2025.01.24 17:50 Beginning_Cap_7823 looking for a modlist like lorerim but itsnt so heavy on my pc
my specs are
AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor 16
16 gb ram
gpu gtx 1060 6gb
space round about 500 gb or less
submitted by Beginning_Cap_7823 to wabbajack [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:50 InternationalPop3939 Where can i go to become a dnd character artist? [Art]
So, i am an artist, i have been drawing my and my friend's DnD and Mage the Ascension characters for years now. Its something i really love doing and i was thinking of becoming an oc artist . I don't have my own platform and i haven't built an online presence so i was wondering if there are any sites for me to show my work and have people comission me. (I have included an example from a while ago) submitted by InternationalPop3939 to ArtComissions [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:50 fishboy231_W Value help
Hey I just wanted to know if the tarnish affects that value at all. submitted by fishboy231_W to coincollecting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:50 CallMeKate-E Tea Ritual resources
Asking the Hive mind here because people and community are going to be vastly better repositories of knowledge vs Google Fu nowadays.
I do my own tea alchemy. All herbal because I had to kick caffeine 3 years ago and can't go back. I've got books and resources on the properties of my ingredients, but nothing so much on the ritual around the tea making itself.
Caffeine used to calm my ADD mind and I mainlined energy drinks for many years as a way to combat stress. It was taking a big toll, so I switched to black tea. Whoops! That causes me kidney stones so bad it meant emergency surgery. I haven't had a bit of caffeine since 2021 but I get twitchy with need for it when I'm stressed. I'm chasing the calm mind the caffeine used to give me.
So I'm specifically looking for some kind of grounding / calming ritual I can weave into my tea making. Something that can compliment the properties of the tea itself.
Cause the world is a lot right now. Double so for being đłïžââ§ïž. Community is how we will survive so community knowledge was my thought.
submitted by CallMeKate-E to WitchesVsPatriarchy [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:50 Gotherapizeyoself Preparing to pull my kid from public school
I have so many doubts! My husband is a public school teacher so I donât get much support about unenrolling my 7 year old from public school. But this up coming school year Iâve decided to do so and enroll her in a virtual charter school.
But I donât want to make my decision based on anxiety alone. The tipping point was seeing a drone hovering over her playground at the end of the school day. We live in a very diverse area in southern CA. Iâve never seen a drone before and I donât see how this is legal. My intuition says something is not right.
Because there isnât evidence, yet, that something nefarious is happening I feel like I canât justify my decision. But Iâm going to prepare in these next few months and just pull the trigger. Anyone else have thoughts about this?
submitted by Gotherapizeyoself to TwoXPreppers [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:50 Valleys_Finest_ Where is this oil coming from in my reservoir? I have water in my coolant reservoir instead of coolant due to constant flushing
A submitted by Valleys_Finest_ to e46 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:50 Secure-Eggplant4167 Looking to trade!
Looking to trade spotted for one of these. Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/ljuOLFwGHjM submitted by Secure-Eggplant4167 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:50 kit_dunborg behind closed doors - the anti will
submitted by kit_dunborg to progmetal [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:50 rebornsgundam00 How would you 3 star?
submitted by rebornsgundam00 to tacticus [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:50 mucus_shastri What happens if I fail my supplementary?
Genuinely asking what happens
submitted by mucus_shastri to ChristUniversity [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:50 angellstarrr How long to become an aerospace medic?
Hi im a highschool student who is very interested in medicine and space and found the perfect balance. If someone could please help me out the years it takes to become, it would be highly appreciated! Im also more interested in more space/flight companies rather than the military route. Im also here because almost no information is found about how long it takes online (in the UK)
P.S is aerospace medic and flight surgeon the same thing?
submitted by angellstarrr to careerguidance [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:50 Quiet-Orange Songs removed from spotify?
I added Wang Yibo's song I Am Not Here to my playlist yesterday, listened to it and everything. And noticed today that it was just ... gone? Went to his page and it says it isn't available on Spotify, even though I literally listened to and added it last night. Is it just my Spotify messing up or is it removed entirely? I'm sad đ
submitted by Quiet-Orange to cpop [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:50 morley_94 Ableton 12 help.
