2025.01.24 18:20 Tiny_Sheepherder3106 Using Sheet Name to Pull In Data
I’m trying to put some data behind sports betting and I’m setting up my template. Cutting back on copying and pasting I’m trying to figure out a way to copy and paste data from a source into a particular sheet.
I’ve got a source sheet called “Trends”. In column “A” is the Game - “Team A @ Team B”. There can be multiple instances of a value. I’ve wrote a macro to take each unique value and create a new sheet based on the unique game name. Now I’m trying to copy from the source sheet any row where the value in column A (Game) matches the Active sheet name.
Example: Source Sheet has 30 rows, 3 unique games A vs B, B vs C, and D v E.
For simplicity sake, each game has 10 rows. I’m looking for a formula or VBA string to start in A v B and pull any row from the Source Sheet that matches its corresponding sheet name (ultimately from all 3 sheets).
Any help is appreciated!
submitted by Tiny_Sheepherder3106 to excel [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:20 LurkingPorcupine Furball Friday
Luna my French Bulldog waiting for admission decisions in order to find out where we’ll be living for the next 3 years.
submitted by LurkingPorcupine to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:20 Embarrassed-West824 Dialga ⛓️🔥🔥many locals + pp 136444499641
submitted by Embarrassed-West824 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:20 ukkj Há algum problema em se inscrever na UFC mesmo matriculado em outra UF?
Eu estou matrículado institucionalmente em uma universidade federal nesse ano (2025), ou seja, "estou matrículado" mas ainda não no sistema de fato, (OBS: as aulas ainda não começaram) e tenho boas chances de passar para a UFC (Universidade federal do Ceará) pelo Sisu 2025.
Entretanto, eu não tenho o número de matrícula da minha UF, então não consigo cancelar minha matrícula, mas mesmo se eu tivesse, o prazo para o cancelamento é de até 5 dias úteis, o que é muito demorado em comparação com o período de solicitação de matrícula no Sisu (27 a 31 de Janeiro).
Alguêm pode me informar se há algum problema em se inscrever na UFC mesmo matriculado em outra UF? (Ouvi dizer que a UFC providencia o cancelamento da matricula mais antiga)
submitted by ukkj to faculdadeBR [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:20 Raebelle1981 Cats fighting all the time
Hi I have an elderly cat that just wants to be alone and I’m having to watch my brothers cat as he is being hospitalized for a long period of time and he will have to live here for a while. Meanwhile the other cat wants to play with my cat and my cat will hiss and growl and swat at him but he doesn’t take the hint. I feed them in separate areas but my brothers cat is able to jump over gates. We also have feliway diffusers which I guess aren’t helping. Does anyone have suggestions?
submitted by Raebelle1981 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:20 ShoeDouble7439 I need $40 bucks for gas. Anyone willing to help me with that? Obviously for something in return 😈
submitted by ShoeDouble7439 to reginahookup [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:20 Apprehensive_Bus3942 Little help/advice needed
Looking to part with some cards but not sure which is the better long term hold.
Have a spectre Juan Soto 2021 firework fabrics /8 And a 2019 flawless patch auto /15
I know flawless is generally higher end( duh) but will the /8 eventually overcome this ? I got both for about the same price( grabbed when his cards were cheaper) so not sure what might have a better roi in the future.
Opinions anyone?
submitted by Apprehensive_Bus3942 to baseballcards [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:19 SnooBananas111 [WTT] Dixxon for x300 ultra
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/gJTo13Q
Little bit of a different one I have some Large Dixxon flannels I want to trade for a FDE surfire X300 ultra. Heres the list of flannels to choose from - BRCC adventurer L - Imperial L - 0 dark 30 M - 223 L - Vorhees L - Live forever L - Third street L -Sarge L
The flannels vary in price from $50-$150 so if interested message me the flannels you want and we can work something out
submitted by SnooBananas111 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:19 WindofMarch Helena is acting on her own?
