Today I ate some nachos and of course followed some cod gummies 😋 and a Budweiser

2025.01.26 07:30 Hot-DeadPool12 Today I ate some nachos and of course followed some cod gummies 😋 and a Budweiser

submitted by Hot-DeadPool12 to TodayIAte [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 Himmihhim Save files disappearing

Save files disappearing Does anybody with hardware knowledge see any damaged components on this Ocarina of Time Master Quest cartridge? I bought it maybe 5 years ago and the save files are disappearing. I loaded the game 3 days ago and my original save file from when I bought it was there, so I started a new game in slot B. Loaded it again yesterday and the old save was gone, but slot B was still there. Loaded it today and slot B was gone too. I then tested a new save in slot A and it stayed when I quickly powered off/on, but disappeared after I left it off for about an hour.
I tested the battery on the back and it's outputting the correct voltage. I don't know what else it could be or if it's fixable. The game plays normally aside from Navi only telling me the introductory message and the Owl giving me repeat messages whenever I enteleave a town
submitted by Himmihhim to n64 [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 tonoyasu I like playing Ike, Little Mac, and Cloud. Are any of them respectable?

I’m new to the game and I’ve had the most fun playing Little Mac and Ike, and picked up Cloud after because I thought the sword was cool. Are any of these three respectable to play or are they all cheese characters? If they are all frauds, what’s an alternative?
submitted by tonoyasu to SmashBrosUltimate [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 IndependentLow4134 Does this look like the wart is gone? Not sure if it was one in the first place to be honest but I just scraped some skin off after using the acid stuff and using compound w for 2 weeks looks like it’s just dead skin

Does this look like the wart is gone? Not sure if it was one in the first place to be honest but I just scraped some skin off after using the acid stuff and using compound w for 2 weeks looks like it’s just dead skin submitted by IndependentLow4134 to plantarwarts [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 CreepyWriter2501 Treat your ladies right my Casual 2004 Pilot oil change, Probably overkill.. But Im yet to see another pilot with 330k+ able to do sustained peak power (will take a recording next time im able)

submitted by CreepyWriter2501 to Honda [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 TheRealSpacecowboy45 Where can I find a brontosaurus 🦕 creature thing ?

I saw it when I watched the trailer I’ve yet to see one on any planet I’ve landed on the closest I’ve seen was a T-Rex looking creature anyway I want one of these guys 🦕
submitted by TheRealSpacecowboy45 to NMS_Zoology [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 ThreeKingsKlog Who is the REAL SunQuan (Part2)

Who is the REAL SunQuan (Part2) submitted by ThreeKingsKlog to dynastywarriors [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 Marco440hz El Futuro Demográfico de Puerto Rico

Me he estado preguntando desde hace un tiempo si la población de Puerto Rico ya ha tocado fondo y ahora está en un proceso de consolidación antes de posiblemente despegar nuevamente en un avance lento pero consistente. Mi razonamiento para esto es muy simple.
El huracán María marcó una capitulación pronunciada en la disminución de la población, seguida de una breve recuperación antes de reanudar su tendencia a la baja durante y después de la pandemia.
Ahora, basándome únicamente en observaciones anecdóticas en línea, estoy notando una tendencia de ida y vuelta de personas que desean irse y otras que desean regresar, lo que podría generar un equilibrio entre las entradas y salidas, es decir, un período de consolidación. Si esta consolidación se mantiene y si en los próximos años se producen mejoras en los servicios y productos energéticos—uno de los factores clave que alejan a la gente—podría haber un aumento potencial del interés por establecer la isla como una base o residencia. Esto podría marcar el inicio de un crecimiento poblacional.
Otros desafíos que deben abordarse incluyen los más evidentes: oportunidades laborales, compensaciones, valor de las propiedades, educación primaria, el antinatalismo, gobierno proactivo, entre otros.
submitted by Marco440hz to PuertoRico [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 Educational-Raccoon7 Components on mother board seem to just shut off

