Need help for finding make out spots

2025.01.23 09:42 long_stick_20271 Need help for finding make out spots

Please suggest some make out spots, preferably in or around alkapuri
Your help will be appreciated, thanks
submitted by long_stick_20271 to vadodara [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 lssqa3433 Test for Text PDS UI for 23/1/2025 09:39:54

submitted by lssqa3433 to qa_automation_posts [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 WillDrawForLove Got my nose CT scan back, I'm cooked aren't I...

Got my nose CT scan back, I'm cooked aren't I... submitted by WillDrawForLove to Noses [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 maddypravin LinkedIn Private Messages Leaked for AI—Is Privacy Gone?

LinkedIn Private Messages Leaked for AI—Is Privacy Gone?
LinkedIn Private Messages leaked for AI raises concerns about data privacy. Users are questioning if their personal information is at risk after AI training controversy.
submitted by maddypravin to AINewsMinute [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 pamperedpeanut [4 YOE] Resume Feedback Request. Not getting enough callbacks

[4 YOE] Resume Feedback Request. Not getting enough callbacks
Applying for web jobs (fullstack, backend, frontent). Targeting internationally remote jobs or ones that could sponsor. Currently have one more month left in my contract. Not getting enough callbacks to my resume so would want to improve parts that I can.
submitted by pamperedpeanut to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 itsluidgi Why didn't russia collonialised North-America before the British?

submitted by itsluidgi to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 Internal_West_3833 Dogecoin: From Internet Joke to Billion-Dollar Movement

Dogecoin started as a joke, plain and simple. Created in 2013 by software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, it was never meant to be taken seriously. Inspired by the popular "Doge" meme a Shiba Inu dog with comic sans text, it was just a fun way to poke fun at the hype surrounding cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. But fast forward to today, and Dogecoin has become much more than a meme; it’s a global movement.
At its core, Dogecoin is about community. From the beginning, it attracted people who loved its lighthearted approach and the idea of tipping others online as a way to spread kindness. Over time, the Dogecoin community started doing more than just tipping. They began funding real-world projects. They’ve raised money for charity, sponsored a NASCAR driver, and even helped send a satellite to space.
What makes Dogecoin unique isn’t just its origin story or its cheerful mascot; it’s the sense of fun and inclusivity that defines it. Unlike many other cryptocurrencies that are overly technical or serious, Dogecoin is approachable. It’s not trying to revolutionize finance, it’s just trying to make it a little more fun.
Of course, Dogecoin has had its share of critics. Some argue it’s not technically advanced or that it lacks the serious features of other blockchains. But its supporters argue that Dogecoin’s real value lies in its ability to bring people together. It’s a reminder that crypto doesn’t always have to be about complexity or competition, it can also be about community and having a good laugh.
And yes, jokes can be worth billions. Thanks to its loyal fanbase and high-profile supporters like Elon Musk, Dogecoin’s market value has soared, proving that even a playful idea can make a massive impact.
What do you think about Dogecoin’s rise to fame?
Is it just a passing trend, or does it have staying power in the world of crypto?
Share your thoughts. Do you see Dogecoin as a joke, a movement, or maybe a little of both?
submitted by Internal_West_3833 to BlockchainStartups [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 BillionDollarSadBaby Fyrene blokerer min svært overvægtige veninde

