CFD recommendation for beginner

从地域上,先说国内吧,国内做cfd的,硕士博士差不多的学校毕业的,还是有很多企业公司可以去的,主要是国企研究所之类的,汽轮机 航天航空发动机 汽车内燃机等等。外企的话像ge之类的在国内其实研发并不多。 美国的话,几家大的 比如numeca、cfd-fastran ,可能很多人听都没听说过,但人家处理某些特定的问题就是能算得准。 如果你的问题比较特殊,那你自己花几天写个几千行的程序,最后可能比FLUENT要准得多,这很常见的。 秒杀指单核性能巨幅超越,后者追上真得超冒烟了,多核也有显著大幅超越。高单核性能这一点对于提升CFD计算效率其实非常重要,你可以参考某些商业CFD软件如Ansys的多线程效率曲线,调用线程多了,其效率提升曲线并非线性增加,而是逐渐平缓下来的。 对于国内而言,现在cfd做的不错的还是依托于国家的一些机构用于一些武器研制之类的,比如29基地,9院等,包括力学所和国内工科的top10高校也有很多老师在做,他们的项目也大都依托于某些型号武器的研制,比如 什么是差价合约 (CFD)? CFD 是什么? CFD英文全名为〝Contract For Difference〞,中文称为「差价合约」,是一种在金融市场里比较新兴的衍生工具,投资者只需按照约定,向银行或经纪商缴纳一定数量的保证金,即可进行交易。 cfd是近代流体力学,数值数学和计算机科学结合的产物,是一门具有强大生命力的边缘科学。 它以电子计算机为工具,应用各种离散化的数学方法,对流体力学的各类问题进行数值实验、计算机模拟和分析研究,以解决各种实际问题。 下面我们来谈一下cfd都有哪些主流的、专业的后处理工具。 一般而言,对于后处理要求不高,工作量不大情况下,一些CAE软件自带的后处理功能即能满足要求,无需再使用专业的后处理软件,此为专业与一般的区别。 这两属于通用cfd软件,像叶轮机械,火灾等等这些专业领域又有专门的cfd软件。cfd的通用开源软件openfoam用的最多。因为内置各领域多种模型且不断更新的缘故,使用fluent的人数最多。像comsol这种真的不能算cfd软件,也就是个多物理场偏微分方程有限元求解器。 CFD这个东西我觉得如果要自学的话还是要非常系统的学习的,不得不说有不少学校教的CFD都比较零碎(包括我的学校),很少有单独把CFD当成专业去系统讲的,英国的cranfield算一个,可以参考他们的课程安排。 与双流体模型相比,cfd-dem 模型需要的经验参数少,可方便地考虑颗粒尺寸分布,能够获得颗粒尺度的微观信息,可以精确地预测各种流固两相体系。 颗粒体系在自然界中随处可见,对这些体系的研究不仅具有重大的应用背景,同时也具有重要的科学意义。

2025.01.23 01:26 CharacterSignal7791 CFD recommendation for beginner

Hi, can anyone recommend a Computational fluid dynamics program for someone who has never used one before? I have a project i need to design for distilling dirty water into drinkable and want to test the most efficient design. I have a diploma in renewable energy so i know what to design and not just a tube over a fire. I have used sketchup for designs but cant test theoretical reality with that. I have a Threadripper, 3090 and ECC ram so quite powerful computing for this task. Any help appreciated, thanks.
submitted by CharacterSignal7791 to FluidMechanics [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 LilJonButAGirl Can someone photoshop my grandpa’s face from second photo to the first?

My grandpa passed this summer and I wanted to get a printed photo for my mom, but don’t have any good photos where we are all looking at the camera. Can someone put his face from the second photo onto the first please? Thank you so much in advance 💜
submitted by LilJonButAGirl to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 memorylanepr From my glass negative collection, this image shows a woman in an elaborate hat and fur stole, photographed by George A. Locke in Phillipsburg, Kansas, circa late 1800s-early 1900s.

From my glass negative collection, this image shows a woman in an elaborate hat and fur stole, photographed by George A. Locke in Phillipsburg, Kansas, circa late 1800s-early 1900s. submitted by memorylanepr to GlassNegativeEra [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 scrambled_egs Benice Swanson - Lying Awake

Benice Swanson - Lying Awake submitted by scrambled_egs to RedScareDisko [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Tricky-Bear7424 what should i do

what should i do i packed him in the red envelopes and idk what to do.i want to upgrade my team further and i tought of exchanging him for tokens since there s the 104 beckham and i dont see much of a difference between the 2.i need a st or a cb,even a lb so i think i should do it.what do u think?
submitted by Tricky-Bear7424 to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 HappyXRuby Finally, inner peace!

