21M | looking forward to make friends

2025.01.23 13:10 Volcano003 21M | looking forward to make friends

Hey everyone! I’m looking to meet new people and hopefully build lasting friendships. I value honesty and effort in friendships and enjoy connecting with people who share similar interests. I love trying out new cuisines, traveling, and unwinding by the beach. When I’m not exploring, I enjoy watching vlogs, movies, and learning about different cultures. Feel free to reach out anytime!
submitted by Volcano003 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 SouthernEagleGATA iPad Gmail Double Typing Words

I am using a 5th Gen iPad Air, software is up to date and I have done a force restart. When using the “swipe” keyboard in Gmail my words will often get typed twice.
II amam usingusing a 5th GenGen iPad AirAir. When usingusing the “swipe” keyboardkeyboard in Gmail my words will often get typedtyped twicetwice.
Anyone else have this problem or know if I have some setting on that is causing it? Thanks for your help! It’s starting to drive me up the wall!
submitted by SouthernEagleGATA to ipad [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 Jolly_Peace_890 Join r/CloseYourEyes, The sub for Minwook's new group.

submitted by Jolly_Peace_890 to BAE173 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 benaissa-4587 Warren Buffett’s Biggest Stock Dumps From Last Quarter: Are You Holding These?

Warren Buffett’s Biggest Stock Dumps From Last Quarter: Are You Holding These? submitted by benaissa-4587 to WallStreetbetsELITE [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 N-V-N-D-O We need "Interface shells"!! BambuStudio has it already implemented.

We need Please share, Vote, Comment, Like. Whatever, but we need this. Pls! :)
In order to get this to work in BS you activate "Interface shells" and the "Topmost surface"
Please implement this 🙏🏼
submitted by N-V-N-D-O to OrcaSlicer [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 issinoho1969 Digital LK401 to USB

Hi folks, newbie here regarding legacy keyboard integration. I'm looking to get a Digital LK401 working with a modern PC via USB. I've done a fair amount of Googling and this project seems to me to be likely route forward via an Arduino, https://github.com/DennisD2/dec_lk401_usb
Before I launch into this, I was hoping to get some feedback from the experts on whether this is indeed the preferred route or should I be looking at something else?
The electronic part of the solution looks a little intimidating so I'd also be looking for help in that area, if possible.
submitted by issinoho1969 to MechanicalKeyboards [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 Hilasy Laptop on train to Liverpool (Lime St) - I got out in Peterborough

I can’t believe I’ve just done this but my Norwich train left this morning at 10:56 and I was sitting in the car closest to Norwich station in a 2-seater near the back. The laptop sleeve is bright, multicoloured illustration of a sun and blue sky coming up over a city. The laptop itself is navy blue. I’ve been out of work for so long and just got a new job and need the computer to work. I’m desperate and have never done this before. Please, if you see it, take it Norwich and get in touch. Losing my mind.
submitted by Hilasy to Norwich [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 Stonewalled89 FULL MATCH: Triple H vs. Cactus Jack – WWE Title Street Fight: Royal Rumble 2000

submitted by Stonewalled89 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 cysixsage OpenSeaMarketplace, ethereumcollection, ‘obyvatel’

submitted by cysixsage to UniversalTradition [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 DvD-BR Dúvida sobre dispositivos DPS.

Oi, amigos.
Como está havendo muitas tempestades ultimamente, estou pensando em colocar dispositivos DPS em todos os meus equipamentos para evitar ter que desliga-los da tomada, mas tenho uma dúvida.
O Iclamper Pocket Fit 3 Pinos 20a do link abaixo, aguenta uma geladeira?
submitted by DvD-BR to engenhariaeletrica [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 thehenks2 Tussentijdse toets of rijexamen

