Aro's Collection Daily #689

Problem with BITS service : The requested service has already been started. System.Management.Automation.RemoteException More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2182. To easily manage and share content across all your devices and the cloud, use Google’s desktop sync client: Drive for desktop. Examples of irresponsible data collection & use (non-exhaustive): obtaining credit card information over a non-secure server, promotions that claim to know a user's sexual orientation or financial status, violations of our policies that apply to interest-based advertising and remarketing. Misrepresentation How can I get Edge to restore all the tabs I had open last session? Make sure you have this option selected at ⋯ (Settings and more) > Settings > Start, home and new tabs: I would like to download the Office 2019 Professional ISO file. I received my product key, but want to save the ISO on a thumb drive in case I need to rebuild my laptop. I activated the "Microsoft Office LTSC Professional Plus 2024 Preview" when it was available for free. After reinstalling Windows 10 due to system corruption, I'm now unable to reactivate Office 2024. Everytime I go on the creation section of Ai Image it only shows the few recent images I’ve generated rather than all the images I’ve created. Are they lost? Do I have to delete them in order for it If you're having any other support related issue, please feel free to create a new post in the support section of the Microsoft Solitaire Collection forums. For any Daily Puzzle or other Challenge questions, make sure to post them in the Discussion section of the Microsoft Solitaire Collection forums for the best help from the community at large! I turned my computer on today, accessed Edge, went to Collections, and discovered that none of my saved items under Collections headings are available, they have disappeared. Previous Help articles When you use a browser, like Chrome, it saves some information from websites in its cache and cookies. Clearing them fixes certain problems, like loading or formatting issues

2025.01.24 11:12 Arohk Aro's Collection Daily #689

Aro's Collection Daily #689 Credit:
All concept art by Hiroyuki Imaishi.
  1. Diamond-like 'Fang' effect.
  2. This one is also 'fang'-like.
  3. I don't want it to be this way.
  4. This kind of shape, with a flowing effect. (As long as it's cool, it's OK.)
  5. Eyes and Fangs are arranged like this.
A deeper look at Kisaragi today! And, we see Imaishi deciding on the final design. Likely partnered with Sushio's version as well. Which I will post another time! This is my favorite concept sheet so far, because we get such wonderful detail! The differing style that Imaishi brings really makes Ryuuko look cool here!
submitted by Arohk to ryuuko [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 javaeeeee RTX 5090 FE AI PERFORMANCE - WELL DONE NVIDIA!

RTX 5090 FE AI PERFORMANCE - WELL DONE NVIDIA! submitted by javaeeeee to AIProgrammingHardware [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 ProfSprout9 WB Dialga raid 2546 0622 7249

submitted by ProfSprout9 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 ProperConsequence383 Hey freinds, a buddy and I are about to hop into this game for the first time

Any essential quality of life mods you guys think should be base game?
submitted by ProperConsequence383 to Terraria [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 Robertopablo8 Lugares para conocer gente nueva?

Hola, me gusta salir a lugares diferentes y constantemente estoy busca lugares nuevo y di de pueda conocer gente nueva, Que lugares, Eventos, Boliches, Recomiendan para conocer gente?
Yo les tiro unas esta mundolingo que es para conocer gente nueva y extranjeros (es gratis) y Bruni que es lo mismo pero sin los extranjeros
Que lugares recomiendan ustedes?
submitted by Robertopablo8 to BuenosAires [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 Impressive_Job_7247 MySQL on dedicated cloud server slow from external connection

We've set up a dedicated CCX53 on Hetzner cloud and installed a MySQL server. The application that writes to the database is running on a Azure Kubernetes (AKS) and we experienced poor performance writing data to the db compared to the previously used Azure MySQL database (which had just 20% of the compute power).
To investigate the issue we tested writing to the MySQL with a script that adds random entries in a loop. Results: - Hetzner internal (locally on the server & from another Hetzner server): 870.000 entries in 20min - External (Azure, AWS, GCP & netcup): 40.000 entries in 20min
So, we basically have 5% of the database performance via external connections to Hetzner infra, compared to internal connections.
We also did these tests with a nginx on a Hetzner server instead of MySQL, to make sure this isn't related to MySQL configurations - results were the same.
MTRs showed no packet loss or crazy high latencies.
Has anyone experienced something similar and do you have recommendations where to further investigate? Thank you in advance!
(we've reached out to Hetzner support. They migrated the server to another host system which didn't have an impact, and checked MTRs that we provided. Unfortunately, support levels for dedicated root servers don't cover further investigation than that.)
submitted by Impressive_Job_7247 to hetzner [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 Exotic-Bad-4950 Dependent

Can I claim my 18-year-old daughter who lived with me all of 2024. She has a job and made $16,000. I paid all the bills and she likes to shop with her money.
submitted by Exotic-Bad-4950 to IncomeTaxReformIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 Brondster What is one PC topic that still gets you all confused and can't get a grip of?