Finally, inner peace! submitted by HappyXRuby to pokememes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 skeletordescent Proud of my state and my subreddit today

Proud of my state and my subreddit today source:
submitted by skeletordescent to newjersey [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Necessary-Pop4493 Donzo

Donzo submitted by Necessary-Pop4493 to Brunos_Island [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 UncleGeorge-GPT2 A reminder that you can report reddit wrongthink directly to the German secret police.

A reminder that you can report reddit wrongthink directly to the German secret police. submitted by UncleGeorge-GPT2 to SubSimGPT2Interactive [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 CharlieAndCooper Hard Truths - any idea on release?

Wondering if it’s a Juror #2 situation - a month in Toronto and nowhere else - or a Room Next Door / Brutalist, where it’s limited at first and opens up later. I’m in Halifax and it always seems like a toss up. Maybe I’m lacking some info on how to check distribution specifics? Just want to see Leigh’s latest. Thanks either way!
submitted by CharlieAndCooper to cineplex [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 OfficialJrizzle Finished!

submitted by OfficialJrizzle to diamondpainting [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Maleky47 I traded all my 83s for TOTY Nominees, here's what I got :

I traded all my 83s for TOTY Nominees, here's what I got :
I wanna cry
submitted by Maleky47 to NHLHUT [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Prudent-Curve-6552 I have 2 more only one at a time

I have 2 more only one at a time submitted by Prudent-Curve-6552 to Whatsthiscar [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Jazzlike_Annual_1926 6 free gifts, username: Br***. Do mine first or I’m not doing yours. Eligible for everything.

6 free gifts, username: Br***. Do mine first or I’m not doing yours. Eligible for everything. 78607653
submitted by Jazzlike_Annual_1926 to temu_old_users [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 re1219 Great first box 🎉

submitted by re1219 to TorontoSceptres [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Kind-Truck3753 Do any of you guys feel that modern sad songs are just lightly melancholy compared to dark Baroque music (ie Bach)? Like the quote on quote sad songs of today aren’t gut wrenchingly deep and dark and emotional like dark Baroque music at ALL.

submitted by Kind-Truck3753 to classical_circlejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Eat_Carbs_OD Why doesn't every bathroom have a urinal?

Urinals use less water.. the high-efficiency urinals only use 0.5 gallons to flush vs a toilet which uses 1.6 gallons to flush. Almost eliminates the seat up/seat down argument. (for the most part) Less worry about aim. (more so in the middle of the night while half awake) I don't think they look that bad either. They seem easy to clean as well.
submitted by Eat_Carbs_OD to stupidquestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 TrackOurHealth VO2max, HRV, and Heart Health: Their Role in Longevity and Healthspan

