Empty parking lots in San Jose area to learn driving?

2025.01.30 08:19 Ancient_Walk2773 Empty parking lots in San Jose area to learn driving?

I’m asking for a friend
submitted by Ancient_Walk2773 to SanJose [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 BigLion9682 What does it mean to have MOON,MARS and PLUTO with SCORPION in 8th house ,for a person with rising Aries and sun with leo in 5th house

submitted by BigLion9682 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 Beautiful-Sun-8451 Advice please!! Is it ok to grow khuli loaches in this 6 gal for a bit then move them to my 29 gal community?? shop sells them at about an inch and some (crappy pictures, I know. sand was new when I took em whoops)

submitted by Beautiful-Sun-8451 to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 speakjustly It’s never too late to fill your bags with small market cap coins that have strong fundamentals.

submitted by speakjustly to GateioExchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 Careful-Election-596 competitive gpa to get into physiotherapy/occupational therapy program

Hi, I am an undergrad student currently studying at a Canadian university. After my undergraduate studies, I'm interested in coming to Australia to participate in a PT/OT program. I know PT and OT are very different fields, but I haven't decided which one to choose. I'm interested in the programs offered at the University of Melbourne and Sydney University. Could anyone on this subreddit share the previous competitive average to get into those programs? It seems like the OT programs are less competitive than the PT programs. I'm currently having a GPA average in the mid-80s. Do I still stand a chance to get into any of those programs? Could anyone share their insight please?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Careful-Election-596 to usyd [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 android_tests_pac Empty reply test for 30/1/2025 08:18:46

submitted by android_tests_pac to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 Neat-Initiative6505 RED-The legend of the red creature

RED-The legend of the red creature submitted by Neat-Initiative6505 to ArtBuddy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 BelloMousse Me formei em farmácia e não tenho ideia o que fazer da vida. Sugestões?

Aos 20 anos entrei para uma universidade pública, apesar de ter dúvidas se era o curso correto pra mim, continuei. Fiz monitoria em 2019, e quanto a pandemia surgiu, foi um mistura de alívio (já que a procura por estágios na época estava sendo frustante e me dando certo desespero e agora teria um tempo extra) e ansiedade pra decidir qual seria meu próximo passo. Decidi não largar a faculdade e tentar atividades extracurriculares remotas. De fato consegui um IC e um projeto de extensão voluntários, de áreas diferentes, mas tinha algo agora para colocar no currículo.
Com a vacina liberada para a população, consegui um estágio não remunerado em um hospital, foi uma boa experiência, mas não me identifiquei na área. Fiz um concurso para vaga de estagiário na secretaria de saúde daqui e passei, fiquei um ano. Foi legal.
Durante a escrita do TCC, minha vida pessoal começou a virar de cabeça pra baixo. Minha família teve que vender a casa, devido o avanço do tráfico ( merda de rio de janeiro), por um preço abaixo do valor real e tive q me mudar pro um apartamento pequeno de um tio. Minha vó desenvolveu Alzheimer e veio falecer pouco meses depois. E após me formar, eu tive um surto psicótico (minhas palavras) devido essa insegurança profissional. Tive que tomar antidepressivos. O pior de tudo q após eu estabilizar, minha mãe começou a ter episódios de delirium, o que levou a uma internação psiquiátrica e agora ela está num asilo para idosos.
No momento me candidato a vagas do varejo, mas nesses 3 meses não obtive sucesso. O que não é muito tempo, mas cada não que recebo é dificil. Sem falar que não é uma area q me encanta, n gostaria de ficar a vida toda.
Minha psicóloga pede pra candidatar a vagar de ensino médio, mas como todas minhas experiências são relacionadas com a farmácia, fico meio difícil montar currículo.
Penso tb trocar de área, ir para análise de dados, mas teria q fazer outra graduação ( pelo o q vejo nas ofertas as vagas).
Pós em logistica é uma opção, mas sem a experiência, me pergunto se vale a pena pagar.
Tem sempre o concurso público, mas confesso q o caminho demorado e incerto até conseguir uma vaga me dá medo.
Enfim, gostaria de uma insight aí de desconhecidos.
submitted by BelloMousse to conselhodecarreira [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 onlinedevil1 Day trading

Anyone into day trading PSX?
submitted by onlinedevil1 to FIREPakistan [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 names-r-hard1127 Did flashes get nerfed recently?

