PLANet Modular BGA (Feedback)

According to a definition issued by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 2006, a planet is a celestial body that: orbits the Sun; possesses sufficient mass to assume a nearly spherical... What Is a Planet? The Short Answer: A planet must do three things: it must orbit a star, it must be big enough to have enough gravity to force a spherical shape, and it must be big enough that its gravity cleared away any objects of a similar size near its orbit. NASA’s Solar System Interactive (also known as the Orrery) is a live look at the solar system, its planets, moons, comets, and asteroids, as well as the real-time locations of dozens of NASA missions. The Sun is the heart of our solar system and its gravity is what keeps every planet and particle in orbit. This yellow dwarf star is just one of billions like it across the Milky Way galaxy. Sun facts → The solar system has one star, eight planets, five dwarf planets, at least 290 moons, more than 1.3 million asteroids, and about 3,900 comets. Planets, asteroids, and comets orbit our Sun. They travel around our Sun in a flattened circle called an ellipse. It takes the Earth one year to go around the Sun. Mercury goes around the Sun in only 88 days. It takes Pluto, the most famous dwarf planet, 248 years to make one trip around the Sun. Moons orbit planets. A planet is a celestial body that (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit. A planet is a large, rounded astronomical body that is generally required to be in orbit around a star, stellar remnant, or brown dwarf, and is not one itself. [1] Planet, broadly, any relatively large natural body that revolves in an orbit around the Sun or around some other star and that is not radiating energy from internal nuclear fusion reactions. There are eight planets orbiting the Sun in the solar system. Earth – our home planet – is the third planet from the Sun, and the fifth largest planet.

2025.01.29 06:11 lgnign0kt PLANet Modular BGA (Feedback)

I spent an evening playing around with the Modular BGA from PLANet and the results were eye opening. I have been a fan of silage from FS22 but being able to dump it into the BGA and make a steady income year round is a game changer. The beauty of the modular nature of the mod is that you can scale it immensely. I ended up building 5 bunkers to fill up with silage and then added 2 generators to sell that electricity. With the amount of silage I can create, there should be no problem keeping it going. I made ~200k from the first month of the operation. I've got plenty of space to bring my bunkers over to the plant and increase its capacity if needed. I've also invested in cows for manure and pigs for slurry to top it off. I may have gone a bit overboard on the bunkers, but with only 80k liter capacity for silage, I decided that it would be better - since I can make about 800k silage a month with my current set up.
Just wondering if anyone else has any experience with this mod and what they think of it?
submitted by lgnign0kt to farmingsimulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 ChessPlayer_01 Girl Scout Thin Mint Snappers

Onna “Thin Mint” everything crave lately && these so happened to be on my path of destruction. These clusters are like that!! For someone all about texture these are gems…No complaints && no changes.. 💁🏻‍♂️ Rate: 8.9/ 10
submitted by ChessPlayer_01 to snacking [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 AltruisticProduce740 Sirolimus In Australia

Hi, I’ve been trying to look for where I can buy sirolimus in Australia but I can’t really find it anywhere online. Unless it is under a different name, does anywhere know where I can purchase this product from?
My flushing and redness from this condition has always been so bad for me and nothing has seemed to help ever. I thought I had rosacea initially, but now believe I have KPRP now because I also have KP on my arms.
Also, if anyone could suggest cheaper products of this that would be great.
If anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated :))
submitted by AltruisticProduce740 to KPRubraFaceii [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 okumru #crossdresss #clotheshavenogender #crossdresser #pantyhose #highheels #sheer #platform #minidress #xdress #xdresser #karşıgiyinme #karsigiyinme #çaprazgiyinme #çapraz_giyinme #X_giyinme #caprazgiyinme #capraz_giyinme #karsigiyinme #karsi_giyinme #karşıgiyinme

#crossdresss #clotheshavenogender #crossdresser #pantyhose #highheels #sheer #platform #minidress #xdress #xdresser #karşıgiyinme #karsigiyinme #çaprazgiyinme #çapraz_giyinme #X_giyinme #caprazgiyinme #capraz_giyinme #karsigiyinme #karsi_giyinme #karşıgiyinme submitted by okumru to crossdressing [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 Gravl813 genuinely one of the best photo modes i’ve seen

genuinely one of the best photo modes i’ve seen i need more games to add poses and facial expressions 😂 half of them simply just pause the game and give you free cam
submitted by Gravl813 to farcry [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 forkastligt Desaturated bean hotpot.

Desaturated bean hotpot. submitted by forkastligt to shittyfoodporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 burnerapr20 Anyone else using $ynBNBx MAX LRT?