Now I know there's people out there that are pretty smart, those who can do Networking like there's no tomorrow to those who Can code with C++/Python/Linux......
Is there a coverage of topics that fall within PC's that you just cannot get a grip of?
one that just goes over your head?
To me, its all this Xeee/DLSS/FSR tech that It cannot sink into my pea brain haha
It used to be networking but I understand that abit more as with any techie should keep ontop of knowing the Multitude of abbreviations that swamp our passion of PC's.
So, what are yours?
submitted by Brondster to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 dwartbg9 Where can I post such shenanigans by the Reddit algorithm? I have way more insane ones that I gathered throughout the last 5 years.

Where can I post such shenanigans by the Reddit algorithm? I have way more insane ones that I gathered throughout the last 5 years. submitted by dwartbg9 to LostRedditor [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 ilishpaturi Free full size Olay Retinol Serum on orders over 700 (first time Olay order only)

Free full size Olay Retinol Serum on orders over 700 (first time Olay order only) Hi, I’m not sure if everyone already knows about this deal, but I thought is was a great one. I just purchased this for my mother.
submitted by ilishpaturi to IndianBeautyDeals [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 marloquemegusta Any advice on how to create an autonomous trading agent? (just for fun)

Exploring Local LLMs for Automated Trading Experiments – Seeking Advice!
Hi everyone!
I’m diving into building tools for locally running LLMs, and I’d love to use my background in automated trading (I did my master's thesis on it) as a fun first project to learn how to create AI agents using local models.
To be clear—this isn't about making profits, just an exciting toy project for my personal enjoyment and learning.
The idea:
I want to create an agent-driven system where:

  1. I provide a CSV file with stock prices.
  2. The agent analyzes the data, proposes a trading strategy, and generates Python code to implement it.
  3. It then runs a backtest in Python, evaluates the results, and:
Refines the strategy based on performance, or
Tries a new one using the previous strategies as context.
  1. Each iteration should generate:
The Python code for the strategy.
A written description of the strategy.
The backtesting results in CSV or another format.
I’d like the process to run indefinitely until I stop it, allowing me to review the results afterward.
My current progress:
I've been using LM Studio for chatbot interactions and running Ollama through LangChain for simple prompts. However, LangChain feels like a vast ecosystem with endless possibilities, and I’m a bit overwhelmed about where to start.
I believe LangChain should be capable of handling this project, but I’m wondering:
Is LangChain the right choice, or is there a better-suited framework for this type of agent-based workflow?
Any advice on structuring the workflow (e.g., chaining, memory, decision loops)?
Suggested starting points or resources?
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! And just to reiterate—this is all for fun, and I plan to share my experience with the community once I get it working.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by marloquemegusta to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 True-Maintenance4316 Trades 🫡

Trades 🫡 submitted by True-Maintenance4316 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 SiggiBulldog1 Rückblick Wahlen 2025 - Ein Szenario der Gefahr

