2025.01.25 01:22 RickyOzzy NYT headlines not only bury the lead, but bend over backwards to avoid telling the world plainly what Israel is doing because they know it’s illegal, horrific and indefensible. So, they obfuscate.
submitted by RickyOzzy to revisedheadlines [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 01:22 eekamay80s Bedbugs
So, one of my coworkers who works 1st shift has bedbugs. Luckily I only have to use the same closets as him twice a week, as we clean different areas the other 3 days.
I'm nervous. Ive been leaving my coat and purse in the car when I have to work his sections and I don't sit on any furniture. I keep away from all fabrics and whatnot as much as possible.
What about the cart? Am I paranoid about my legs sometimes touching the cart apron? Or is that a legitimate fear of transferring the bugs? Anyone know anything about bedbugs?
submitted by eekamay80s to Custodians [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:22 Megadudeman93 H: 10x Mods. W: 3x Reflective Mods
submitted by Megadudeman93 to Market76 [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:22 Minipinecones Farmers are upset, what can we do?
I follow a lot of farming/homesteading groups and they’re concerned about the vagueness of these new proposals. Most people have reached out to representative and have received email that these are geared towards pets not farm animals submitted by Minipinecones to Connecticut [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 01:22 pissgwa scott the cos
submitted by pissgwa to scottthewoz [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 01:22 Any-Reply343 Moche Vessel Representing a Seated Figure with a Warfare Scene. Peru. ca 100 BC-500 AD. - Art Institvte Chicago
submitted by Any-Reply343 to PrecolumbianEra [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 01:22 South-Pay2667 Finally cleaned her up
submitted by South-Pay2667 to Chrysler300 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 01:22 Acceptable_War_5767 $3M one time payment, but every meal you consume a dog dies.
If the average person consumes 3 meals a day, and lives to be 80, that is 87,600 dogs.
What counts as a meal? A meal is anything with calories in it. A meal is concluded when you have stopped eating after 10 minutes.
You can eat as few, or as many meals as you like.
submitted by Acceptable_War_5767 to hypotheticalsituation [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:22 SteinsEater Onde consigo fazer cursos técnicos gratuitos?
Atuo na área de manutenção industrial como eletricista e possuo três cursos voltados para a área elétrica. Atualmente, estou cursando o primeiro período da faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e, no meu tempo livre, tenho interesse em aprender eletrônica. Gostaria de saber se há algum curso gratuito disponível sobre eletrônica.
submitted by SteinsEater to brasil [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:22 Electronic_While7856 What current guidelines do you think will change in future generations?
We have so many guidelines today it’s impossible to imagine what could possible be no longer recommended in the future… I often wonder this when I have to explain to my parents why we do things a certain way. I feel like it might be a switch from plastic bottles to only glass. And maybe disposable diapers will become discouraged and there will be a big switch to cloth? I can’t imagine there will be a huge change in safe-sleep guidelines.
submitted by Electronic_While7856 to newborns [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:22 qzwxecrvtbynum_ Themis 2024 Books and S&T 7th ED for Sale
Hi everyone. I’m selling all six 2024 Themis books for $175. They are new and have no markings or tabs on them. I also have Strategies & Tactics for the MBE that’s basically new with no markings or tabs for $50. Feel free to DM me for questions! submitted by qzwxecrvtbynum_ to barexam [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 01:22 The_T29_Tank_Guy Some art I did of the Unbeatable gang with a bonus of BF, GF, Skid, and Pump
submitted by The_T29_Tank_Guy to FridayNightFunkin [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:22 DjYacare Vení, sacale una foto
submitted by DjYacare to fulbo [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:22 LandonC7874 Recruiting Glitch????
I had a 4 Star Linebacker committed to me for half the season, his dealbreaker was playing style and I had an A on playing style. I never removed him from the board or anything.
He’s committed to me all the way to NSD & he signs to a school that hasn’t even offered him. What the fuck?!? Anybody else have this happen before?
submitted by LandonC7874 to CFB25 [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:22 50wwaayyss [WTS] 50 WAYS Pocket pocket EDC Hanks - NEW DROP 1/24
*\ NEW DROP 1/24/2025 (PICS + TIMESTAMP) \***
2025.01.25 01:22 darko_iker_art Made a drawing of Eddie's GT-R from NFS Underground 1
submitted by darko_iker_art to gtr [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:22 what2pacb Sexy thing this girl is❤️🔥
submitted by what2pacb to beautiesofgolf [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 01:22 pizazzmcjazz My entire collection laid out!
