Question on exiting the country

2025.01.24 23:50 Miserable_Story7900 Question on exiting the country

I was questioned by an officer in a military uniform while exiting boston international airport at the boarding gate about my purpose of visit n how much cash i was carrying. I am assuming this was random. Is it a matter of concern for the future visits?
submitted by Miserable_Story7900 to usatravel [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 medditthrowaway16b Why don't my yearly Balances reflect Backdoor Roth contributions?

I use Charles Schwab and am starting to backdoor roth as a new attending, very confused and wondering if I'm doing something wrong.
All the money I've contributed into my ROTH IRA through backdoor doesn't show up on my "Balance Details" (shows up as $0.00) but the initial funds do show on my Traditional IRA from prior to the conversation. Just want to make sure I'm doing everything right...
submitted by medditthrowaway16b to whitecoatinvestor [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Master100017 Liam likes his women to be deadly

Liam likes his women to be deadly Alice is probably the deadliest lmao
submitted by Master100017 to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Street-Stop-9211 I can not complete any of the dlc. Can anyone help?

I am yet again making another post and hoping someone can offer some advice because none of the advice i have receives so far has proved helpful so i will explain my issue.. i have tried messing around with the skill trees and im not sure i know enough about ut to effectively utilize the skills except for maybe reaver.. its my to to skill and it has worked for me for the entirety of the main game and base game regions. Ive never needed to utilize any other skills or not many anyway. I started the descent and was able to make it to when you have to retake the thaig and regardless of my weapons i get killed VERY quickly while only managing to take down one or two shrieks although i managed to get to where you have to take down two alpha gen locks but can not get past that. I started jaws of haakon and am able to play it to a point but can not close a single rift and have to avoid most non quest related enemies because they suck up all my healing potions and am still having trouble but its manageable. I am level 22 and all enemies are scaling to my level after every completed dlc quest so that is not getting better.. ive tried crsfting gear with legendary schematics and the best matterial from the black emporium but cant get my base damage above 360 for warrior weapons and i am using essense of perfection and dragon bone/dragon webbing in all slots. Unless thats not a good material or there is a better merchant. I only outfitted my character becaue i would need to sell every accesssory i had to get another 16,000$ item and im not sure i would have had enough without more inquisition perks.. hoping someone can help me.. i guess im playing the game wrong? Never been good with builds but crafting and grinding i can easily learn
submitted by Street-Stop-9211 to DragonAgeInqusition [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 timeltdme Siglent SDS804X HD, a short video review for serial debug applications

I recently got my first oscilloscope. It was very hard to decide between price and performance, since I am not a professional, but want to evolve. I like proper UI/GUI experience, and tools that work as expected. GUI is also the area where this oscilloscope slightly lacks.
I have seen all the youtube reviews before I bought it, and still felt there is stuff I would like to know and see before buying it. I now have time to play with it, and decide if I want to keep it, or if I want to / need to exchange it for something better. I would really like RTB2K-COM, but I don't make money with electronics yet, so it's hard to justify the cost.
Used only BitScope logic analyzer before, which sucked miserably. Almost bought Analog Discovery 3, but got unsure about safety of it's maximum input voltages and also didn't want to rely on computer software only solution again.
I am into digital controllers, oled displays, motor drivers, home automation, sensors, led drivers and many things similar, which make life better. I wanted something where I can correlate digital activity - serial bus decoding with what is happening in the analog domain, since most of projects on my mind are digitaly controlled something powered with more than 5V. So I think 4 inputs @ 70MHz should be plenty good.
Here is my first impressions from Serial Decode on SDS800X-HD series. Not too bad, but not amazing either. Tried to compress it timewise, as I hate watching long videos without content. Hope somebody can find it helpful to decide:
submitted by timeltdme to embedded [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Expensive_Monitor525 Her fans

Her fans They baffle me... god forbid someone wants to get an education... are they dumb
submitted by Expensive_Monitor525 to rhegan777snark [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 HueyOrHuey im everyones best friend im back to battlebit
submitted by HueyOrHuey to BattleBitRemastered [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 alleyrope Can anyone identify this plant(s?) for me? TYIA

Can anyone identify this plant(s?) for me? TYIA submitted by alleyrope to Outdoors [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 xxDr4c0_D00mxx It's been a while since I made this fanart of little Lord Veigar, what did you think?

It's been a while since I made this fanart of little Lord Veigar, what did you think? submitted by xxDr4c0_D00mxx to VeigarMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Damionstjames Kroot of the Day II

I know my camera isn't the best so please be gentle with your comments. More experiments with heat patina. I love how they turned out.
submitted by Damionstjames to kroot [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 rrami33 Canada

Not sure if there is a better subreddit to post this. Does anyone work in Canada/ traveled to Canada to work? If so, do you enjoy it?
I’m thinking about trying to get a job there, but not sure how MLT/ MLS jobs compare to US.
submitted by rrami33 to medlabprofessionals [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Electrical_End_2371 ez megfelelesi kenyszer lenne,vagy micsoda?