I’ve been restaking with $ynBNBx for a little while now, and I have to say, I’m pretty impressed with the returns. The base yield is 39.30%, but with the extra rewards, it pushes over 50% APY—definitely one of the better opportunities I’ve come across recently.
What I really like is how it combines restaking with DeFi yield, so it feels like a more unified approach to earning passive income. It’s been pretty easy to manage on the platform too.
Has anyone else tried it out? What’s your experience been like so far? I’m curious if others are seeing similar results or have any tips on getting the most out of it.
If you’re thinking about giving it a go, you can find all the legit links in their social media and/or official website.
submitted by burnerapr20 to web3marketinggroup [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 EXCUSE_ME_BEARFUCKER THE _______ IS ON FIRE!!!

submitted by EXCUSE_ME_BEARFUCKER to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 herstoryteller How does IllustrativeDNA make its money...?

Do they only profit from the payments for uploading and analyzing the raw data?
submitted by herstoryteller to illustrativeDNA [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 sunny-hydra Wechsel zu Trade Republik Girokonto?

Hi, ich mache gerade meine Ausbildung und habe ein ganz normales Girokonto bei der Targobank. Da ich noch bei meinen Eltern wohne und somit nicht viele monatliche Ausgaben habe, würde ich gerne mein Geld anlegen, damit es nicht einfach so auf dem Konto herumliegt. Mein erster Gedanke war ein einfaches Tagesgeldkonto, als Ersatz für ein Sparbuch sozusagen.
Als ich mich dann nach möglichen Optionen umgeschaut habe und ich mich mehr über das ganze informiert habe, bin ich zu dem Entschluss gekommen, dass das wahrscheinlich langfristig nicht die lukrativste Art ist, mein Geld anzulegen.
Das Girokonto bei Trade Republic hat es mir irgendwie besonders angetan. Ich finde Round-Up und 1% Saveback einfach genial. Die 3% Zinsen sind auch besser, als die meisten Tagesgeldkonten.
Meine Überlegungen bis jetzt sind:
Option 1: Ich eröffne ein Tagesgeldkonto bei meiner Bank auf dem ich ganz klassisch mein Geld sparen und nehme mein Girokonto als Verrechnungskonto für meinen ETF-Sparplan.
Option 2: Ich eröffne ein zweites Girokonto bei Trade Republic (oder ähnlichen, ich schau mir auch gerne andere Empfehlungen an), auf welches ich mein Erspartes überweise und behalte mein altes Girokonto für die Gehaltsabrechnung. Ich würde dann Primär mit der Trade Republik Karte zahlen um am meisten von dem Round-Up zu profitieren.
Option 3: Ich wechsele Girokonten und gehe komplett zu Trade Republic (oder Alternative). Dort würde dann mein gesamtes Geld aufbewahrt werden.
Frage zu Option 3: Ist es wichtig ein extra Verrechnungskonto zu haben? Oder zumindest, was sind die Vorteile von einem seperaten Girokonto und Verrechnungskonto.. Habt ihr Empfehlungen für eine Kombination?
Ich hoffe, ihr könnt mir weiterhelfen. Ich habe leider niemanden in meinem nähren Umfeld, der sich mit diesen Sachen auskennt...
submitted by sunny-hydra to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 Cold_Income_6391 I feel nothing

My gf just left to move 1600 miles away I’ve felt this for a while now but now I really don’t know what to do when I’m with people I feel happy I can laugh but when I get by myself I don’t necessarily feel sad angry happy I kind of just feel bleh like nothing but something at the same time I juts don’t know what is happening but it’s affecting everything in my life my focus my playing in the band my work my motivation I juts do not know what to do
submitted by Cold_Income_6391 to venting [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 Key-Wishbone8260 I found the artist!!

I found the artist!! Although I prefer the empty uncoloured version of this pic more, the artist didn’t want to publish it, but this picture more than satisfies me. Check this guy out! Link to artist under here!
submitted by Key-Wishbone8260 to SakuraMatou [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 Odd-Moment-4815 🥵

🥵 submitted by Odd-Moment-4815 to PunjabiModelss [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 abjinternational Man Utd news: Amorim identifies DREAM Chelsea target as Rashford replacement

submitted by abjinternational to sportsnewstoday [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 Agreeable_Block_6642 9mpo itchiness

9mpo itchiness Guys I am ITCHY!! I’m now 9mpo, and the last like 2 weeks itchiness in my scar and lower stomach have returned!! I’m still numb there so I can’t scratch it and it’s driving me insane 😭 has anyone dealt with this so late in the game? It’s is it nerves reconnecting?? Helppp 😂 (pic of me enjoying my new belly for attention I need relief)
submitted by Agreeable_Block_6642 to tummytucksurgery [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 Poumy Someone had put him under the shelves to sit for who knows how long

Someone had put him under the shelves to sit for who knows how long I noticed a Movie Tails sticking out from underneath and decided to take a look under and Silver was just under there, he was dusty so I legitimately don’t know how long he was under there for 😭 I did take him home
submitted by Poumy to JakksPacificSonic [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 STUPIDBLOODYCOMPUTER Gave the station from 60423 a proper base and some details.

