Professional Diploma in Business Models Development ($19.99 to FREE)

2025.01.24 06:50 Noledgebase Professional Diploma in Business Models Development ($19.99 to FREE)

submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 Noledgebase Google Ads MasterClass 2024 - All Campaign Builds and Features ($64.99 to FREE)

submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 tarunyadav9761 From Side Project to Paying Clients in 30 Days: How I Built My Agency’s First MVP Pipeline

A month ago, I was just another developer with a side project—**AIAgentPortal**, a platform to list AI agents. While promoting it here, I got a DM from a founder who loved to build their SaaS MVP.
That first client became our proof of concept. We delivered their MVP in **3 weeks** for **$2000**. This month, I'm in the process of onboarding two more clients through inbound DM—all because we focused on solving a specific pain point: **speed + affordability** for validated ideas.
### Here’s what I learned:
- **Leverage existing audiences**: Promoting my other product (AIAgentPortal) indirectly attracted clients who needed MVP help.
- **Niche down**: Founders with **ready-to-execute ideas** (designs, wireframes, specs) save weeks of back-and-forth. We now specialize in turning these into functional MVPs fast.
- **Transparency wins trust**: Fixed pricing ($1,999) and timelines (2-3 weeks) eliminate ambiguity—something Redditors appreciate.
### Why am I sharing this?
If you’re sitting on a validated idea but lack dev resources, **reply/DM me**. We’ll build your MVP in 2-3 weeks for $1,999—*if* your specs are ready. No upsells, just execution.
*P.S.* Always happy to chat about bootstrapping, balancing side projects, or how AIAgentPortal accidentally became a lead gen tool. AMA!
submitted by tarunyadav9761 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 JDBlackmon First in a series, I am taking on centered around North American big game. I spend a lot of time in woods and on the lakes so this is a tribute to that.

First in a series, I am taking on centered around North American big game. I spend a lot of time in woods and on the lakes so this is a tribute to that. submitted by JDBlackmon to mpcproxies [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 Still_regency1 So I had a vision…

So I had a vision… submitted by Still_regency1 to BrunoMars [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 Various_Law3789 Should I have all my emulated games on one emulator, Or split them up into the emulators that run them the best?

Example: mGBA for GB or TWilight Menu++ for DS games
Titles pretty self explanatory, but im wondering if I should put the games on the emulator that runs the best, Or just have them all on one
submitted by Various_Law3789 to 3dspiracy [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 Noledgebase Full Paid Ads Course - Google, Meta, Microsoft, LinkedIn ($19.99 to FREE)

submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 AlphaQ984 How is integration different from fractals?

Essentially integration is breaking a curve into infinitesimally small parts then adding them right? But so is a fractal... You can zoom infinitely in both cases?
submitted by AlphaQ984 to askmath [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 PecanPie777999 Ryan Reynolds?

So our dear Doug is an attractive man. I was watching Hitman's Bodyguard tonight, and Ryan Reynolds keeps reminding me of Doug. Does anyone else think he reminds you of Doug?
Also, that movie is ridiculous, but Reynolds' humor reminds me of Doug's silliness. Samuel L. Jackson is also hilarious, motherf*cker. A few "didn't age well" things, but a cute, fun movie. Brain pets for bad days.
submitted by PecanPie777999 to DougDoug [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 Noledgebase Entrepreneurship: Ideas, Market Analysis, Competitors, Place ($19.99 to FREE)

submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 BogotaLineman HOLD ME NOW, I'M 6' FROM THE EDGE AND I'M THINKIN... MAYBE 6' AIN'T SO FAR DOWN

HOLD ME NOW, I'M 6' FROM THE EDGE AND I'M THINKIN... MAYBE 6' AIN'T SO FAR DOWN submitted by BogotaLineman to maintenance [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 deadmeatdesign Poster guy

Hi. I'm new. Been making Osees posters since 2009. Just put out a coffee table book on my 25 year career much of which is Osees etc. Please correct me if this is off topic. Link at
submitted by deadmeatdesign to TheeOhSees [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 catladynaz Looking for Genshin ZhonglixKaeya fics

hello, I'm looking for fic by starglitter_eyes on ao3, especially for this pair Zhongli x Kaeya from Genshin Impact. TuT I noticed some of the fics were gone and didn't get to save it. I wanted to re-read them.
submitted by catladynaz to DeletedFanfiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 Melodic_Doughnut_921 Mca i print fake ustt reg form as sideline

