Sumipe from Her「SUMIRE UESAKA BEST TOUR 2024 Sumipe no Dairiron」Blu-ray Promos❤️

2025.01.23 21:11 inspyral Sumipe from Her「SUMIRE UESAKA BEST TOUR 2024 Sumipe no Dairiron」Blu-ray Promos❤️

Sumipe from Her「SUMIRE UESAKA BEST TOUR 2024 Sumipe no Dairiron」Blu-ray Promos❤️ submitted by inspyral to BanGDream [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 Je0s_6 System Of A Down-Prison Song (2001)

System Of A Down-Prison Song (2001) submitted by Je0s_6 to numetal [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 Zealousideal_Gas4384 Do they look like safety shoes!?

submitted by Zealousideal_Gas4384 to BBallShoes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 palletwoodcamper [ Country Love ] The Ranchers Daughter by PWC ( Music Video )

[ Country Love ] The Ranchers Daughter by PWC ( Music Video ) submitted by palletwoodcamper to GetMoreViewsYT [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 jthomp000 Dusting Off Some Old Tech

Inspired by some previous posts, decided to order a battery for my BLE Sentinel…
submitted by jthomp000 to CoinWithUs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 GarchompLord Bowser needs to be nerfed (perspective of a Joker main)

Am I the only one who feels like every single tank player has to at least have a decent Bowser in order to play competitive? Because I hate how common he is
Minion summoning is a cute concept, but not when it makes him damn near impossible to effectively dive if he has them up
Speaking as a Joker main, it feels like I need to have every ability and Arsene ready and off cooldown in order to have a chance, which might not even work anyway if he has any amount of team support, and I can’t even CC him with grappling hook, because of its jank ass hitbox that has a 90% chance to grab a minion instead
Now some people might argue:
“Only summon Arsene as you start the fight so you have it for as long as possible”
“Play mid range so you can pick his minions who mostly don’t have great range”
“Don’t CC Bowser towards yourself you fucking moron”
And to that I say
Yeah you’re probably right
But what I will NOT concede is his ultimate ability needs to be nerfed
A fully charged sinful shell should not only not be unable to kill Fury Bowser, but it should also not SPEND ALL OF IT’S DAMAGE ON FURY BOWSER, FIZZLE, AND KILL NO ONE
submitted by GarchompLord to DBHeroShooter [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 SolidKey2612 Phone charging port not tight?

So my phonencharging port is loose like when i plug in the charger it keeps falling out. Can someone fix this?
submitted by SolidKey2612 to questions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 c0ckt0pus Ein endloser Kampf

Hallo zusammen,
ich wollte einfach mal meine aktuelle Situation mit euch teilen und hoffe irgendwie auf Ratschläge oder Ideen, wie ich weiter vorgehen könnte.
Vor etwa 6 Jahren ist meiner Partnerin (Sonderpädagogin) aufgefallen, dass vieles an meinem Verhalten auf ADHS hindeutet. Leider kam dann Corona dazwischen, und das Thema ist erstmal in den Hintergrund gerückt.
Vor 2 Jahren habe ich dann versucht, aktiv einen Therapieplatz zu finden. Aber sowohl der LWL als auch unzählige Praxen haben mich abgelehnt – entweder waren die Wartelisten voll, es gab keine Diagnostikmöglichkeiten oder ADHS wurde nicht als „triftiger Grund“ angesehen, um überhaupt eine Diagnostik zu machen. Über die 116117 habe ich dann einen Termin bekommen und würde auf eine Warteliste aufgenommen.
Nach 1,5 Jahren Wartezeit konnte ich endlich mit einer Psychotherapie anfangen. Direkt am Anfang habe ich meiner Therapeutin meinen Verdacht mitgeteilt. Leider ist ADHS nicht ihr Fachgebiet, aber sie hat mit mir trotzdem einen kleinen ADHS-Fragebogen ausgefüllt und bestätigt, dass es durchaus Hinweise auf ADHS gibt. Daraufhin hat sie mich an einen Psychiater überwiesen.
Nach 4 weiteren Monaten Wartezeit hatte ich endlich einen Termin – und der war leider extrem ernüchternd. Der Psychiater war an sich ein netter Arzt, aber als ich ihm meine Situation geschildert habe, hat er gesagt, er halte generell nichts von ADHS-Diagnosen. Laut ihm liegt das alles nur an sozialen Medien (die ich kaum konsumiere) und Corona (ich habe es nicht geschafft, ihm zu sagen, dass die Symptome schon lange vor Corona da waren). Er meinte auch, er habe keine BTM-Lizenz und halte nichts von den entsprechenden Medikamenten. Stattdessen hat er mir Antidepressiva verschrieben und gesagt, ich solle die jetzt erstmal 3 Monate nehmen und dann wiederkommen.
Ehrlich gesagt hat mich das alles extrem frustriert. Seit über einem Jahr kämpfe ich jetzt für eine Diagnose, und dieser Termin hat mich wieder komplett zurückgeworfen. Ich fühle mich irgendwie ein bisschen hilflos und weiß einfach nicht, wie ich weitermachen soll.
Habt ihr irgendwelche Tipps oder Ideen, wie ich mit der Situation umgehen kann? Oder Erfahrungen, die ihr teilen könnt? Ich würde mich über jede Art von Unterstützung freuen.
Danke fürs Lesen.
submitted by c0ckt0pus to ADHS [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 Electronic-Power5656 Tristar autograph events

