Arijit Singh's Jaipur Concert Tickets Available (25 Jan,Silver)

2025.01.24 09:41 DeadInside_2584 Arijit Singh's Jaipur Concert Tickets Available (25 Jan,Silver)

I have 2 tickets for Arijit Singh concert on 25(tomorrow) silver category and most probably won't be able to make it, anyone willing to buy it? Price is negotiable and can be discussed in DMs(won't be taking more than the original ticket price)
submitted by DeadInside_2584 to Tickets [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 CornDogMillionaire Windows 11 - PC has become essentially non-functional

Hi there,
As per the title, since updating to Windows 11 (without really meaning to but that's unrelated)
This has caused a few issues, which combine to make it so I can't use the PC at all in any meaningful way:

Before this update the PC had been completely fine without any issues for 2.5-3 years.
Any tips would be appreciated, otherwise I think my PC is boned lol
submitted by CornDogMillionaire to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Narrow-War-5452 Chess& Pool locations (Durban)??

Hey im looking for places me and friend can play pool or chess in Durban.
Only requirment i have is that it shouldnt be in a bar
Please let me know if you guy know anything
submitted by Narrow-War-5452 to askSouthAfrica [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews -

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 JuanBertoldo - Quanto sei stupido? -si!

- Quanto sei stupido? -si! submitted by JuanBertoldo to paperearmate [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 smailhero "What's a random piece of knowledge that completely changed how you see the world?

submitted by smailhero to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews -

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Poutcheki Sondage SeneNews : 68% des Sénégalais sont favorables à la nomination de la chanteuse Queen Biz

Sondage SeneNews : 68% des Sénégalais sont favorables à la nomination de la chanteuse Queen Biz submitted by Poutcheki to Seneweb [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 skoiiiii Muties for sale :3

Hii everyone, I have a bunch of clean low gen muties for sale! I’m negotiable on prices, let me know if you’re interested!
submitted by skoiiiii to lioden [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 HyperSamLive1 Links for case and screen protector for Legion Go S

Like the title says. Does anyone have links for a screen protector and case for the Go S. I can't seem to find any.
submitted by HyperSamLive1 to LegionGo [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Overseerer-Vault-101 What's the best £200 graphics card, new or used and where to buy in the UK?

Newbie here, sorry if common question but i did search first and didn't see anything recent. Building my first PC and I'm trying to get the best value for my buck as such. Going to be used for Fallout and Cities mainly. MSI B760 with PCIe 5x16, I3 12th and 32GB (for now). I bought everything new before but I thought that maybe a decent refurbished or whatever. Where do you buy your used PC parts?
submitted by Overseerer-Vault-101 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews -

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 NepuNeptuneNep Any point to play ranked after getting the 80 quests reward?

Ever since I reached diamond it takes several minutes to find a race. Wondering if there’s a rank reward on season end like in rocket league or if this is completely pointless right now and I should just play casual for the rest of the season
submitted by NepuNeptuneNep to RocketRacing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews -

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 TheRealJayk0b Faulheit + Kreativität

Faulheit + Kreativität submitted by TheRealJayk0b to deutschememes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 bot-bouncer Overview for imranjames1

submitted by bot-bouncer to BotBouncer [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Ason-The-real-one Lenovo P3 Tiny 30H0 with graphiccard PNY T1000-4G - cant use internal DP

HI, Im trying to setup a P3 tiny with a PNY T1000-4G And i want to use the internal DP port to one monitor And I have 3 monitors T1000
When I have a monitor on internal DP i have picture on that and when I plug in monitor 1 and 2 on the T1000 the internal DP works But when I plug in the monitor 3 on T1000 the internal DP shutsdown
I have installed 553.62-quadro-rtx-desktop-notebook-win10-win11-64bit-international-dch-whql.exe
Any one that have any solution, dont know what i should do to solv this..
Thanks in advance!! 🙏
submitted by Ason-The-real-one to computerhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 wictorias egg_irl

egg_irl submitted by wictorias to egg_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 BiggiB19 PLEASE ADVICE

I have entered my name in wring order in my Mba Cet 2025 registration, and now i cannot edit it, is it fine or can i edit it in the edit window or something please let me know so i can stop overthinking about it
submitted by BiggiB19 to MbaCet [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews -

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Turbulent_Property_4 [SPOILER] Beautiful: anticipaizoni lunedì 27 gennaio a sabato 1° gennaio! Liam confessa, ama Steffy

Il figlio di Bill ammetterà di essere ancora innamorato di Steffy, ma Finn non molla la presa: ecco cosa vedremo nei nuovi episodi!
Come ogni settimana arrivano le anticipazioni delle nuove puntate di Beautiful: ecco cosa dobbiamo aspettarci di vedere nei nuovi episodi in onda da lunedì 27 gennaio a sanato 1° febbraio 2025, come sempre, su Canale 5.
Prosegui la lettura
submitted by Turbulent_Property_4 to malatidiserie [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Striking_Table_6217 Global Programmable Stage Illumination Market, Emerging Trends, Technological Advancements, and Business Strategies 2025-2032

submitted by Striking_Table_6217 to Semiconductors [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 ComingBackk سؤال الجمعة

لو معك عصا سحرية لحل المشاكل الاجتماعية والثقافية في السعودية ، ايش بتكون؟
submitted by ComingBackk to saudiarabia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Turbulent_Property_4 Colpi di scena in Un Posto al Sole: Micaela imbarazza Samuel

Ecco tutte le anticipazioni della nuova puntata di Un Posto al sole di venerdì 17 gennaio, in onda come di consueto, su Rai 3
Arrivano le anticipazioni della nuova puntata di Un Posto al Sole di venerdì 17 gennaio, in onda come di consueto, su Rai 3. Ecco cosa vedremo nella nuova puntata dell'amata soap.
Prosegui la lettura
submitted by Turbulent_Property_4 to malatidiserie [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews -

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]