How do I have confidence about new skills?

2025.01.27 04:10 secretlyobsessed2012 How do I have confidence about new skills?

I’m a new marketing support, and I’ve only been in the role for about 2 months. My manager has explained to me she wants me to “own it” and be confident about my new skills and I’m just not sure how to please her. I’ve only been in the role for 2 months and I’m starting to learn my new responsibilities but I kind of feel like I’m scared to death of messing up. Owning it doesn’t seem like an easy thing to..How do I gain this “owning it”attitude ?? What does that even mean
submitted by secretlyobsessed2012 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:10 Mew_Kyu free OCs

free OCs submitted by Mew_Kyu to GachaClub [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:10 Basic_Pipe_7040 Am I a sociopath?

I (19M) don’t feel emotions really. Other than like momentary satisfaction or anger. I’m not autistic, I can read social cues and body language but I view all of my interactions with people almost as like puzzles to solve, I take notes on people I’m close with and the things they’ve told me.
I star next to sensitive things they tell me and make a note of how I behaved at the time in an attempt to replicate that behaviour later on to get more info - I.e, secrets, past events in their lives, etc. I don’t care to get close to people because of emotional connections, I’ve never felt emotionally close to someone, I only feel “close” or “attached” to people who I am able to get the most out of. I feign shyness to relate to introverts, I act out to relate to extroverts. I memorise lyrics to pretend I like an artist someone tells me they like.
I don’t hurt people nor do I have a desire to hurt people, I have crossed what I understand were personal boundaries several times, e.g, looking through someone’s phone/personal belongings while they’re out of the room. I don’t feel guilt over this but recently I have started to feel a little… seperated for lack of a better word. A confusion as to why I am like this and what makes other people not behave like this. I understand what emotions are and how they drive other people but confused as to why I don’t experience the same. A confusion as to when people tell me they love me or like me or trust me, why? If a college friend of mine spoke to a work friend of mine about me, they’d assume they’re talking about two severely different people. So how can someone like me if “me” is just a reflection of everything that person has told me?
submitted by Basic_Pipe_7040 to Sociopaths [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:10 mymy1517 Chest pains ???

Hey guys !! I’m sure this has been talked about on here but I just joined so I figured I would make a post. About half way through 2024 I was diagnosed with gerd and let’s just say it’s been terrible. It seems like most people have foods that trigger their gerd episodes but I seem to get flare ups with any type of food, even if it’s super bland. The worst symptom I get with gerd is chest pain. It sometimes feels like I have actual pain/pinching sensation right next to my heart and it’s terrifying. I notice the pain gets worse with certain movements like when I raise my arms or bend over. Anyways, my anxiety always seems to get the best of me and I start thinking “maybe it’s not the gerd. Maybe it’s a heart disease the doctors never noticed”. I do take 20mg of famotidine which helps take the edge off but not completely. I just wanted to know if any of you have similar issues cause knowing I’m not alone would make me feel better :)
submitted by mymy1517 to GERD [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:10 TraditionalCat118 LF spray all day or photo op (set 12) ⭐️⭐️⭐️

LF spray all day or photo op (set 12) ⭐️⭐️⭐️ submitted by TraditionalCat118 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:10 MsGolem What did people that “saw god” actually experience?

Are people hallucinating, completely making it up, or what? I’ve just heard so many people express so adamantly that god literally showed up in front of them and spoke to them and whatever else so it lead me to wonder what you guys think the majority of these people truly experienced
submitted by MsGolem to atheism [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:10 moonlxght07 Femto Drawing Colored and Black n White

Femto Drawing Colored and Black n White lmk what yall think
submitted by moonlxght07 to Berserk [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:10 BenlanderPS So happy DeAndre final gets to play in the Super Bowl. This guy deserves this and I hope he goes off in the Super Bowl.

So happy DeAndre final gets to play in the Super Bowl. This guy deserves this and I hope he goes off in the Super Bowl. submitted by BenlanderPS to KansasCityChiefs [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:10 jvc72 Buy Signal Jito USD - 26 Jan 2025 @ 23:07 -> USD2.76

Ticker: JTOUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 26 Jan 2025 @ 23:07
Price: USD2.76
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:10 Galactus-1 Conviction 2016

Conviction 2016 submitted by Galactus-1 to ForgottenTV [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:10 axiljan Maiko has a Sandevista?

Maiko has a Sandevista? So Maiko "I have a doll chip" Maeda supposedly has a Sandevistan. She really thought she had a chance. 😭
submitted by axiljan to LowSodiumCyberpunk [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:10 EbbInternational1108 I’ve tried to like my stepdaughter (teen)

She is very manipulative, lies frequently, is self-centered, extremely clingy, and seeks attention too much. I talked to her father about it, and while things improved a little, the same problems persist. That may be only half the issue, though—the other half is that I simply don’t like her. She is someone I would never choose to live with. I’ve tried to approach her with kindness and even love, but every time, she says or does something rude, sarcastic, egotistical, or attention-seeking. When we all spend time together, everything ends up being focused on her. At the beginning, they were too touchy, even sleeping together. She completely took over his personal space, and in front of me, they would stare at each other for minutes without saying anything. That felt so intimate to me and made me feel uncomfortable. Just being around her makes me feel sick. I treat her well, but this situation is only causing me pain. Is the only solution to finish my married (2 years) I have tried but I don’t know what else to do.
submitted by EbbInternational1108 to Stepmom [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:10 Reddoorgarage Haven’t seen this before.
“Fully armored” I wonder how much is weighs now lol.
submitted by Reddoorgarage to GMT800 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:10 colinwasson DIALGA 080507089947 2ppl party power

submitted by colinwasson to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:10 Consistent_Speaker98 Why did GeePee call Spoingus stinky? Is she rude or something?

