Advice for Econ 0200 with Bossi

2025.01.24 13:21 Pristine_Bit5308 Advice for Econ 0200 with Bossi

is it necessary to read the textbook for Bossi's Econ 0200 class? Or is just the lecture enough
submitted by Pristine_Bit5308 to UPenn [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 AvocadoOk483 The warriors - in the city!

I always loved "in the city" and to follow along, i watched the movie "the warriors". i gotta say, that movie was amazing 10/10! definitely a classic new york film. Not to spoil it... But the ending where they played in the city was great to see!! anyone else watch the warriors?
submitted by AvocadoOk483 to EaglesBand [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 girlenteringtheworld Softer cup options? Currently using the softest cup I know of

Okay so I have a bit of a specific need and I'm hoping someone here has similar
I have a very low cervix and I have bladder issues. I'm currently using the Saalt Soft in the size small, and it works great for most periods... but when my bladder is irritated, the cup will push against the wall of my bladder and make the irritation worse.
Due to my low cervix, I'm having a hard time finding a cup that is as short as the Saalt small (I had to cut the entire stem off to make it fit) that is also softer than it.
It may just be that a cup for that doesn't exist yet, and I'll just stick with my current method (period underwear + pads) for the months I can't use the cup, but if there is a cup option I'd like to use it
submitted by girlenteringtheworld to menstrualcups [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 daily_mirror UK government stay silent after Donald Trump says Ukraine shouldn't have fought back against Putin

submitted by daily_mirror to internationalpolitics [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 Spac-or-Bust Air Force Active Duty with ADHD

Does anyone know if being diagnosed with ADHD while on active duty will disqualify you from going in a Non-Rated slot for OTS?
submitted by Spac-or-Bust to airforceots [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 Myriad_Kat_232 Center for political beauty

Tesla und Leon auf dem Tesla-Werk
submitted by Myriad_Kat_232 to autobloed [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 Fluffy_Boy91_ Is that

Is that submitted by Fluffy_Boy91_ to SuddenlyBFDI [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 Impossible-Lime2042 🤣🤣 lemed

submitted by Impossible-Lime2042 to OnceHuman3D [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 infinitehelpmaster Tony Left the UFC to give the other guys a shot at the title, Now he is ready to Fominate GFL.

Tony Left the UFC to give the other guys a shot at the title, Now he is ready to Fominate GFL. submitted by infinitehelpmaster to ufc [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 reallylongmovie How did rock blast miss? I had loaded dice

How did rock blast miss? I had loaded dice This is from Almost Any Ability
submitted by reallylongmovie to stunfisk [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 Critical_Brush3955 Pomoc oko ulaganje u crypto

Pozdrav svima, Evo prije svega student sam i mjesečno si mogu izdvojiti nekih 40-50€ sa strane koje ne želim trošiti već investirati. Mislim se ubaciti svako malo u bitcoin, ali ne znam preko čega. Trenutno koristim revolut pa bih volio čuti vaše mišljenje o tome da li je pametno preko njega kupovati. Ako imate neki prijedlog za neku drugu aplikaciju ili slično bio bi zahvalan :)
Znam da je nekom 40-50€ malo i da to nije big deal isto tako ne očekujem milijune jer sam svjestan da toliku investiciju nemogu pretvoriti u milijune. Želim samo negdje novac uložiti sa strane kako ih nebi potrošio na gluposti ako već ne moram.
submitted by Critical_Brush3955 to financije [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 Ambitious_Victory845 Warlords | Roleplay | Modded

Warlords is a roleplay smp which goal is to recreate old civilization, this draws inspiration from many games and shows such as Gladiator, Vikings, GOT, Ac Odyssey and more. The goal is to recreate empires, go to war with other kings, or be peaceful, live your life at a farm. You only have 3 lives, so you have to survive the challenges that await you!
> 🗺️ 30k x 30k Custom map!
> 🏰 Real life kingdoms such as Sparta, The Crusaders, Vikings and more.
> 🏹 4 Main types of cultures being ancient Greece, Ancient Asia, Middle Ages and the Vikings.
> 🎉 Custom Mods and modpack!
> ⚔️ Massive NPC armies
> ⭐Friendly community⭐
> Start your your warlords legacy today!
submitted by Ambitious_Victory845 to CreateServers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 UsualSale8142 HELLO GUYS

submitted by UsualSale8142 to LivestreamFail [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 Eggs-erroneous Velcro band?

I used to have a Garmin Fenix. Then, as one does, I finished my sleeve, and the fitness/health sensors have a hard time reading through darker tattoo ink. So I sold it and got a pixel watch 3 to match the phone. Decided if I wasn't able to make use of the fitness/health tracking features, why have something so dedicated to it. I found a heavy duty nylon band with velcro closure that I was quite fond of with the Garmin, but am having a tough time tracking one down for the new guy. Does anybody make one?
submitted by Eggs-erroneous to PixelWatch [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 DominatrixDivine It’s payday which is my favorite day of the week, because it’s the day you realize how little you have left for yourself.

