Can virkon S destroy pieces of furniture? (Especially wood and fabric)

2025.01.24 18:19 SkittishSkittle Can virkon S destroy pieces of furniture? (Especially wood and fabric)

I gotta disinfect my whole house because my quarantined girls have been diagnosed with PBFD (I still have them bc they’ll get re-tested in 3 months) and my mum’s worried her pieces of furniture will get damaged.
F10 wasn’t available so I got virkon S and read that it’s supposed to be diluted with water into a 1% solution. I’ve also read it’s supposed to be washed off after 10 minutes, and there’s no way I can get it out of the couch. But I’ve read the same thing about F10 which was said to be untrue.
Btw do I have to disinfect it a few times or is one time sufficient enough? I’m worried about spreading the virus to the clean areas while cleaning, because it’s gonna be on my body no matter what.
submitted by SkittishSkittle to parrots [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 _Lettingitlinger_ A little confused on status

So I submitted my application on 1/14 Got the notification that it was in process on 1/21 Received an update that it was shipped yesterday 1/23 Now it’s saying that it’s been approved and they are working on it 1/24 Why would it say shipped and then approved? Should I be expecting it soon or should I be waiting on another notification that it’s been shipped (again)?
submitted by _Lettingitlinger_ to Passports [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 McWolf999 Песня генерал-майора (1879 год)

Песня генерал-майора (1879 год) Пересматривал "Гадкий Я - 3", и в сцене, где миньоны поют на конкурсе, задумался - что это за песня?
Поскольку ссылки на ютуб режет, оставляю названия на youtube "Despicable Me 3 | In Theaters June 30 (Minions Take the Stage) (HD) | Illumination"
Как обычно, полез в гугл. Итак, песня из комической оперы "Пираты Пензанса" (The Pirates of Penzance) 1879 года двух авторов - Гилберта и Салливана (поэт William Schwenck Gilbert и музыкант Arthur Seymour Sullivan, сочинили вместе 14 опер).
Опера про пиратов в 2 актах, пираты, романтика, стёб. Например, полиция боится пиратов, но, когда пиратов просят сдаться именем королевы, то пираты сдаются, потому что тоже уважают свою королеву.
После того, как авторские права со временем потеряли силу, разные театры начали ставить обновлённые версии, например, бродвейский вариант 1981 года (787 представлений) и фильм-мюзикл 1983 года. То есть это не такая уж и древняя вещь.
Один из героев оперы - старый некомпетентный генерал-майор (Major-general), который по своим военным делам ничего не понимает, но зато знает много о современной науке. И его песня-скороговорка (patter song) "Я - образец современного генерал-майора!" (I am the very model of a modern major general!) стала очень узнаваемой:
I am the very model of a modern Major-Gineral,
I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical;
Я - образец современного генерал-майора,
У меня есть информация о растениях, животных и минералах,
Я знаю королей Англии и цитирую исторические битвы
От Марафона до Ватерлоо, в порядке категорий;
Как я понимаю, "в порядке категорий" (in order categorical) - это не просто по датам, а ещё и по категориям "морские/на суше".
youtube "Major-General's Song from The Pirates of Penzance - live and with lyrics!"
Хотя там весь текст - прикол на приколе, но для людей "в теме". Вроде того, что он может напевать фугу, которую услышал раньше:
Then I can hum a fugue of which I've heard the music's din afore
В музыке фУга - композиционная техника и форма полифонической музыки, где общая мелодическая линия многоголосного произведения «перебегает» из одного голоса в другой. То есть фуга - это по умолчанию одновременное сочетание двух или более самостоятельных мелодических голосов (контрапункт), напевать её в один голос не получится никак.
Использований "Песни генерал-майора" в массовой культуре довольно много.
В игре Mass Effect 2 инопланетный учёный пел вариант с текстом про "саларианского учёного":
I am the very model of a scientist Salarian
I've studied species Turian Asari and Batarian
I'm quite good at genetics as a subset of biology
Because I am an expert which I know is a tautology
youtube "Mass Effect 2: Mordin Sings Gilbert and Sullivan"
В старом сериале "Вавилон 5" в одной из серий (сезон 4 эпизод 9 "Atonement") персонаж (Marcus Cole) напевает, чтобы позлить другого персонажа.
youtube "Marcus sings"
Симпсоны (сезон 5 эпизод 15, Deep Space Homer), где Барни хотят запустить в космос и он в спортзале поёт:
youtube "Deep Space Homer: Barney doing flips in the Gym"
Песня упоминается в Star Trek.
Star Trek: Short Treks (сезон 2, эпизод 2, "Q&A"), когда Спок и Номер Один застряли в лифте ("господа гусары, молчать!") и Номер Один поёт песню генерал-майора
youtube "Star Trek Short Q&A - Spock & Number One Sing A Song"
А в Star Trek Discovery, когда Спока на суде (сезон 2, эпизод 2 "Ad Astra Per Aspera") спрашивают: "Как вы думаете, что скрывает Номер Один?" - "Увлечение мюзиклами Гилберта и Салливана".
Когда в известном бродвейском мюзикле "Hamilton" Джордж Вашингтон поёт: "Now I’m the model of a modern major general, the venerated Virginian veteran whose men are all lining up to put me up on a pedestal" ("Теперь я образец современного генерал-майора, почитаемого ветерана Вирджинии, чьи люди выстраиваются в очередь, чтобы вознести меня на пьедестал"), то отсылка тоже ясна.
В общем, после нескольких часов залипания в гугле, песня миньонов смотрится уже с другим настроением.
submitted by McWolf999 to Pikabu [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 firandelo [self-promotion] Started a new series in YouTube come and take a look

