2025.01.23 03:21 DarkMountain666 Bangladesh plans most dangerous move against India amid rising tensions at border, Yunus govt invites senior Pakistan army officers for..
submitted by DarkMountain666 to IndiaSpeaks [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 03:21 cantEvenBreathhe Eu odeio o twitter (X)
Cara, eu uso essa rede social desde 2012 e posso dizer com propriedade o quanto aquilo virou um chorume de puro desgosto. Enfim, vamos aos fatos.
O streamer Goularte está fazendo uma live agora se defendendo de acusações de transfobia. Uma conta no Twitter chamada Caju o acusou, e o contexto era o seguinte: Goularte estava vendo algum conteúdo que envolvia um garoto trans, e algumas pessoas no chat dele, AO VIVO, usaram o pronome "ela". Só isso já foi suficiente pra taxarem o streamer de transfóbico.
Ele entrou em call com a própria pessoa que o acusou pra rebater as acusações. E aí, ela, após pereceber o próprio erro, simplesmente se PEIDOU toda, começou a chorar e usou a famosa cartada do autismo (UAU) "É PQ EU TENHO AUTISMO NÃO SEI LIDAR COM ESSAS COISAS, ME FAZEM MUITO MAL😫" e dizendo que não queria atacar ele de verdade (XD).
Isso me fez refletir, mais uma vez, sobre o porquê de eu ter largado essa rede social. Foi completamente dominada por falsos militantes carentes por likes, criminosos, extremistas por todas as partes. E não existe fiscalização NENHUMA. Como uma rede social tão influente hoje em dia permite que as pessoas façam tantas acusações falsas e discursos de ódio sem sofrer nenhuma punição?
Enfim, no fim das contas, a maioria desses cabaços são adolescentes. Fico imaginando como vão ser na vida adulta.
submitted by cantEvenBreathhe to desabafos [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 03:21 RoosterAddRice Thoughts / Experience Junior Sports Academy
Junior Sports Academy was introduced by MOE in 2008. I have a kid who was nominated by the school to go for the trial.
People of SG, those who have kids or attended JSA, could share pros & cons of your experience.
submitted by RoosterAddRice to askSingapore [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 03:21 Afraid_Highlight_475 Better Call Saul What is Mesa Verde Hiding
submitted by Afraid_Highlight_475 to Bettercallsaulvideos [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 03:21 TVScott The Last Episode - Inauguration Weather
This has probably been pointed out before but in the beginning of the very last episode, S7 E22: Tomorrow, the following dialogue takes place:
Abbey: It's gonna be cold on that dais today. Who in his right mind decided that January would be the best time of year to hold an outdoor ceremony north of the equator?ACKSHUALLY, inaugurations were held in March all the way up until FDR's 2nd inauguration which was the first one held on Jan 20.
Jed: Jefferson. Adams. Franklin.
2025.01.23 03:21 ChurroLoca ML is a stalker and FL doesn't know
Perfect examples are: The Menhera Rabbit Is Adored By The Yandere Werewolf - BUT I hated how rushed the beginning felt? The secret is out of the bag so quickly and ehhh. I do enjoy it though.
Hey, Tell Me You'd Die Without Me - the FL's BFF. He literally keeps her cut hair in a bag and rummages through her trash. 😻. I was stanning him the entire manga. 😹
I'm looking strictly for a stalker ML, whether it's a manga, manwha or manhua. Either red flag or black flag. Please, please, please. 😭🖤
submitted by ChurroLoca to MaleYandere [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 03:21 churasann Is 24 too young to start a Ph.D.?
Hi everyone, I just submitted my application to begin my PhD in child and family studies this August.
I am feeling nervous about starting and I’m just wondering what the common ages seemed to be in other people programs? I started my Masters of Public Administration at 21 and finished last Spring, and throughout that program I often felt like I wasn’t taken as seriously as my other classmates during group project assignments.
I won’t let that stop me now, just as I didn’t let it stop me then, but I also just hope I won’t have to deal with this for another 5 years.
submitted by churasann to PhD [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 03:21 kibufox "This box is cold" he said with a shiver.
"Don't worry, it'll be warm soon" I said starting the crematorium.
submitted by kibufox to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 03:21 Lumpy_Ingenuity_3376 Finally got mine. Only had to wait forever.
submitted by Lumpy_Ingenuity_3376 to GalaxyWatch [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 03:21 InternationalRoof147 Please help I'm looking for these webtoons
so I'm looking for these 2 webtoons can't remember the names or the author but it was made by same author. One is about a boy with blue hair moving to a dorm/or apartment he has a roommate with purple long hair and they stated to fight because the first day he was mean to the boy but they ended up loving each other instead. bl webtoon the other one is where a boy i think its teal hair he accidently ordered a male date instead of a girl one pink long hair guy also bl. please please help
submitted by InternationalRoof147 to webtoons [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 03:21 Ari1540 Fascinating
submitted by Ari1540 to notinteresting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 03:21 Ok_Setting_8961 Feeding my Betta fish
Hello! I have a question on feeding my Betta fish? ( Not here yet but very soon ) I heard if you feed them too much they can get dropsy and if you dont feed them enough they can obviously die. Anyone know the normal amount?
submitted by Ok_Setting_8961 to bettafish [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 03:21 longestpencil Real or not? code on the box and bottle match, still have time to return to buyer.
submitted by longestpencil to colognecheck [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 03:21 polskiboy1 What happened to Schmergland in ww2?
