Looking to Borrow a Synth for a Month — Digital Nomads in Malaysia

2025.01.24 14:49 Proof-Sell9295 Looking to Borrow a Synth for a Month — Digital Nomads in Malaysia

My girlfriend and I are digital nomads currently in Malaysia for a month. She’s been playing the synthesizer for years, and we love enjoying music together in the evenings. Unfortunately, we can’t travel with a synth, so we’re looking to borrow one for the next month.
If anyone is willing to lend or rent out a synth for this period, we’d really appreciate it! We’ll take great care of it and return it in the same condition. Happy to discuss rental terms or any arrangements that work for you.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Proof-Sell9295 to KualaLumpur [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Joose738 EE Customer Service

0121 827 2744 UK
submitted by Joose738 to ScamNumbers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 kupoc2 Bully corneador

Quieres humillación, roll, abuso, morbo, relatos soy actual córneador de un Doctor Anciano, un ingeniero civil todo meco y un pendejo mesero
submitted by kupoc2 to ayudamexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Qugga Shop and stat info

Hello, I was wondering if there's a way to find your stat limits and how they work ie. Cooldown, in the game UI?
Also, is there a way to toggle multiple stats for items in the shop to find items you want? Like I click intelligence and then click cooldown and then it removes the int criterion?
submitted by Qugga to Smite [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 tekuache53042069 From Snap😍

From Snap😍 submitted by tekuache53042069 to NatalieMariduena [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 D-da-dawg Season to defeat the demons out FL production

Season to defeat the demons out FL production If anyone requests plugins and sounds etc used please ask ill provide! ✌️🥰
submitted by D-da-dawg to FL_Studio [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 beaautycuddly Test

submitted by beaautycuddly to cqs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 bot_neen Se registra fuerte choque sobre V. Carranza; responsable habría ignorado semáforo

Se registra fuerte choque sobre V. Carranza; responsable habría ignorado semáforo submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 bb0511 In around 300 years, Celestial Being will reveal themselves with Gundams.

submitted by bb0511 to Gundam [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 CallmeNiick Weather Boosted Dialga adding all join quick 237746478065

submitted by CallmeNiick to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 No-Interaction-1047 Heartbreaking news for cTTP

Heartbreaking news for cTTP The USTMA was working to get cTTP added to the recommended universal screening panel (RUSP) so children could be identified at birth and treated immediately prior to having the multiple strokes we are seeing in patients. This would’ve raised awareness, save lives and improved quality of life for every patient. Today we received this email. Indefinite pause.
submitted by No-Interaction-1047 to TTP_LowPlatelets [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Tasty_Ability_876 Runners/athletic people with b12 deficiency

Hi there , hoping to hear some similar stories with positive outcomes. Background/// I was previously running 80km a week last year and had been for around 5 years, with pretty decent times in 10k (42min) and Half marathon (1hr32). gradually my times started getting slower and slower without explanation. I’d been vegan for 8 years without supplementing b12… without warning this crept up on me and I now have intense neuropathy with pins and needles down my lower legs and can hardly run 5km without feeling extremely breathless and disoriented. I’ve been treating with high dose sublinguals for 8 months and have had no improvement in symptoms, I now have moved to EOD injections for the past month. I want to remain hopeful that I will be able to run like I used to again and haven’t done my body any lasting damage by pushing through fatigue. Have any recreational athletes recovered from a severe b12 deficiency and able to hit the times and distance that they used to? I’m so scared as running meant everything to me.
submitted by Tasty_Ability_876 to B12_Deficiency [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Khooni_Murga Every city has something funny going on.

submitted by Khooni_Murga to gurgaon [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 onboardcheese45 Was my second catch

Was my second catch submitted by onboardcheese45 to pokemongobrag [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 dripz_ice Is this a good pc?

Bought this pc for $1100, 2 days ago and wanna know if this was a good deal.
It has 4060 ti, 15-12400f, 16gb ram, 1tb storage and 750 psu
submitted by dripz_ice to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Superichiruki Genderbend (NAOMI MEVIL)

Genderbend (NAOMI MEVIL) submitted by Superichiruki to bankaifolk [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 s0vae Is it just me, or...

Is it just me, or... ...might we need a new standard of measurement soon?
submitted by s0vae to anythingbutmetric [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 LS360_swe A smart way to distinguish charged batteries from used ones

A smart way to distinguish charged batteries from used ones submitted by LS360_swe to flashlight [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 LeadSeveral Eignungstestfragen für deutsche Studenten an unserer Wiener Medizinuniversität.

