Unknown bird in Northwest Philadelphia please help identify

2025.01.23 16:40 natural_scientist Unknown bird in Northwest Philadelphia please help identify

Unknown bird in Northwest Philadelphia please help identify submitted by natural_scientist to BirdPhotography [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 Gamma2316 Here

Here submitted by Gamma2316 to Sprunki [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 gfjfij Community Ranking Day 220 - Ronald Mcdonald (Mcdonalds) Results:

Community Ranking Day 220 - Ronald Mcdonald (Mcdonalds) Results: Connections: SpongeBob Squarepants (Nickelodeon)
Contrast: Sportacus (Lazy Town)
Animation Potential: The Burger King (Burger King)
Legacy: The Burger King (Burger King)
Interaction Potential: Jack Box (Jack In The Box)
Favorite: The Burger King (Burger King)
Music Potential: SpongeBob Squarepants (Nickelodeon)
Least Favorite: Pennywise (It)
Debetable: Colonel Sanders (KFC)
Most Likely: The Burger King (Burger King)
submitted by gfjfij to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 osuaviator Day #1 of Adding Things to a Picture of Greg Cronin until He is Fired

Day #1 of Adding Things to a Picture of Greg Cronin until He is Fired submitted by osuaviator to Jaguars [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 Owen_Hammer Inland Empire Explained (final upload)

Hi everyone. I have *finally* got a new and improved version of my video on "Inland Empire" uploaded to my channel. All of you who pointed out mistakes in the video, this is proof that I actually listen to you.
submitted by Owen_Hammer to davidlynch [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 Unfair_Shape Animabot Archetype Part 1

Trench Archetype based on Trench Summoning by u/MalbornTheRatKing Sorry for Spelling Errors
submitted by Unfair_Shape to customyugioh [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 Expert-Try-8159 Brilliant Original French Postcard of Boxer Sam McVey From Circa 1913!

I am auctioning this incredible postcard of Sam McVea over on Ebay if anybody here is feeling lucky! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/316154484742
submitted by Expert-Try-8159 to SportsMemorabilia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 Elscoffee Did I make a mistake?

Me (26f) was dating someone who I adored, still do adore but it ended just over a year ago now. We bought a house together and everything just went stale. He would never come to bed at the same time as me, and I’m talking early hours so I was fast asleep, went to bed alone on our anniversary and that was it for me I was sick of going to sleep crying (he was always on his computer gaming).
He never wanted to go out with me and when we did it was almost like he was in a rush to get home, but when he went out with friends and work he would come home at 5am, it knocked myself confidence and I felt like he was embarrassed to be seen with me almost.
I had to chase him for about a year before we became official and he would jump at the chance when his friends would ask if we were together to say “no”.
When I asked him to leave after discussing my issues a fair few times over the space of about a year, he never text saying he misses me and when he came to talk about it he said he was just comfortable. I never wanted kids before but as I grew up (we got together when we were 21) I realised I do, he still does not. We never slept together to make that happen anyway, it went dead. Once a month was lucky.
We implemented Friday date nights which we would alternate planning and they stopped on week four, the Friday he was meant to plan n just never did.
When he was around his family there would be the odd dig at me. I took him away for his birthday and his mum said it with pride in front of his aunt n he turned round and said “did she”. He also said in front of his whole family “I didn’t have a choice in moving in she did it all”. Never spoke really at all to my friends or family unless spoken to and then it was a “ye” or “no”.
But he was kind, I trusted him to never cheat and it was “safe” and I adored him. I don’t know if I’ve made the wrong decision and I find myself missing him a lot. He would, if I asked, do anything I needed. He was gentle and he wouldn’t ever hurt me in the traditional way people think of being hurt in relationships I.e cheating or abuse… he never once raised his voice at me. I miss him I know I do but I don’t know if it’s the friend I miss as we ended on good terms really, when I had my appendix out n couldn’t walk our dog he came and did it for me. He’s still so kind and I just don’t know if I did the right thing. I don’t know if I ruined my chances at a good relationship. My confidence is definitely knocked and I’ve tried to start a new relationship and I can’t let go of my new hang ups. I’m not comfortable letting myself go to someone and I’m not confident in my choices anymore and constantly overthink and look for ways to sabotage or be angry, so it ends…
submitted by Elscoffee to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 Striking-Mongoose-80 Reddit the hedgehog

Reddit the hedgehog submitted by Striking-Mongoose-80 to UsernameChecksOut [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 Least_Pin_4279 I miss After Hours