VO2max, HRV, and Heart Health: Their Role in Longevity and Healthspan Recent research continues to underscore the critical relationship between aerobic fitness, autonomic regulation, and cardiovascular health in determining longevity and extending healthspan. VO2max (maximal oxygen uptake), heart rate variability (HRV), and cardiovascular resilience have emerged as key physiological markers for predicting health outcomes and overall lifespan. This article delves into recent findings to illuminate how these markers influence aging and promote healthy living.
Key Insights 1. VO2max: The Gold Standard for Aerobic Fitness Why VO2max matters: VO2max, a measure of the body's maximal oxygen utilization during exercise, is considered a powerful predictor of cardiovascular and overall health. Higher VO2max levels are strongly correlated with reduced risk of chronic diseases and all-cause mortality. Studies reveal that aerobic capacity can decline by nearly 10% per decade after age 30, underscoring the importance of maintaining high VO2max through regular physical activity.
Evidence of impact: Morrison et al. (2025) highlighted the association of VO2max with sex-specific cardiovascular adaptations, such as left ventricular function and arterial compliance. In females, arterial compliance contributed significantly to VO2max, whereas in males, ventricular relaxation was a stronger determinant. Reference: PubMed Link | PMID: 39828701
Another study by Fleckenstein et al. (2025) revealed that traditional long intervals during high-intensity interval training (HIIT) were superior in maintaining time above 90% VO2max compared to shorter intervals. This reinforces the efficacy of sustained aerobic efforts for improving VO2max and, by extension, longevity. Reference: PubMed Link | PMID: 39835194
2. HRV and Autonomic Regulation Understanding HRV: Heart rate variability reflects the balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. Higher HRV is a sign of greater autonomic flexibility, which is associated with better stress resilience and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
HRV and longevity: Enhanced cardiac vagal activity, a marker of HRV, has been linked to better mood and stress resilience. Lee et al. (2024) found that low-dose hypoxic inhalation improved HRV and mood, offering a practical intervention to enhance resilience and autonomic function. Reference: PubMed Link | PMID: 39823965
Bouwmeester et al. (2025) demonstrated that reduced baroreflex sensitivity (xBRS) and HRV were predictive of hypertension and rising systolic blood pressure. These findings highlight HRV's utility in predicting and mitigating cardiovascular aging. Reference: PubMed Link | PMID: 39820403
3. Exercise, Exerkines, and Mitochondrial Health Exercise as an anti-aging tool: Exercise promotes the release of exerkines—bioactive molecules that regulate mitochondrial function, inflammation, and immune responses. Lu et al. (2025) explored how these molecules combat age-related diseases and enhance healthspan by maintaining tissue homeostasis. Regular aerobic activity can stimulate these protective pathways, improving metabolic balance and longevity. Reference: PubMed Link | PMID: 39818278
4. Cognitive Health and Physical Activity Cognitive benefits of exercise: Physical activity not only boosts cardiovascular health but also protects cognitive function. Yu et al. (2025) demonstrated that exergame training improved executive function and aerobic fitness in older adults, linking HRV improvements to enhanced working memory and planning abilities. Reference: PubMed Link | PMID: 39821466
5. Mitochondrial Health and Cardiovascular Resilience Mitochondria and aging: Schell et al. (2025) revealed that dysregulated mitochondrial function, caused by an inability to switch between acetylated and non-acetylated forms of MnSOD, led to cardiovascular aging and dilated cardiomyopathy. These findings emphasize the importance of mitochondrial health in longevity. Reference: PubMed Link | PMID: 39824446
Terms Explained VO2max VO2max refers to the maximum rate at which the body can take in and utilize oxygen during exercise. It is a critical measure of aerobic fitness and reflects the efficiency of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and muscular systems working together.
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) HRV is the variation in the time interval between heartbeats. It is an indicator of autonomic nervous system balance, with higher HRV suggesting better adaptability to stress and overall cardiovascular health.
Baroreflex Sensitivity (xBRS) xBRS measures the body’s ability to regulate blood pressure through reflexes. It is a predictor of autonomic cardiac control and is closely linked to cardiovascular health and longevity.
Exerkines Exerkines are bioactive molecules released by various tissues during exercise. These molecules, such as myokines and adipokines, play roles in reducing inflammation, supporting mitochondrial function, and promoting healthy aging.
Mitochondrial Health Mitochondria are the powerhouses of cells, responsible for energy production. Maintaining mitochondrial function is vital for preventing age-related diseases and supporting tissue health and metabolic balance.
Arterial Compliance Arterial compliance refers to the flexibility of arteries, which allows them to expand and contract with each heartbeat. High compliance indicates better vascular health and is linked to improved longevity.
Conclusion The interplay between VO2max, HRV, and heart health is pivotal in promoting longevity and extending healthspan. By focusing on improving aerobic capacity, maintaining autonomic balance, and supporting mitochondrial health, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of chronic diseases and enhance their overall quality of life. As research continues to uncover the mechanisms linking these markers to aging, practical interventions like aerobic exercise and personalized monitoring remain the most accessible tools for fostering a long, healthy life.
References: 1. Morrison BN et al. (2025). PubMed Link | PMID: 39828701 2. Fleckenstein D et al. (2025). PubMed Link | PMID: 39835194 3. Lee D et al. (2024). PubMed Link | PMID: 39823965 4. Bouwmeester TA et al. (2025). PubMed Link | PMID: 39820403 5. Lu X et al. (2025). PubMed Link | PMID: 39818278 6. Yu TC et al. (2025). PubMed Link | PMID: 39821466 7. Schell JR et al. (2025). PubMed Link | PMID: 39824446
submitted by TrackOurHealth to trackourhealth [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Little_Cicada9931 I’m a gangster

I’m a gangster just got out of prison and looking for a suburb to move to I’m from Garfield park I’m done doing gangster stuff and ready to move to the burbs thanks gangstas
submitted by Little_Cicada9931 to ChicagoSuburbs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Silversniper220 Such an intimidating specimen

Such an intimidating specimen submitted by Silversniper220 to PokeMedia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Affectionate_Good361 How do I actually get started

I find myself either encounter bots, or get NUKED and absolutely OBLITERATED by enemies with insane kards. For example: I have "carpet bombing" 3 damage to all enemy for 7kredits. And my opponent? A BRIDGE TOO FAR. Annnnd it's 5 kredits. How to I get the bare minimum quality of a deck to actually start playing?
submitted by Affectionate_Good361 to kards [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Memesnonsense which hair color do i suit the most? btw last pic is edited

which hair color do i suit the most? btw last pic is edited submitted by Memesnonsense to HairDye [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Accomplished_Cry1472 I'm Feelling good today, cause God bless me

I'm Feelling good today, cause God bless me Always bet on me
submitted by Accomplished_Cry1472 to grandorder [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Previous_Silver9070 Help me please
submitted by Previous_Silver9070 to Ask_Lawyers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 lss_web_1444 Link post title 517

Link post title 517 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]