Workout Details from Calender

Mapy treningowe, miejsca do trenowania, gdzie trenować, gdzie uprawiać sport, workout maps, calisthenics maps, gdzie mogę trenować, miejscówki do trenowania. Lista siłowni, mapa siłowni, Mapa sportów, trening z własną masą ciała, trening na świeżym powietrzu. Wszystko o Street Workout i Kalistenice. Jeśli interesuje Cię Kalistenika, lubisz sport i szukasz porad, znajomych, miejsc do ćwiczeń? Dobrze wyposażony profesjonalny placyk Street Workout. Drabinka pionowa, Drabinka pozioma, Drabinka skośna, Drążek niski, Drążek wysoki, Kółka gimnastyczne, Lina, Ławka skośna, Poręcze równoległe, Poręcze równoległe niskie, Skrzynie/boksy Zapraszamy do odwiedzin lub do siedziby społeczności Street Workout Bydgoszcz! Street Workout / Parkour , Drabinka pionowa , Drabinka pozioma , Drabinka skośna , Drążek niski , Drążek wysoki , INNE , Kółka gimnastyczne , Lina , Ławka skośna , Parkour , Plac zabaw , Poręcze do dipów , Poręcze równoległe , Poręcze równoległe niskie , Skrzynie/boksy , Trzepak Workout Polska - Street Workout i Kalistenika Trening z własną masą ciała "Nie musisz być wielkim, żeby zacząć, ale musisz zacząć, żeby być wielkim!" – Les Brown. Witamy na stronie. Jeśli nie znajdziesz tu tego czego szukasz po prostu zapytaj na forum. Średnia ocena: 0.0000 Ilość głosów: 0. imp FlowPark - 2018-01-20 22:15:15. Created for Workout Polska ... Plac street workout za LO III Wybudowany jesienią 2017 r. plac do kalisteniki i street workout oraz siłownia. Drabinka pionowa , Drabinka pozioma , Drabinka skośna , Drążek niski , Drążek wysoki , INNE , Kółka gimnastyczne , Poręcze do dipów , Poręcze równoległe , Poręcze równoległe niskie Średnia ocena: 0.0000 Ilość głosów: 1. kristoja0054 - 2019-03-02 11:57:17. Created for Workout Polska ... Średnia ocena: 0.0000 Ilość głosów: 0. SKATEPARK MAPS - 2019-06-06 20:11:40. Created for Workout Polska ... Średnia ocena: 0.0000 Ilość głosów: 0. mapa Stameco - 2018-01-14 21:12:16. Created for Workout Polska ...

2025.01.23 09:33 MAWP12 Workout Details from Calender

Does anyone else find it annoying that you can’t see the details of a workout when you click on it in the calendar? It’s especially frustrating when you’re following a training plan and haven’t checked out every workout in advance. Sometimes, you just want to review the details before starting the ride, but there’s no easy way to do it.
submitted by MAWP12 to mywhoosh [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 Jawa999 Julian Newman And Rapper UnoTheActivist Throw Hands After Julian’s Girl Gets Disrespected During Basketball Game On Stream!

Julian Newman And Rapper UnoTheActivist Throw Hands After Julian’s Girl Gets Disrespected During Basketball Game On Stream! submitted by Jawa999 to worldstartalk [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 nellielB The sky and the trees

She has been drowning\ In never empty cups of coffee.\ Smothered, by the thick smoke\ Of never put out cigars.
Suddenly, she felt it—\ That sharp familiar pain.\ So she ran outside,\ For this time, she’d choose \ The most beautiful view\ To die.
submitted by nellielB to Poem [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 android_tests_pac Crosspost video test for 23/1/2025 09:31:45

Crosspost video test for 23/1/2025 09:31:45 submitted by android_tests_pac to automationcrossposts2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 Calm-Series-1294 Feedback please! International Money transfer app.

Feedback please! International Money transfer app. My company is going to be an international money transfer application like Remitly. Users can send home money. I like the logo but I’m not sure if I go ahead with it or not.
submitted by Calm-Series-1294 to logodesign [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 BeardDrop Erde wiederverwenden mir Greenhouse Feeding Bio

Moin Zusammen,
ich habe in meinem ersten Grow die folgenden Erde genommen: Canna Terra Professional und habe mit den BioBizz Düngern gearbeitet. Es lief alles ganz ok.
Da die Erde Torfhaltig ist wollte ich sie gerne weiterverwenden statt nach einem mal zu entsorgen und habe knapp 40L aufbewahrt.
Ich weiß das man mit Hühnermist, Urgesteinsmehl und Dolomitkalk usw die Erde wieder vitalisieren kann, wollte aber mal fragen ob ich auch einfach ne Ladung Greenhouse Feeding Bio nehmen kann.
Hat jemand von euch Erfahrung damit die Erde mit Greenhouse Feeding Bio wieder anzufüttern?
Danke im voraus und einen entspannten Donnerstag
submitted by BeardDrop to Canbau [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 a-gyogyir Stopper, MP-t hamiszászlós műveletben megvádolják ANY%

Stopper, MP-t hamiszászlós műveletben megvádolják ANY% submitted by a-gyogyir to hungary [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 Crafty-Papaya-5729 I don't even know how to name this.

submitted by Crafty-Papaya-5729 to Justfuckmyshitup [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 desert_rose_224 Anxious about anxiety