Was moving my CDs to a new spot and decided to get a cool picture of them laid out rather than shelved submitted by pizazzmcjazz to Cd_collectors [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 01:22 Flimsy-Bee9070 How do o get my Dragon Tv
Hi I’m on apple mobile and I’ve seen posts about this but they cover google play, any comment would be much appreciated
submitted by Flimsy-Bee9070 to DragonCity [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:22 ALLPhoneNumber 40% OFF Govee 100ft RGBIC LED Strip Lights- $43.99
submitted by ALLPhoneNumber to AmazonBlackFridaySale [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:22 Kronos_604 Man pretends to be a finance bro in order to get his ex to cheat on her husband and sleep together one last time.
Reposting an unsolved clue that didn't get much traction.
submitted by Kronos_604 to ExplainAFilmPlotBadly [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:22 Leafstealer__ Last week I leveled a new smurf to GM as support and I noticed I had to lowest amount of healing in the vast majority of the games, so here's a tip that I would love more people had in mind: a bigger healing number doesn't mean your are doing a better job
The amount of times I was flamed so hard because of low healing numbers was honestly crazy - even though it's very understandable since the logic conclusion is that I just underperformed compared to the other healers.
But here's the thing, some healers really excel at tasks other than healing, and I would really love that more people understood this, even supports. I cannot count the amount of times I solo won games by just completely stopping healing when I feel like it wasn't necessary and W keying into the frontline as invis woman, then pulling + force field to get 1-2 kills on people that were bad positioned and perma staggering the enemy team.
It's ok for a support to stop healing and letting your healer bros get more padding numbers if it means your team will get more value out of it. If there's a raccoon, a cloak, and your team isn't facing much pressure, let them be those guys. As for a mantis, an Adam, your will get much more value by using your time and kit for something else rather being the guy that will heal from 90 to 100%.
submitted by Leafstealer__ to marvelrivals [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:22 ct_tro Mitsubishi Outlander 2017
what is this peice sticking out and average price of it? submitted by ct_tro to autorepair [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 01:22 lunar_vesuvius_ 8 years
was 8 years not enough? or maybe it was too much
was my heart not enough for you? was my love not enough for you? was my company not enough for you? was my presence not enough for you?
maybe I was the fool
the damned idiot, who risked it all to trust you
maybe I had no idea, the evils you could get up to
or maybe it was you
your party for all was really a party for one, or a party for none
none for me, and truly none for you, but all for them
them. them. them who didn't know you the way I did
them who didnt know you since we were little kids
we met before our heights and bodies broke in. we met when we were as little as peas in a tin
we played on the playground, shared our stories
we ate together, danced together, hated school together, got bullied together
both our teeth were fucked up. mine were crooked and one of yours was broken
we were so imperfect, but we didnt need a token
a token of beauty, righteousness, coolness if you will
but years apart past and it all went downhill
I was the center of your projection. your pettiness, your malice, the backhanded meaness you could create
but I latched onto you like you were my parasitic mate
bury your words deep in my skin, shake my stability from within, and let me go each time you were through
I still followed behind you, because I thought it was the right thing to do
paraded around you, supported you, uplifted you
but who knew you could be so cruel?
then came her. the object of your eye. all you could ever want to be
everything and more, everything that wasn't me
she soon mattered more and I just had to admit defeat
realize things have changed and you'd grown up in ugly ways
ways that put your insecurities and blindspots on display
I just hate you these days
for all you did to me, and yet the little you did too
how the little kid versions of us weren't enough for you to wanna see through
on our friendship, our connection, that teenage girl bond I really held sacred
self betrayal is such a tempting path, but I never thought you'd actually take it
losing yourself to be loved is a pain I know all too well
but to lose me in order to lose yourself too? well that just put me through hell
shut your eyes and realize the person you've become. you're scum of the earth
a lost soul, a girl so confused she has no clue
of the good she let go just to feel right on cue
with all those people, with so much goodness that was due
left me to slip through the cracks and wilter away
but truly it was you, all you and your consciousness that was led astray
submitted by lunar_vesuvius_ to OCPoetry [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 01:22 Own-Maintenance301 Ethic Groups
Just moved here from Toronto a while back.
Are there any geographic block ethnic subgroups divisions that are visible in the city?
Like in GTA , East end was Asian. North was white and West was south Asian.
Just Curious because it find it great that there is no saturation at just one side of the city.
P.S . I am Indian btw. Have always been in multi cultured friend group. Me and my brother are the only Indians in our line of work here.
submitted by Own-Maintenance301 to halifax [link] [comments]