Anfang des Jahres eskalierte die politische Landschaft, weil die alten Regierungsparteien in Streitfragen rund um Haushalt, Klimaschutz und soziale Themen nicht mehr auf einen gemeinsamen Nenner kamen. Dazu kam eine regelrechte Serie von Schlagzeilen, die sich um heftige Straftaten durch Menschen drehten, die eigentlich längst hätten abgeschoben werden sollen. In vielen Kommentaren wurde die Politik als „handlungsunfähig“ bezeichnet, weil trotz mehrfacher Ankündigungen nichts Konkretes passierte.
Als die Koalition endgültig platzte, waren Neuwahlen im Februar unausweichlich. Auf den Straßen spürte man eine Mischung aus Frust und Resignation. Einige dachten, es würde wieder auf eine ähnliche Konstellation wie zuvor hinauslaufen, andere hofften auf eine klare Richtungsentscheidung. In den Medien wurde das Thema Migration immer weiter angeheizt. Vor allem die AfD nutzte diesen Umstand und betonte, die bisherigen Regierungen hätten versagt und die Sicherheit der Bürgerinnen und Bürger nicht mehr gewährleisten können.
Mit dieser Botschaft trat Alice Weidel in zahlreichen Talkshows und Interviews auf. Sie gab sich stets kompetent und argumentierte, dass man keine halben Sachen machen dürfe: Wer straffällig wird, muss konsequent abgeschoben werden. Viele Menschen, die sich nach Ordnung und raschen Lösungen sehnten, fanden sich in diesem Versprechen wieder. Dabei diente Weidel als Aushängeschild einer Partei, die nach außen plötzlich verhältnismäßig geschlossen wirkte. Hinter den Kulissen war jedoch offensichtlich, dass Björn Höcke und sein radikaler Flügel an Einfluss gewannen, sobald die Umfragewerte stiegen.
Dann kam der Wahltag im Februar. Trotz aller Vorwarnungen waren viele überrascht, als die AfD tatsächlich zur stärksten Kraft wurde. In den ersten Tagen nach dem Wahlsieg trat Weidel noch überall in Erscheinung und sprach davon, dass man jetzt eine „neue Sicherheitspolitik“ etablieren müsse. Sie ließ allerdings durchblicken, dass man mit Blick auf Europa und die Wirtschaft nicht jeden radikalen Vorschlag umsetzen könne. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt zeichnete sich bereits ab, dass Höcke eine andere Vorstellung von Politik vertrat und sich nicht länger mit der Rolle des Flügelchefs begnügen wollte.
Nach einigen Wochen, als die Regierungskonstellation endlich stand und die AfD in Schlüsselpositionen gelangt war, mehrten sich Berichte über interne Machtkämpfe. Höcke soll einflussreiche Parteigremien hinter sich versammelt haben. Vor allem die Basis war oft radikaler als das moderate Image, das Weidel nach außen vermitteln wollte. Schon bald wirkte Weidel im Auftreten zurückhaltender, während Höcke mehr und mehr als treibende Kraft in Erscheinung trat. Er plädierte für massive Verschärfungen bei Abschiebungen, rigide Grenzkontrollen und eine stringente Neuordnung des Asylsystems, die über den bisherigen rechtlichen Rahmen hinausging.
Schließlich verkündeten einige Medien, Weidel stehe kurz vor dem Rücktritt oder werde innerhalb der Partei auf einen unbedeutenden Posten abgeschoben. Die Parallelen zu Röhms Rolle als „Steigbügelhalter“ für Hitler drängten sich auf: Zunächst war Röhm unverzichtbar, dann wurde er ausgeschaltet, als man ihn nicht mehr brauchte. Hier sah es ähnlich aus – Weidel verhalf der AfD zum Erfolg, während Höcke danach die Gelegenheit nutzte, die eigene Macht zu konsolidieren.
Sollte die AfD im Februar tatsächlich so stark abschneiden, dass sie zusammen mit kleinen Koalitionspartnern regiert, und sollte Björn Höcke danach seine Macht rasant ausweiten, könnten wir uns vor einer autoritären Wende wiederfinden. Alice Weidel wäre in diesem Fall nur eine Übergangsfigur, die für ein gemäßigtes Image sorgt, bis die eigentlichen – deutlich radikaleren – Pläne umgesetzt werden. Sobald dieses Szenario einmal in Gang gesetzt ist, wäre es umso schwieriger, den autoritären Trend zu stoppen. Die historische Lehre zeigt, wie schnell eine solche Entwicklung unumkehrbar werden kann, wenn eine ausreichende Machtkonzentration erst einmal erreicht ist.
Von Lucke über Petry über Meuthen - es wurde immer radikaler. Höcke ist ein gefährlicher Stratege, der nicht zu unterschätzen ist. Hierzu sollte man sich die WDR Reportage von vor 5 Monaten über Höcke anschauen.
submitted by SiggiBulldog1 to Staiy [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 TheNinjArt Ah, c’est 30 balles ?

Bonjour à tous,
Je reviens de chez le médecin pour j’en consultation qui a duré 10minutes
C’était 30 balles.
C’est cher sa mère
Ça fait 180€ de l’heure
Il ne m’a pas prescrit de Doliprane et pourtant la pilule a du mal à passer
Bonne journée à vous
submitted by TheNinjArt to france [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 arsecrack88 Twister in Balloch 🤯 Please stay indoors and heed the warnings everyone.