Mijn vriendin is aan het lessen en moet binnenkort op.
Nu gaat het de laatste paar lessen wat minder goed(volgens mijn vriendin vooral door de stress van het aankomende examen) en geeft haar instructeur aan dat hij niet denkt dat ze het gaat halen, en wil hij het geplande examen omzetten in een tussentijdse toets, met als grootste reden om zijn slagingspercentage hoog te houden.
Ik kan natuurlijk geen oordeel vellen over hoe goed ze kan rijden, ik zit niet in de auto, maar erger me wel een beetje aan dat de focus zo erg ligt op het slagingspercentage. Wat mij betreft is het beter om gewoon op te gaan met een grotere kans op zakken, dan een gepland examen om te zetten in een tussentijdse toets waarbij je zeker weet dat je nog een keer op moet. Zeker met de huidige wachttijden bij het CBR voelt het alsof het opgeven van een examenkans niet de goede beslissing is.
Er is natuurlijk ook een financieel verschil, maar ik denk eerlijk gezegd dat dat relatief verwaarloosbaar is tov de totale kosten van het rijbewijs. Ook is er natuurlijk een kans dat ze gewoon slaagt en dan zijn er ook geen extra lessen en extra examen nodig en is het de goedkoopste optie.
Ik twijfel dus echt wat ze moet doen, ze is op dit moment aangewezen op openbaar vervoer in combinatie met een redelijk slechte verbinding, en voor ons is de prijs daarom ondergeschikt aan eerder haar rijbewijs hebben. Maar aan de andere kant vind ze haar instructeur wel heel fijn en wil ze die relatie ook niet verstoren(hebben van andere klanten van hem via via gehoord dat hij de lessen heeft stopgezet na 2 gefaalde examens op rij).
Wat zouden jullie doen?
submitted by thehenks2 to nederlands [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 Aggravating_Tell_561 Tabs

🎮 Just rocked Totally Accurate Battle Simulator on TapTap! #TapTap https://m.taptap.io/app/totally-accurate-battle-simulator-233395?share_id=86bf19592a2f&utm_medium=share&utm_source=reddit
submitted by Aggravating_Tell_561 to TABSonmobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 franki0t For those of you that get h*rny

What makes you to not want to engage in sexual acts with an other person? Whats your experience?
submitted by franki0t to asexuality [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 May_sakura I don't really see much posts about Levi, so I made silly memes of him

What's your opinion on him?
He's not my favorite but I love him
submitted by May_sakura to DanganDespairTime [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 Wetness_Pensive How did this show get so many big guest stars and cameos?

"30 Rock" seems to have an even longer list of big walk-on stars than most other sitcoms.
submitted by Wetness_Pensive to 30ROCK [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 reddit_lss_2 Text post with link test for 23/1/2025 01:09:53

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 Rickkins1 World’s only tokamak with negative triangularity achieves 1st plasma

World’s only tokamak with negative triangularity achieves 1st plasma submitted by Rickkins1 to FluffyBunnies [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 AdventurousAerie6894 This is good or nah

This is good or nah submitted by AdventurousAerie6894 to GrowCastle [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 Important-Badger-880 Aloo Masala with Pudina/Mint chutney

Aloo Masala with Pudina/Mint chutney submitted by Important-Badger-880 to IndianFoodPhotos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 HealthyLet257 What are your thoughts on going to the gym at 6:00 AM?

Thinking about signing up for a membership next month. The closest one to me opens at 5:00 AM. Is it better to go in the morning or after work (6:00 PM)? Is it less crowded in the morning.
submitted by HealthyLet257 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 Far-Mouse-8203 If anybody wants to be invited to a snap group

Worship Brooke’s 😍💝
submitted by Far-Mouse-8203 to BrookeMonkthe3rd [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 seonhh_head rate my eyes on a scale of 10 🥰

rate my eyes on a scale of 10 🥰 submitted by seonhh_head to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 ceesaart Trump could be Putin’s worst nightmare as Russia misplays hand | Sir Bill Browder

Trump could be Putin’s worst nightmare as Russia misplays hand | Sir Bill Browder submitted by ceesaart to russiawarinukraine [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 Commercial_Use6560 Which one for CDM DLP guys ?

Which one for CDM DLP guys ? submitted by Commercial_Use6560 to EAFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:10 wodkat Help with propagating these

Hey y'all, so I got cutting from this beautiful Hoya which I haven't been able to ID yet. I watched a YouTube video of how to propagate, cut them into these small pieces accordingly and put them in water. Most of them ended up rotting. Then I transfered the survivors to moist perlite in a small green house, and finally, success. They have roots! Now my question is. When is the right time to transfer to soil? Are these roots long enough yet? I'm scared of the perlite to soil transition. I plan on using a chunky/airy combination of soil, lava rock, and perlite.
submitted by wodkat to hoyas [link] [comments]