Gave the station from 60423 a proper base and some details. I really quite like this. I'm using 4 16x16 grey plates and the tracks are the primary way it stays together. None of the functionality is impeded either. Locomotive in the last picture is my custom red freight engine because I'm too poor to get an actual one
submitted by STUPIDBLOODYCOMPUTER to lego [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 SkeetMeIN I slept 7 hours last night, here’s a picture of my hand

I slept 7 hours last night, here’s a picture of my hand submitted by SkeetMeIN to notinteresting [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 impromptued is it normal for my cat’s paws to twitch like this?

is it normal for my cat’s paws to twitch like this? see title — is this normal cat behavior when they’re asleep?
submitted by impromptued to ragdolls [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 Fit_Syrup7485 Is it Christian to comfort the needy by buying a homeless person smokes?

Really stupid question but I thought about it recently. I felt like a good Christian for giving this homeless man a carton of cigarettes, but also I feel like its pretty safe to assume that most people wouldn't agree hhahah.
submitted by Fit_Syrup7485 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 No-Background3643 🥃 HAPPY NEW YEAR 🥃

🥃 HAPPY NEW YEAR 🥃 Nhớ lúc mới chân phèn qua Mỹ năm 1991 thèm đồ Việt quá trời mà đâu có bán. Muốn ăn phải chạy xe gần tiếng rưỡi mới có nhà hàng Việt tiểu bang tao ở .. Ăn rồi đi chợ cho cả hai tuần sau, chợ gần đó nên một công hai việc. Mà ở thời đó chợ cũng không bán nhiều thực phẩm nhập từ Việt Nam qua, chủ yếu đồ từ Thái, Korea, Tàu.
Giờ thì nhóc. Tụi chợ nó nhập thằng mỗi tháng 2 lần cả vài chiếc containers từ Việt Nam qua chả thiếu mẹ gì. Đồ bán qua Mỹ chất lượng chắc hơn đồ bán chợ bển vì phải lọt khâu kiểm tra an toàn thực phẩm của Mỹ, hoặc người mua ăn bị gì là họ thưa cái chợ thấy mẹ tụi nó nên không bán đồ đểu đâu.
Mua đại vài thứ cúng Giao Thừa lát nữa. Cầu cho thiên hạ thái bình, cầu cho cộng sản nó mau sụp để dân mình hết khổ, thấy họ khổ quá khổ vì đám khốn vô lương tâm này hết sức đau lòng .. Lương công nhân tháng là thấy mẹ bằng 1 ngày dân Mỹ làm. Một chế độ thúi nát này nhất định không thể tồn tại mãi được ...!
Happy New Year to all! Health and happiness to you and yours in the new year ahead.
submitted by No-Background3643 to VietnamToanCau [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 OWSpaceClown Why has the Toronto subway stopped installing tiling along track walls in new stations?

Every new station built pretty much with in my adult lifetime has had this bare concrete wall look along subway tunnels. These are strictly centre platform stations. There remain tiles along many of the interior walls and columns, as well as a rather beautiful mosaic tile pattern on the station walls at Sheppard-Yonge (which is also the only new station in my adult lifetime to have side platforms). But the outer walls, facing the tracks and beyond the reach of passengers are mostly concrete facing with the station name scattered about.
Is there a practical reason they have moved in this direction?
I do not intend this as a criticism of the subway system. Many of the new stations along the Vaughan extention look gorgeous outside of this. I am sure they have a good reason, I am just genuinely curious.
submitted by OWSpaceClown to transit [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 Objective-Orange-528 FLICKERING BLACK

Just downloaded some crap then when it was done my laptop restarted and began to flicker black. Then it doesnt allow me to click any apps, doesnt even show taskbar. The cursor kept on loading. Wont let me delete it either. I reset my laptop but it says cannot reset. I am currently waiting for the cloud recovery to finish. Will this remove the virus:or whatever it is that did it.
I have asus tuf a15 Pls pls help
submitted by Objective-Orange-528 to Asustuf [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 kayakbasser21 Clog

How can I unclog my airbrush, the air keeps coming out the paint reservoir
submitted by kayakbasser21 to airbrush [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 06:11 mikie_ee LAMY pom nibs on Rm2

Hey everyone! A friend recently gave me some Lamy POM nibs because he ended up not liking the slippery feel of them. I personally must say that i quite like the writing feel but the nib is definitely a lot harder than the original ones. This leaves me wondering if the POM nibs will do any damage to the screen in the long run. Did any of you guys ever have any problems with it?
submitted by mikie_ee to RemarkableTablet [link] [comments]