Frank Horrigan vs 红龙, who wins?

2025.01.29 02:46 NCR_RANGER_uwu Frank Horrigan vs 红龙, who wins?

Frank Horrigan vs 红龙, who wins? submitted by NCR_RANGER_uwu to FalloutHumor [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 No-Raspberry-1851 Yo, who do you think in FPE or in kaaatieverse fit of character for people who don’t know it’s a redpill from this channel here’s the goober question (this has nothing to do with politics. That’s just their name.) also have a picture of the goober.

Yo, who do you think in FPE or in kaaatieverse fit of character for people who don’t know it’s a redpill from this channel here’s the goober question (this has nothing to do with politics. That’s just their name.) also have a picture of the goober. submitted by No-Raspberry-1851 to FundamentalPaperEdu [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 Real_P_Bateman Old dark mode > New dark mode = Bring Back Old Dark Mode (pretty please)

I don't like having to change the color on all my lines, indicators and alerts an hour before market open.
No clue why this change was made; old colors were gorgeous and crisp. Now I feel like I am trading in Gotham City circa 1992.
Please bring back the blue-ish gray scale and the old dark mode widgets and control panel plase
submitted by Real_P_Bateman to TradingView [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 Careless-Routine2851 Confused on what to buy

I want to be able to control both my fans and my Argb individually. Just bought the Corsair commander core XT and it doesn’t have the 3 prong for the rgb.
submitted by Careless-Routine2851 to SignalRGB [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 Tavyth Did Infiniteproxies get nuked?

I had a few of their models earmarked, just waiting until I had more time in my schedule to try and get into everything, and now everywhere I look I can find pictures and links to models, but they're all broken, and any reddit post has been deleted along with the user.
I know their models flew pretty close to the sun, so I'm not necessarily surprised if they got hit with a cease and desist (flashbacks to eMang ripping Age of Sigmar proxies straight from Total War: Warhammer 3 before GW sued and bankrupted him with legal fees) but I saw posts as recent as 4 months ago referencing them, then I can't find much of anything afterwards.
submitted by Tavyth to InfinityTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 johnny_boy942010 The end of us

Ever since God made the earth, demons have infested or minds and tested our wills. Our faith has been questioned and sometimes eradicated due to Lucifer. But there are signs of the final judgement, judgement day. Many of them are what you would think of: earthquakes, war, water turning blood red, you get the idea. But temptation is the most dangerous of them all. Lucifer’s entire goal is to induce fear into us and question the Lord. Crawlers might be of such. Of course, this seems and might even be far fetched, but every encounter I’ve seen on this subreddit has pointed to this conclusion. Think of it, crawlers are mainly seen when alone. They also seem to disappear when they like and manifest into our minds. Crawlers aren’t monsters or animals, they are demons. Demons are stated to appear when they like and torture you for their own satisfaction. Ring a bell? I bet it does, and if it doesn’t, it should. Crawlers could very much be a final effort from Satan to lure us away from God and make us live in fear. The fact that crawlers may very well be demons is supported by the fact that praying makes they go away. Same goes for demons. What I’m trying to say is, demons may very well be tested us in forms that are known to terrify us. They could eat roadkill as a way to make us believe they are an animal and are not demonic. But other evidence says otherwise. Humanity will fall. Jesus will come. And crawlers are a sign.
submitted by johnny_boy942010 to CrawlerSightings [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 mobileplaer I got the Gerome hacker

submitted by mobileplaer to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 Due_Property4569 How hyped are we for this dude? (second image unrelated)

How hyped are we for this dude? (second image unrelated) submitted by Due_Property4569 to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 test_block_4 To report 2025-01-29 02:41:26

submitted by test_block_4 to 17112022075331 [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 ParamedicProper Food for thought

submitted by ParamedicProper to EDCCW [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 Time-Word-743 Greek Orthodox Marriage

Hi all,
I am trying to figure out if getting married in a Greek Orthodox church means that your marriage is registered with the Greek State? If anyone knows any insight it would be greatly appreciated, I can’t find anything related to this online.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Time-Word-743 to OrthodoxChristianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 ONIXCAO Whats the best farm of gold?

Im trying to get the platinum of the game and I want tk know
submitted by ONIXCAO to Wonderlands [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 Similar_Remote_7346 A Unicorn??

A Unicorn?? Playing multiplayer with a friend and this unicorn is on his screen but not on mine. WTF
submitted by Similar_Remote_7346 to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 AgentPea_44 Not sure how to stop 3d prints from warping

Not sure how to stop 3d prints from warping I’m pretty new to 3d printing as I just got my first printer for Christmas which was the Creality Ender 3 v3 se, however I am having a recurring issue where prints warp and peel up slightly as seen in the pictures.
I don’t have too much problem with bed adhesion, it’s more just the warping mid way through the print.
Anyone know a fix for this issue as I cannot figure out why it’s doing this.
submitted by AgentPea_44 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 LemonLow1135 [PostgreSQL] Need Help