It’s payday which is my favorite day of the week, because it’s the day you realize how little you have left for yourself. submitted by DominatrixDivine to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 Bozolozo06 Panne Drobo 5D

J'ai un Drobo 5D qui vient de tomber en panne.
Lorsque le boitier d'alimentation n'est pas connecté au Drobo, il y a une petite lumière verte qui semble indiquer qu'il fonctionne correctement.
Lorsque je branche le boitier d'alimentation au Drobo, la lumière verte faiblit par intermittence (sans s'éteindre) et le ventilateur du Drobo a un très faible mouvement, par intermittence également (il bouge à peine, s'arrête, etc.).
Pensez-vous que le problème puisse venir du boitier d'alimentation ou plutôt de l'alimentation du Drobo lui-même ?
J'ai trouvé un Drobo 5D3 d'occasion, pensez-vous que je puisse brancher les disques durs de mon Drobo 5D actuel afin de récupérer les données ?
Est-ce que cela ne risque pas de formater les disques ou de les endommager ?
Merci d'avance pour votre aide, je sais que ce sont de vieux produits, j'espère que quelqu'un pourra néanmoins m'aider :-)
submitted by Bozolozo06 to drobo [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 herequeerandgreat MMW: by the end of the year, france will take the statue of liberty back, having determined that america doesn't deserve it anymore.

submitted by herequeerandgreat to MarkMyWords [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 oldguy76205 January 24: H. T.. Burleigh - "Lovely, Dark and Lonely One"
submitted by oldguy76205 to NewSongEachDay [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 Beneficial_Shame_107 Another banger!

Another banger! This car is already so beautiful it was near impossible to design something that looks good on it. Some glitches also ruined the experience but here is the final product, any suggestions are welcome.
submitted by Beneficial_Shame_107 to NFSHeat [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 Mysterious_Mirror_32 Sollte ich meinen Vorgesetzten darüber informieren, dass ich in Therapie bin?

Hallo zusammen, ich (27,w) hatte heute meine erste Therapiestunde und es wird eine mittelgradige Depression vermutet. Die Therapeutin hat vorgeschlagen, dass ich 1x pro Woche für 100 Minuten an einer Gruppensitzung teilnehme. Diese wäre jeden Mittwoch um 15 Uhr.
Ich arbeite fast ausschließlich im home Office und habe sehr flexible Arbeitszeiten und kann mir die Arbeitszeit selbst einteilen. Es würde aber langfristig sicherlich irgendwann auffallen, dass ich jeden Mittwoch um 14:30 Uhr weg bin. Nur frage ich mich:
Soll ich meine Teamleiterin bereits jetzt darüber informieren oder einfach machen und nichts sagen? Ich denke, es wäre sowieso kein Problem, aber ich weiß nicht, was ich sagen soll, wenn mich jemand fragt, wieso ich weg muss. Ich möchte ehrlich gesagt nicht, dass jemand auf der Arbeit von meiner Therapie weiß und habe Angst, dass das langfristig zu meinem Nachteil ausgelegt werden könnte (Möchte zbs. zukünftig auch Führungskraft werden). Oder einen anderen, wöchentlichen Termin „erfinden“, wo ich hin muss?
submitted by Mysterious_Mirror_32 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 vaffanculo129 Can you review my account?

@ crazythingstv1
Hi everyone,i started posting shorts (mostly funny things/incidents on road). I have this channel like for 8-9 years,i had one video with about 200k and 100k,its on private rn.I would like to hear your suggestion,will i be able to monetize by posting this content? Almost every video had 0 views,but all of a sudden it spikes for a like 400-500 views per hour,then again low views.. I didnt get any copyright alerts,i starter giving credits every video..
submitted by vaffanculo129 to PartneredYoutube [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 davide91dd Vifly Whoopstor 3 Black screen

Hi all, I just got a vifly whoopstor 3 charger. I turned it on the first time and everything seemed to work ok, when I go to turn it back on the screen is black, it beeps when it turns on but the screen stays black. Has this happened to you too?
submitted by davide91dd to TinyWhoop [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 Matal3390 This place looks so peaceful I love the music and I don't want to leave. [LB6 Spoiler]

submitted by Matal3390 to FGO [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 Uncle_Boujee One of the sweetest pics ever used for a card imo. Kareem sky hook over Wilt

One of the sweetest pics ever used for a card imo. Kareem sky hook over Wilt 2nd card in my vintage basketball collection. This one is in crazy good condition except it kind of smells like basement. As far as I can tell there’s no mold or water damage but is there anyway to get that smell out? Will that affect my grade if I decided to grade it?
submitted by Uncle_Boujee to basketballcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:21 Iam_Tender_Angel A wonderful evening with an interesting ending awaits you

A wonderful evening with an interesting ending awaits you submitted by Iam_Tender_Angel to Pantyhose_Wife [link] [comments]