Way back 2005 i was a ust fine arts student upon enrollment sa gym i stumble upon blank reg form papers, me being rebellious and curious brought it home, by the magic of photoshop and recto dry seals i was able to dupe reg form then offer it sa students n gusto mag pgwa ng fake to adjust sched if strict parents nila at magkaron ng weekend or night class i chatged 5k php per reg form thus paying for my tuotiom fee and dota tourneys yung iba nag papa adjust pra magkaron ng momol time sa mga jowa or tuition kick back its by recommendation booking only.
Was able to buy epson dor mstrix printers and scanner +inks and forhing skills to make everytjing legit. May carbon copy p un anyways if isa ka sa naservicean ko sana successful k sa career mo at d k nabuntis early
Most of my clients are from commerce and educ btw yung mga bf nyong hayok sa momol
Yun lng
Psa libog confessions sa alasjuicy kayo
submitted by Melodic_Doughnut_921 to MayConfessionAko [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 New-Dare-9937 <2 month old eyebrow, is it infected ???

this is my piercing, i got it done 1st of dec 2024. the bottom hole has been having notably more issues than the top one, and ive been cleaning with a saline spray bought from my piercer twice a day (after a shower in the evening). Its the bottom hole that always has crusties etc. The red stuff only showed up this morning, the piercing didn’t give me any bruising initially nor did it swell. I have picked off crusties in the past before although i know better, it’s some kind of nervous habit. Before this, i had plans to get it downsized early next week. I figure it’s blood from me accidentally rolling over in my sleep. Only real pain i’ve gotten is maybe twice or so, and it passed very quickly within minutes and was more annoying than anything. I’m just really scared. The holes are also rather close to each other, and it’s pierced shallowly. My piercer is credible and has been around for ages. The piercing is a curved barbell.
submitted by New-Dare-9937 to piercing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 GKarl What storylines could there have been if Phoebe and Kyra got together in Season 7?

All the Future Sight! Maybe Phoebe finally converts a demon to be a good human - which she didn’t achieve with Cole - and Kyra could be Phoebe’s endgame? After all there were only two seasons left!
submitted by GKarl to charmed [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 sgerman1 In need of fist domm 🙏

submitted by sgerman1 to domme4subs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 malschauenlol So langsam bin ich einfach fertig

