2025.01.27 04:06 Zealousideal-Toe-202 Ter me tornado um assessor de investimentos foi o maior erro da minha vida e acabou com meu futuro
Olá, pessoal! Minha história é a seguinte:
Há mais ou menos um ano, resolvi me tornar assessor de investimentos, e isso destruiu minha vida. Já investia por conta própria havia quatro anos e fiz MUITO dinheiro no mercado de ações. Não vim de uma família rica, e o dinheiro que consegui era algo que nunca pensei em ter em um período tão curto.
Por conta disso, resolvi cursar Economia. Perto do final do curso, recebi uma proposta de uma empresa de consultoria contábil, mas isso significava que eu não poderia mais investir em ações, pois receberia informações privilegiadas.
Então, resolvi me tornar assessor de investimentos. Mudei-me para Porto Alegre para trabalhar em uma das maiores operações da XP. Na entrevista, venderam-me o sonho de ganhar R$ 10 mil/mês em um ano de empresa.
Passei pelo inferno para me tornar assessor. Trabalhava mais de 12 h/dia fazendo ligações. Depois de um tempo, percebi que não era o mar de rosas que me prometeram. O motivo das pessoas de lá ganharem bem era que elas "sangravam" os clientes, realizando alocações pensando apenas no ROA (quanto elas ganhavam). Fiquei 10 meses como assessor e captei R$ 4 milhões (o que considero pouco). O salário, junto com os rendimentos, não dava para pagar todas as contas, e eu precisava retirar dinheiro dos meus investimentos. No início, isso não fazia muita diferença, mas depois da enchente de 2024 (minha casa foi alagada), meu patrimônio começou a se deteriorar de forma significativa.
Fiquei meses nessa rotina, repetindo para mim mesmo que ia ganhar bem, que era só me esforçar. Até que, no final do ano passado, não aguentei mais e pedi demissão, mesmo sem ter outro emprego e com minha vida financeira em frangalhos.
Sinto que perdi a oportunidade da minha vida por recusar uma proposta muito boa para tentar a sorte em uma empresa ruim (saiu notícia de que ela causou prejuízos milionários), que explorava os funcionários e em uma área que odiei com todas as minhas forças. Perdi minha matrícula na universidade, perdi muito dinheiro e agora tenho medo de não conseguir outro emprego. Não estão me chamando para entrevistas e, quando chamam, sempre perguntam quanto captei.
Não pretendo mais trabalhar na área comercial ou como assessor, mas acredito que a reputação da empresa e o fato de eu não ter captado muito estejam me atrapalhando. Não sei mais o que fazer. Se puderem me dar alguma dica, agradeço!
submitted by Zealousideal-Toe-202 to desabafos [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:06 aslan_is_on_the_move Sen. Adam Schiff says Trump 'broke the law' by firing 18 inspectors general
submitted by aslan_is_on_the_move to centerleftpolitics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:06 FluffyCowNYI I guess it's javazon time
Got this from a p1 spur of fhe moment pindle run in hardcore. Guess the game wants me to make a javazon.
submitted by FluffyCowNYI to diablo2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:06 spacewrex777 I often dig through the unsorted boxes at my LCS, but rarely do I come out with anything this good.
submitted by spacewrex777 to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:06 piercejay I got some of my all time favorites today :)
submitted by piercejay to PokemonTCG [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:06 Much_Opening3468 New Park Mall - Puppies for Sale from Van
I was at Costco Newark and before entering the parking lot, somebody setup a puppies for sale sign from the back of an old beat up black VAN.
I am posting this because I'm actually looking to buy a puppy. I was going to walk over there but it seemed sort of sketchy. Is this legit or legal?
submitted by Much_Opening3468 to Fremont [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:06 CTT1SHAMPOO Any way to disable seeing comments on podcasts?
Wondering if there's some way to turn off seeing all comments on all podcasts? Haven't been able to find anything in the settings.
I'm honestly just tired of every app incorporating some social media features and I'm not interested in anyone else's commentary or opinions on podcasts, hoping there's a way to hide all that.
submitted by CTT1SHAMPOO to spotify [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:06 clevelandballsack नियम तोड़ने का तीसरा दिन
मैं एक एजलॉर्ड आदमी हूं मुझे लोगों को मारना पसंद है हाहाहाहा, इस बार मैंने 2 नियम तोड़े
submitted by clevelandballsack to idksterling [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:06 Level_Breadfruit_624 Si
submitted by Level_Breadfruit_624 to DylanteroYT [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:06 Ok-Anything-3251 Floor cracks leading to apartment building
Are these cracks worrisome? The building collapse in Miami made me paranoid and I’ve been in this 13 floor building and trying to not overthink it. I’m not the most observant, but I feel I just noticed these for the first time in a year. There’s two identical ones pretty close to each other (only one showing in the picture) I don’t want to look paranoid reporting it, so asking here first submitted by Ok-Anything-3251 to Apartmentliving [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:06 Cupkeek Complete set trade
submitted by Cupkeek to MonopolyGoDiceLinks [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:06 Throwaway735143 Phasmophobia?
I may end up being a bit busy for the next hour or so, but ill be up all night, so especially if you are let me know! Id love to play. I usually just play the baby house tho lol so just keep that in mind haha. Would love some like minded people!
submitted by Throwaway735143 to GamerPals [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:06 rainbowsandcameltoes South Korean Drone?
https://www.flightradar24.com/38e2b450 This is the third time I've seen this drone in North Korea, traveling almost the same path and usually at 40,000 feet. The speed varies from 120 to as high as 800 in what looks like a second. Usually there's no take off or destination point, but today shows take off in Seoul. I showed my friend and zoomed all the way in (should be pic on right) and yes, it's near a starbucks. I have more screenshots if anyone wants to see and looks like korean air force is after it too (second link) https://www.flightradar24.com/38e21315 submitted by rainbowsandcameltoes to flightradar24 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:06 Jaime070 This is interesting
Unsure weather to post. I tried to look up to see if anyone has been talking about this & realize theres not alot of merit just was told by someone in the “know”. Curious if anyone has linked this prior? submitted by Jaime070 to ufo [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:06 IronVipergaming Just gotta remember people who aren’t lonely/never dealt with loneliness don’t understand it
I think in trying to get support and advice from other people you’ll often get advice from people who aren’t lonely or didn’t have to deal with loneliness. I think some examples would be
Go outside (no just telling someone to go outside isn’t helpful. Where do I go? If you have social anxiety or social issues this isn’t going to work if you’re alone)
Talk to people (no you don’t just randomly approach people. Because you never had to don’t recommend others do this)
Go to ___ class/club (what if there’s nothing for me where I live)
Get out of your shell (why don’t you just wave a magic wand since that’s pretty much what you’re saying it’ll take. Some people don’t have the social development to do this and it’s a shut down thing especially can be for autistic people)
Go to events (me personally I end up going alone and I just freeze and watch everyone almost no one is alone)
Talk to a group (see previous section on randomly approaching people, no you don’t do that)
Go to some group where they’ll introduce you to everyone (we’ll since we’re in fantasyland)
Go online/try dating apps (this isn’t the safest thing and a lot of toxicity can be online)
Try new things/expand your horizons (if I know enough about something to know I won’t like it. I’m not going to be miserable to “try” and make a friend just to end up having wasted time and money)
Keep trying (you know social events are a rarity for me and it’s just luck that’s low for me)
I think this advice just comes from not completely understanding how deep and complex this issue really can be.
submitted by IronVipergaming to lonely [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:06 youneverknowho “Hacete la simpática”: detuvieron a una mujer trans que captaba menores en Mar del Tuyú para explotarlas en un prostíbulo
submitted by youneverknowho to argentina [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:06 Mundane_Cup2191 Legendary xenos orbs who go spend on?
I have 30, and Snotflogga, Aethana, snd Eldyron able or close to be Able to be ascended am I good to pull the trigger on these 3?
I'm working on aleph null here soon I have to unlock epic for him still so he's a ways off here, but would these 3 be relatively safe to just ascend now?
I know Eldyron is but what about the other two I guess? I'm think the 20% buff is rather strong on them both and they're both capped at g1
submitted by Mundane_Cup2191 to WH40KTacticus [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:06 zipzup1 What the fuck is this?😭
I am on kind of a diet and don't eat at taco bell very often, only nacho fries sometimes, but today it was the only option for me other than to starve. The picture looked decent and it was $5.49 or something like that, so I thought that it might be the best option for dinner. At least I didn't ruin than my calorie limit, so it's a good thing, I guess... submitted by zipzup1 to tacobell [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:06 sleightly_nonchalant What cards should be in my staples collection?
I'm making a library of staple cards that I can rotate in and out of my decks. Handtraps, floodgates, generic boss monsters, small generic packages (i.e. Super Poly), etc. What do you think are some must haves that should be part of the collection?
submitted by sleightly_nonchalant to Yugioh101 [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:06 Solid_Event5885 Best added to my collection so far if you don’t got better don’t send also taking gooners favorites
submitted by Solid_Event5885 to AbbychampNSFW [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:06 bosanj HOW DO I BAN CHASM
I play on Mac and its the only map I cant run it literally is impossible as soon as I get put in a game with this map the fps just stays at like fkn 10fps, so every time I get this map I just have to back out instantly and ive lost sm ELO just bc this dogs hit map. How do I ban it it's literally just not on the ban map list??? if I ban shipwreck falls will it ban this map too since its a variant of that map?
submitted by bosanj to Brawlhalla [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:06 millielc_ whatcha lookin at
submitted by millielc_ to blackcats [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:06 Terrible_Hall_6860 Morgan. Message me on Sess to get your girl used and owned by a bwc. Asian, Latina, snowbunny++
submitted by Terrible_Hall_6860 to AbbychampNSFW [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:06 Existing-Award-1882 Monash Application A Levels Domestic Application
Does the ATAR offer profile report apply to GCE A levels. If not my offer round is tomorrow and my GCE A level points were pretty low being six. I also submitted a late SEAS application as I was sick during my final years of schooling. I applied for many degrees in the humanities such as Arts and international relations. I would really like to study PPE and potentially add law a semester or year later but I don’t want to get my hopes up for tomorrow so what do you think?
submitted by Existing-Award-1882 to Monash [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:06 crespoh69 Has anyone made use of the Mills Act?
Hey guys, I received this flyer today claiming you can reduce your property taxes by up to 50%. This seems too good to be true but even the city website seems to acknowledge the program here and there, https://riversideca.gov/cedd/planning/historic-preservation/historic-preservation-and-mills-act-programs
That being said, has anyone used it before? Any downsides? Anything you wished you'd known before taking advantage of it?
submitted by crespoh69 to Riverside [link] [comments]