维生素d3和维生素k2的安全剂量上限是? 先说维生素d3。与很多小伙伴一样,我对维生素d3最初的认识是能预防佝偻病,是一种脂溶性维生素,所以大量补充可能会中毒。 但是随着阅读的资料和专家观点变多,我的认知又有了这样的变化: 仅仅是一个问题,并非我遇到了这方面的困扰。想和大家讨论一下。 我自己选的话,我已经选了d3,因为在我眼里,旗舰毕竟是旗舰。而我如果是影楼摄影师,我可能… 显示全部 暗黑破壞神 2:獄火重生 《暗黑破壞神 2:獄火重生》是《暗黑破壞神 2》及其資料片的原汁原味重製版,帶來細節清晰的高畫質 3d 視覺效果和杜比 7.1 環繞音效呈現,並同時保留經典遊戲內容。 歡迎來到暗黑破壞神 3哈啦板,最新資訊及情報分享、精華好文查找、創作交流討論,盡在巴哈姆特! 长期服用5000单位维生素d3的朋友,需要格外关注维生素k2、维生素a、矿物质镁的摄入。 维生素a与维生素d互为保护剂,长期大剂量服用维生素d,且缺乏维生素a的话,不排除存在过量风险,反过来也是如此。一周吃2次猪肝,能提高维生素a的水平。 从游戏的画面来说,三者各有侧重,d3偏卡通化,gd和poe相对饱和度更高。尤其是poe,有一种油亮的质感。这个很难单纯的说好与坏,只不过审美这方面真的是因人而异。 从装备系统来说,我想大部分人应该同意poe的深度远超另外两位,当然,这是建立在游戏系统 维生素d3是人体皮肤依靠紫外线转化而来的。 2. 1 IU维生素D3等于0.025ug维生素D 3. 对婴幼儿、青少年、孕妇、乳母,每天300到400 IU(7.5到10ug)就已经OK 4.中国成年人维生素D参考摄入量为10ug(400IU) 5.最多每天不超过20ug 正常的成年人,每天补充不超过4000单位维生素d3制剂是不会中毒的。 同时建议补充3到6个月后复查血清维生素d水平。 维生素d能够促进肠道对钙和磷酸盐的吸收。 阳光能把体内的胆固醇衍生物转化为维生素d3,所以,维生素d也被称为"阳光维生素"。 有关维生素d2 和维生素d3药物制剂的作用效果是否相同的疑问有过较长时间的争论,但因血液检测技术的限制,一直缺乏数据支持。 直到血液25(OH)D检测技术的问世,才有了开展数据化研究的随机双盲临床试验。 但维生素d不能直接发挥作用,而是在体内后代谢为活性形式,参与代谢调节反应。常见的维生素d活性形式有25-羟维生素d3、1,25-二羟维生素d3、24,25-二羟维生素d3等,其中1,25-二羟维生素d3(25ohd)是其主要活性形式,活
2025.01.29 03:01 sarcofy 70000 IU of D3
Is it safe to take 70000 IU of liquid vitamin D3 with the same amount of K2 menaquinone7 in it AT ONCE once a month?
Will be immensely grateful for anyone’s help.
submitted by sarcofy to Supplements [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 03:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: tissue, weefsel
tissue, weefsel translates to tissue
Thank you so much for being a member of our community!
submitted by sharewithme to DutchFeed [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 03:01 JCwraps Missed Bitcoin? Try Buttcoin ($BUTT) - the ultimate meme on the ultimate cryptocurrency.
buttcoinofficial The Buttcoin community is a small cult of highly dedicated individuals looking to make a difference in the Cryptoverse. Our ideology is called Buttcoin Fundamentalism - the belief that we should measure our holdings in the number of $BUTT coins we own, and not the meaningless USD value of those holdings. Part of the core Buttcoin Fundamentalism ideology is also to DCA buy a set dollar amount each and every week, regardless of the price of the coin - forever. Folks who are enlightened and follow this buying pattern are welcomed to join our special Buttcoin Fundamentalist chat. We have this system rather than a dolphin/whale system because we believe enlightenment in our ideology is much more important than your net worth. This kind of dedicated cult will ultimately produce favorable long-term outcomes for our community. We believe that the HODL mentality is dying across the Cryptoverse - in fact, you can see it in the stats. The number of coins being created each day has increased rapidly since the last bull market. Too many folks think they can out-trade sophisticated algorithmic bots - this form of gambling doesn't work for almost everybody. But, humans are naturally attracted to the shiny new thing. We are trying to push back against natural human instinct, to our eventual benefit. Instead, we aim to promote bringing back the core mentality of Bitcoin HODLers. We want to give people another chance. Whether we're a small or large group, we will simply never cease our mission. It's a beautiful thing. To illustrate our ideology, we are creating a universe of lore and video content about a fantasy realm called the Buttverse. We symbolize the greed and Darkness that has engulfed the Cryptoverse with an evil group called the Bitcoin Legionaries. On the other hand, the Buttcoin Fundamentalists try to spread Light and truth back across the Cryptoverse. Our little community is highly dedicated in producing this content - it's almost like a set of religious texts for us. We hope more folks see our vision and join us. Either way, we will find Butt-halla together. CA: 9kAbgrVk6wxHxfiMCoVPY2KRQK1zo2sayf4pmX4rpump Signed, ButtDev submitted by JCwraps to CryptoMars [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 03:01 floppydisque Anyone with experience working as a Hospitalist abroad?
