Hugging w a boner

用Hugging Face的transformers时,需要下载模型,目前的下载站点是… 看不懂,但我大受震撼。 幻方买了很多卡在多年前就是我们饭桌上的谈资,最迟在我博四时候(2020年),在和有一级市场二级市场的小伙伴们参与的饭局上,我们就喜欢讨论这事儿,因为我们搞不太清楚,量化投资这个领域到底是要跑什么模型,需要这么大的算力(我没记错的话是千卡集群级别的 ... Hugging Face付费计划 一款公共库免费开放使用,还可以很好地培养用户粘性,它的免费库越多越好用,我们对它的依赖也会逐渐变大。 等用户基数够大的时候,并转头开始向企业使用收费时,我们也不得不为其付出相应的代价,毕竟代码迁移的成本摆在那。 如何优雅地学习hugging face上的各种模型? 本人稍微有点Python基础(pandas、numpy等)。 之前在百度的paddlepaddle上学了两个模型(只是跟着b站的教学做)。 HuggingFace下载模型默认保存在~/.cache/huggingface下面怎么修改这个路径? - 知乎 ... huggingface 这一集视频我们将要学习如何用不同的格式保存数据集到本地,以及如何加载它们 - 我们每次从hugging face hub中下载的数据集默认都会以arrow table的方式缓存到本地, 箭头表存储方式能更有效利用内存 - 支持不同的方法来分别把Dataset保存为Arrow、CSV、JSON、Parquet格式 - 加载数据集的时候用统一的方法 ... 作为深度试用过这个社区的用户,我先抛出个人的一个结论,ModelScope确实和hugging face有一些相似之处,但确实更适合中国的开发者,特别是刚刚接触AI的一些开发者。感受到的几点不同之处: 一、对小白或者刚接触AI的开发者比较友好,可以快速上手 给服务器安装hugging face的模型,本地可以挂vpn加速下载,但服务器挂vpn真的麻烦的一批. 且vpn不稳定时,大几G的模型参数每次下载都会蹦掉卡住(亲身经历。。。。。) 解决: 一波搜索猛如虎,发现Hugging Face 出了镜像网站,真的太友好了. 直接以下一行代码 ... 为什么中国诞生不了 Hugging Face 这样的公司? 相信大家都用过hugging face开发的transformers库,但为什么中国无法诞生hugging face这样公司? 是因为缺人才,还是因为巨… 获得 3,887 次喜欢,36,116 次收藏. 关注了. 9

2025.01.27 05:16 allaboutfay333_ Hugging w a boner

I had never been able to hug him before because he was always busy w work, and we rarely had the chance to meet. But now that we’ve finally spent time together, he’s the one who always initiates the hugs, and honestly, it’s exactly what I’ve been craving from him. There’s smth so comforting and reassuring about the way he holds me, as if he’s silently telling me how much he cares.
sometimes, I notice something when we’re hugging, and it makes me wonder—is that normal for guys? I can’t help but tease him about it. He just laughs it off, his face turning a little red, and I find his shyness so endearing. It’s moments like these that remind me how much I enjoy being close to him. His presence feels like home, and the way he shows affection, even in subtle ways, makes me appreciate him even more. I never thought hugs could feel this meaningful, but with him, they do.
submitted by allaboutfay333_ to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 Certain_Specific8719 Niggas will lie about anything, who told yall the deluxe was coming today🤦🏾

Sit down and stop getting ppl hype over nothing happening
submitted by Certain_Specific8719 to jpegmafiamusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 Thesoggywolf Dry but does the job

Dry but does the job submitted by Thesoggywolf to IndianEnts [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 Holiday-Raspberry-63 DBQ

How long do you wait before asking optum Serve to release my 5 DBQs to the va claims. It's been 3 weeks. Vera says they are pending.
submitted by Holiday-Raspberry-63 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 Hatred141 Fen Förstemann

Fen Förstemann submitted by Hatred141 to BannerlordBanners [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 SomethingClever42068 Shadow and Andromeda.

Shadow and Andromeda. submitted by SomethingClever42068 to dogpictures [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 vestvannluc Anyone know if central library is open today?

I'm in desperate need of somewhere that's accessible 24hrs. I've done overnights at the central library before but forgot today was a public holiday and can't find anything definitive about whether it's open or not.
submitted by vestvannluc to UQreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 Background-Home3601 Helpp

Helpp Game not sizing right
submitted by Background-Home3601 to LegionGo [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 Medical-Web-8626 The alpha doesn’t seek permission; he creates a path others

The alpha doesn’t seek permission; he creates a path others submitted by Medical-Web-8626 to LahoreDatingg [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 vnsxt Stuck in OTR! Help

Hello, I am trying to fill the form and got stuck at UPSC exam information in OTR profile. It won't save the info and shows a blank page with "case" written on it.
I have completed all the other details.
My doubt is whether I can continue with Part I and Part II and rest of the form and leave UPSC Exam information tab as it is with a x mark on it.
Please guide. I can't keep sitting idle with 4 parts of form unfilled.
Will I be able to
submitted by vnsxt to UPSC [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 ArchitectMary "Ukraine will never be in NATO, and if you listen to the statements of some politicians recently, Ukraine will have huge problems with joining the EU," said Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico.

submitted by ArchitectMary to ProRussia_news [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 Livingpretty_ pineapple on pizza

pineapple on pizza submitted by Livingpretty_ to funnymeme [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 Alegan239 Can someone tell me what these pipes are?