My theory is: it’s a double fake out- Yes she’s entering the severed floor un-severed, but lumon or the board doesn’t know. “The board will give him what he wants, including Helly”
Maybe out of jealousy, wanting to experience a “normal” life out of her current confines. Maybe forced to take the fall and record the video apology was a breaking point?
submitted by WindofMarch to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:19 Radiant_Story5739 Looking for new friends to talk with
Hi everyone, I'm looking to get to meet some new people to chat with. My interests are sports, music, and video games. I am a fan of sports including Soccer, baseball, fishing and football. My music taste is mostly EDM and sometimes alternative rock. If anyone is interested please DM me.
submitted by Radiant_Story5739 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:19 Blackmetalvomit What is the car in this Alanis Morisette music video?
submitted by Blackmetalvomit to whatisthiscar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 18:19 Firm_Passage1927 Cloud and Boo are done! <3
submitted by Firm_Passage1927 to UsagiShima [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 18:19 haylz328 Does the sleep get better?
So I was put on this all singing all dancing drug to cure my severe insomnia and anxiety. I was legit in panic attacks 24/7 and couldn’t sleep or even sit still it was so bad. I’m on 15mg btw
Week 1 I was a zombie. I had very broken sleep loads of disturbing dreams. Woke up in utter panic. During the day I couldn’t move off the sofa but after what I’d been through I figured I was allowed to be a sloth and heal
Week 2 sleep still broken, lots of vivid dreams but not disturbing. No anxiety but MAJOR depression. We rode it through
Week 3 I feel like I’m in some weird half sleep state all night. I wake frequently and the night goes slow which is how I know I’m not sleeping properly. Still wake up in panic but easier to control. I have anxiety all day but I can sit still. Feel in a dark place mentally. Had a couple of really great days at the start of the week though but that stopped
Called doc today. She mentioned going to 30mg. I’m not sure for sleep as I tried 7.5 a couple of times in my weeks on this to see if I’d get the “knock out” effect everyone raved about. Alas I did not. I know some people are backwards and well maybe I’m one of them. I envy those of you it does knock out.
I’ve also been prescribed 50mg of promethazine for sleep and this has now lost effectiveness however I’ve had a bad cough and it’s suppressed it at night so I guess it helped a bit.
Now I’m debating several options. I’m in UK and finally managed to get my hands on some melatonin today, whoop whoop so do I
1, just take melatonin and promethazine and see how I go for sleep
2, take 22.5 mirt,promethazine and melatonin
3, take 15 mirt, promethazine and melatonin
Or 4, just do the 30 mirt with promethazine and melatonin
I’m now not using promethazine as a sleep aid but rather a cough suppressant. I hate the drug but when I’m already getting crappy sleep I need the cough to get out of the way. Melatonin I’m hyped to give this a whirl was planning on a low dose of 1g to start.
When you up dosage do you get the zombie feel again. I need this in my life right now. So far all in all my appetite has not increased, this week it’s decreased significantly with the return of the anxiety. I have developed an isolated soft spot for chocolate I didn’t have before. I was more a crisp/potato chip kinda girl before.
Anywho let me know what you think
submitted by haylz328 to Mirtazapine_Remeron [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:19 sirvaperpill [PC] W: Rune Stack !!! H: +Karma
Need some runes tysm<3
submitted by sirvaperpill to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:19 anumendsen Kto by nahradil Fica keby nejakým čistým zázrakom odstúpil?
btw: viem že neodstúpi, len ma to tak zaujalo :D
submitted by anumendsen to Slovakia [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:19 No-Acanthaceae4242 BL version of this song 😀😂
submitted by No-Acanthaceae4242 to BLedits [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 18:19 SkittishSkittle Can virkon S destroy pieces of furniture? (Especially wood and fabric)
I gotta disinfect my whole house because my quarantined girls have been diagnosed with PBFD (I still have them bc they’ll get re-tested in 3 months) and my mum’s worried her pieces of furniture will get damaged.
F10 wasn’t available so I got virkon S and read that it’s supposed to be diluted with water into a 1% solution. I’ve also read it’s supposed to be washed off after 10 minutes, and there’s no way I can get it out of the couch. But I’ve read the same thing about F10 which was said to be untrue.
Btw do I have to disinfect it a few times or is one time sufficient enough? I’m worried about spreading the virus to the clean areas while cleaning, because it’s gonna be on my body no matter what.
submitted by SkittishSkittle to parrots [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:19 _Lettingitlinger_ A little confused on status
So I submitted my application on 1/14 Got the notification that it was in process on 1/21 Received an update that it was shipped yesterday 1/23 Now it’s saying that it’s been approved and they are working on it 1/24 Why would it say shipped and then approved? Should I be expecting it soon or should I be waiting on another notification that it’s been shipped (again)?
submitted by _Lettingitlinger_ to Passports [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:19 McWolf999 Песня генерал-майора (1879 год)
Пересматривал "Гадкий Я - 3", и в сцене, где миньоны поют на конкурсе, задумался - что это за песня? https://preview.redd.it/2exwykn6gzee1.jpg?width=2235&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9bf7bf3f7880c7b4b24acce03550b71bd24f17d https://preview.redd.it/376t07n6gzee1.jpg?width=2239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e8d88112f2523d21aeb38bd8e1f4bbb8fce3012 Поскольку ссылки на ютуб режет, оставляю названия на youtube "Despicable Me 3 | In Theaters June 30 (Minions Take the Stage) (HD) | Illumination" Как обычно, полез в гугл. Итак, песня из комической оперы "Пираты Пензанса" (The Pirates of Penzance) 1879 года двух авторов - Гилберта и Салливана (поэт William Schwenck Gilbert и музыкант Arthur Seymour Sullivan, сочинили вместе 14 опер). Опера про пиратов в 2 актах, пираты, романтика, стёб. Например, полиция боится пиратов, но, когда пиратов просят сдаться именем королевы, то пираты сдаются, потому что тоже уважают свою королеву. После того, как авторские права со временем потеряли силу, разные театры начали ставить обновлённые версии, например, бродвейский вариант 1981 года (787 представлений) и фильм-мюзикл 1983 года. То есть это не такая уж и древняя вещь. Один из героев оперы - старый некомпетентный генерал-майор (Major-general), который по своим военным делам ничего не понимает, но зато знает много о современной науке. И его песня-скороговорка (patter song) "Я - образец современного генерал-майора!" (I am the very model of a modern major general!) стала очень узнаваемой: I am the very model of a modern Major-Gineral, I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral, I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical; Я - образец современного генерал-майора, У меня есть информация о растениях, животных и минералах, Я знаю королей Англии и цитирую исторические битвы От Марафона до Ватерлоо, в порядке категорий; Как я понимаю, "в порядке категорий" (in order categorical) - это не просто по датам, а ещё и по категориям "морские/на суше". youtube "Major-General's Song from The Pirates of Penzance - live and with lyrics!" Хотя там весь текст - прикол на приколе, но для людей "в теме". Вроде того, что он может напевать фугу, которую услышал раньше: Then I can hum a fugue of which I've heard the music's din afore В музыке фУга - композиционная техника и форма полифонической музыки, где общая мелодическая линия многоголосного произведения «перебегает» из одного голоса в другой. То есть фуга - это по умолчанию одновременное сочетание двух или более самостоятельных мелодических голосов (контрапункт), напевать её в один голос не получится никак. Использований "Песни генерал-майора" в массовой культуре довольно много. В игре Mass Effect 2 инопланетный учёный пел вариант с текстом про "саларианского учёного": https://preview.redd.it/xobqhsykgzee1.jpg?width=2229&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1be11d64ce74d273a3df1ee83c27635f36c3abe