With the current political climate in the US I’m thinking about a back up plan to practice outside the US. From my cursory review of practicing outside the US the Hospitalist model doesn’t seem to be that common in the rest of the world.
Does anyone have any experience working abroad as a Hospitalist? I know working abroad obviously doesn’t pay as well. Countries like Australia, NZ, Singapore etc don’t require US MDs to redo residency. I’m trying to optimize pay, ease of moving there, similar working experience etc. if possible. Any help is appreciated.
submitted by floppydisque to hospitalist [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 03:01 Maleficent_Willow100 For everyone asking about release time
I’ve seen like 5 posts in a row and i feel like it should be announced so everyone is aware, the App Store/ google play store should tell u the release time. For me, my screenshot says 7 AM and that’s in central standard time. So convert this time to ur time zone if ur unable to see submitted by Maleficent_Willow100 to fuseboxgames [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 03:01 Keyblade_Yoshi Basketball Flannery [Pokemon]
submitted by Keyblade_Yoshi to CasualMoe [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 03:01 fungalsnoot ✂️ Damn, I what these immigrant workers have to put up with.
submitted by fungalsnoot to Asmongold [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 03:01 TedBenekeGoneWild Thanks for showing up today Bae
submitted by TedBenekeGoneWild to rockets [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 03:01 ohhhsnapcaughtu colorful flower bikini
submitted by ohhhsnapcaughtu to Floral_Bikinis [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 03:01 SAK1990 Trump just empowered states to fight back against illegal immigration
submitted by SAK1990 to The_Real_Maga [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 03:01 Asmodeus29 Psychonaut Field Manual Visualization
Hello everyone. I hope this isn’t a lame question. So I’m doing the visualization exercises in this pdf. Level 3, step 2 to be exact. My question is if I should visualize in the front of my mind’s eye or more in the center of my mind? I hope this isn’t a confusing explanation lol. And thank you for any advice provided. This is why I wish I had people in person to talk to haha.
submitted by Asmodeus29 to chaosmagick [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 03:01 Jiren0905 Grading Score on this?!
What do ya’ll think this would get through either PSA, BGS, or TAG?! Everything is excellent besides bottom right corner in the back. Great centering front and back, all other edges perfect, mint surface, just that tiny tiny bit of white there. submitted by Jiren0905 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 03:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: gwias
gwias translates to tissue
Thank you so much for being a member of our community!
submitted by sharewithme to CornishFeed [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 03:01 BlueIndigoTrails Bobcat Saves a Bite for Later
submitted by BlueIndigoTrails to wildlife_videos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 03:01 InflationSeparate619 XRP News Today: SEC vs. Ripple – Key Update Sparks Speculation; BTC Holds Above $100K
submitted by InflationSeparate619 to Crypto_Currency_News [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 03:01 Kndstpd Maybe face gains? Dysmorphia?
I started on wegovy 0.5 end of October. I’m on 1.7 as of today. I’ve lost 31 lb. I can’t see it, please tell me if you can. I’m struggling to see any changes. SW: 213.4 CW: 182.3 GW: 130 submitted by Kndstpd to Semaglutide [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 03:01 codius6 Mythic #2 of the season
Luck was with me today!
submitted by codius6 to D4Sorceress [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 03:01 Jwittit I think I made a hit!
What do you think !?
Peace and love,
submitted by Jwittit to shareyourmusic [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 03:01 Emaxus08 Cual es la mejor sala IMAX?
Para ver Interstellar
submitted by Emaxus08 to Ticos [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 03:01 unhox SAVE EUROPE - Gija Pro-Europietiškai Medijai ir Memams
Gyvename vienoje saugiausių, puikiausių šalių visame pasaulyje. Dėl to galime padėkoti mūsų tautinei vienybei. Kaip matome, tai siekiama sunaikinti per ekonomiją, kultūrą, ideologiją, migraciją. Norėčiau priminti visus, ypač Lithuania vartotojus: Europa - Europiečiams Lietuva - Lietuviams Komentuokite savo pro-europietiškus ir pro-lietuviškus memus ir širdžiai artimą mediją. -SAVE EUROPE- submitted by unhox to lietuviai [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 03:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: teixit
teixit translates to tissue
Thank you so much for being a member of our community!
submitted by sharewithme to CatalanFeed [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 03:01 IsIandLion Are there any RomCom animes that aren't highschool based?
At the bare minimum, I'd settle for seinen. However, I'd prefer if it featured an adult cast.
Also, prefer if it doesn't include any ecchi or fan-service content in it.
submitted by IsIandLion to Animesuggest [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 03:01 haakon-slash AoS: Now That’s a Knife – Best Weapons From Every Grand Alliance
submitted by haakon-slash to belloflostsouls [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 03:01 Odd_Departure_5100 Closed for maintenance :(
Just here to rant. The black card area has been closed for 2 days now. The scheduling screen says "closed for maintenance." I asked the staff what was wrong and they said the computer wasn't working? So the chairs and all that stuff work, they just can't schedule you for anything or use the timers? I don't know... I am broken hearted without the ma ssage chairs! I don't even want to go to the gym without ending my workout with a ma ssage. Fingers crossed this is a quick fix!
submitted by Odd_Departure_5100 to PlanetFitnessMembers [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 03:01 semigator You can get past DeepSeek censors with hyphens
submitted by semigator to pics [link] [comments] |