De cate luni Youtube-ul nu mai arate video-uri cu continut fitness in Europa! Ne vor slabi si nu in forma!

2025.01.27 16:42 Azt55 De cate luni Youtube-ul nu mai arate video-uri cu continut fitness in Europa! Ne vor slabi si nu in forma!

De cate luni Youtube-ul nu mai arate video-uri cu continut fitness in Europa! Ne vor slabi si nu in forma! submitted by Azt55 to romaneste [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 Consistent_Aardvark We might soon be the first state to remove rights from an entire protected class!

We might soon be the first state to remove rights from an entire protected class! submitted by Consistent_Aardvark to IowaCity [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 BANNED__FROM__SERVER I love crashing ironmen on my main at sandcrabs

I pull up with the main in max melee, thralls, claws, and death charge. They never last longer than 5 mins.
submitted by BANNED__FROM__SERVER to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 shannymac4 Is anyone trying Ben’s new 4-day split?

Lots of talk about Jess Sims and RK’s new split, is anyone trying Ben Alldis’ split that also dropped on 1/25?
I’m doing RK’s new split right now but I’m interested in this one next because I like the 4-day schedule, and the classes are 30 min. Per his instagram, it’s another hypertrophy split. Interested to know how people are liking it.
Schedule is: - Upper Push - Legs & Core (Push) - Upper Pull - Legs & Core (Hinge)
Thanks for any thoughts!
submitted by shannymac4 to OnePelotonRealSub [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 Repulsive_Parsnip499 Red Rocks Q

Hi all! Im going to the red rocks concert and am looking at staying in golden. Does anyone have tips/tricks for transport to and from the concert? Last year I was in Denver and did the party bus which was great! I would do that again, but am in ga this year and am pretty short so I am worried about arrival time to red rocks and my ability to get a spot where I can see.
Also, I will be at the New Haven Eric Slick show and would love to do a little meet up if anyone is interested:)
submitted by Repulsive_Parsnip499 to DrDog [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 lss_web_1444 Text post title 396

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 RatedTforTerrible How tf is this fair??

How tf is this fair?? submitted by RatedTforTerrible to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 hornyman2502 Multiple actress rp

Any f up for rp that involves multiple actress?
submitted by hornyman2502 to BollyGlamandRP [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 Additional_Peace_141 I tried to include a mix of posed and candid so there's a better idea of what I look like, am I ugly? 27F

I tried to include a mix of posed and candid so there's a better idea of what I look like, am I ugly? 27F Side request: I dont wear any make up cos idk where to start, I never learned to do it. Would any particular styles of make up suit me and improve how I look? I also hope I did the verification right it was tricky to get in shot
submitted by Additional_Peace_141 to amiugly [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 Federal-Birthday-665 Me enamoré de una chica veinte años menor, necesito consejos para enfrentarme a la sociedad (los protagonistas de esta historia son mayores de edad)

Todo mi vida he estado vinculado al movimiento scout. En mi niñez fui un feliz lobato que alcanzó la gloria del lobo rampante. Luego llegó mi adolescencia y me convertí en un perdedor. Sufría bullying en la escuela, pero los Scouts eran un refugio. Me quedé en el escultismo hasta convertirme en scouter (guía). Fui Baloo y ahora soy Akela. Me encargo de la manada (los niños). Ya estoy cerca de los cuarenta años y llevo más de treinta en el grupo.
Una chica me auxilia. Su nombre de selva es Bagheera. De niña estuvo en mi manada. Al cumplir dieciocho años prefirió regresar conmigo que unirse al clan. No la veía como mujer. Fue culpa de las bromas tontas de los lobatos (“¡son novios, son novios!”). Físicamente es bastante linda. Me enamoró el cariño maternal con el que cuida a los chicos. Pienso que sería una buena esposa.
Los domingos mientras tenemos citas como amigos, rememora episodios de hace una década. Me sorprende haber sido tan importante en su vida. Atesora un recuerdo de cuando recibió su pañoleta. Ese día se enamoró de mí. Yo la cargué en mis hombros para cruzar un arroyo. Esperó hasta cumplir dieciocho años para confesarme sus sentimientos. Pero los otros adultos nos juzgan por la diferencia de edad y por habernos conocido cuando ella era niña. No somos novios y no ha sucedido nada impropio entre nosotros, le pedí que sólo fuéramos amigos. En Navidad tuvimos una cita y le compré una consola de videojuegos. Le prometí que si en cuatro años que termine su carrera sigue pensado de la misma forma, le propondré matrimonio.
submitted by Federal-Birthday-665 to ayudamexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 lss_web_1444 Link post title 93

Link post title 93 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 StarnyArt Turned 26. People keep guessing me 16-20 🙈 Do I really look that young?