Åh, jeg ved dette er et svært emne. Man kan heller ikke styre hvad andre gør, det er jeg med på, men jeg ser hendes konstante nedture og det gør det hele så svært at være vidne til og gør mig ked på hendes vegne.
Jeg har en fantastisk veninde, vi er faktisk en gruppe på 4 som er rigtig tætte, tager i biografen sammen og spiller en masse brætspil. Hun er sød, sjov og dejlig og bare en rigtig god veninde. Hun kæmper dog med svær overvægt (165 høj og cirka 140 kg), hvilket jo ikke er mit bord men alligevel sidder jeg her og skriver i afmagt.
Men hun er ked af det, hun er 31 og alt hun ønsker er en mand og børn. Hun er kæmpe familiemenneske og tillægger det stor værdi for hendes eksistens. Det der forhindrer dette er hendes svære overvægt og dating - og lad mig understrege der er intet galt i overvægt, men når det har den her indflydelse, så bliver jeg ærgerlig. Hun har været overvægtig hele livet, hele hendes familie er det også og så sidder det bare rigtig ærgerligt på hende. Tynde ben og op efter bliver hun rigtig stor og hovedet har nogle ærgerlige proportioner grundet fedtdepoterne.
Hun dater, eller det gør hun ikke mere med få undtagelser, da hun har fortalt en anden i gruppen at hun ikke har lyst til at date, da hun konstant oplever nederlag og det tager på selvtilliden (selvfølgelig) men der skal meget til hun åbner op, hun plejer at være ret “hård” omkring det med ordene: jeg orker bare ikke at date for tiden eller der er ikke nogle der er særlig interessante. De fyre hun har datet gennem det sidste stykke tid, ser hun en gang for så de aldrig svarer hende igen, selvom hun altid rækker ud til dem efter. Her i foregårs var hun endelig på date med rødvin og god mad, de havde hygget virkelig meget og hun kom hjem, alt godt. Indtil hun så at han havde blokeret hende alle steder - desværre ikke første gang det sker.
Jeg ved det ikke er hendes personlighed, hun er det sødeste menneske nogensinde, som jeg tror mange fyre vil værdsætte. Det er bare det andet der sat en stopper for det. Hun har ikke midlerne til wegovy tiltrods for hun arvede nogle penge (cirka 50.000 kr.) og valgte at bruge dem på to ferier i stedet. Jeg ved hun egentlig gerne ville tabe sig, men vi alle tre har snakket om (selvfølgelig hvordan vi kan støtte hende) men også at hun selvfølgelig godt ved det står slemt til, men nok ikke så slemt som det er, da hun har været overvægtig hele livet og ikke har prøvet andet, lidt den der med “hun kan nok ikke helt se det”.
Det er pisse hårdt at se en veninde blive slettet og blokeret gang på gang, jeg elsker hende og hun fortjener alt det bedste. Vi andre har selvfølglig foreslået træning en gang om ugen, gåture, svømmehaller m.v. men der er absolut ingen interesse i det.
Måske jeg bare skulle ud med det? Måske nogen har et råd?
Ps. hun har kropsbilleder på hendes datingprofiler som afspejler hende nogenlunde, dog en my større i virkeligheden og der kan man ikke se de lidt ærgerlig proportioner i ansigtet.
submitted by BillionDollarSadBaby to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 Patternit MVND: The Key to Faster Maven Builds

🚀 Tired of waiting for your Maven builds to complete?
I've published an article exploring how MVND (Maven Daemon) can supercharge your build times.
Here's takeaways:
⏱️ Save precious time on any projects
💻 Easy drop-in replacement for Maven
Real-world testing showed impressive results:
🎯 Simple project: 32s ➡️ 21s
🎯 Complex project: 150s ➡️ 95s
If you're a Java developer looking to boost your productivity, check out my article!
submitted by Patternit to aem [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 jxnny02 Want to learn how to drive stick?

Hey Guys! My name is jonny and I post POV drive videos / reviews on my new YouTube channel. My recent video is about how to drive a manual transmission. I figured i’d come here and post the link to it, if anyone is learning manual now maybe I can help! Thanks guys and have a wonderful day! How to Drive a Manual Transmission Like a Pro – Step-by-Step Guide!
submitted by jxnny02 to YYCCarEnthusiast [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 ghexplorer Just sharing my strat with the world

I started lessons in late November of last year. I'm in my early thirties and have wanted to play since I was a kid. I'm slow as anything but loving it! Did anyone else start a bit later in life? If so, how long did it take you to get to the point where you could play confidently?
submitted by ghexplorer to Guitar [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 makareli Meirl

Meirl submitted by makareli to meirl [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 BadAtStuff20 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by BadAtStuff20 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 Express3k Semiraminta

Semiraminta submitted by Express3k to turkish_celeb [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 ariver18 Lulubit en Panamá referencias