Why did GeePee call Spoingus stinky? Is she rude or something? submitted by Consistent_Speaker98 to okbuddybfdi [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:10 Juanx2704 Pregunta seria, en esta aplicación se puedes encontrar cosas turbias?

submitted by Juanx2704 to preguntaleareddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:10 jjaetyongs Just finished legacies last night and here are my thoughts...

  1. Easily the worst series finale for the whole franchise. How could they end a decade-long franchise like this... I was so disappointed it ended the way it did. It was so anticlimactic.
  2. It was very out of character for Josie to leave the way she did and she didn't even come back to have proper closure with Hope. She left her twin sister to deal with being a vampire all along. (I get that Kaylee may have issues with Matt but it was just very unrealistic lol; it would make more sense if she died rather than leaving them all to die)
  3. The whole series felt like they kept wringing a towel for ideas and it just dried up. The involvement of gods just because Hope is too powerful all on her own 😭
  4. I think one of the main problems of the series is they kept adding these new creatures without properly fleshing them out. Like they explained Cleo is a muse. That's that. THEN she turned into an oracle. That's that. THEN turns out she's a Fury since she's an oracle who can change the future.. This was explained in less than 5 minutes and people were just supposed to go "Aight bet".
  5. I get pissed off whenever Alaric would make a jab to Hope about how she's Klaus' daughter. What a dick.
  6. Out of everyone, I think Hope is the most acceptable person to turn their humanity off; safety of everyone aside. Mom & Dad dead because of her; boyfriend killed by her. She's basically Season 4 Elena all over again lol. ngl that scene where she makes a knife out of her blood was so cool... also when you realize her humanity was off the moment she stabs landon..
  7. LOVED the episode with the originals back.. I was so happy when I saw Marcel lol
  8. I feel like Hope & Raf was a better fit even Hope & Josie. Never liked Hope & Landon
  9. My absolute favorite character was MG so I was happy to see him at the end of the series.
  10. I saw spoilers of Hope watching Klaus on a screen; I thought Hope would turn her humanity off again to become more powerful to defeat Ken and Klaus would be the catalyst to make her turn it on again. I was so disappointed it was like a facetime call from Peace 🤣
submitted by jjaetyongs to LegaciesCW [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:09 Old_Poet_1608 Automatically run a shortcut in intervals?

I created a shortcut that pulls events from my calendar and starts specific types of workout using keywords from the event details. I need a way to essentially run this scan every five minutes or some other method of triggering it automatically so that my workouts will start based on the time in my calendar without me having to manually start it on my watch. How can I do that? I’m also open to other suggestions for triggers to start the shortcut.
Edit: **a shortcut in intervals^
submitted by Old_Poet_1608 to shortcuts [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:09 PaleontologistOk3859 Construçōes/buildings victoria 3

Porque eu não consigo abrir a aba de construções no victoria 3?
Why can't I open the buildings tab in victoria 3?
submitted by PaleontologistOk3859 to paradoxplaza [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:09 Sufficient-Parfait-2 10th gen or Ipad air

hello! i’ve been saving up for an ipad for a few months now since i’ll be going to college this year and thought it would be useful but until now, I cant decide on whether to get the ipad 10th gen or the air 6. The 10th gen is cheaper and I would be able to afford it faster but 64gb isnt enough and 256 is just too much 😭 the air 6 128gb is the perfect amount but its a lot more expensive and thats not even accounting the accessories… If i were to use it mostly for school, games, and watching shows which one would be better for me?
submitted by Sufficient-Parfait-2 to ipad [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:09 Admirable-Oil-9921 Infant day care for 3+ months

As my maternity leave is about to end . I am planning to leave my baby in daycare . I would like to know is a daycare good option for 3 months old baby. Anyone with an experience.
submitted by Admirable-Oil-9921 to dubai [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:09 OppositeRock4217 Imagine Ye was performing halftime show at Super Bowl and he plays this

Imagine Ye was performing halftime show at Super Bowl and he plays this submitted by OppositeRock4217 to Kanye [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:09 Stock-Committee1452 Does this Bill have any value?

Does this Bill have any value? submitted by Stock-Committee1452 to CoolSerialNumbers [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:09 JackieSmallsxs Just found out my mom has been dating my classmate

My mom divorced my dad, and i’m glad she did to be honest because he was sort of losing his temper and it wasn’t good in the house.
For context I’m 18 and my mom is 38 “Simran” (Simran is not her real name, just a very popular Indian name)
I got to University in Texas and I have a lot of friends and classmates there. I have this one classmate “Jack 22 M”
he’s a bit older than but he’s cool.
Well I’m gonna skip all the stories and everything and cut to the chase and well basically, I found out that my mom has been seeing him.
I only found out she was seeing someone because I was found condom wrappers in her room and I was like wtf is this mom, dad hasn’t lived here for 7 months.
She explained everything and now I think I might go over the deep end
we’re not friends but wtf man,
submitted by JackieSmallsxs to GuyCry [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:09 elitelwarrior Rusfor

Rusfor submitted by elitelwarrior to BlackhawkRescue [link] [comments]