I’m sitting at the moment in the doctors office and waiting to see. Yesterday, I think I had a panic attack or anxiety. Not sure but I am very anxious to tell the doctor. Everything feels just dark. I felt very hard to breathe yesterday. Heard Several of my German friends say “it’s not a thing, we are not in USA”. Had Any experiences with doctors here regarding such issues?
submitted by desert_rose_224 to AskAGerman [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 Azure125 Egg 😕❓️IRL

Egg 😕❓️IRL I've been getting positive feelings from voice training and switching my name/pronouns with a few close friends, but there's also some underlying self-doubt mixed in. Can these experiences feel positive and affirming while also feeling unnatural due to not being used to them, and using a different voice taking active conscious effort? How do I convince myself I'm not faking it, or how would I know if I am?
submitted by Azure125 to egg_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 Living_Mushroom_4986 اكثر شيء محزن...

احس اكثر شيء محزن بالحياة ان الانسان راح يعيش حياته كلها وهو حاسس انه محبوب بشكل اقل من مقدار الحب الي هو فعلاً ينحب
submitted by Living_Mushroom_4986 to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 SnooMuffins9844 Are OTel semantic conventions any good for logs?

Are OTel semantic conventions any good for logs? submitted by SnooMuffins9844 to OpenTelemetry [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 Paublo_Yeah salafi brainrot 😂

salafi brainrot 😂 submitted by Paublo_Yeah to progressive_islam [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 SkillFlimsy191 Smath

Smath submitted by SkillFlimsy191 to shitposting [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 sharbiboy hyee ede putt te hath rakha

hyee ede putt te hath rakha submitted by sharbiboy to PunjabiModelss [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 RUDumbStupudOrDumb What’s your go to move when the cravings come?

Starting my new year strong but today the craving was intense. Almost a compulsion to go to the liquor store and I did everything I could think of to fight it. What is your go to move when it comes on strong? (I ate a bag of candy at full speed)
submitted by RUDumbStupudOrDumb to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 Maldini-2017 Busco vender mi pc a alguien que la necesite

Estoy vendiendo mi pc ya que recientemente compré una nueva, por si alguien le interesa y le sirve la pc tiene una grafica Asrock RX 570, Ryzen 3 1200 con cooler de stock, una mother Asrock a320m hdv, 2 memorias Ram Crucial DDR4 de 4GB cada una a 266MHz Ballistix Sport LT White y una fuente de alimentación Aerocool KCAS de 500w 80 plus bronze y un gabinete Aerocool Streak. AVISO no tiene disco duro ya que lo reutilice para mi nueva pc.
La pc tiene alrededor de 4 años, no la use para minar, solo la use para jugar
Ando pidiendo 200k pero todo se puede hablar, si tienen dudas pregunten. Saludos
submitted by Maldini-2017 to Argaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 DatDude999 Describe a McCain-Biden voter.

Describe a McCain-Biden voter. submitted by DatDude999 to YAPms [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 ajummanila Did anyone else bankrupt themselves on the furniture shop today

Did anyone else bankrupt themselves on the furniture shop today But omg the game is so much more fun now
submitted by ajummanila to CatsAndSoup [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 LongGrade881 What did you think of Ketheric Thorm as a villain?

It has been a long time since I saw such a well written villain I could almost care for and his intro scene showed how powerful of an opponent he would be. Also the fact he is voiced by jk simmons does help a lot. What were your thoughts on him?
submitted by LongGrade881 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 PossibilityJolly3909 tana and jeff throwing shade at david is hilarious lmfao

submitted by PossibilityJolly3909 to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 Laurundie About chocolate shop currency

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
I joined the game in july, 9 days before Sylus came out. There was 3 LIs and the max chocolate shop currency was 1800. If we do a little math 1800÷3=600 for each guy we have 600 chocolate shop currency. When Sylus came out they didn't increase the limit. So when Caleb came out I thought they would increase it around 3000 because 3000÷5=600 so for each LI we would still have 600 chocolate shop currency but they didn't. 2400÷5=480 so we have less chocolate shop currency for each guy. It's lower since Sylus came out btw. They reduced the chocolate shop currency for each guy but they added new poses, new backgrounds etc. (English is not my native language.)
Well, they removed my post from the official community.
submitted by Laurundie to LoveAndDeepspace_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 SarahLynnnnnnn Forget about that dang Buddhist hooey!

Forget about that dang Buddhist hooey! Title is a quote from the show. Not me being hateful. A very old painting of mine from the very beginning of my painting journey. I love this show with all my heart. I have watched it from start to finish MIN of 20+ times.
submitted by SarahLynnnnnnn to KingOfTheHill [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 Strange_Royal_4213 Hi!

submitted by Strange_Royal_4213 to hmmmmabyemabyemabye [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:33 Accomplished_Rip_422 List building

List building Brothers i am really struggling to make a good army. I would like to use some things and then I’d like to use others. This is a 2000pt army and i have no idea what to add, remove or change. Some wargear hasn’t been added.
Army plan is Adrax, Bladeguard ancient, 6 bladeguard vets Captain relic, lieutenant storm shield, 6 bladeguard vets, land raider redeemer Jump pack cap, jump pact intercessors Judiciar, 10 assault intercessors Vulkan he’stan, 10 infernus
Any advice would be helpful. I know i could do with more anti tank but i don’t know what to change
submitted by Accomplished_Rip_422 to Salamanders40k [link] [comments]