Hey folks I started this week a Let's Play series in my YouTube channel and today the third episode is out. With this series I am using the same map as bballjo latest series. My objectives are: - Build Airport industry for the first time - tryout the small city design - Build automotive factories - Try to reach 100k citizens
All the feedback is welcome, thanks in advance
submitted by firandelo to Workers_And_Resources [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 GalaxyS3User This is the most Diabolical shit I've ever done 😭😭😭😭

Might get cancelled for this
But ik not lgtvphobic dw im not like u/flowermadison
submitted by GalaxyS3User to ObjectShows [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 FreedomKnifeShop Top 10 Deals This Week (FKS Edition)

Hey y'all!! I hope this was an awesome and successful week for everyone!!
Just wanted to come here and highlight our 10 best-selling knives from this week! You will notice we no longer have the "Lower Price In Cart" badges, as we were "suggested" by one of the manufacturers that it is not allowed, but you can still enjoy the same discounts in cart as before, so always make sure to add to cart to check out the final price of all these deals (and all Spyderco and Hogue knives).
Before jumping in to the list, just wanted to shoutout that we did get some Spyderco Military 2 with Brown Micarta Handle CRU-WEAR Steel just now:
On to the list :)

  1. Spyderco Shaman CPM-SPY27
  2. Spyderco Para Military 2 Black DLC Finish S45VN
  3. Spyderco Sage 5 Lightweight CPM-SPY27
  4. Spyderco Tecnho 3 CTS XHP
  5. Spyderco Boadious (Black) CPM-S30V
  6. Hogue Deka FDE CPM Magnacut
  7. Spyderco Manix CTS BD1N
  8. Spyderco Para Military 2 CPM S110V
  9. Spyderco Manix 2 (Black) CPM-S30V
  10. Spyderco Manix 2 CPM-SPY27
We hope you enjoy your weekend, and appreciate all the business and support!!
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us here, or over email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
submitted by FreedomKnifeShop to KnifeDeals [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 DalyDriver My friend's name is Aja

my friend hates her Dad and he wasn't around much
submitted by DalyDriver to steelydancirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 Floatippity Working on approving members for commenting… please hold…

submitted by Floatippity to scubawomen [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 cr3ax Perfumes for sister’s marriage

My sister’s marriage is in a week and I am planning to order some decants (3-4) for each function. Could I get some suggestions? I am M24. TIA
submitted by cr3ax to DesiFragranceAddicts [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 RegularAnimal6310fan CD player recommendation

CD player recommendation can anyone recommend a CD player that will work with this stack? Thanks.
submitted by RegularAnimal6310fan to audiophile [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 snxwwww guys ik this isnt big but what-

guys ik this isnt big but what- i just did this trade 😋 make mega commons guys😭
submitted by snxwwww to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 ulikaiser8 Lilium: Don’t be fooled by the pumpers

via X (search for Lilium)
submitted by ulikaiser8 to LiliumJet [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 Ok_Communication6196 Looking for a threezero Heisenberg figure

Hey there, I really need help finding a real threezero Heisenberg figure. EBay looks to be the only place but everything’s either over priced or fake anyone help?
submitted by Ok_Communication6196 to hottoys [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 ExtremeComplex Is a Horde of Deadbeat Borrowers Again Walking Among Us? - Appraisers Blogs

In 2022, a San Ramon, California, couple who hadn’t made a mortgage payment since 2009 was finally evicted. Anita and Mahesh Khurana had put on a masterclass in the use of the courts to keep foreclosure at bay. The holdouts had lived in their home payment-free for 13 years. A state court finally ruled they had exhausted all appeals, and they were ejected.
submitted by ExtremeComplex to REBubble [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 Minute_Difference598 Series by @ka_kokono that i have discovered recently that i thought i should share

Series by @ka_kokono that i have discovered recently that i thought i should share Idk how the best to share it was because it was like 6 different posts so i just screenshoted all of them. There’s probably a better way but i don’t really know at the moment.
submitted by Minute_Difference598 to Hololive [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 Finnigen Porter Ricks - Redundance 1

Porter Ricks - Redundance 1 submitted by Finnigen to Techno [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 TryPuzzleheaded4982 I (23M) bled twice from my frenulum while having unprotected piv sex with my gf (22F), please advice!