So as of recent my components on my motherboard seem to just shut off( my cup fan stops spinning) when ever although my PC case fans continue to work. I noticed times when I reseat the ram everything starts working for a bit but eventually it’ll happen again.
I’ve tested both ram modules by them selves and each one on a different dim 2 and 4 and they both seem to operate the pc fine until that problem comes and I have to reseat.
submitted by Educational-Raccoon7 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 DeezlyGG Chegg Unlocker (Not a Bot)

This is not a bot invite with a ChatGPT story. If you're looking for a Chegg unlocker, you can join this Discord server. The only downside is that it occasionally goes offline, but it could still be a useful resource for you. (Server name should be Homework Help 2.0)
submitted by DeezlyGG to studytips [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 Freohub 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐚 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐞𝐬.

𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐚 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐞𝐬. submitted by Freohub to FremantleFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 reg_guy_136 Izuku's Quirk makes him look like a Firebender

I've been toying with this idea for the past two weeks. (And maybe my Avatar addiction is crawling back, and I decided to put my Izuku is Gran Torino's grandson idea to a halt, but that's unrelated)
On topic now, after reading GreyTail's "A What If" where he made that Firebender chapter, I started coming with some ideas to write it
Firstly, his Quirk awakened after two years, still labelled a late bloomer, and struggled to release the flames on his body. Then, he met an old man who's very much a fan of tea: Iroh! He offended him some martial arts training to use his Quirk. Izuku is now able to learn and master his Quirk in the form of fighting and some breathing techniques (the very same when Jeong Jeong trained Aang about firebending)
But that's not where it ends: I was also thinking of giving him OFA to enhance the Firebending Quirk like flying like a jet and making fireballs.
But the plot of it? Since All For One is after OFA, then he'll be invested to take two Quirks: A Quirk of divine power (OFA) and a Quirk of potential (Firebending). And I'm also planning to add a secondary big bad, kinda like the Fire Nation but they're planning to capture Izuku because of having two Quirks already (mostly for him to become a weapon to make their army more unstoppable)
So, any takers? What do you think? I've been toying with this idea, again, for the past two weeks, so yeah. Just wanna remind. And I'm also willing to take your ideas to improve the idea a bit or make some proper changes that suits the story
submitted by reg_guy_136 to BokunoheroFanfiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 kihtay TBI Pressure Headaches and Coffee

Hi! I’m 4.5 years post traumatic brain injury. I was hit by a car doing 60mph while I was in the crosswalk (cycling not in another car). I was in a coma for a week and hospital for over a month. I have seen multiple neurologists and neuro ophthalmologists.
I had a second incident 2.5 years ago while cycling (I no longer ride) where I was hit again, and my shoulder and head - where I had hit previously took all the impact. The second time was so much worse. I had seen a neurologist for the first year. He prescribed topiramate for the first 6 months which helped a lot. I cannot recall why he had wanted me to stop it. But he had told me that the first was an open head injury which is better since it alleviates the pressure. The second was a closed head injury so the pressure remains trapped.
I have constantly woken up with pressure headaches since, and it is worse with the barometric pressure changes. I had done a year of neuro ophthalmology therapy, which actually helped me a lot, but the headaches still frequent me. I usually only get them in the morning when I wake up. I have special glasses to wear while working on the computer that helps but doesn’t fully resolve the issue for long days. They are not as debilitating as the first year or two post second accident, but I do need to have at least one coffee to start to function and alleviate the pressure headaches.
I feel dependent on the coffee and am curious if anyone else has had a similar experience and has replaced coffee with something else? Vitamins? Juice? I’m not sure if drinking this much coffee is going to present negative effects, especially with the nervous system and jitters.
I have been cleared from the neurologist and prefer not taking medications. I have also been cleared from the neuro ophthalmologist. So I’m not seeking medical advice. I’m just looking for possibly healthier alternatives to dealing with the pressure headaches. Or curious if anyone has any advice/ input. I would like to not rely on coffee to function and be able to think clearly and to reduce the pressure headaches in the morning.
submitted by kihtay to TBI [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 Unlikely-Tea-8800 I feel so invalid