Ansturm deutscher Studenten macht unseren Medizinunis schwer zu schaffen! Das Problem: wir müssen deutsche Bewerber gleich behandeln wie die Österreicher. Die Lösung: Der Numerus clausus austriacus medicinalis. Ein Eignungstest aus neun Fragen, der deutsche und österreichische Bewerber mit völlig identischen Fragen aus dem praktischen medizinischen Alltag konfrontiert. Die dezente Heranziehung minimal identitätsstiftender Austriazismen muss dabei erlaubt sein!
Die Eignungstestfragen:
Ein wamperter Tschecherant steht blunznfett mit einer Eitrigen auf einem Fensterbankl im Mezzanin. Sind notfallmedizinische Maßnahmen aus ärztlicher Sicht angezeigt?
Darf raunzendes Pflegepersonal scheanglnden Tachinierern ein Jaukerl geben, während diese büseln?
Ein Zniachtl von einem Patienten verkutzt sich: seine Birne sieht plötzlich aus wie ein Paradeiser. Ist es korrekt, die Birne des Patienten einzufaschen, sollte man ihm ein Pulverl geben oder reicht es, wenn er ein gutes Papperl bekommt?
Wären die obgenannten Methoden geeigneter, wenn unser Patient statt dem Friedhofsjodler ein Schlagerl gehabt hätte?
Muss jemand mit marodem Beuschl, der fesch weitertschickt, abkratzen?
Ein schaasaugerter Patient reißt einen Stern. Nach dem Buserer hat er einen Dippel. Er hat einen ziemlichen Fetzen. Er speibt sich in der Notaufnahme an. Kann zum Entfernen des Gespiebenen auch der Fetzen des Patienten verwendet werden? Wenn nein – warum nicht?
Ein verwoadaglter Straßenmusiker kommt mit einer Quetschn am Arm ins Spital. Die Quetschn wird aber nicht behandelt. Kann er mit der Quetschn am nächsten Tag wieder musizieren?
Ein Chirurg darf nicht tramhappert sein, sondern muss bei seiner Hack'n aufpassen wie ein: a. Schuhmacher b. Katzlmacher c. Haftlmacher

  1. Unterm Bett eines Patienten liegt ein Lurch. Was tun Sie? a. Lassen Sie die Station evakuieren und verständigen das amphibische Institut. b. Sie versuchen mit Hilfe des Patienten den Lurch zu fangen. c. Sie rufen den Reinigungsdienst und lassen auch gleich den Nachtscherm ausleeren.
submitted by LeadSeveral to wien [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 I_Forget_Stuff Are the mountains and valleys not universal for 3d stuff?

I'm working on this pikachu charizard costume, and all the dashed lines are mountains and all the dash dot lines are valleys. the last project I worked on was the complete opposite. Is this just not a universal thing?
submitted by I_Forget_Stuff to papercraft [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 fububunub Zenith Energy

Anyone invested in Zenith? Probably one of the better arbitrary cases right about now
submitted by fububunub to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Business_Resource741 Friends in Madrid, Spain?

Hi! Is there anyone living in Madrid to meet? Moved here with my partner (both in our 30s) a couple of months ago and would be nice to meet locals or foreigners to build friendships. Cheers!
submitted by Business_Resource741 to gayfriendship [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Spectertool Warp Bane List. I feel like triple DK's and Draigo are a "cop out". I know its a solid tactic and those usits are great, but a "deemer" is just to fun not to try . Its a straight forward list I and decided to lean into to bunches of P.cannons Any neat synergy suggestions with the list as is?

Warp Bane List. I feel like triple DK's and Draigo are a submitted by Spectertool to Grey_Knights [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 scsla Pizza - Famiglia Lucco

Pizza - Famiglia Lucco Fui surpreendida pela pizza do Famiglia Lucco. Massa boa, bem recheada, ótima qualidade de ingredientes e preço justo.
Sabores: - Grega (lombo, cebola e ovos) - Especial (frango e catupiry)
Fatias: 8, servem 3 pessoas sem fome e 2 com fome
Pontos positivos: catupiry de verdade, molho de tomate suave e salgado (algumas pizzaria usam molho de tomate doce e na maioria das vezes fica ruim), massa macia.
Preço: entre 55-65 para os sabores normais e 65-80 para sabores diferentes (camarão, filé, etc).
Pagamos 75 no total (pizza + coca cola + 10%).
submitted by scsla to ComiEmRecife [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 PublicSafetyHorror Can anyone think of any animals with an armored underbelly?

Besides the dwarf crocodile. I don’t want to use any of the same animals as the Indom 2.0. The way my hybrid attacks would leave its underbelly pretty exposed to the Indom’s claws. Can anyone think of any other animals with an armored underbelly?
I have a way to reinforce any armor I add to my hybrid, but I need for there to be armor there to reinforce.
submitted by PublicSafetyHorror to GojiCenter [link] [comments]