Hey everyone. I recently switched to Windows after 10+ years of using Apple computers and Logic Pro for my music. I did this for a few reasons. Iâve been using Ableton 12 since switching to Windows. Iâve found the switch relatively easy, Ableton is a fantastic DAW and Iâm already very comfortable in it. However, the performance issues are starting to bother me already. I have a decent spec Windows desktop PC and a decent spec Windows laptop, but Ableton just seems unstable on both machines. I can literally open a new live set, throw on a couple of stock Ableton plugins and my CPU usage meter is often spiking. It also keeps crashing and is making me miserable as itâs happening too often to try and work through. Is this something many Ableton 12 users are experiencing? Iâve looked at a few YouTube videos and threads online of things to do to try and improve performance and combat any issues but nothing seems to be working. Is 12 generally unstable?
submitted by morley_94 to ableton [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:50 AcceptableSeesaw759 weft help! what weight to use?
hello friends!
i am weaving overshot (wandering vine) with a 2/12 wool warp. i believe the weft should be 2-3x larger than the weft; what do i look for when shopping for wools to use as the weft, to get the proper weight / yarn size?
isager highlander looks nice - it is a two-ply fingering. it seems i should aim for a fingering-weight - does that seem right?? thank you!!
submitted by AcceptableSeesaw759 to weaving [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:50 Puzzled_Hamster6426 I get sick :(
Does anyone have this problem: every time when I got skiing, I get sich after 3 or 4 days. Any Tipps? I already took propolis and ate a lot of veggies
submitted by Puzzled_Hamster6426 to Skigear [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:50 Rxlentless I still canât help but feel like my apartment isnât âmyâ space. How should I switch it up?
Basically title, I just feel like my space is an empty apartment with random shit thrown on the walls. The mirror on the floor is weird to hang bc of the studs in the wall being weird so it has remained there for a long time.
submitted by Rxlentless to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:50 Loneswordsman_ Important information regarding the recent VA news
submitted by Loneswordsman_ to Silksong [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:50 sp-seminare Compliance-Outsourcing: Effizienz steigern und rechtliche Vorgaben sicher umsetzen
Die Auslagerung der Compliance-Funktion ist fĂŒr viele Unternehmen eine attraktive Option, um regulatorische Anforderungen zu erfĂŒllen und gleichzeitig interne Ressourcen zu entlasten. Doch neben den klaren Vorteilen birgt das Outsourcing auch Risiken und Herausforderungen, die nicht unterschĂ€tzt werden dĂŒrfen. Dieser Artikel zeigt, worauf Unternehmen bei der Auslagerung der Compliance achten mĂŒssen, welche rechtlichen Anforderungen bestehen und wie sie Best Practices nutzen können, um eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Compliance Outsourcing Warum Compliance auslagern? Die regulatorischen Anforderungen in Branchen wie Finanzen, Versicherungen oder Gesundheitswesen werden immer komplexer. Unternehmen stehen vor der Herausforderung, regulatorische Risiken zu minimieren, ohne ihre internen AblĂ€ufe zu beeintrĂ€chtigen. Durch die Auslagerung der Compliance-Funktion an externe Experten können sie:
Risiken beim Outsourcing der Compliance 1. Verlust der Kontrolle Durch die Auslagerung geben Unternehmen einen Teil ihrer Kontrolle ĂŒber kritische Prozesse ab. Ohne klare Absprachen und Ăberwachungsmechanismen besteht das Risiko, dass der externe Dienstleister nicht im Sinne des Unternehmens handelt. 2. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit Compliance erfordert den Umgang mit sensiblen Daten. Ein externer Dienstleister muss garantieren, dass Datenschutzvorgaben wie die DSGVO oder branchenspezifische Regelungen eingehalten werden. 3. AbhĂ€ngigkeit vom Dienstleister Eine langfristige Partnerschaft mit einem externen Anbieter kann AbhĂ€ngigkeiten schaffen, die schwer aufzulösen sind, wenn sich Anforderungen oder Rahmenbedingungen Ă€ndern. 4. Fehlende Kenntnis der internen AblĂ€ufe Externe Anbieter bringen zwar Fachwissen mit, können jedoch nicht immer die internen Prozesse und die Unternehmenskultur im Detail verstehen. Dies kann zu Abstimmungsproblemen fĂŒhren. Rechtliche Anforderungen bei der Auslagerung der Compliance Die Auslagerung von Compliance-TĂ€tigkeiten ist nicht in allen FĂ€llen unproblematisch. Unternehmen mĂŒssen sicherstellen, dass:
Best Practices fĂŒr erfolgreiches Compliance-Outsourcing 1. Auswahl des richtigen Dienstleisters Ein kompetenter Dienstleister zeichnet sich durch:
3. Ăberwachung und Kontrolle Auch bei ausgelagerter Compliance bleibt das Unternehmen verantwortlich. RegelmĂ€Ăige Audits und Risikobewertungen helfen, die Leistung des Dienstleisters zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen und sicherzustellen, dass alle Vorgaben erfĂŒllt werden. 4. Schulung der Mitarbeiter Obwohl Compliance ausgelagert wird, mĂŒssen die Mitarbeiter im Unternehmen sensibilisiert bleiben. Schulungen und Workshops sollten sicherstellen, dass sie Risiken frĂŒhzeitig erkennen und an den Dienstleister weiterleiten können. Fallstudie: Erfolgreiche Auslagerung der WpHG-Compliance Ein mittelstĂ€ndisches Wertpapierhaus entschied sich fĂŒr die Auslagerung der WpHG-Compliance, um die Anforderungen effizienter zu erfĂŒllen. Der gewĂ€hlte Dienstleister bot nicht nur umfassende Beratung, sondern ĂŒbernahm auch die Kommunikation mit der BaFin. Das Ergebnis: eine deutliche Reduzierung der internen Arbeitsbelastung und eine höhere Rechtssicherheit. Erfahre mehr ĂŒber WpHG-Compliance hier. Fazit Die Auslagerung der Compliance bietet viele Chancen, erfordert jedoch eine grĂŒndliche Planung und Kontrolle. Unternehmen, die Risiken proaktiv managen, rechtliche Anforderungen einhalten und Best Practices nutzen, können von einer erfolgreichen Partnerschaft mit externen Compliance-Dienstleistern profitieren. Mehr Informationen findest du im SP Compliance Package und den weiteren spezialisierten Angeboten von S+P Compliance Services. submitted by sp-seminare to Compliance_Advisor [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:50 reddit_lss_2 Test Title 24-January-2025 17:49:59
Test body 24-January-2025 17:49:59
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to lssAuto [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:50 Yeg4babe 30m - canada - looking for friends to chat with ( anyone )
Heeey, bored 30m looking to chat and make friends. I could explain everything about me here but whats the point of that, when you could msg and find out. :) age +18, race, religion, size, hobbies, dont matter... just message and find out. Would like long term but short term could do as well.
submitted by Yeg4babe to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:50 thehappysappy Offering ride to the concert
Will be traveling to the stadium from Ginger Changodar tomorrow. Have 3 seats in my car, anybody interested to carpool can join.
submitted by thehappysappy to coldplayindia [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:50 m_w_h Nvidia Profile Inspector v2.4.0.8 Released
New official version of Nvidia Profile Inspector by Orbm2uk released (24th January 2025)
Description by Orbm2uk:
[Nvidia Profile Inspector] is used for modifying game profiles inside the internal driver database of the Nvidia driver. All game profiles are provided by the Nvidia driver, but you can add your own profiles for games missing in the driver database. You also have access to hidden and undocumented settings, which are not provided by the drivers control panel.
Guidance, Feature Breakdown and Use Cases
Changes in v2.4.0.8 Stable
2025.01.24 17:50 thechordofpleasure Getting Latex Paint Out of Carpet
Hi! So I have caked on, dried latex paint on the carpet of my stairs đ I've tried only soaking with a bit of water and using a brass bristled brush but it didn't budge.
I've read online to try 100% acetone, but haven't tried that yet.
It is the area of about maybe 2 inches in diameter. The carpet is old but I'm listing my house for sale on Monday and so just want to make it look presentable, not perfect.
Please help! TIA!
submitted by thechordofpleasure to howto [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:50 Cupcake974 Will medical collections be removed immediately on March 17th?
With the new law taking effect march 17th, should we see it falling off immediately? Or will it be staggered and have to way another 30 day reporting cycle.
Iâm just asking because I need my credit as high as possible by the end of march
Also, is it 100% considered a âmedical debtâ if it was from my ENT doctor?
submitted by Cupcake974 to CRedit [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:50 TraditionalGoose1987 Need advice
Something is off here! Is it her arm reaching up? Should it be lowered? Or is it her other arm on her thigh? Maybe her chest area? If it helps shes wearing a waist corset Need helpđ„č submitted by TraditionalGoose1987 to Artadvice [link] [comments] |