2025.01.23 23:22 Brief_Pound_1626 Need help with monster before Millicent quest (that one in a swamp of rot) near Drainage Channel Site of Grace PS5
submitted by Brief_Pound_1626 to BeyondTheFog [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 23:22 catholic_999 My opinion on which teams should transfer conferences
So look at east Carolina, there part of ACC and i think They should be with SBC because Costal Carolina is already there and it makes sense.
submitted by catholic_999 to PennStFootball [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 23:22 s0free03 They want Elon to buy Reddit lol
submitted by s0free03 to Trumpvirus [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 23:22 No_Hovercraft3219 Immofinanzierung ohne Job
Guten Tag,
ich bin durch eine Schenkung/Vorzeitiges Erbe seit mehreren Jahren im Besitz von < 5 ETWs, welche in Summe nach Abzug aller Kosten, Steuern und Berücksichtigung von Leerstand während Mieterwechsel 2k Netto im Monat, also 24k im Jahr abwerfen. Ich arbeite derzeit geringfügig für die Versicherung und habe sonst kein weiteres Einkommen. Die Vermietung manage ich seit über 5 Jahren selbst und mir gefällt es. Da ich eine Wohnung selbst bewohne, komme ich mit 1k im Monat für Wohnen, Essen und Freizeit aus, mir bleiben also 1k übrig.
Wenn ich die (Wunsch)Preise vergleichbarer Wohnungen auf Immoplattformen als Referenz nehme sind die Wohnungen ca. 1,5 Millionen wert. Zusätzlich habe ich noch ETF Depot iHv 400k (Großteils aus Schenkung), und 60k auf dem Tagesgeld.
Ich würde jetzt gerne mein Immoportfolio erweitern, allerdings ohne mein ETF Depot anzufassen. Als Eigenkapital könnte ich die 60k vom Tagesgeld verwenden, und möglicherweise eine der Wohnungen beleihen um das Eigenkapital zu erhöhen, falls nötig. Allerdings stellt sich mir die Frage, ob eine Bank überhaupt eine weitere Immobilie zur Vermietung finanzieren würde, wenn fast das Gesamte Einkommen ausnahmslos aus Mieteinnahmen besteht?
Will mehr Immos haben, Einkommen besteht aber zu 95 % aus Mieteinnahmen. Bekommen Privatpersonen von Banken Finanzierungen für Immos, wenn das gesamte Einkommen nur aus Mieteinnahmen besteht?
submitted by No_Hovercraft3219 to FinanzenAT [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 23:22 Akira-Nakemura "Can't you see? She's always with me"
https://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/8743274?q=happy_sugar_life submitted by Akira-Nakemura to yandere [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 23:22 kratjemetbier Nederlandse taal
Bij het bekijken van oud nieuwsmateriaal, zoals te zien in de bijgevoegde link: https://youtu.be/YU6FlotqF_Q?si=KCI1joiQMVbNBs7O , valt mij de veranderde taal op. De intonatie en woordkeuze verschillen aanzienlijk van de huidige. Kan iemand aangeven wanneer de omslag naar de huidige taal plaatsvond? Of was dit een geleidelijk proces?
submitted by kratjemetbier to nederlands [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 23:22 HoofUK Designed a new set of acrylic tokens for the upcoming codex
submitted by HoofUK to Eldar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 23:22 Richard_Tattoo Hardboiled by me
submitted by Richard_Tattoo to SakamotoDays [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 23:22 Yesterday125 Hi anyone able to loan me $10?🙏🏽
submitted by Yesterday125 to Loan_ [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 23:22 PoCiOrniK My guitar is buzzing from it's body
My guitar makes a buzzing sound when I play it and it comes from it's body. Normally I'd ignore that but it's very noticeable and I'm afraid that it may affect the pickups. I don't know if something became loose or is it something I shouldn't worry about. Please any advice helps :))))
submitted by PoCiOrniK to Guitar [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 23:22 Firm-Warning-9295 Waiting for this weekend for a drunken field battlefield V marathon session.
Will find me starting Friday night around 11pm eastern. Strategic Conquest. Will be in the camping tank in base.
See you there.
submitted by Firm-Warning-9295 to BattlefieldV [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 23:22 Nick-Nick The Barista
submitted by Nick-Nick to videos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 23:22 AquaticAzura S:P question
I wanna confirm an improperly summoned monster still returns after being banished by S:P Little Knight
submitted by AquaticAzura to Yugioh101 [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 23:22 catstarzz line eyes? vvf?
i’ve had pcos since i was a teenager and this is my first cycle ttc. i took this test today at 10 dpo and have previously gotten all negatives :/ i know that it could still be too early bc of late implantation and such but im really hoping this is a faint line. as you can see, as soon as i saw something i disassembled the whole thing lol. my concern is that the top of where the line is supposed to start is pink and the rest is faded. it kinda looks like a dot in the picture, has anyone experienced this? it’s really hard to be patient but has anyone had any success after 10 dpo? submitted by catstarzz to lineporn [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 23:22 BigRobbyBobby420 Dolomitenkalk
Wieviel Dolomitenkalk würdet ihr nehmen. Hatte immer extrem große CalMag Probleme, jz soll es endlich mal ein Ende haben. So viele ungenau Antworten im Internet leider…. submitted by BigRobbyBobby420 to Canbau [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 23:22 Money_Jackal I’ve seen a coyote do this once or twice
submitted by Money_Jackal to LooneyTunesLogic [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 23:22 PrimeValor If You Know You Know, If You Don’t, Hopefully You Still Like This
submitted by PrimeValor to gutsandblackpowders [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 23:22 Conscious-Cost4587 The Umayyad Mosque as seen from the Minaret of the Bride.
submitted by Conscious-Cost4587 to Syria [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 23:22 Suitable_Article_459 Is not taking loans a big mistake?