Als Kontext: Ich bin im dritten Lehrjahr als kfz Mechatroniker, un einer sehr kleinen Firma mit 4 Leuten (inkl mir) in der Halle
Mein Chef/Ausbilder ist einfach nur ein Arschloch. Und das einzige was ich von ihm bisher gelernt habe ist Unsicherheit, putzen, und dass ich zu nichts fähig bin. (Einschließlich das putzen) Ich würde letztens das vierte Mal gelobt, und das bei Ner Sache wo er nicht wusste, dass ich's getan hab.
Ich bin der einzige der irgendeine Ordnung in unsere Teile/Material zu schaffen hat. Insgesamt sind dafür nachgerechnet etwa 3 Wochen jeden Tag draufgegangen. Sei es ein 14x4x1m Regal mit teilen und Schrott welchen er 15 Jahre mit sich trägt, 80 Schubladen randvoll mit Kleinteilen/Material welches einfach reingeworfen wurde, oder 30 Kisten mit teilen für speziell mehrere Fahrzeuge.
Egal welche x beliebige Schublade, ich habe es sortiert. Und mein Chef gibt sich nichtmal die mühe auf die Beschriftungen zu schauen um das zu finden was er braucht. Sobald ich weg bin ist er komplett aufgeschmissen.
Dennoch ist er nie zufrieden. Ich mache das viel zu langsam, soll das anders sortieren, das macht keinen Sinn, das ist scheiße, etc. Und am Ende keinen einzigen Dank für sowas. Lob erwarte ich Garnicht erst.
Einer der Gesellen meinte zu mir auch, dass der Chef mit ihm gesprochen hatte, und der einzige Grund weswegen ich genommen wurde (war eine Initiativbewerbung wegen bekannter die ich hab): "Dann haben wir jemanden um aufzuräumen und zu putzen."
Und wenn ich dann doch an Autos darf, Frage ich gerne Mal häufiger was nach. Weil die drei mehr Erfahrung haben, und ich LERNEN möchte. Sobald ich aber einen Fehler mache, kommt nur gebrülle, dass es ja nichts bringt wenn er alles sowieso umbauen muss. Dann soll ich's doch gleich sein lassen und mir einen Besen oder Tuch nehmen.
Wenn ich aber Nachfrage was ich hätte verbessern können, kommen auch nur persönliche Kommentare und keine konstruktive Kritik geschweige denn lösungsvorschläge. Meinen Kollegen jedoch geben mir wenigstens zu wissen, dass ich wahrscheinlich im oberen Viertel der Azubis bin, und das meiste ganz gut hinbekommen. Und ganz unfähig kann ich nicht sein, wenn ich für privat Freunde Sachen finde/repariere die zuvor andere werkstätten nicht hinbekommen haben.
Auch wenn mein Chef bei mir was nachfragt was ich zu 100% weiß, (wie Übersetzungen von englischen wörtern, oder Daten wo ich gerade extra für recherchiert habe) glaubt er mir kein Wort und sucht selbst lieber 30 min. Warum dann nachfragen?
Selbst wenn nichts los ist, ich alles sauber gemacht habe und keine weitere Arbeit hab, fragen ich ob ich noch was machen kann/soll oder ich kein Buch rausholen und für Klausuren etc lerne. Daraufhin: "Du bist nicht hier um zu lernen sondern um zu arbeiten. Dann schau was du noch machen kannst."
Jetzt arbeite ich mit einer Fixierbandage, weil ich mein Handgelenk bei dem 14m Regal überlastet habe.
Ich schenke dem Typen am Ende wenn ich gehe einen Miniaturstaubsauger gold angemalt als kleinen Denkanstoß.
Wahrscheinlich alles meckern auf hohem Niveau und ich bin echt nicht für den Beruf geeignet. Aber es tat gut das Mal rauszulassen
submitted by malschauenlol to Azubis [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 Amber_Flowers_133 What are your Hot Takes on the Alt Rock Genre?

submitted by Amber_Flowers_133 to Alternativerock [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 OddEstablishment6386 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by OddEstablishment6386 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 Fancy-Ambassador7590 What (non-siege) unit deals the most damage?

Idk why this came to my head but my thoughts are either Tatar Hand cannons downhill (18+9+4.5 = 31.5) or Turk Janissary downhill (22+11= 33) or Burgundian coustullier downhill charge attack (11+25 + 23 = 59) or maybe their hand cannons with the +25% attack.
Probably missing more contenders and I have no clue what is or isn’t included in hill bonus calculations which is why I’m bringing up the question. Anyone have an insight?
submitted by Fancy-Ambassador7590 to aoe2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 SuitDelicious9887 I saw the other post for Ragnarok 3 Teaser Trailer, but none for Ragnarok M: Eternal Love Ⅱ Premiere, which is a cross platform but it is an open world and looks more interesting than Ragnarok 3.

I saw the other post for Ragnarok 3 Teaser Trailer, but none for Ragnarok M: Eternal Love Ⅱ Premiere, which is a cross platform but it is an open world and looks more interesting than Ragnarok 3. submitted by SuitDelicious9887 to RagnarokOnline [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 Accomplished_Wait316 does anyone else just feel indifferent for what’s coming?

i believe AGI is coming 2025-26, but i can’t help but feel numb. it’s an impossible feeling to describe. i’ve seen so many extreme views, so many moderate views, and so many people in direct denial. is anyone else just in complete shock and awestruck at what is about to happen? my brain is almost blocking me from feeling any emotion surrounding AI until the singularity hits. it is such a strange feeling.
submitted by Accomplished_Wait316 to singularity [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 Ok_Fold_8245 Jerking on the couch while the wife’s asleep in bed. Need some fuel 05b09759e86ca90e92c134eed4595a860ec958b1b54dac311c45b03b816ce8dd3f

submitted by Ok_Fold_8245 to AbbychampNSFW [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:50 bot_neen Preparan ‘Plan B’ automotriz; analizan armadoras escenarios por aranceles

submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]