Cuál ha sido tu experiencia utilizando la app Lulubit para criptomonedas en Panamá ? Han lanzado 2 nuevos servicios incluyendo cuenta que permite depósito en dólares desde bancos de USA, los pasas a PayPal luego a la cuenta Lulubit en criptomonedas y luego puedes convertir a dólares dentro de Lulubit y pasar a cualquier banco en Panamá vía ACH o ACH Xpress. Esta última parte de pasar de criptomonedas a dólares y de ahí enviar a un banco vía ACH es la que no me queda claro. Si alguien conoce el circuito completo le agradezco la explicación.
submitted by ariver18 to Panama [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 brunilorenzoo Passione per il calcio quasi persa

Ciao a tutti, volevo condividere una riflessione e chiedere il vostro parere. Sin da piccolo ho sempre tifato sia per l’Inter che per il Varese. Essendo di Varese, andavo spesso a vedere le partite allo stadio Franco Ossola, soprattutto durante gli anni della B. Poi, con il declino del Calcio Varese e il suo allontanamento dai campionati importanti, ho smesso di seguirlo. Qualche anno fa, però, quando la squadra è risalita in Serie D, ho ricominciato a prestarle attenzione.
L'anno scorso, però, mi sono accorto di essere sempre più distaccato dal "calcio dei grandi". Tutti quei soldi che girano, DAZN abbonamenti stadio, curve con mafie dentro, l’industria che si è creata intorno alle squadre più blasonate, hanno iniziato a darmi fastidio e mi sono allontanato un po’ anche dall’Inter.
Da quest’anno, però, ho ripreso ad andare allo stadio Ossola per seguire il Varese, e devo dire che è tornata quella passione genuina per il calcio che non provavo da tanto tempo.
Alcuni miei amici mi considerano un “tifoso occasionale” per aver messo da parte l’Inter, ma sinceramente, senza il Varese, credo che avrei perso del tutto l’interesse per il calcio.
Voi cosa ne pensate? Ritenete che sia giusto o comunque lodevole tifare la squadra della propria città, anche se in passato si è sostenuta una squadra più blasonata magari solo per le sue vittorie?
submitted by brunilorenzoo to Calcio [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 Pickle_Boi101 Is there anyway to see your reputation, especially with scavengers, outside of the chieftain passage?

