Ima li nade za promene u Srbiji?

2025.01.23 22:20 Subject-Ad5391 Ima li nade za promene u Srbiji?

Kroz istoriju čovečanstva bilo je nekoliko pokušaja da mafija potpuno preuzme državu – Pablo Eskobar je često prvi primer koji pada na pamet. Međutim, situacija u Srbiji pod SNS-om čini se još drastičnijom. Ovde mafija nije više paralelna struktura, već deo same države. Oni koji žele promene sve više liče na zarobljenike režima koji je kriminalizaciju društva doveo do savršenstva.
Pitanje koje se postavlja jeste – da li je moguće sprovesti revoluciju koja bi smestila 10-15% stanovništva iza rešetaka? Da li je realno očekivati tako drastične promene u društvu koje deluje paralisano?
submitted by Subject-Ad5391 to AskSerbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 neuprotem Still waiting for that other story path… you know the one

Look, we’ve all been there. You finish Three Houses and start Three Hopes, but no matter how hard you try, you can’t escape the same Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude. No, I’m not complaining… (okay, maybe a little). But can we PLEASE get a new ending where they just go on vacation and never fight again? We deserve it!
submitted by neuprotem to FireEmblemThreeHopes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 Exotic-Addendum-3785 Spooky Sushi Toy.

I am not sure if you could call this one a toy but I need help identifying this animatronic toy item I saw at Ike's Emporium, it was kind of spooky animated sushi toy and it played I think it was eerie theremin music, I remember seeing it around 2010-2013.
submitted by Exotic-Addendum-3785 to toys [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 Chemical-Campaign-32 Ritalina e síndrome do impostor

Tô de férias mas meu TDAH é meio complicado porque tenho muita dificuldade de me concentrar em qualquer coisa, por exemplo filmes, livros ou vídeos. Inclusive nessas últimas 3 semanas sem remédio eu não fiz nada.
Aí eu tomo ele e fica mais fácil. Não é perfeito igual no início, mas eu faço as coisas. Eu tô assistindo o filme e não tô abrindo outras abas, 20 minutos não parecem durar uma eternidade, meu dia dura mais porque sem remédio eu tenho a sensação de que eu pisquei e o dia acabou. Sim, eu ainda me distraio, dá vontade de parar o que tô fazendo, mas é menos
Mesmo assim minha cabeça me diz que se eu não sinto a mesma coisa do início (principalmente a visão que eu associei total com o remédio) e não é perfeito, isso significa que o remédio não está funcionando e que se eu me esforçasse mais eu conseguiria fazer essas coisas sem o remédio e na verdade eu coloquei na minha cabeça que quando tomo ele eu consigo fazer as coisas
Mas sinceramente não sei se já vi alguém não conseguir fazer as coisas que quer por 3 semanas só por falta de esforço, eu acho que se eu não fiz é pq realmente não consegui ou até mesmo esqueci, mas sempre fica a dúvida
submitted by Chemical-Campaign-32 to TDAH_Brasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 Kiriro1776CW Honkai Star Rail Anime Opening

submitted by Kiriro1776CW to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 santcards Personas que han ido a terapia y han sanado, Cómo definirían su proceso? Cómo le explicarían ese cambio a alguien que nunca ha ido a terapia?

Estoy preparando un podcast sobre este tema, mi objetivo es mostrarle a las personas que nunca han podido asistir a terapia, cómo es un proceso de terapia en palabras de los pacientes, y así puedan entender cómo es ese proceso de sanar, transformación, mejora...etc. Pueden decirme también cómo creen que han cambiado gracias a la terapia. No es necesario ninguna información personal ni específica.
submitted by santcards to AskRedditespanol [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 semantlefan23 crochet light yagami (w/ knit clothes)

submitted by semantlefan23 to bistitchual [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 Blogger-007 Please suggest a tried and tested anti spam comment Plugin for WordPress

The one that doesn’t have any kind of side effects on the website and does the job of filtering out spam comments easily. I do not have contact form. Only comment form under articles.
Also, if anyone had an experience with Cloudflare turnstile, please share. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Blogger-007 to Blogging [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 Remarkable-Scale4443 Submission redo

Submission redo I redid my submission with the advice I was given. The first pic is the new one and the second pic is the old one, and I think it looks a lot better now, took me a bit cuz the sun only shines in one direction so I had to flip everything around but we got it. I lightened the floor but didn’t want it too light cuz I feel like it wasn’t giving the right vibe that I wanted but it’s not as dark as the previous floor. And belle is in another spot which I think is cute and kinda prefer a lil more. Everything is a lot brighter tho so I like it.
submitted by Remarkable-Scale4443 to Dreamsnaps [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 MON5TERMATT Running conduit this weekend. I have a few questions.

I want to run 1" conduit this weekend. Where do I need to leave openings?
I am planning on trenching the backyard from the AT&T box to the exterior wall. I also plan on mounting conduit up the wall into the attic. Where does AT&T need to put their box, Can I run a single conduit all the way from the box in the ground to the attic or do they need to terminate anything on the exterior wall????
submitted by MON5TERMATT to ATTFiber [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 Th3breadlord ITS HERE

submitted by Th3breadlord to miraclemusical [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 ComplexOtherwise3869 Can I Transfer Capital One VX Points to Qatar Airways?