This rollout has just made miss the After Hours tenfold. God we were blessed. Special live performances, cinematic music videos, merch and a theme that was badass and easy to grasp/interesting for people who were/were not a fan of Abel. Abel also gave a shit, IG lives were a thing, he posted more, engaged more, and made it seem like he was excited about sharing the album as well. Whereas here...what the fuck is going on here, and now?...
submitted by Least_Pin_4279 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 ParkingSafe537 0 views new TikTok account

3 days ago I created new account. I tried warm up this account. Commented, liked and followed people in my niche. Today I uploaded my first video and it get 0 views. For more info. It’s my 4th account, I using VPN, my previous account got viral. What should I do ?
submitted by ParkingSafe537 to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 Mizosu it's always when im about to be late

it's always when im about to be late submitted by Mizosu to clevercomebacks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 mishma2005 Elon is hilarious, y’all

Elon is hilarious, y’all submitted by mishma2005 to EnoughMuskSpam [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 Johnny5332 Playboi Carti is officially a feature artist😹😹

Nigga wanna be Cardi B so bad😹✌🏿
submitted by Johnny5332 to playboicarti [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 Mushroom_Pandaa How do I negotiate with a Fallen Empire?

Hi!! I got Stellaris a couple of days ago, and while I’m doing really well, I found out I’m sitting right next to a fallen empire. While we’re on fine terms currently, on the unclaimed side of our border are two systems, both with two planets. I want to claim them, but if this game is anything like other games I’ve played, us having a border will probably harm our relationship. No trade deals I’ve made have ever done anything, and there’s not much else I can do. How do I make sure we’re on good terms? Their fleet power is insane so I’m basically defenseless. I’m on the easiest difficulty so I can ease into learning the game FYI.
submitted by Mushroom_Pandaa to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 Environmental_Oil672 https://youtu.be/3zOcUsYBUzo?si=TvrfXOVt31pYdT8_

I can concur did not work for me in two locations yesterday
submitted by Environmental_Oil672 to KiaEV9 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 Thin-Preparation3073 I am losing my shit

The event is just two days away and I haven’t figured out how to manage my luggage. I am coming from Delhi -> Jaipur -> Ahmedabad. I am not going to be staying at place, and I don’t know what to do.
submitted by Thin-Preparation3073 to coldplayindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 Glass-Operation8618 sorry to be that guy... anyone recognise this scene?

sorry to be that guy... anyone recognise this scene? it looks like somebody being presented with a weapon! i've tried figuring it out for a couple of months using google, to no avail. please help, I can't place it! thank you 💗
submitted by Glass-Operation8618 to ghibli [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 Fair-Current-8185 Why do Shopify themes still feel so limiting? What’s your experience?

So, I’ve been working with Shopify for years, and while I love the platform for how versatile it is, I have to say— themes like Dawn sometimes drive me up the wall.
Don’t get me wrong, I get why it’s the default: it’s clean, lightweight, and performs well. But here’s where it falls apart for me:

Am I just nitpicking here, or is this something other people are dealing with too? What bugs you the most about Shopify’s themes?
Let’s talk—vent, brainstorm, whatever. I just want to hear what you think.
submitted by Fair-Current-8185 to shopify [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 stressed-bisexual Tips for staying positive?

My wife and I live in the US and it’s getting harder to feel optimistic about the next four years. With recent executive orders from the Tr*mp administration, all DEI groups have been dismantled and deemed punishable at my wife’s workplace, which includes groups for queer folks and POC but also veterans and early-career folks. I was trying not to be alarmist about recent political developments in our country but it’s feeling less safe for us by the day. This is her dream job and our entire lives are here but I can’t imagine going back into the closet and waiting for it all to blow over. Does anyone have any tips for staying positive while thinking about the future?
submitted by stressed-bisexual to queer [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 AlmirodoGrau Alguém já comprou nessa loja?

Alguém já comprou nessa loja? Parece fraude mas queria saber com vcs kkkkkk
submitted by AlmirodoGrau to motoca [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 Cr4yol4 TRN will be broadcasting the RFCLA vs Drua match

TRN will be broadcasting the RFCLA vs Drua match submitted by Cr4yol4 to MLRugby [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 thaigosilsan Qual a diferença entre o Harry Potter dos filmes e o dos livros?

submitted by thaigosilsan to PergunteReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 Derpballz "The United Kingdom will fight France to the last Austrian"

submitted by Derpballz to NapoleonicWarMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:40 ProfessorOfFinance It keeps happening. Lithium is also vital to the green energy revolution.

It keeps happening. Lithium is also vital to the green energy revolution. submitted by ProfessorOfFinance to OptimistsUnite [link] [comments]