Just something that popped into my head and I thought I'd ask
submitted by Pickle_Boi101 to rainworld [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 Intelligent-File-726 F4f
submitted by Intelligent-File-726 to instagramfollowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 TheTraveller1975 review: is Plentymorefish a TOTAL SCAM? review: is Plentymorefish a TOTAL SCAM?
Is Plentymorefish. com a SCAM?
We consulted multiple review sites, including Trustpilot, to gather real user feedback. What we found includes hidden charges, fake profiles, and serious customer service issues.
If you’re looking for a safer alternative, check out our list of top hookup apps.
These apps feature real people and don't have the same shady practices that Plenty More Fish has been accused of.
💸 Hidden Charges and Subscription Traps One of the biggest complaints involves users being charged large sums after signing up for a seemingly cheap trial. The initial low fee quickly escalates into much larger, unauthorized charges.
Steve Matteingly experienced this firsthand:
"Wow, this is such a blatant scam. After paying the £1.99 fee, they told me I had to wait to cancel due to 'technical reasons.' While I waited, they charged me £90! You can dispute this charge only through your bank."
🔐 Security Issues Some users were unable to access the site due to security concerns, with their devices blocking access for safety reasons. This raises concerns about how secure the platform actually is.
Adrian Darby shared:
"Apparently, I have a message from this site?? This site uses an unsupported protocol, my security on my device won't let me go on this site, must be really bad and not very safe."
🕵️‍♂️ Full of Scammers Many users found that the site is filled with scammers, leading to fraudulent interactions and even instances where people lost money.
Kathleen Mulholland warned:
"After chatting with an out-of-state man on PMF, he sent flowers and then later told the credit card company he never ordered them. I contacted the security chat box about it and haven't heard back. He's still out there."
🚫 Fake Profiles and Clickbait Several users complained about the prevalence of fake profiles and spam, which make the platform almost impossible to use for genuine connections.
Dan Digler explained:
"Full of clickbait, almost impossible to use as there is so much spam. This used to be a good site, what happened?"
😡 Difficulty Canceling Memberships Users have reported that canceling memberships is made intentionally difficult, resulting in continued charges and frustration.
Mr. Press shared his struggle:
"Took advantage of the £1.99 deal then tried to cancel. It stated I had to wait 48 hours. I tried again and couldn’t cancel, then they took £104.95 out of my bank. Customer service is disgusting."
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🧑‍💻 Lack of Support and Refunds Even when users reach out for help, they often find that Plenty More Fish offers little to no support, making it difficult to resolve issues like unauthorized charges.
Mary shared her frustration:
"Agreed to the £1.99 fee, then they took £90 from my card without permission. No response to my complaint. Bank refunded it temporarily while disputing it with them. No contact or apology."
📷 Misleading Messages from Fake Profiles Several users reported that they were bombarded with messages from fake profiles after joining, only to find that the accounts quickly disappeared once money was paid.
Kevin Bird described this problem:
"Profiles are fake, seen these same pictures on other sites. They keep the images to keep interest. Far too many ads and messy."
💰 Unauthorized Large Withdrawals Users have reported unexpectedly large sums being taken from their accounts, with many saying that the terms and conditions are designed to trick people into paying more.
Randall shared his story:
"They took £164 off my card after I joined for 3 months at £65.95. I took one of their special offers for £1, and now I'm in dispute with them."
🚫 Not Transparent About Charges Many users felt that the site was not upfront about what they would be charged, leading to surprise charges and disputes.
Mrs. Ellen Cullen explained her experience:
"I signed up for the 3-day deal at £1.99 and was shocked to see my bank statement showing a year subscription for £164.95. I have sent several emails, but they are refusing my refund."
🗑️ Declining Quality and Trustworthiness Users who had previously used the site returned to find that its quality had declined significantly, with more scammers and fewer genuine members than before.
Customer put it bluntly:
"Used this site 5 years ago and confidently signed up again. Totally different, full of scammers and mismatches. The site is an utter disgrace and should be taken off the market."
Final Verdict: Is Plenty More Fish a Scam? 🚨 Based on the user experiences shared above, it’s clear that Plenty More Fish has some serious red flags. From hidden charges to a platform filled with fake profiles, many users have found themselves disappointed and out of pocket.
If you're looking for a legit hookup app, try our top hookup apps instead.
We keep this list up to date, so you can find real dates without getting scammed! 💯
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submitted by TheTraveller1975 to DatingAppReviews [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 DavidSoleInH Account banned while running a notebook for no apparent reason

I got a permanent ban on my Kaggle account, with no warnings, and it's unclear why. I have created my kaggle account more than 7 years ago and all happened while I was running a notebook.
I'm not sure what happened but I was just testing code while editing a notebook, I didn't receive any feedback at that moment or warning.
I filed an appeal, but I'm not sure if those appeals achieve anything. What else should I try?
submitted by DavidSoleInH to kaggle [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 fat_cat_lombardi Big boom then sirens near Laguna Niguel?

Anyone hear the big boom at about 1:35am? Any idea what it was?
Lots of sirens too.
submitted by fat_cat_lombardi to orangecounty [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 Signal_Toe475 Reduce Body Fat

What would be your strategy to reduce body fat and maintain or gain muscle mass?
What would your macros be? Would you increase protein and lower fat or the other way round?
Would you eat when you're hungry or just power through and eat once a day?
What exercise would you do? Resistance training? Step count? Sprints?
Trying to look for ideas, currently forcing OMAD but im hungry from about lunch time onwards and hate being hungry.
submitted by Signal_Toe475 to carnivorediet [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 Silly_Walk6738 Capybara in full relaxation mode

Capybara in full relaxation mode submitted by Silly_Walk6738 to capybara [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 AB_012_XX Moon Walker - Monopoly Money [Rock] (2025)

Moon Walker - Monopoly Money [Rock] (2025) submitted by AB_012_XX to listentothis [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:42 lss_bvt_and_16 Reply comment post test for 23/1/2025 09:41:09

submitted by lss_bvt_and_16 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]