Has anyone ever been to one of these events? There is one coming up that I'm curious about. I am interested in buying tickets for Bagwell and Biggio, but the schedule shows that they start 15 minutes apart. If I'm in line for one, is there a chance that I miss the second one? I'm hoping the lines move quickly enough but I've never been to a paid event like this. Appreciate any feedback.
submitted by Electronic-Power5656 to Astros [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 m205 Son HeungMin(손흥민)🇰🇷 on Instagram: "The senior players are taking ownership, and the young lads are handling big responsibility. It’s been a difficult moment, but the way to get right is to play right. Next up. Let’s go. #COYS"

submitted by m205 to coys [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 WeWeKarl Chinese/ japanese symbols on nvidia app on all languages
everything but this window is ok, i tested on languages and this still remains. Should i be worried or just ignore this?
submitted by WeWeKarl to pchelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 Disastrous-Can988 Does the S25 Ultra come with Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra Free?

I pre ordered a s25 ultra 512 gb today over the phone with my EPP account and the rep said I get a free Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra with it. That sounds super too good to be true, so I checked and all I see is talk of a Watch7 and no talk of the Ultra.
Does anyone know if what they said was correct or is it just the standard Watch?
submitted by Disastrous-Can988 to telus [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 tedison2 HISSandaROAR SD071 SPRING IMPACTS

submitted by tedison2 to SFXLibraries [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 CoolFunction9762 Fav One !!!

Fav One !!! submitted by CoolFunction9762 to GhostsCBS [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 Nervous-Art-7420 Who are the characters in this photo?

I'm trying to find out who these three characters are. I know the one on the right is Javier for sure, and I think the middle one might be Bill or Charles but I'm not sure. I have no idea who the character on the left is. Would anyone be able to help me out?
submitted by Nervous-Art-7420 to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 LateGoose9868 How would you fix a patchy damp wall and exposed plaster?

