Hej! Aftonbladet skriver om FIRE. Är det någon som har inlogg och läst artikeln, som ligger bakom betalvägg? Jag utgår från att personen i artikeln - Ralf - haft hård spardisciplin och investerat i breda fonder. Eller? Ville bara tipsa om den uppdaterade FIRE-kalkylatorn här på RikaTillsammans. Blev inspirerad av @axr:s tråd häromdagen om att räkna fram när man blir ekonomiskt fri. Dock så tänker jag att man ofta behöver ett eller två steg innan man kan ta den till sig. Därför uppdaterade jag kalkylatorn på sidan ovan. Så här ser den ut: Räknaren ovan tar hänsyn till startkapital ... Nedan följer några skärmklipp som visar hur man kan bygga upp en riktig FIRE / ekonomisk livsplan. Skärmklipp från ekonomisk livsplan / FIRE-verktyget. Det här är verktyget är magiskt. Många som har förändrat sitt liv på riktigt efter att ha använt det och sett hur deras ekonomi kommer se ut de kommande 40 åren. Lite nyfiken hur många som planerar FIRE eller har gått tänkte på detta NÄR det va dax. Sätter ni “jag skall gå vid 50år o då behöver jag såhär mycket” eller är det mer “när jag har X så kan jag gå”? Personligen ser jag det som “jag behöver X, idag har jag Y. . när X-Y=0 kan jag gå” I praktiken, IDAG skulle jag behöva X=2,2Miljoner för att gå. .nästa månad 2 ... 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... Första frågan jag ställer sen ett drygt halvår som medlem. Jag är 32 år och har ett mål med att nå en så kallad fat-FIRE någon gång i livet. Till detta kommer en summa som man anser att man kan leva på, oftast genom 4%-regeln. Jag har personligen uppskattat mitt FIRE-tal till ca 10 000 000 sek i dagens penningvärde. Men frågan jag ställer mig är, ni som har gjort en FIRE, hur ... Intervjuer i Dagens Industri om FIRE. Gabriella gick in i FIRE vid 45 och säger "När jag förstod hur man gjorde tänkte jag: Är det inte värre än så här?” Precis så tänkte jag också efter att ha köpt min första aktiefond på 80-talet. Hej! Jag har ca 3,1 MSEK i likvida medel i fonder men mest på räntekonto. Dessutom ca 3,2 MSEK i tjänstepension och 0,6 MSEK i premiepension. Utgifter på ca 17 KSEK i snitt de senaste 24 månader. Äger min bostad utan lån därav låga utgifter. Är 43 år gammal och har 12 år kvar innan jag kan ta ut tjänstepension. Enligt mina beräkningar borde jag kunna gå i FIRE idag om jag ... Idag intervjuar vi Jimmy som gästade oss för ett par år sedan (avsnitt 104) om hur det har gått på hans resa mot ekonomisk frihet. När vi träffade honom 2019 så hade han målet att bli ekonomiskt fri innan han hade fyllt 40 år. Ett mål som han har uppnått. En sammanfattning av avsnittet Här kommer några av höjdpunkterna från avsnittet i form av en instagram-karusell. Följ oss ... Fireforum heeft een nieuwe Regel van Goed Vakmanschap (RGV) over noodverlichting gepubliceerd. In deze RGV maken we u wegwijs in de relevante regelgeving en normen op Belgisch en Europees niveau, verduidelijken we een aantal begrippen en geven we duiding bij het concreet van toepassen van deze regels.
2025.01.24 01:53 greyveetunnels San Diego fire ick
I'll upload more later gotta drive somewhere right now . Blech
submitted by greyveetunnels to SanDiegan [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 01:53 justin_quinnn American firms in China fearful of US-China trade turmoil at 5-year high, survey shows
submitted by justin_quinnn to USNewsHub [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 01:53 HastyQuack817 Free Character up to claim
The Wood Snake is a new character that is up for grabs for those that are unaware. submitted by HastyQuack817 to CrossyRoad [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 01:53 Agreeable_Prize_5268 Need advice
Hello just found this sub reddit. I am currently a parts backcounteretail person for a fairly new Mazda dealership. I made the jump last year on February and basically i want to do a year review with my manager kinda trying to get some things to make my experience here better. Because honestly Everytime i clock in i dread it because I'm the one doing most of the work while my coworker is on the computer. We share one computer because we are currently working out of another dealership owned by the same company while they build our dealership. We do have another computer at the bungalows that service and sales work out of but because my coworker can't be left alone we aren't allowed to be stay over there and use that computer unless a customer is there needing help. I've tried bringing up my coworker's lazyness or how he keeps ordering the wrong parts for customers and the techs but i guess i sounded like a broken record because my manager who is also the Manager of the other parts department said i have to start acting as a team player. Even though i am the one who organized the little area we have for our parts and made it more presentable and i also have tried to teach my coworker how to be a parts person because they had no experience at all he has gotten a little better but even after more than a year in parts he still doesn't get it or just doesn't care and wants to be on the computer fulfilling ROs and not pull any parts for the techs until they come and ask him. But I've been trying to adapt and i have asked multiple times if i can go to the other computer but as a i mentioned before it's always a No. So i wanted some insight on from this group to see what my next steps should be.
I am sorry that i went on a long rant and if you need anything cleared up please ask.
submitted by Agreeable_Prize_5268 to partscounter [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 01:53 Any-Raccoon-6378 Just opened 16pro and sound on phone calls suck
Did anyone else have this issue and get it fixed? It’s very muffled and not clear. I have an appt Monday at apple on Monday
submitted by Any-Raccoon-6378 to iPhone16Pro [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 01:53 walril Is this a good deal? Fits my requirements for home office/ studio. 11x17 prints and scans
submitted by walril to printers [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 01:53 Successful-Clue111 Scorpio Week of Jan. 19 - Jan. 25
Are there any other Scorpios out there having a bad week? Is there something going on this week?
I started the week with a dead car battery, then a flat tire, then an insanely bad toothache, then the shower handle nearly broke in my hand and I was lucky to get it to turn off.
What is going on this week?!
submitted by Successful-Clue111 to Astrology_Forum [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 01:53 Substantial_Ad7972 How can listeners maximize $ going to podcasters?
As a podcast listener, how do I listen to podcasts in a way that gets creators paid as much as humanly possible? I can't donate to everything I love or support it all on Patreon (oh, for that kind of money) but I can at least engage in the most profitable way possible. How do?
submitted by Substantial_Ad7972 to podcasting [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 01:53 Bekky9998 I needed some advice
So my vet today recommended a 100w one of these for at night due to how cold it gets in the house even with the heater on due to winter. Is this something that is safe to have on all night? I just worry about it getting too hot or something worse happening at night. Just wanted to see if anyone on here has used these over night for there Leo and had an opinion on it for over night? submitted by Bekky9998 to leopardgeckos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 01:53 TastyProfessional322 [PS4] W Sunlight Medals H Karma
I jst finished with the proof of concord kept grind and now I just need this so yeah
submitted by TastyProfessional322 to pumparum [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 01:53 Interesting-Ice-7764 I swear alm ✊🏼
https://preview.redd.it/wlvhjecbluee1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e6f8e40bbc558f72223d477ab5119867f58f43f submitted by Interesting-Ice-7764 to yxl [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 01:53 ForestHoney1 Pc build help??
If this isn’t allowed please let me know.
I just graduated with a bachelors degree of computer art and animation. I’m wondering what I would need for a PC build? I’m more versed in Apple but willing to learn Microsoft. Im used to using Maxon and Abode for most stuff. My budget is around $3000 for monitors, desk, chair, and PC. I’ve never owned a PC and I’ll take any advice!
submitted by ForestHoney1 to 3Dmodeling [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 01:53 Little-bigfun It ends with us Saga and Blake Lively
I just feel like the above is an exact reason producers and directors should not just pick an actor because they are famous and will get the movie attention. So many unknown actors could have better suited Lilly Bloom’s character and would have matched the description in the book better. What unknown actor can play a 25 year old in their late 30s? He also could have given some unknown actor her big break but instead had to deal with Blake and her movie star attitude which caused so much drama in the making of what should have been a movie focusing on woman survivors.
submitted by Little-bigfun to acting [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 01:53 Earlanosaurus Any for these? #2
I just rolled kitsune and I would definitely hunt for gamepasses or even perms atp... Anyways, THE TRADES ARE UP! submitted by Earlanosaurus to bloxfruits [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 01:53 bot_neen AMP: ¿Te sientes seguro en La Laguna?
submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 01:53 DUN3AR Custom Dials
Anyone offering custom dials?
submitted by DUN3AR to watchmaking [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 01:53 Longjumping-Toe-9671 My new Kodak brownie no2 model f! In blue
submitted by Longjumping-Toe-9671 to vintagecameras [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 01:53 OutlandishnessDue458 Dropping a resume off in person. Is this still a thing? Will a hospital let me into the building to talk to the director/supervisor of the position I want?
I applied online already to multiple hospitals but have not heard anything back for over a month. my instructor recommended dropping a resume off in person and introducing myself. Will the hospital let me in to try? Is this worth trying? Should I go in scrubs or a shirt/tie? I have previous health experience in the same position I applied for btw
submitted by OutlandishnessDue458 to jobs [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 01:53 Sesamefanatic1969 Soooo happy! 😊
Got smudge lamb today and she is the best!!! Soooo glad I now have her in my collection. I now have 51 jellycats. Her name is Marshmallow.
submitted by Sesamefanatic1969 to Jellycatplush [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 01:53 garypip The Opster is losing his shit over on X.
submitted by garypip to TACN [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 01:53 goddess_phoenixxx Going out with friends tonight, send for my drinks or some other simp at the bar will 💸
submitted by goddess_phoenixxx to CashCowChannels [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 01:53 Ok-Respect4472 Fate x Star Rail Fan Cards Part 8 (We're back!!!)
submitted by Ok-Respect4472 to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 01:53 Opposite_Possible159 I’m looking for a walking wake and iron leaves. I have a couple offers:
I'm trying to complete my living dex. I understand that you might want some pogo stamped shinies. But I don't have those. As long as dthe iron leaves and waking wake are "legal" it's ok. My image won't go through so here's what I have: Bunch of meltan Necrozma Cobalion Virizion Terrakion Azelf Regice Regirock Lugia Shiny swinub Thanks in advance!
submitted by Opposite_Possible159 to PokemonHome [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 01:53 Netdocs 🍄
submitted by Netdocs to psychedelicpark [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 01:53 ProfessionalAir124 Velcro love
It doesn’t get any better than this when you’re depressed submitted by ProfessionalAir124 to vizsla [link] [comments] |