So I’m a Mechanical electrical Engineering graduate with a 3.8 GPA. So you might be wondering why I’m thinking in taking loans.
I was born in the 🇺🇸 so I’m eligible for FAFSA, already filled out the form. Now I was raised in Mexico, my bachelor’s is not ABET accreditated. Which means I can’t find a Job in the 🇺🇸 and mexican Engineering jobs are mostly maintainance, production, night shifts at factories, and I really hate them.
My parents Tell me I should apply to a master’s in Mexico. They’re fully funded and they might get me a better CV for applying To a PhD in the 🇺🇸 so I Can get an american degree without loans.
The think is that is hard To get into a fully funded mexican master’s, and most students don’t go To a foreign PhD. PhD admission is competitive for what I know.
I’m studying for admission to the master’s but is it really worth it? I can’t get a Job at the 🇺🇸. The only companies that care about that master’s are foreign companies, mexican companies want experience.
I could get a loan for a master’s at 🇺🇸, I believe the industry there is more R&D based. But I’m afraid. If I can’t handle an american university at grad level I could end up with loan and no degree.
If I try to apply for a funded master’s here and then To a PhD at 🇺🇸 I might get in the first time, or the second, third or never…
Of course getting into a master at Princeton might be difficult but master’s at U Texas San Antonio have a 91% acceptance rate and it’s an R1.
Basically I’m getting old already 25 so I must take this decision soon. Do I try to compete for a free education or I get myself in debt but getting into the program is very likely…
The thing is If I go the first route being employed is very likely. Here only top institutions fund you for master’s and Intel or Bosch hire you after, because you’re from the top unis. I guess If I could get into a PhD at 🇺🇸 would be a top one for the linking between mexico best universities and american best universities. But also it would be harder To get in and get out.
If I go the second route I guess it’s going To be easier getting in and out but, I’d be in debt. And I guess getting employment will be harder than If coming from a top institution. And If I get out because I’ve no experience in american institutions and might get kicked out of the program.
submitted by Suitable_Article_459 to StudentLoans [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 23:22 WorkingMission9842 Monster fighter Lego house
(Delete if not allowed) So I inherited a Lego monster fighter house, and supposedly it’s a rare set. The only downside is it has been built already. I love legos, however, this one is not my style. If anyone wants to buy it shoot me an offer. I will be very flexible with price. submitted by WorkingMission9842 to lego [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 23:22 DuhXCrusha Go sit in the woods overnight
Photo from the end of an overnight camping trip last year on our range. Cold as hell with a busted ass sleeping bag but we had a good time. submitted by DuhXCrusha to tacticalgear [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 23:22 Janoczki maybe my school is better for the long term (OC)
submitted by Janoczki to webcomics [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 23:22 JollyDescription5103 Experimented and won
Soooo I have this thing where I'll try to grow all the old veggies or fruit I eat.
First was avocados. I managed to grow 2 baby trees so far with 3 more growing fast behind them Apple tree from seeds of an organic apple. (The cold merc'd it, maybe it will come back when it warms up) Green onions still going strong from planting the base, after I cought them growing in my compost bin. Sweet bell peppers from seeds of organic bell pepper ( too many plants to count lol?)
Nowwwwww bok choy ! Chopped the head off to use in a dish and decided to toss in some water and 3 weeks later I have new growth and good roots!
Thinking I have a problem and possibly need to seek help 😂
submitted by JollyDescription5103 to IndoorGarden [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 23:22 rabidantidentyte Everyone We're Seeing Now Will Be Gone Before 2028
submitted by rabidantidentyte to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 23:22 Key-Faithlessness734 Astounding: Ten True Humanoid Encounters
Astounding: Ten True Humanoid Encounters
by Preston Dennett
One of the most astounding experiences a person can have is a direct face-to-face encounter with an extraterrestrial humanoid from another world. And yet, it happens far more often than people think. Cases like these have been reported for well over a hundred years and likely into pre-history. Cases come from across the planet. This video presents ten lesser-known cases, each one contributing to our knowledge of ET contact. These accounts can no longer be explained away as hoaxes, hallucinations, or misperceptions. The evidence speaks for itself: we are being visited by extraterrestrials.
THE ETS AND THE SAUCER. On the afternoon of May 5, 1954, Arnaldo Ribeiro de Freitas (age 8) was watching over his goats in the fields near his home in Fregim, Portugal. Suddenly an unusual sound alerted him to two strange craft hovering nearby. One flew off, but the other stayed behind, and sitting inside it, Arnaldo could see two big-headed humanoids. One of the humanoids was looking right at him! After a few moments, the craft rose upward and moved away, leaving behind a section of ground where no plants would grow for decades after.
ANOTHER ALIEN MICHELIN MAN. One afternoon in May of 1960, Professor Miguel Timermans Ceballos drove his motorcycle through a rural area near Cadiz, Spain. Ahead of him on the road, he saw a strange humanoid figure which looked very much like the famous Michelin Man. Moments later, a second figure appeared. Both walked awkwardly across the road and into the brush. Miguel knew that he had just seen two beings who were not human.
IT WASN’T ANYTHING HUMAN. Late in the evening of October 23, 1963, Robert W. Smith drove alone through a rural area of South River, NJ. Suddenly he observed something very unusual in the beams of his car headlights: three tiny humanoid figures wearing tight-fitting, silver, one-piece jumpsuits. The figures scampered across the road far faster than any living creature Robert had seen before. Robert was too scared to stop his car. It was an experience he would remember for the rest of his life, and he later regretted not stopping to investigate.
THE FLOATING HUMANOID OF COFICO. On July 2, 1968, many residents of the small town of Cofico, Argentina observed strange craft in the sky. Some saw weird floating humanoid creatures. Three witnesses at one residence observed a luminous humanoid figure levitating in the air. Another witness described a nine-foot-tall robotic-looking creature, also levitating in the sky. It wasn’t long before someone else in a different residence encountered the same thing. Even policemen in the area also saw UFOs.
THE JAY-WALKING ALIENS. In early May of 1969, several people in the small town of Rockville, Virginia began to see strange craft in the skies above their homes. But on the night of May 11, 1969, Mike Luczkowich observed something much stranger: actual humanoid creatures. While driving along Route 622, he observed what he initially assumed were two deer. Then he quickly realized they were something else entirely: two four-foot-tall humanoids with giant heads. They crossed the road in front of him. Seconds later, a third one zipped across the road, leaving no doubt that they were not humans.
THE DUMBBELL ETS. On the evening of October 24, 1976, Romeo Lucarelli and his young daughter were driving to their home in Hobling, France. Suddenly a bright light appeared ahead of their car. It swooped towards them and showed itself to be a dumbbell-shaped craft. Inside it, sitting down in the center were two human-looking figures. To Romeo’s dismay, the craft now began to follow him to his residence. As he pulled into his driveway, his wife ran out just in time to see the UFO dart away. Later, strange landing traces were found where he had first seen the craft.
IT DIDN’T SEEM LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. On the evening of January 21, 1977, Juan Pedro Hernandez , while driving near Camuy, Puerto Rico was awestruck to observe an apparent extraterrestrial craft hovering at treetop level overhead. Inside he was amazed to see a skinny figure with a big head and dark eyes looking at him from a transparent cupola. Suddenly a beam of light came out from the UFO and struck him, generating an intense feeling of peace and calm. The beam of light disappeared and the strange craft began to move away. Juan followed, but a black van filled with men in dark suits blocked his way. When he tried to get by them, they came out and began to threaten him. Then two more craft appeared!
THE UFO GNOME. In late March of 1978, Constantina Imbibos and her husband started to see numerous strange craft behind their home in rural Villamare Di Sapri, Italy. Then on April 25,1978, after several encounters, Constantina saw another weird craft, and moments later, an odd gnome-like humanoid in an orange suit and pointed hat appeared. It playfully hopped around like a gnome and disappeared. But soon more strange craft would be seen, and other witnesses also saw gnomish-looking creatures.
AN EIGHT-FOOT-TALL GRAY. On the evening of July 31, 2018, a military veteran with a Top-Secret clearance drove along State Route 13 just north of Mount Vernon, Ohio when an 8-foot-tall, super-skinny, hairless humanoid traversed in front of him. It had black eyes, a little mouth and only four fingers on each hand. The witness knew instantly that it was not human. Truly frightened, the witness decided it was a good idea to keep driving.
I SAW SOMETHING I WILL NEVER FORGET. Around 5:00 am on the morning July 16, 2020, Paul Froggatt was bicycling home from his job at a dogfood factory in Warwick, UK when a glowing craft appeared. Intrigued, he stopped and captured two photographs with his camera. As he continued home, he saw that the craft was following him. Shortly later, while taking a shortcut through a forested path, he came face-to-face with a seven-foot-tall, greenish-colored, praying mantis humanoid. He was so frightened he began to weep with fear. He fled the area, thoroughly traumatized. Then the nightmares began of being taken onboard a craft.
As hard as it might be for some people to accept, the huge amount of cases involving humanoid encounters make it inescapable that we are being visited by extraterrestrials. Thankfully, as the government UFO coverup collapses under the weight of its own lies, and as a growing number of witnesses reveal their encounters, the truth is coming out. Extraterrestrials are real! And it is now long past time that all of humanity knows it.
Astounding: Ten True Humanoid Encounters
submitted by Key-Faithlessness734 to EBEs [link] [comments]