Need some help fixing some syntax errors that have me completely turned around. Assignment is creating and populating reports and triggers from an existing database.
Currently errors I'm seeing are in the third, fifth sections
Section 3 - ERROR: column "rental_year" is of type integer but expression is of type text. "get_month_string(rental_date) AS rental_month,"
Section 5 - ERROR: syntax error at or near "." "INNER JOIN category AS cat.category_id = fcat.category_id)"
-- first section--
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_month_string(rental_date DATE)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
DECLARE month_string TEXT;
SELECT TO_CHAR (rental_date, 'Month')
INTO month_string;
RETURN month_string;
END; $$;
--return year as INT--
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
DECLARE sales_year INT;
SELECT EXTRACT (YEAR from rental_date)
INTO sales_year;
RETURN sales_year;
END; $$;
--second section --
CREATE TABLE detailed_report (
rental_id INT,
rental_date DATE,
film_title VARCHAR(280),
film_genre VARCHAR(70),
store_id SMALLINT,
--create summary_report table--
CREATE TABLE summary_report (
rental_year INT,
rental_month VARCHAR(12),
store_id SMALLINT
--third section--
INSERT INTO detailed_report (
f.title AS film_title, AS film_genre,
FROM rental AS r
INNER JOIN inventory AS i ON i.inventory_id = r.inventory_id
f.title AS film_title, AS film_genre
FROM film AS f
INNER JOIN film_category AS fcat ON fcat.film_id = f.film_id
INNER JOIN category AS cat ON cat.category_id = fcat.category_id )
AS f ON f.film_id = i.film_id;
--fourth section--
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION summary_updater_function()
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
DELETE FROM summary_report;
INSERT INTO summary_report
get_month_string(rental_date) AS rental_month,
get_year(rental_date) AS rental_year,
COUNT(rental_id) AS total_rentals,
FROM detailed_report
WHERE store_id =1 OR store_id = 2
GROUP BY store_id, rental_year, rental_month)
ORDER BY rental_year, rental_month, store_id;
END; $$;
CREATE TRIGGER summary_updater_trigger()
EXECUTE PROCEDURE summary_updater_function();
--fifth section--
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
DELETE FROM detailed_report;
DELETE FROM summary_report;
INSERT INTO detailed_report (rental_id, rental_date, film_title, film_genre, store_id)
f.title AS film_title, AS film_genre,
FROM rental AS r
INNER JOIN inventory AS i ON i.inventory_id = r.inventory_id
FROM film AS f
INNER JOIN film_category AS fcat ON fcat.film_id = f.film_id
INNER JOIN category AS cat ON cat.category_id = fcat.category_id )
AS f ON f.film_id = i.film_id;
INSERT INTO summary_report (rental_month, rental_year, total_rentals, store_id)
EXTRACT(rental_date, 'Month') AS rental_month,
EXTRACT(YEAR FROM rental_date) AS rental_year,
COUNT(rental_id) AS total_rentals,
FROM detailed_report
GROUP BY store_id, rental_year, rental_month
ORDER BY rental_year, rental_month, store_id;
END; $$;
submitted by LemonLow1135 to SQL [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 Thet_oon_from_warner A way to turn the pomson into a top 4 weapon in its slot

We have soldier at home Soldier at home:
submitted by Thet_oon_from_warner to TF2WeaponIdeas [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 SFfan642006 Leon from F-Zero looks familiar.

Leon from F-Zero looks familiar. submitted by SFfan642006 to starfox [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 Snuggs57 ISO Notre Dame 47 Brand Orange Bowl Hat

Looking for the Orange Bowl hat from 47 brand. Anyone know where to find one or if they will restock? Thanks
submitted by Snuggs57 to notredamefootball [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 Ok-Manager-9478 Minimum spacing can not be set to 0 when slicing by object in Orcaslicer

Minimum spacing can not be set to 0 when slicing by object in Orcaslicer submitted by Ok-Manager-9478 to FixMyPrint [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 chobi83 Question about some silver I came into

Question about some silver I came into submitted by chobi83 to Silverbugs [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 Ok-Area3425 Men Of Reddit: How often do you shave and where do you shave?

Some men don't shave at all and some men shave a lot so I'm just curious for some reason.
I don't have that much facial hair and I'm fine with leg/arm hair so I usually only shave my shaft and balls because I don't wanna have a damn jungle down there. 💀💀💀
submitted by Ok-Area3425 to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 Damiezz gente de Reddit, que es lo más extraño que les ha pasado un fin de semana?

submitted by Damiezz to bolitasamarillas [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 Alternative-Tune8314 Park Police Assures Residents That Alligators Are Not Native to Maryland and Signs Appear to Be A Prank - The MoCo Show

Park Police Assures Residents That Alligators Are Not Native to Maryland and Signs Appear to Be A Prank - The MoCo Show submitted by Alternative-Tune8314 to SilverSpring [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 Substantial-Grass-22 I’m almost done with the exterior of my newest ship. What do you think?

I’m almost done with the exterior of my newest ship. What do you think? submitted by Substantial-Grass-22 to Stormworks [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:46 Individual_Sense6650 Did they CGI remove Adam Scott's ring? S1, E6

Looking back at this episode, it looks like Adam Scott forgot to remove his wedding ring and they had to CGI it off...or am I seeing things?
submitted by Individual_Sense6650 to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]