Turned 26. People keep guessing me 16-20 🙈 Do I really look that young? submitted by StarnyArt to 13or30 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 EdwinCalvin INSTRUCTOR'S MANUAL for Marketing Because Everyone Is A Marketer 4th Edition By C. Shane Hunt, John E Mello, George D Deitz

Get this from our WEBSITE study resources in the sidebar or DM
submitted by EdwinCalvin to browsegradesDotNet [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 PolskiSmigol Can't install Thunar on Void glibc with multilib repo installed

What should I do? I have installed the multilib repo, and I have Void with glibc, but I can't install Thunar.
submitted by PolskiSmigol to voidlinux [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 Peterkragger Zoomer/Alpha slang is so funny ngl

ZoomeAlpha slang is so funny ngl submitted by Peterkragger to whenthe [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 Romance_Tactics Lattimore

I'm seeing a lot of bad, downright dumb takes recently, and that isn't something that's entirely new for this subreddit. I think every fandom has a scapegoat, but this one has all the knuckle-draggers out offering up suggestions of cutting or trading him because he's a total bust. I noticed there wasn't any of that discussion a week ago when he completely shut down his side of the field. Must be a coincidence.
Lattimore isn't the player he once was, but he's still our best corner and will be our best corner next season. He came in injured, probably playing at half capacity, comes in and plays the role we used to assign St Juste to. You know, the guy that gets trashed every week win or lose. Lattimore wins some battles, he loses some battles, and gives up plays to top 5/10 receivers in this league, and then this fanbase calls him a bust. We have the opposing team taking cheap shots on our guys, Lattimore battles back, gets fired up, takes a bullshit penalty and then is labelled as reckless and costing us games. What do you want out of a corner? The dude is angry, he wants to win. We watched a decade of passionless Redskin/FootballTeam/Commanders football, and now we have a guy that wants to destroy every WR1 he faces and y'all get soft and say he needs to reign it in? Let Lattimore off the leash I say. We take the bad with the good.
No CB is going to shutdown Evans or Smith all game. This Lattimore criticism is the litmus test if you're an idiot or not in my opinion. His play can be critiqued, and he hasn't been perfect but to call him a bust or suggest we should cut him is beyond stupid, just indefensible, moron talk. I've said my piece. Go Commanders.
submitted by Romance_Tactics to Commanders [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 Minute_Switch2509 Kiara advani

Kiara advani submitted by Minute_Switch2509 to KiaraAdvaniGW [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 noxi_furtifs J'ai même pas les mots...

J'ai même pas les mots... submitted by noxi_furtifs to discussionsbancales [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 Strict_Dimension545 Wheelcare

Anyone know where I can donate a barely used wheelchair? I know the medical care recycling program, I can’t make it there when they are open on Wednesdays. Thank you!!
submitted by Strict_Dimension545 to santarosa [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 YoungMightArt I'm a ceaseless hopeful and optimistic and I want you to be aswell

I'm ceaselessly optimistic through all chapters of life and I want to try my best at dissuading you from being otherwise, hit me
submitted by YoungMightArt to self [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 OleGuacamole_ Why precepts are not needed and how to use them

As to performing the six pāramitās and vast numbers of similar practices, or gaining merits as countless as the sands of the Ganges, since you are fundamentally complete in every respect, you should not try to supplement that perfection by such meaningless practices. When there is occasion for them, perform them; and, when the occasion is passed, remain quiescent. If you are not absolutely convinced that the Mind is the Buddha, and if you are attached to forms, practices and meritorious performances, your way of thinking is false and quite incompatible with the Way. - Huangpo ---
You say, ‘The six pāramitās and the ten thousand [virtuous] actions are all to be practiced.’ As I see it, all this is just making karma. Seeking buddha and seeking dharma is only making hell-karma. Seeking bodhisattvahood is also making karma; reading the sutras and studying the teachings are also making karma. Buddhas and patriarchs are people with nothing to do. - Linji ---
submitted by OleGuacamole_ to ZenBlog [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 itsPavllo A lejohet shqipri me ber day trading?

Jam i intereresuar per te hyre ne kete fushe edhe doja te dija nese del me fitim edhe i terheq leket ne bank a te nxjerr naj problem apo jo? Eshte edhe pjesa qe nese thot banka ku i gjen kto lekt edhe i thu psh boj trade ne FBS a mos nxjerrin ndonje problem
submitted by itsPavllo to albania [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 BigFany Is Transak Safe for a Beginner?

Hey everyone, I’m new to crypto and looking for an easy way to buy my first coins. I came across Transak—anyone used it before? Is it a reliable platform for beginners? I’ve heard good things, but I’d like some feedback from others who have actually used it. Is it safe for making my first purchase? I’m a bit cautious, so any tips or advice would be appreciated! I’m hoping to get started soon but want to make sure I’m using a trustworthy and beginner-friendly platform. Thanks in advance!
submitted by BigFany to CryptoTechnology [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 metallicadefender Does no one make AR-3a, AR-11, AR-9 woofers?

Simply speakers used to have a replacement unit. But I cannot find recreations of that 12" woofer with the flat side anywhere!
I have come to learn that the tweeters on all these units are pretty much shot! and they lose brightness slowly and cannot be rebuilt. So I got a set of those from midwestspeaker repair.
They woofers are expensive on Ebay also.
submitted by metallicadefender to vintageaudio [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:42 Gold_Ad6573 Vcs já foram promovidos?

Vi alguns posts aqui falando que o melhor jeito de aumentar salário é fazendo job hopping e tal
Vcs recebem aumentos/promoções com frequência? (Excluindo dissídio)
Os meus 4 aumentos q tive foram provenientes de 4 trocas de emprego ao longo de 4 anos (não necessariamente aumentei minha responsabilidade entre eles).
submitted by Gold_Ad6573 to brdev [link] [comments]