I don’t know how to stop feeling like this. I just want to fuck myself up, I have never had the fucking balls to go deeper because I’m weak. Everyone tells me that it makes me strong but it doesn’t, I can’t bleed, I can’t take the pain, I’m shit at everything and hurting myself is on that list. Why get clean if my cuts aren’t even bad enough to look like a cat did them? It’s so embarrassing to know that my cat could hurt me more than I ever could. Like my cuts only look like SH because how tf else would I get something so linear and shallow. I’m so frustrated because I’m fucking trying to make it deeper, I fill up my arms and legs with cuts to try and make just one of them bleed, and it doesn’t matter they all just go away in a day. Like literally hundreds of them. I’m just so tired, I wish I could do more damage cause this just feels so embarrassing
submitted by Unlikely-Tea-8800 to teen_self_harm [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 Consistent_Issue2958 Feel an outbreak coming on HELP

So I had my first outbreak on thanksgiving that lasted 1 month and was AWFUL. I currently have a super bad kidney infection and on a bunch of antibiotics to fix it. To add a cherry on top in also passing a kidney stone. However today I just started noticing itching and burning there. And looked with my phone camera and have small sores starting. I have anti virals I just took 2 800mg pills. Is there any way to prevent it from fully breaking out with the antivirals or am I screwed? I’m already in so much pain with my kidney infection I don’t want to add on top of it.
submitted by Consistent_Issue2958 to HSVpositive [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 SAM5TER5 How heavy are the AR’s that you guys use in matches?

Curious what the norm is for competition shooters!
submitted by SAM5TER5 to CompetitionShooting [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 easterkate POP BEAN New Year Collection Series Box Set
submitted by easterkate to PopMartbot [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 turtlereset Crossbow Bug

Crossbow Bug Reloading while dazed prevents me from using abilities even while dazed is gone.
submitted by turtlereset to stoneshard [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 CustomerNo5493 Anyone diagnosed from bone marrow changes on MRI?

I’ve had two recent MRI’s, done one week apart, one of my R shoulder and one of my L hip. Both showed heterogenous bone marrow signal intensity changes. I have my first hematology/oncology appointment this week and am wondering if anyone had an early finding of bone marrow changes on MRI?
submitted by CustomerNo5493 to multiplemyeloma [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 HauntingYourHouse Some of my more moody shots. I'm taking waayyy too many photos. 🤣

Some of my more moody shots. I'm taking waayyy too many photos. 🤣 submitted by HauntingYourHouse to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 YixalineOfficial Mlem

Mlem submitted by YixalineOfficial to mlem [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 Electrical-Problem21 I believe this is whats been happening outside the parliament building for last couple of days.

I believe this is whats been happening outside the parliament building for last couple of days. submitted by Electrical-Problem21 to mongolia [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 kidscanttell Does someone have an image of the diesel generators of the power plant?

I have been searching it up in google for about 5 days now and i still cant find an image of the diesel generators, so someone please give me an image or diagram of the diesel generators of ChNPP
submitted by kidscanttell to chernobyl [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 Stunning-Employ1003 I took my time out of my day to create this!, Slay or Nay?

I took my time out of my day to create this!, Slay or Nay? submitted by Stunning-Employ1003 to MydogVirtualPetroblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:30 TheSoapMaurder Ate a bunch of red vine, now having explosive red diarrhea, 33 m, U.S.A. now I’m worried

I got a colonoscopy a year ago and no issues. Then tonight I ate red vine licorice and boom couple hours later explosive red diarrhea. Now I’m worried I have colon cancer
Age : 33
Sex : male
Height : 5’10
Weight 189 lbs
Race white
Duration of complaint 2 hours
Location stomach
Any existing relevant medical issues: CKD, depression, anxiety.
Current medications: too many
submitted by TheSoapMaurder to AskDocs [link] [comments]