I never see anything about them, did they play a role
submitted by polskiboy1 to ww2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 03:21 SilverBackBonobo I'm eating some steak, do you guys think he wants some too?
submitted by SilverBackBonobo to Dachshund [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 03:21 ocolly A look at Oklahoma State football's new position coaches
submitted by ocolly to ocollysports [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 03:21 bot_olini ¿Debemos tomar en serio la amenaza de los aranceles?
submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_News [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 03:21 RecognitionVast5617 No se dice "con más de un 50% de malas notas". Se dice "con un 49% de buenas notas"
Estos "periodistas" de videojuegos son peores que los periodistas políticos submitted by RecognitionVast5617 to Argaming [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 03:21 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Brand New RepliTronics 1/6 Scale Arcade Change Machine (Blue and White) USB
submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 03:21 Historical_Bad_2643 Ben Johnson
I started doing push-ups when I first heard heard he was coming to Chicago. I'm up to 764,000. Let's fucking go men.
submitted by Historical_Bad_2643 to CHIBears [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 03:21 Tough_Hedgehog_1720 Naming after MIL
We are due in 2 weeks and still struggling with a name. The middle name we both love, it’s my mom’s middle name and perfect. Since we are using a middle name from my mom, my husband wants to get the first name from his mom. While I don’t mind the name, I don’t have a great relationship with my MIL. She isn’t rude or mean, and it could be a lot worse, but she really has never cared I existed. She has not once reached out to ask how I am doing or how the pregnancy is going. My mom on the other hand is very close with my husband, and all around just welcomed him with open arms.
My husband also has children from a previous marriage so I kinda feel if he wanted to use his mom’s name, he had a chance the first two times. This will be our only child together.
Naming a baby after someone just feels like a big honor, and I’m struggling to feel like someone who hasn’t taken an interest in me as a person deserves that.
submitted by Tough_Hedgehog_1720 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 03:21 Over-Midnight1206 [Comic Excerpt] I Wish This Whole Run Was In This Visual Style (Wonder Girl #1)
submitted by Over-Midnight1206 to DCcomics [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 03:21 tortfsr I think I want to sue everyone
I’m so frustrated with the amount of illegal and bad faith activities that I see in my daily life and I don’t know how everyone copes. It seems like every company I deal with is breaking so many laws all the time. I just want to sue them all! How do I not sue them all!!!
submitted by tortfsr to Lawyertalk [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 03:21 Alekk_MS El dinero no es todo en la vida, pero si es todo en el mundo.
Hace rato leía en un grupo de Facebook un post de filosofia barata estilo: "hay cosas más importantes que el dinero". Y si, se los concedo, tienen razón en parte. Pero no creen ustedes que el dinero también es importante?.
Y no es que yo sea materialista pero muchos de nosotros vivimos en LATAM, y muchos hemos estado en una mala situación económica, a pocos días de que se acabe la comida, sin dinero para el arriendo, o con un familiar enfermo.
Yo soy Venezolano, migrante, y les confieso que a mí no me saco Maduro de mi país, me saco el no tener dinero para subsistir (o sea yo sé que si me saco Maduro porque es responsable de la crisis, pero me refiero a ideológicamente, o sea yo vivía pensando, está es mi tierra y a mí ningún webon me saca). Si yo pudiera, si tuviera los recursos, viviría en mi tierra.
Pero mira que salir a trabajar a las 7 am, sin desayunar, en bicicleta porque no hay transporte ni dinero pal bus, trabajar hasta las 5 pm sin comer nada y regresar a casa a esperar que me pagarán el día para ver si alcanzaba para comer algo, no es una situación que se pueda aguantar por mucho tiempo.
Basándome en esto yo razono que si bien el dinero, no compra la felicidad de forma directa, si te da libertad. Libertad de vivir donde quieres, cómo quieres, de dar una vida digna a los tuyos, de proporcionarles salud de calidad, seguridad de que no les falte el pan.
Derivado de este razonamiento me atrevo a firmar que el que te dice: "el dinero no es importante". O bien, tiene tanto dinero que ya no le importa, o bien es una persona disociada de la realidad y que solo quiere aparentar una falsa moral.
Cómo dato curioso hay una canción de un grupo de rap venezolano que dice:
"Voy a hacer plata, porque con real mi vida se torna un poco más grata. Voy a hacer plata, para que me traten como persona, y no como rata."
Ustedes que dicen? Los leo.
submitted by Alekk_MS to OpinionesPolemicas [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 03:21 Consistent_Eagle5730 Peptide serum rec?
Hi all! I currently use the Paula’s choice peptide booster. I have a gift card to a different place though that has both the drunk elephant peptide exfoliant and the Peter Thomas Roth peptide serum. Has anyone used either and gotten good results? Do they compare to Paula’s choice?
Thanks for your input:)
submitted by Consistent_Eagle5730 to beauty [link] [comments]