This is in the attic above the bathroom. We live in Texas and the house was built in 1955. There is a spot on the bottom of this pipe that is corroded and is dripping water berry slowly. I'm not sure if this is a vent pipe or what. Please help me figure out what this is.
submitted by Alegan239 to HomeMaintenance [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 OkMention3535 Legit check?

Legit check? Recently started to collect jerseys and just wanted to check if this throwback was legit or not
submitted by OkMention3535 to footballjerseys [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 jorphixx Chisago Memes Revival.

Chisago Memes Revival. submitted by jorphixx to ChisagoMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 Bill_HiddenBottom Hey there! Anyone want to draw this little kitty?

Hey there! Anyone want to draw this little kitty? submitted by Bill_HiddenBottom to redditgetsdrawnbadly [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 pekkow_yt Someone stole my _________

submitted by pekkow_yt to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 Apprehensive_Match_4 My parvo-survivor’s “give me egg” face

My parvo-survivor’s “give me egg” face submitted by Apprehensive_Match_4 to goldenretrievers [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 kamino2024 Paid $20

Paid $20 Not bad eh
submitted by kamino2024 to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 Most-Detective-9003 Looking for Clan members!

Looking for members to grow clan!

Comment username if interested
submitted by Most-Detective-9003 to PetSimulator99 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 carolinanodrama Ooops

Ok,ddue for colonoscopy to morrow. Bought what I thought was the right lrep ( australia here)...picoprep. Started ma,ing it to cool down in fridge when I oticed the 3 sachets are the same. My doctors notes said I must have 2 picoprep orange and one picorprep glycerate? Or something, to ma,e a litre. Well it is a public holiday today and it is in the afternoon. Will the 3 sachets of picoprep orange work?
submitted by carolinanodrama to colonoscopy [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 RainbowBloom420 Freedom RP: New Experimental Consent based RP server. (New Promo Video) Join us on discord today for more info!
Hey everyone, as the post says I am starting up a pacifism friendly RP server with the focus being more on fun minigames, activities, and group roleplay encounters. This includes a system for gangs, L.E.O's, Government agents, and certain civilian jobs (armed cash transport, hired bodyguard etc) to flag into pvp and fight as they want, but to allow players to chose to opt out of those situations when they do not want to participate.
The goal of the server is to give people a place where they can "flag" into pvp or choose to remain out of combat at their disclosure.
We will still have gangs, police, and all the traditional factions, but players must flag up in identifying clothing and are only able to target faction members for hostile encounters. Any players caught targeting unflagged/civilian players will be given a warning and promptly removed from the server if unable to abide by these rules. We are Developing and will be testing custom scripts to make this easier in the future.
We have a discord server, professional development including mlo's and scripting, and we have been secretly building this server in the background for the last 6 months while we got everything dialed in to provide people with a smooth experience from the get go. We are looking for people who want to be engaged in a supportive community with the goal of pushing the boundaries of what Fivem scripting and roleplaying can be, where we strive to keep people immersed by making such a fun environment they forget they are roleplaying altogether!
This is a community for artists, for makers, for the people who want to see what we can all create together and a space for us all to socialize, party, and make the most memorable experiences we can. If that sounds like a good fit, please feel free to find us on discord

submitted by RainbowBloom420 to FiveMRPServers [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 Conke_n_Bepis Possible bug related to leather making

Hello everybody, im looking for any help i can get on figuring out whats wrong.
So ive had this playthrough for about 45 hours, and ive decided to delve into leather, however when i put my barrels down, it seems that i cant put wood inside the barrel along with water?
As shown on the picture, if i put 5 wood in a barrel filled with 50 Lt of water it replaces the water and only shows wood.
I can fill barrels just fine,
I can also fake the game as shown in the picture, and put wood before the water which doesnt replace, but when i seal it unseals itself again.
Im running some mods that might be the fault, or maybe its the recent updates? Any help appreciated, here's my modlist
Banners- Combat Overhaul (Armory, code, guns and crossbows) Composter Fields of Salt Chisel tools
Floral Zones, Food Shelves
All fauna of the stone age Millwright
Stone bake oven, Something in the water,
Stone quarry, Rope Bridge Repairable locusts
WAypoint together
Can Jewlery Butchering Better Ruins Canoe
I know its a long list by the way, bbut i cant think of anything that alters the barrels?
submitted by Conke_n_Bepis to VintageStory [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 bulgeb Clock running after running out of bounds.