Posting from my alternate account. Please be non-judgemental and advice us accordingly, it'd be really appreciated.
We decided to visit a doctor but there are several things that happened and we wanted to know what the reddit community can say too.
For context, we had unprotected piv sex more than 50 times but today and the last time, which was almost 10 days ago, I bled twice from my frenulum. We tried and didn't like condoms, I don't produce precum so we decided to go unprotected and pull out as our contraception.
The first time it happened, lubrication was less at the time I was entering, there was sudden pain so I pulled out and saw it was bleeding small drops of blood. Cleaned it and after a while we continued, stupid of us? Maybe yes but I wanted to see if it'll pain, it didn't.
I kept masturbating for the next few days to see if it'll pain, it didn't.
So almost 10 days later, today, we used parachute oil for the first time as lubrication but it bled again immediately after entering her. Only this time I realised if my blood mixes with her fluid, it could be a problem for both of us. But did we stop? We wanted to but we didn't. It stopped paining within a minute or two so we continued and by the time we finished, it wasn't bleeding either.
If this info is also needed, I use whatever soap available to clean myself down there, not the mild, non-irritating soap that's suggested on the internet, I think I'll purchase one now.
Here's what we want to know:
- What might be the problem with me? - Is it the less lubrication that might have caused the cut? - Men, in this sub, did you face a similar problem? If so, please share what you did. - Should we go see a doc immediately? I was thinking if I let it heal without masturbating for a month or so, would it completely heal? We'll still go see a doctor but I just wanted to know if natural healing is an option. - Are we at any risk of STD, STI now that my blood is mixed with her vaginal fluids, we discussed multiple times to go see a doc formally for a medical check-up because we are actively having sex, now it's just high time and no excuses.
Also any doctors reading, please tell us what do you think and what should we do? Any suggestions for a good urologist(s) in Bengaluru is highly appreciated too.
Thank you :)
submitted by TryPuzzleheaded4982 to AskIndianMen [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 Savings-Nose-9300 A New Theoretical Concept for Teleportation Based on Electron Energy Transitions

Hello everyone,
I'm a 14-year-old kid and I’ve been thinking a lot about teleportation and how it could possibly be connected to quantum mechanics. I know it’s a far-out idea, but I wanted to share something I’ve been exploring in my mind and see what you all think.
My idea is based on the way electrons behave when they absorb a photon. We know that when an electron in an atom absorbs a photon of exact energy, it jumps to a higher energy level, or orbit. This concept of "jumping" to a different state got me wondering if a similar process could be applied to larger systems, like human beings or objects, in a way that could theoretically allow them to teleport.
I know this may sound like science fiction, but my thought process is this: if energy could be absorbed by a macroscopic system in a similar way that electrons absorb energy and "jump" to a higher orbit, then could we theoretically manipulate this energy and "jump" to a different location, or even access other dimensions? This would be an entirely new way of looking at teleportation, and maybe even lead to understanding new aspects of quantum mechanics, such as quantum entanglement or the possibility of extra dimensions.
I understand that there are huge challenges to applying this to anything beyond the atomic scale, and the energy required would be enormous, but I think the analogy between how electrons behave in atoms and how we might think about teleportation could be an interesting topic to explore.
I would love to hear what you all think about this idea. Is it completely out there, or could it open up some interesting discussions for future research?
Thanks for reading!
submitted by Savings-Nose-9300 to AskPhysics [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 No-Information6433 Weekend at Barry's

submitted by No-Information6433 to 2mediterranean4u [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 jayofdetroit Truck Can’t Recognize Hands

Truck Can’t Recognize Hands Just picked up my new truck yesterday and absolutely love it. The only thing that’s tripping me up is the “keep hands on wheel” warning. It constantly goes off and eventually will turn red and start beeping. Happens whether I use 1 hand 2 hands, regardless of hand position, etc. It won’t recognize my hands unless I jerk the wheel. Any tips?
submitted by jayofdetroit to f150 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 Useful_Indication128 Is there any reason to forge more than 1 duplicate of a legendary

Is there any reason to forge more than 1 duplicate of a legendary submitted by Useful_Indication128 to eatventureofficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 Lady-Lapis Custom backgrounds- Indian Wedding Party.

Custom backgrounds- Indian Wedding Party. submitted by Lady-Lapis to Episode [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 Avaryia ESO map location

ESO map location Hello,
I feel a little silly that I can’t figure out where on the map this is. I’m fairly new to the game. I figure most players on here will know.
submitted by Avaryia to elderscrollsonline [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 Foreign_Ad1740 The Blues Brothers. 1991. 8bit.

submitted by Foreign_Ad1740 to atari [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:19 Mediocre_Nothing_292 Virginia Gender and Name Change

My sister (MTF) recently received a copy of their original birth certificate back from the Virginia Department of Vital Records. The certificate was unchanged and mailed to her dead name. The documentation said to “review this document, and if it is incorrect, to mail to it back with an explanation.” She is wondering if this means the request for the document change has been denied. She has been unable to reach anyone at the Vital Records department and does not live in the state. Does anyone have experience with the process in Virginia and experiences something similar. She is incredibly concerned that the request was denied.
All required documents were submitted with her court order for her name change and gender change longer than a month ago.
I greatly appreciate any help you can provided.
submitted by Mediocre_Nothing_292 to asktransgender [link] [comments]