Sziasztok. Lenne egy kerdesem, es elore koszonom aki elolvassa ezt a posztot es valaszol ra. Kiskoromtol kezdve eszrevettem ezt a “jelenseget” magamon , de ugy erzem csak most tudom ugy igazan kifejezni. Mindig is sokat almodoztam, ilyen olyan dolgokrol,viszont ezek mindig emberekkel kapcsolatosak. Vannak idoszakok amikor kevesebb alkalommal csinalom, de most ismet elojott. Tulajdonkeppen mindig arrol fantazialok, hogy egy olyan szemely aki engel nem feltetlenul kedvel, vagy esetlegesen ex, vagy olyan fiu akivel nem tudtam osszejonni a kozelemben van, es mindig olyan tortenesek tortennek(ugy hogy o ezt latja,es elismeri) amik azt bizonyitjak hogy engem mennyire szeret mindenki, mennyire meno vagyok, es mennyire jo is vagyok valojaban. Tovabba azt is megemlitenem meg , hogy nagyon bizonygatni akarok annak akirol erzem hogy nem feltelenul en vagyok a kedvenc embere , extran kedves leszek es nagyon probalok neki megfelelni vagy nem is tudom, megmutatni neki mindenaron hogy rosszul gondolja azt amit rolam gondol . Es amikor csak idom van ezt csinalom, jelentektelen helyzeteket, elmenyeket kepzelek el, amivel mintha annak a szemelynek akarnak uzenni,hogy en vagyok a legjobb es hasonlok. Nagyon zavaro,viszont az almodozas kozben ez jo erzessel tolt el. Remelem igy ertheto es jol megfogalmaztam. A kerdesem az lenne hogy ez megfelelesi kenyszer, vagy micsoda? mennyire normalis, hogyan tudnak ezen valtoztatni?
submitted by Electrical_End_2371 to askhungary [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Unhappy-Mark-7276 Só eu que acho brochante mulher que posta foto mostrando o bíceps?

View Poll
submitted by Unhappy-Mark-7276 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Kylomiir_490 New anime plot: Isekai, but The character kind of invents hamburgers instead of saving the world.

New anime plot: Isekai, but The character kind of invents hamburgers instead of saving the world. submitted by Kylomiir_490 to knightposting [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 dougdoberman Some thoughts on my SabNeo V8 Pixel 2.0 Luke X

Some thoughts on my SabNeo V8 Pixel 2.0 Luke X submitted by dougdoberman to Lightsaber [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 flopjobbit Best place for couples mani-pedi?

We're semi-feral, non bougie, middle to older aged critters. We'll be there the end of next week. Where to go for a little pampering?
submitted by flopjobbit to GulfShores [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Otomano_CNT Aprovada?

Aprovada? submitted by Otomano_CNT to ShitpostBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Exciting_Ad9866 Frutiger metro inspired edit I did of myself

Frutiger metro inspired edit I did of myself I have a big-ass ushanka on
submitted by Exciting_Ad9866 to FrutigerMetro [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 faxpax All i needed was 1 copy of avian spell tactics...

All i needed was 1 copy of avian spell tactics... submitted by faxpax to DuelLinks [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 PasKra Catwoman #75 Covers

Catwoman #75 Covers submitted by PasKra to Catwoman [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Haniabal_Smith New album’s synopsis

The music sounds an a lot like Vide Noir. I’m wondering if this album will be the same story but from a different perspective. The very bass and drums- it even sounds like Never Ever in moments. Thoughts?
submitted by Haniabal_Smith to lordhuron [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Just__Maverick What turned out bigger than you expected it to be?

submitted by Just__Maverick to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Historical-Lynx-9115 whe i'm in a competition and my opponent is

whe i'm in a competition and my opponent is submitted by Historical-Lynx-9115 to spongebob [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Candid_Cricket_3923 Can someone measure something for me

I have an fx6 on order and I’m trying to piece together my rig before it comes. Could someone please measure how thick the 15mm rod clamp on the included monitor is (how deep you can put a rod in)
I can explain why if asked. Thank you!
submitted by Candid_Cricket_3923 to SonyFX6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 LinusWithHisBlankey I really hope my question makes sense…

Unfortunately due to my prior drug use (just passed 2 years of sobriety from heroin) I lost custody of my 2 kids (because of my home situation and how long it’s gone on I’ll unfortunately not regain custody of my son but hopefully I can find a better home situation and at least regain custody of my daughter). I just had my daughter in the end of December. I just received her social security card and had her birth certificate sent to my P.O. Box. So what my question is: If you fill out a birth certificate form and you write it for one address can CYS “intercept” the birth certificate’s destination?
Really sorry for how long and personal this is, finally able to accept my “mess ups/screw ups and want to eventually be one of those people who can share their story and potentially save someone else’s..
submitted by LinusWithHisBlankey to talesfromthelaw [link] [comments]