How would you fix a patchy damp wall and exposed plaster? Hi, I'm getting in a real muddle about what to do for this wall for ground floor flat.
This wall is not very well insulated and in contact with an exterior wall so my guess any moisture easily condenses on it. I thinking I'm pretty on it with condensation management with dehumidifier, keeping place warm, ventilate the property with windows ajar, trickle vents, flushing, door closed for showers + humidistat etc. It will still read 13-18% in different parts, up to 30 in the corners and around the sockets I assume due to with the cold metals housings. This hasn't changed between summer and winter.
The previous owner have painted some kind of Zinsser which has started to bubble so I stripped it all off curious at the time what it was hence the state on the wall as shown.
I'm now left with some exposed plaster, a coldish wall and I'm spending too long in B&Q staring at tins of paint and my phone wondering what I should do.
I don't know whether to manage the temperature gradient, or if I leave it, allow the wall to breathe or block it off.
There is nothing suggestive off a leak as it's been like this through all weather conditions. It's a 1900 building.
Here's my thoughts.
Option 1. Dot and dob some insulation but not keen on prying off the skirting boards and the window sill will no longer be flush? If this is advised, how best to go about it.
Option 2. Paint over it but then I get stuck as to what the wall needs. Do I dk what the previous owners did and slap some kind of sealer. If so, what? I'm looking at Zinsser's B-I-N, B-I-N aqua and cover stain.
As I said there's readings mostly 15-18%, so do I need to get the moisture down first it before covering it. I know these products are not perfect but given it's an old building, I dont mind doing it every few years if that's what it takes.
Also very confused about what primer to use when only part of exposed plaster?
Any advice would be much appreciated as I'm at a loss!
submitted by LateGoose9868 to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 WhiteleafArts What are your secrets to making simple mechanics that have complex interactions, that leads to gameplay with a lot of depth?

Here is one example from one of my favorites, Shattered Pixel Dungeon:
There is an Animated Statue in a locked room. If you unlock the door and engage the statue, it will chase you down and potentially kill you since they usually carry powerful weapons. But, you are playing as Huntress, one of the several characters, and you have a bow. It just so happens you have the Projecting enchantment on your bow, which means you can target enemies through walls. You also decided to upgrade your Heightened Senses skill, which means you can see him through the wall. In this scenario, you can leave the door locked, and safely take him out through the wall with your bow. In addition, he has no vision on you, so every attack is a surprise attack, thus it deals more damage. If you were playing any other class, or if you even decided that you didn't want to upgrade your Heightened Senses skill, none of this would've been possible, or if you even got unlucky with your enchantment and didn't get Projecting.
There are the simple mechanics on display in that small scenario:

Hopefully what I'm getting at makes sense, idk.
It's always intrigued me how different devs go about incorporating these kind of mechanics in their games, and making sure that they can fit with other mechanics like puzzle pieces in the right context. Mechanics that reward the player for experimenting and figuring out strange strategies to get any advantage they can.
In that example, if any of those mechanics werent in the game, then that scenario wouldnt be possible at all. Excluding surprise attacks, those are just the cherries on top.
Are they any clearcut methods or thought processes you use when it comes to introducing new mechanics, or refining old ones, to make sure they all complement each other in some way? What's the process? Is it just "think of it as your project develops", or is there a way you've found that makes it easier?
submitted by WhiteleafArts to roguelikedev [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 Tryannical New fit check?

New fit check? submitted by Tryannical to SkyGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 Kindly_Blackberry311 Halfway through my 120 payments. Scared of what is going to happen.

I was SAVE and paying $113 a month. I am also under PSLF. I am hearing Trump is going to dismantle SAVE and even of the other programs remain it will make payments triple. I can't handle that. I am recovering from cancer and have medical debt. I am so scared I won't be able to pay my loans.
submitted by Kindly_Blackberry311 to PSLF [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 Obvious_Bank7311 WF A WITH $!

submitted by Obvious_Bank7311 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 firebreak115 This a good price for 1st gen HomePod?

This a good price for 1st gen HomePod? submitted by firebreak115 to HomePod [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 schemza Place your bets! Will this beacon be controlled by Rebels in the next jump?

Place your bets! Will this beacon be controlled by Rebels in the next jump?
submitted by schemza to ftlgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 promatthewhd [TCU] TCU's season-opener at North Carolina will be played on Monday night, September 1st

[TCU] TCU's season-opener at North Carolina will be played on Monday night, September 1st submitted by promatthewhd to CFB [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 BloederFuchs Chinas künstliche Sonne stellt Rekord mit 1000 Sekunden Fusion auf

Chinas künstliche Sonne stellt Rekord mit 1000 Sekunden Fusion auf submitted by BloederFuchs to de [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:11 SourceConsistent6234 JORDAN 12's ( MANY STYLES ) - 88$

submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments]