!

36 days to go feat. Ángel Piqueras! submitted by 443610 to motogp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 TheRealTV_Guy There are so many great announcers in the United States, but yet…

Will Buxton?! Really? So for the second time in a row, (NBC Sports, now Fox Sports) the main play-by-play announcer for my beloved IndyCar televised broadcasts will not be a U.S. native.
At least it’s not someone with a southern accent who comes from the world of southern moonshine runners, -excuse me, NASCAR.
Sorry for the rant, I just really miss Bob Varsha, Bob Jenkins, and Paul Page.
submitted by TheRealTV_Guy to INDYCAR [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 Spiritual_Aioli3396 Just started season 9 - JT ugh

Like this guy is legit trying sooooo hard to be a something on the show/friends with these guys. He comes across as so fake
submitted by Spiritual_Aioli3396 to Southerncharm [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:03 JOTAROKUJOncw Astolfo

submitted by JOTAROKUJOncw to AnimeART [link] [comments]
