Bygga nytt altandäck

2025.01.24 09:38 segswe Bygga nytt altandäck

submitted by segswe to Asksweddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:38 Anghel950 It's friday morning and I'm gonna try to doodle some ocs. (Read Body)

No rules today, too sad to think of anything that fun.
But there is a little game I thought we could play. The second image is my OC Gace. If you can guess the main inspiration for her character you're oc will have a guaranteed spot on the top of my doodle list.
Otherwise it's just a vibe check. Post a plant emoji(🥀🏵🌺⚘🍂🌿🍁🌾) of any kind to prove you read this. Otherwise I might give you the cold shoulder.
submitted by Anghel950 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:38 DirtBike_Motocross What was the nicest thing you are someone else did but backfired badly?

submitted by DirtBike_Motocross to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:38 Amatereddit287 Is fnaf 2 movie gonna sequel?

The place lookcso old. Looks like abandoned pizzeria
submitted by Amatereddit287 to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:38 jvc72 Buy Signal Mantle USD - 24 Jan 2025 @ 04:35 -> USD1.220

Ticker: MNTUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 24 Jan 2025 @ 04:35
Price: USD1.220
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:38 drexxior23 Is this worth it?

Binebenta sakin ng kaibigan ko for 3k pesos. Ang issue ay kadena at rusty handle bar. First time ko po mag bike at di pa maalam sa specs, worth it ba bilhin at ipaayos or mas mapapagastos ako sa repair? Thank you
submitted by drexxior23 to RedditPHCyclingClub [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:38 Wegwerftrashbag "Bet you did nazi that coming". Musk doubles down

submitted by Wegwerftrashbag to Staiy [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:38 MrS0L0M0N Theory: Two Possible Meta Directions of 1.6

TL:DR We're going into either a Double-Stun, Crit Meta or a Double Off-Field, Hypercarry Meta.
I feel Trigger will play like Burnice or Astra where you "Deploy" her to build passive Daze and likely some additional benefit while a main Stunner does the main field work or you setup Support and utilize a Main DPS agent.. Only swapping back for redeployment.
We already saw a bit of Double Stun with Ellen-Lighter-Lycaon but it wasn't exactly groundbreaking compared to the sheer insanity of Disorder teams and Miyabi. We also had "Stun Support" with Ceasar as well but she doesn't really count as a 2nd Stun unit. But with Pulchra as an A rank Stunner and now Trigger double dipping into an S-Rank Electric Stun unit after Qingyi's rerun. I feel there's gonna be a more drastic attempt at pulling the games general meta away from Disorder and into more Quick Assists and Chain Attacking.
Meaning we might also see a full hyper carry setup with Trigger and Astra as deployed Supports with a main DPS doing the bulk of the Field time. Keeping more Mainline Anomaly DPS units like Miyabi and Jane strong as well.
Take this with a grain of salt as this could be the ravings of a Pull-Starved Madman trying to find Copium. However if this is true then we might see an extremely well balanced variety of teams across the board as no particular style will be entirely weak.
submitted by MrS0L0M0N to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:38 fancyschmancyapoxide Defending against Boundary Dispute schemes?

Is there a way to do this? I recently had one where the secrecy of an opponent's scheme was compromised, but even though I knew it was happening I just...couldn't do anything? I couldn't find a way to head it off. I would have thought if the theme of the DLC is using influence, once the scheme was revealed I could have done some kind of counter like getting in the Basileus' ear or whatever. Did I miss something?
submitted by fancyschmancyapoxide to CrusaderKings [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:38 keebfan69 first build of the year!

first build of the year! well technically two builds i guess
submitted by keebfan69 to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:38 RainMoonWolf Alla ricerca del romanzo perduto...

Buondì a tutti, con questo mio primo post su Reddit in questa comunità vorrei chiedervi aiuto nel ritrovare un libro con però, ahimé, poche informazioni. Tanto tempo fa, in una libreria Ubik vidi un libro che mi colpì molto dalla trama ma che quel giorno per qualche motivo non comprai, non ricordo il motivo ma senza dubbio, è stata una pessima cosa. Descriverò la copertina per come la ricordo, ovviamente è passato molto tempo e comunque la memoria può sempre ingannare un po', anche qualcuno con la memoria fotografica come me.
Sulla copertina c'era lo skyline di una città, e nella parte sotto se così vogliamo dire, la silhouette di un ragazzo e di una ragazza posizionati però come se lei fosse il riflesso di lui su un lago. Per quello che ricordo della trama in sostanza è che due ragazzi, quelli già citati sopra, in un giorno qualunque scoprono di essere collegati con la mente in quanto possono comunicare tra loro e decidono quindi di volersi trovare e conoscere pur vivendo in posti diversi e lontani.
Se in qualche modo qualcuno fosse così gentile da aiutarmi o se in generale chiunque pensi di avere memoria di un qualche libro simile e volesse scrivere il titolo qui sotto, gliene sarei molto grata!
submitted by RainMoonWolf to Libri [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:38 UkCanIntoTea So where do I go from here?