Hi everyone,
I’m new to the whole points and miles game, so please bear with me. Is it possible to transfer my Capital One Venture X points to Qatar Airways? If it is, could someone explain how I can do it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by ComplexOtherwise3869 to Venturex [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 Professional-Move923 Need Help Getting Started With Unreal/Wwise Integration

submitted by Professional-Move923 to GameAudio [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 donnymioli H: 60 leaders W: reflective

submitted by donnymioli to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 nightwind1 Is it worth having older players/veterans in the Barca squad?

Clubs are prioritising young players for their fitness and talent but older players are a necessary source of experience and leadership. Although Lewa isn't officially one, I see Barca as a mentor and leader and buying Lewa from Bayern was a success. Also, he plays an important role for the club for a far cheaper price than buying a young, star striker.
For example, Barca fans collectively had a sigh of relief seeing Bernardo Silva break the Fotmob rating record for one of the worst performances in the game vs PSG. Fotmob and similar apps are unreliable but even the eye test proved that Bernardo Silva is absolutely finished. I know he's had a ton of mileage on him over the years but he can't dribble, tackle or or even make good passes anymore. Safe to say that we've dodged a bullet when this guy was heavily linked to us during Xavi's tenure.
Seeing how risky it is to sign older players knowing that their form can plummet so drastically like Bernardo Silva, what older players would Barca even consider? De Bruyne, Kimmich, Virgil Van Dijk, Salah and Heungmin Son are all free agents unless they're renewed but would they be worth considering given how we already have players in those positions (except Son)? Is it worth always having a veteran like Lewa and Modric in the squad?
submitted by nightwind1 to Barca [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 Muted_Guitar1328 Missing Ram

Missing Ram Gave my computer to micro center to fix (corrupted motherboard) and I lost my ram 😔
submitted by Muted_Guitar1328 to computers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 sockonthetable i dont know if im aro or just have high standards

Hi, I'm a 16 year old girl and I've been questioning for a long time. This will be a pretty long one so yeah... apologies in advance. Since I was little I didn't have a desire for romance or for a future with children and such. Whenever we would talk about crushes I'd just choose some boy so no one would bother me about my lack of a crush. I don't think I've ever truly had a crush. Whenever there's a chance to try and prove to myself i can have these feelings too i jump to it. About a month or two ago i started talking to a guy, I made sure to tell all my friends and I feel I blew it out of proportion. I finally felt normal and not out of place, like maybe i could also have a teenage romance. I really tried to like him i even made big plans to confess, but the more we hung put the more he started to annoy me and i started trying to find reasons to not like him. I finally found out i didnt actually like him and i felt better, a few days ago im pretty sure i ended things for good and i felt like i got rid of some burden. Also i don't think i see marriage or any serious relationship in my future. I also have a pretty specific type that not many people i know fit, but honestly even if someone fit it I'm not sure id fall in love with them. Where my point of confusion comes in is that i very often daydream about doing cute romantic things with a potential partner. I do this almost everyday and it does make me kind of happy and i think i could even say i desire a relationship. Also i forgot to mention I've never felt much attraction or romantic feelings towards women either. If you took your time to read this far, thank you and id appreciate your opinion.
submitted by sockonthetable to aromantic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 Ok-Outside3271 02’ GSX-R750 throttle response issue

Man this bike is has done a toll on me. I originally made a post about my bike not reving past 10k, I found that my pump was bad so I ended up buying a new assembly with the filter and all, once put back into the bike I was able to get it running. I took it out on the road to test if it would go past 10k now I have this intermittent problem, first gear will take me to 10k then sputter and go up to 11k then 12k and so on. It’s kinda like it’s bucking I can feel it cut out then kick in over and over until redline. After riding about a mile or so it will sputter then cut off if I pull the throttle past a 1/4 turn but if I keep it in that 1/4 throttle range it will go up and still sputter past 10k. I’ve been reading some forums and people are saying it could be the TPS, some are saying ignition coils, some say STP. I just want to know what other things I should be looking at because I’m sure it’s either a fuel or ignition problem. Anything helps! (Ik this is a shitty explanation but I’m more than will to clear up any confusion)
submitted by Ok-Outside3271 to Fixxit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 ASICmachine The Kemper Bitcoin Formula - how much bitcoin to buy? x/500T*21m=yBTC (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

The Kemper Bitcoin Formula - how much bitcoin to buy? x/500T*21m=yBTC (x-post from /Bitcoin) submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 ASICmachine Video Of The Exact Moment The Crypto Executive Order Was Signed (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 Low_Camera_9782 Yesterday marks day 2

Day 3 is going well.
submitted by Low_Camera_9782 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 ASICmachine Privacy (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 Callyl My sleeve by Sam Ricketts, Phantom Tattoo in Swindon

My sleeve by Sam Ricketts, Phantom Tattoo in Swindon submitted by Callyl to tattoos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 Swedish_Ointment U/Desperate_Author7111 I got him into his PJs and he's ready for a story

U/Desperate_Author7111 I got him into his PJs and he's ready for a story submitted by Swedish_Ointment to Pikmin [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:20 Somethingman_121224 Rumor Claims Taylor Swift Is Being Eyed for the Role of Rapunzel in Live-Action 'Tangled'

Rumor Claims Taylor Swift Is Being Eyed for the Role of Rapunzel in Live-Action 'Tangled' submitted by Somethingman_121224 to Tangled [link] [comments]