https://preview.redd.it/34vuntykgzee1.jpg?width=2243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3b99cdb855e8eccfb29f2e2d6d30ad4abb60501 https://preview.redd.it/vwxfwrykgzee1.jpg?width=2230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70aff838f655e67d300f8495bd02976240987ed4 I am the very model of a scientist Salarian I've studied species Turian Asari and Batarian I'm quite good at genetics as a subset of biology Because I am an expert which I know is a tautology youtube "Mass Effect 2: Mordin Sings Gilbert and Sullivan" В старом сериале "Вавилон 5" в одной из серий (сезон 4 эпизод 9 "Atonement") персонаж (Marcus Cole) напевает, чтобы позлить другого персонажа. youtube "Marcus sings" Симпсоны (сезон 5 эпизод 15, Deep Space Homer), где Барни хотят запустить в космос и он в спортзале поёт: https://preview.redd.it/feuiknftgzee1.jpg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da45eb2e7bee29dbb0ec942302291e2febb52ec1 youtube "Deep Space Homer: Barney doing flips in the Gym" Песня упоминается в Star Trek. Star Trek: Short Treks (сезон 2, эпизод 2, "Q&A"), когда Спок и Номер Один застряли в лифте ("господа гусары, молчать!") и Номер Один поёт песню генерал-майора youtube "Star Trek Short Q&A - Spock & Number One Sing A Song" А в Star Trek Discovery, когда Спока на суде (сезон 2, эпизод 2 "Ad Astra Per Aspera") спрашивают: "Как вы думаете, что скрывает Номер Один?" - "Увлечение мюзиклами Гилберта и Салливана". Когда в известном бродвейском мюзикле "Hamilton" Джордж Вашингтон поёт: "Now I’m the model of a modern major general, the venerated Virginian veteran whose men are all lining up to put me up on a pedestal" ("Теперь я образец современного генерал-майора, почитаемого ветерана Вирджинии, чьи люди выстраиваются в очередь, чтобы вознести меня на пьедестал"), то отсылка тоже ясна. В общем, после нескольких часов залипания в гугле, песня миньонов смотрится уже с другим настроением. submitted by McWolf999 to Pikabu [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 18:19 firandelo [self-promotion] Started a new series in YouTube come and take a look
Hey folks I started this week a Let's Play series in my YouTube channel and today the third episode is out. https://youtu.be/SSZCzThH1KM?si=qx-xkgdEzkw8Db6- With this series I am using the same map as bballjo latest series. My objectives are: - Build Airport industry for the first time - tryout the small city design - Build automotive factories - Try to reach 100k citizens
All the feedback is welcome, thanks in advance
submitted by firandelo to Workers_And_Resources [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:19 GalaxyS3User This is the most Diabolical shit I've ever done 😭😭😭😭
Might get cancelled for this
But ik not lgtvphobic dw im not like u/flowermadison
submitted by GalaxyS3User to ObjectShows [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:19 FreedomKnifeShop Top 10 Deals This Week (FKS Edition)
Hey y'all!! I hope this was an awesome and successful week for everyone!!
Just wanted to come here and highlight our 10 best-selling knives from this week! You will notice we no longer have the "Lower Price In Cart" badges, as we were "suggested" by one of the manufacturers that it is not allowed, but you can still enjoy the same discounts in cart as before, so always make sure to add to cart to check out the final price of all these deals (and all Spyderco and Hogue knives).
Before jumping in to the list, just wanted to shoutout that we did get some Spyderco Military 2 with Brown Micarta Handle CRU-WEAR Steel just now: https://freedomknifeshop.com/products/spyderco-military-2-cpm-brn-canvas.html
On to the list :)
2025.01.24 18:19 DalyDriver My friend's name is Aja
my friend hates her Dad and he wasn't around much
submitted by DalyDriver to steelydancirclejerk [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:19 Rude_Video_3850 Is this real?
found this on ebay. Its open on one side submitted by Rude_Video_3850 to chromeheartlc [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 18:19 Floatippity Working on approving members for commenting… please hold…
submitted by Floatippity to scubawomen [link] [comments]