Twister in Balloch 🤯 Please stay indoors and heed the warnings everyone. submitted by arsecrack88 to Scotland [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 briyaniraita Need Help with NMIMS PI Slot Booking Issue

I need a little help here. I paid for the PI registration form on the 21st and had to book a slot for NMIMS. However, I’ve encountered an issue. Apparently, the slot booking was only allowed on the 22nd, but this wasn’t communicated to us via mail, message, or mentioned on the dashboard. I tried calling their team yesterday, and they told me the slots would open between 3–4 PM or after 4 PM. Today, they said it would be between 3–7 PM. When I called them again around 3 PM today, they said the slots would open "anytime soon." However, when I called again at 4 PM because nothing happened, they informed me that no slots were available anymore and that I should have booked it on the 22nd itself. I’m really frustrated because I wasn’t given proper information at any point. Has anyone else faced this issue, and can anyone advise on what I can do now?
Thanks in advance!!
submitted by briyaniraita to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 Less_Independent_766 Software Engineer (Cloud & Engineering) - Financial Technology Co-op

So I just got an interview offer for a position at Macquarie Group, and I really want to nail it. If anyone has been through their interview process, could you share what it’s like? What kind of questions should I expect? Do they focus more on technical questions like LeetCode-style problems, or is it mostly resume-based? The more details, the better!
Feel free to DM me if youre not comfortable sharing here! Thanks ~~
submitted by Less_Independent_766 to Drexel [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 Big-Reindeer6461 My take on Kieran’s beard?!

My take on Kieran’s beard?! I am not a good trimmer first of all, but tried my best. Tho I am open for any advice on the beard :D
submitted by Big-Reindeer6461 to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 Express_Musician_576 I Sell OG Skull, OG Raiders Revenge(Style in spring) account

I Sell OG Skull, OG Raiders Revenge(Style in spring) account Purple Skull Trooper, OG Raiders Revenge, Black Knight, Mako, Psyco, Season 2-7 Battle pass and other Items. I will give Full Epic and full Email Access after I got the money. 850€ with Paypal. Dm when interested
submitted by Express_Musician_576 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 Alternative-Two-4625 Fonctionnement PER

Bonjour à tous,
J'ai une question concernant le PER. Admettons que je suis dans la tranche TMI à 30%.
Actuellement celle tranche est comme suit: revenus de 28 798 € à 82 341 € par part
Imaginons que mon revenu imposable est de 38 798 euros par part (et j'ai qu'une part).
Si je mets 15 000 euros sur une année dans mon PER, est-ce que :
1 - l'économie d'impôt sera de 30% de 15 000 euros soit 5 000 euros
2 - l'économie d'impôt sera de 30% de 10 000 euros et 11% de 5 000 euros soit 3 550 euros?
submitted by Alternative-Two-4625 to VosSous [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 nVc13 Need help making glass wave animation.

Hey, I'm really new to blender and would like to make a glass wave animation or abstract glass animation exactly the same as in this link of motion array ""
Can anybody help me guiding me the process to make it? Thank you.
submitted by nVc13 to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 hehe_kimmy_lang_bhie ABYG kung sumasama loob ko pag late yung gift ng boyfriend ko?

Every occasion like anniversary, bday or valentine’s, pinaghahandaan ko (F24) yung igigift ko kay bf. Nagtatabi ako ng money for that and advance ko talaga binibili to make sure na mabibigay ko on that exact date.
My bf (M23), on the other hand, he gives me gifts and i appreciate it so much but laging late. Nashoshort daw sya. I understand naman sana kaso naisip ko na kung ako nga nakakapagtabi kahit 50-100 per day, bat di nya rin yon magawa? And nakakagastos sya pang top up sa games or sa vape like a week before ng occasion so I think doon napupunta yung money. Kumbaga sumasama loob ko kasi parang magkaiba priority namin.
So, ako ba yung gago kasi di naman sya nakakalimot maggift or valid naman?
submitted by hehe_kimmy_lang_bhie to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 jvc72 Buy Signal Odfjell SE - 24 jan 2025 @ 11:54 -> NOK116.60

Ticker: ODF.OL
Exchange: OSL
Time: 24 jan 2025 @ 11:54
Price: NOK116.60
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 IntelligentSplit1419 Which one should I go for

Which one should I go for So this is my situation I can get both gpus for 200 pounds I just want whichever one is quieter. I am putting this in a fractal terra so could there be any issues with the flow thru in the gigabyte? Thanks
submitted by IntelligentSplit1419 to sffpc [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:12 kekebaby5150 Just came across this on another sub.

Just came across this on another sub. submitted by kekebaby5150 to whybrows [link] [comments]