There’s been multiple times tonight where I’ve thrown a flash and run in immediately after only for them to not be flashed at all even though it went off only a meter or two away from them
submitted by names-r-hard1127 to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 Sad-Moment-8531 300 READS ❤️‍🔥 Thank you!

300 READS ❤️‍🔥 Thank you! I’ve doubted about making this public but gosh am I so excited for what’s to come! 🥰🤞🏻📖
submitted by Sad-Moment-8531 to Wattpad [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 MechaFan42 Shoreline Foods

Does anyone have any updates on when they might reopen? I know dealing with insurance companies after a fire can be a nightmare, but it’s been a while already.
Also was there ever any word on what started the fire? I have a theory but it’s based on very little.
submitted by MechaFan42 to Pensacola [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 Total-Ad5831 Nikhila

Nikhila submitted by Total-Ad5831 to MalluHot [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 IammHaze Anybody trynna play? Just downloaded it again

submitted by IammHaze to thecrew2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 redheadexpress [B][USA-MO] Fujifilm XF 35mm f/1.4

Looking to buy a Fuji XF 35mm f1.4, preferably with caps and in good condition (normal wear and tear is fine) Thank you!
submitted by redheadexpress to photomarket [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 Adventure1s0utThere This made me think, in Japan, are bar (バー) and izakaya interchangeable words, or are they considered two separate things? 🤔

This made me think, in Japan, are bar (バー) and izakaya interchangeable words, or are they considered two separate things? 🤔 submitted by Adventure1s0utThere to japaneseresources [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 AdFunny2767 New player looking for a good place to find a clan and tips

New player looking for a good place to find a clan and tips submitted by AdFunny2767 to RaidShadowLegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 Powerful-Adoration31 BDO cc nawala sa BDO Online App

Hi! So I paid my cc bills today via bdo online app.
After one hour, nawala ung mismong cc ko sa cards ko sa bdo online app 😭
May mga ganito rin bang issues sa inyo? Sorry newbie kasi ako with cc first soa ko ito
submitted by Powerful-Adoration31 to PHCreditCards [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 tehfangs [other] Nike Machomai 3

Sharing pics of Nike Machomai 3 as there doesn’t seem to be much info around the internet.
First saw these a few months ago but couldn’t find any info on them apart from some random aagsport thing? I liked the look of them and wanted a pair.
Searched these on a whim and my local fight store had them online, so I called up and went in to try and buy. Lucky I did cause the sizing was smaller than my Nike Tawas (where I am size 9.5) and for Machomai 3 I got them in 8.5 and they fit perfectly.
Oddly enough I came home and refreshed my browser, the page said the shoes were all out of stock and said they were only releasing on Feb 1. Guess I got lucky!
submitted by tehfangs to fightgear [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 Myrtha_Thistlethorne hmmm

submitted by Myrtha_Thistlethorne to hmmm [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 carbunculus Progress with polish 💅🏻

Lately I have been using glitter polish to feel more secure about my thumbnails that are ruffled from habit tic deformity. I find the glitter polish camouflages the unevenness well (compared to metallic and solid color), so I am not as focused on it. The chipping hardly shows, so I can go longer in between removing/ reapplying. This set is four days old.
submitted by carbunculus to calmhands [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 niceguysdofinish1st The turning point in NZ Cricket History which changed the way they played cricket was being shot out for 45 at Newlands

The turning point in NZ Cricket History which changed the way they played cricket was being shot out for 45 at Newlands submitted by niceguysdofinish1st to blackcapscricket [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 c_arangelova Бойко Борисов: Пакостите на Асен Василев сега са в числата в бюджета

submitted by c_arangelova to BGNES [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 pixelary-game What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by pixelary-game to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:19 LAUCH_LOL How do I wake up

helloooo, I sleep through my alarm basically every morning, which results in numerous awkward moments in school and at work.
Sometimes I just simply sleep through the ringing, although my phone is quite loud, and sometimes I shut the alarm off without noticing while half-asleep.
Does anyone have any useful tips?
submitted by LAUCH_LOL to sleep [link] [comments]