At around 9:32-30 left in the game a bills player ran out of bounds after a big run/pass (can’t remember). The clock kept running. When the bills came back to the line and hiked the ball the clock had run down to around 9:00. Why did the clock not stop for the player running out of bounds?
submitted by bulgeb to NFLv2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 05:16 Nahrwallsnorways Radiata Stories mounted ps2 iso problem

Tl;dr at bottom (if you need more info, ask or read the post, I try to describe everything as well as I can)
So, I just homebrewed my ps3 super slim yesterday, specifically to try to play Radiata Stories since squeenix is bound and determined to ignore this game for all its worth forever and ever.
I've been trying for years to play it, never having a pc decent enough to run a ps2 emulator, getting ps2 consoles second hand that scratch and ruin discs despite trying everything I could to fix those issues, just having a hair pulling time getting it on something I could actually play it on.
Finally looked up the homebrew process a day or two ago, im familiar enough with jailbreaking other consoles (mainly Nintendo stuff) and I figured I'd go ahead and do this so I could finally play this game I love but have been unable to enjoy for forever.
Did it, got Ps3HEN up and working, got Webman on my system, followed a slightly complicated process to get ps2 games loaded onto the system so I can play them (with my ds4 no less, since I have no ds3's anymore) only to run into a brick wall with Radiata Stories specifically. (Of course)
I've got it named correctly, game loads up and all, totally playable, until I noticed... no exp gain. The game seems to lock on a specific exp amount and not budge from it. Kind of a massive issue for an rpg. And its strictly just exp and levels that are broken. If you've played this game before, you know that there's a combo editing system where you'll slowly learn new moves as you fight, independent of exp and levels. This works fine. Theres also passive skill gain, like LuckUp/WindResistanceUp unique to every character, those level up just fine too. But the primary character levels don't work.
I noticed after clearing all the enemies on the path path between the City of Radiata and the dwarf village (first opportunity to level in the game) and by reaching the village i was still level 1. Went back and found some enemies on another path to fight, really looked at the exp gain at the end of battle, it does something like this: Jack will have 19 exp to gain until leveling. I gain 70 from a fight. The counter ticks down from 19 to 1, then resets to like 112 and ticks down the remaining exp, but never shows the actual level up and stat gain. And when I come out of a battle and check my status in the menu, Jack will still be level 1 with 19 exp to go to hit level 2.
Closing out the game entirely and loading back in, if I fight a single battle, it does the same thing with exp and doesn't show stat gain or "Level Up!" at the end battle screen, but in my status menu it shows Jack at level 2 with all stat increases. If I fight another battle, it just does the same thing it was doing before. It'll tick down the exp I gained from the battle, ill exit the end battle screen, look in my menu, and the exp to next level will be the same as it was before I fought.
So it seems like I can gain exp and level from 1 single fight per time I load up the game from the xmb. Thats not playable. You can't save whenever you want, there's save points. And besides, I don't want to have to get up and push the ps3 power button every time i win a single battle and go back to try to find a save point. I can't exit the game through normal means with a dualshock 4 controller.
Looked everywhere online, no one else has had this issue as far as I can tell, but people trying to play it on their ps3 super slim through webman/ps3HEN are very few and far between, if any others exist at all.
So im at a loss here. I really want to play this, but I don't feel like attempting an insane no level challenge run, I just want to play it like normal. I dont know what could be causing this though.
I've gone through the lengthy process of downloading the iso from two different trusted host sites now (my physical copy of this game is in a storage unit a state away), transferring them from my shitty laptop to my ps3 via FTP (since the game is 4.6 gigabytes and won't fit on a fat32 file system usb drive), "encoding" and renaming them on the ps3 via multiman, and finally mounting them via webman to play. Both copies have done the same thing, so im sure its not a file issue.
The ps3/ps2classics compatability list doesn't even mention this bug and says the game is playable with a few different issues fixed with config, which I've done.I feel like whoever tested it either didn't play long enough to notice or perhaps they did it on a different ps3 that didn't have this issue.
I dont know where else to go or what to even try to do to get this working. I've spent my whole weekend trying to get this running. Other ps2 games? No problem. Kings Field the Ancient City works great. No weird issues like this. Shadow Tower: Abyss also works just fine, no weird issues. Half Life? You bet, no problem.
I can't gain levels or exp in this RPG. Everything else about the game works. Something is terribly wrong. I dont know how to fix it. I've tried using two different base iso's from two different websites, so im pretty sure its not a issue with the file itself. Other games work fine. The compatability list doesn't even mention this issue.
So I come before you, fellow pirates. Help a swashbuckler out, would you? Does anyone know what i could try to do to fix this? Has anyone else even tried to play this game this way and encountered this issue? Im doubtful, barely anyone even knows this game exists, but im desperate here :(
submitted by Nahrwallsnorways to ps3piracy [link] [comments]