submitted by UkCanIntoTea to Lakka [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:38 Representative-Knee5 Where can i watch earlier episodes of I live alone

Anyone know where i can watch earlier episodes of I live alone? specifically around the time lee si eon joined (Ep 177 and onwards)
submitted by Representative-Knee5 to koreanvariety [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:37 Content-Avocado5772 I am seriously lacking some plugins and I need recommendations

So I am a lazy bum. I got comfortable just cleaning up my sound and improving the energy of the song. I have never been good at stylistic mixing. The only plugins I used for it were delay and reverb. Obviously I do modify the feel of some instruments and vocals with EQ, but I want something a bit more... opinionated.
Which plugins do you guys use to add flavor to the sound? Something that actually changes the sound a lot and is highly customizable?
submitted by Content-Avocado5772 to FL_Studio [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:37 ParticularPark289 Is Orlando good for living and working as an astrologer? What do you think about this chart?

Is Orlando good for living and working as an astrologer? What do you think about this chart? submitted by ParticularPark289 to astrocartography [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:37 uyuuhooo Dagdag singil sa water bill sa inuupahang apartment

submitted by uyuuhooo to adultingph [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:37 Flimsy-Suspect2730 Schmerzensgeld nach versuchtem schweren Raub

Moin, ich wurde vor einiger Zeit von zwei Typen aus dem nichts mit Pfefferspray angegriffen, es wurde auf mich eingetreten und die wollten mich ausrauben, weil sie dachten ich hätte Geld dabei. Ich konnte zum Glück weglaufen aber habe ordentlich Pfefferspray abbekommen.
Danach hab ich natürlich direkt die Polizei gerufen und es wurde alles dokumentiert. (War auch beim Arzt) Ich hatte zwar keine langanhaltenden körperlichen Folgen, aber für ein paar Tage hatte ich schon schmerzen. Auch das Reizgas tut höllisch weh. Durch die Attacke bin ich jetzt auch ziemlich Schreckhaft unterwegs wenn ich nachts alleine bin. Jetzt wurden die beiden Täter gefasst und Identifiziert.
Es steht eine Gerichtsverhandlung an, wo ich als Zeuge vorgeladen wurde um meine Aussage nochmal zu bestätigen. Meine Frage wäre jetzt, ob ich ein Anrecht auf Schmerzensgeld habe. Muss ich dafür einen Extra Antrag stellen, es einfach vor Gericht äußern oder wird es mit der verkündeten Strafe automatisch verhangen? Die beiden Täter sind auch offensichtlich nicht so gut finanziell aufgestellt und waren zu dem Zeitpunkt noch 17 Jahre alt mit einer ziemlich schwerkriminellen Karriere. (Wer hätte es gedacht) Kann man da also trotzdem was holen?
Ich bedanke mich schonmal im voraus für die Hilfe.
submitted by Flimsy-Suspect2730 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:37 NickVRamos Ground beef

Ground beef submitted by NickVRamos to Splatterhouse [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:37 mam7 TIL that in the world, there are annually ~2M stillborn babies (1 every 72 births), and almost 50% of those happen in sub-Saharan Africa.

TIL that in the world, there are annually ~2M stillborn babies (1 every 72 births), and almost 50% of those happen in sub-Saharan Africa. submitted by mam7 to todayilearned [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:37 Altruistic-Oil-899 Will Skyrim still crash if I get rid of the MO2 "missing master" warning?

I just followed a guide on how to remove master dependencies with SSEEdit. I'm looking to disable some plugins and I disabled 1Ogres.esp, then MO2 gave me the "missing masters" warning. DynDOLOD.esp requires 1Ogres.esp.
Ok, so I just removed the dependency and now the "missing masters" warning doesn't show anymore.
My game doesn't crash on startup, and neither when I load my save. Should I be worried about future crashes or getting rid of the warning got me off the hook?
submitted by Altruistic-Oil-899 to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:37 FluffyAspie Infinity Chaos ♾️

Infinity Chaos ♾️ submitted by FluffyAspie to icono [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:37 Iogo123 Used clothing

Hey I’m looking for a dominant girl who will force me to pay her in exchange for her used clothing. Open to all types and hoping to do this with a few dommes so let me know if you’re interested !
submitted by Iogo123 to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:37 Delicious_Aside_6593 I just wanna share goodvibes with this Talkative cats

I just wanna share goodvibes with this Talkative cats submitted by Delicious_Aside_6593 to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:37 Muted-Lettuce-1253 What is the equivalent of 'think of'?

What word or phrase is the equivalent of 'think of' or 'come up with'? Is there a word or phrase for creating something in one's mind or originating an idea through thought?
submitted by Muted-Lettuce-1253 to learnwelsh [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:37 ChrisMMatthews The hunter gazes upon his reflection and falls in love - 'Narcissus' by Caravaggio, 1597

The hunter gazes upon his reflection and falls in love - 'Narcissus' by Caravaggio, 1597 submitted by ChrisMMatthews to artmemes [link] [comments]