how to use eq in music production

2025.01.30 15:02 Jimil143 how to use eq in music production

how to use eq in music production submitted by Jimil143 to MusicProductionTuts [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 canuckaviator When is Earnings for Q4?

When is earnings for Q4?
Also are we expecting a drop in EPS due to annual expenses in Q4? Remembering reading about that after last earnings (Q3). Maybe some offset from membership?
Big unknown is CA earnings which could provide lots of revenue!? Hopefully we get some results, could be a pivot point for the stock price to climb rapidly.
submitted by canuckaviator to CLOV [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 PhantomSVK14 any ideas? i try vsync on and off from youtube but didnt help :/ stuck on loading

any ideas? i try vsync on and off from youtube but didnt help :/ stuck on loading
submitted by PhantomSVK14 to GTAIV [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 olenmunainenmies bruh why this kid always in my pics bruh😭🙏

bruh why this kid always in my pics bruh😭🙏
submitted by olenmunainenmies to CrispyConcords [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 origutamos Woman assaulted with glass bottle at NYC subway station: sources

submitted by origutamos to uppereastside [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 constanteggs Matt is losing the girls’ girls

Matt is losing the girls’ girls I guess they watched the interview? I wonder if he’ll be dropped from Lululemon too at this rate? Geez.
submitted by constanteggs to BachelorNation [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 AECbox We absolutely dodged a bullet

We absolutely dodged a bullet submitted by AECbox to Tunisia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 insidethe_house Analytics Accuracy: Can Meta/ FB Be Trusted?

I’m a social media manager for a franchise and recently put together our 1st big analytics report for our 6 location accounts w both FBs & Instas.
We use a 3rd party service called Sprout to schedule posts & monitor analytics.
However, the numbers we’re seeing from Meta Insights are significantly lower. And when I download .cvs from Meta, they’re different & higher numbers then what they’re showing me on the dash.
Should Meta analytics be trusted at all if they, themselves, are giving me different sets of data?
Is my 3rd party analytics manager more trustworthy?
Also, is it possible Meta is lying about analytics to urge us to buy more ads?
Thank you!
submitted by insidethe_house to SocialMediaMarketing [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 intheparrotsbeak I feel like a fraud.

I feel like such a fraud, I've identified as being attracted to any and all genders for so long but I've only ever been with a cis man. How can I say that I'm interested in other presenting folks when I've never experienced them?
I'm so awkward socially and I was raised religiously so it took me a few years to find my own sort of acceptance, but I'm such a homebody that going out and meeting people and trying to make friends or anything else is so foreign. I'm so concerned with people liking me, it makes me feel ingenuine whenever I do try. To claim that I'm queer but I've only been in a hetero relationship just feels as though I'm trying to claim a corner of this treasured and protected space when it doesn't truly belong to me. (I hadn't yet gotten to the point of questioning my own gender, now I know that any relationship that I am in is at least a little queer lol).
I'm sure I'm not alone in having this feeling. If anybody could share their advice or their tales of how they got over this "feeling fake" I'd really truly appreciate it. 🫶🏻
submitted by intheparrotsbeak to lgbt [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 abbmmp Mommy Connections Alternatives

Hey Calgary mamas!
I’m looking for something similar to Mommy Connections in Calgary. Any groups or classes for moms with infants (my girl is 6mo).
Bonus points if they’re in the SW, but I’m open to anything!
submitted by abbmmp to Calgary [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 Extension_Equal_105 Tired of seeing ridiculous puzzles

I'm tired of seeing these puzzles flooding the homepage which the original posters claim that they're easy, medium, or able to be solved when 99.9999% couldn't with confidence. You don't have to be 170+ to create a 170+ level
submitted by Extension_Equal_105 to cognitiveTesting [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 SparqLonewolf Poison fanart from Street Fighter V. By me

Poison fanart from Street Fighter V. By me submitted by SparqLonewolf to Ibispaintx [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 Puzzleheaded_Fly3413 NBC - High January Surging with THC Beverages

IS waiting for more regulations? Let’s get this on tap Tilray!
44:30 in.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Fly3413 to TLRY [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 liTtlebrocoi Gala Games ($GALA) Stands Out with NFT Ownership & Rewards!

Gala Games ($GALA) Stands Out with NFT Ownership & Rewards! Gala Games ($GALA) is really carving a niche on CoinMarketCap’s 'MADE in America' list.
They empower players with full ownership of in-game assets through NFTs and reward gameplay with GALA tokens.
Their unique node system helps secure the network and gives players extra rewards.
The integrated marketplace is a great tool for asset trading, and the community gets to have a voice through token holder governance.
submitted by liTtlebrocoi to NFTGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 No-Opening563 Práctica en oficina penal

Hola! Alguno ha tenido la experiencia de hacer la práctica en la oficina penal o de familia? Si pudiese comentar cómo fueron los horarios y la pega como tal
submitted by No-Opening563 to derechoenchile [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 Comfortable-Aide6814 APP2 Bass Help

Hi, how can I get more bass in my APP2? I use Apple music with Hip Hop Equalizer.
submitted by Comfortable-Aide6814 to AppleMusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 VenomZ302 Challenger Cheer - January 30, 2025

Use this thread to discuss who to cheer for. I suggest we pay attention to trends throughout the day to make a better decision shortly before reset.
Remember, this is a team effort and no one person knows everything. If you see someone climbing, make note of it so we all have a better chance on voting for the right person.
See this thread for more information to help choose who to cheer.
Post updates as comments as you see them.
submitted by VenomZ302 to future_fight [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 Ok_OkUWU [EDM] Beautiful Night by MaltePotter
submitted by Ok_OkUWU to SunoAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 Sadikshk2511 My All Time Favourite Photo - At Pune Junction ❤️

My All Time Favourite Photo - At Pune Junction ❤️ submitted by Sadikshk2511 to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 Altruistic_Canary152 Audiobook: The Mist Thief

submitted by Altruistic_Canary152 to MsFreeBooks [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 SukunaRyomen_Ryoiki Is this good perfomance?

Is this good perfomance? I'm level 74, started this game about 2-3 weeks ago. I consider myself a dolphin as I spent approximately 200-300$. Am I on track or is there sumn I can improve on?
submitted by SukunaRyomen_Ryoiki to SoloLevelingArise [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 LegendaryRBK 2025 Baseball roster finally released!
submitted by LegendaryRBK to GoBulls [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 the2gay3milf Surface underboob?

Surface underboob? Would like a surface piercing where I glued the gems on.Would the risk of rejection be bigger than with other surface piercings because the skin is different? know a fantastic piercer who specializes in surface piercings who'd do that, but haven't had a consultation with her yet.also could I get a reverse navel piercingwith my anatomy?Ik she'd tell me just don't wanna get my hopes up too much be4 the appointment .
submitted by the2gay3milf to piercing [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 Kharov eBook Essentials of Children's Literature 7th Edition By Carol M. Lynch-Brown, Carl M. Tomlinson,Kathy G. Short

Get this from our WEBSITE study resources in the sidebar or DM
submitted by Kharov to ScholarFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:02 LargeandClumsy I pulled this cookie in the gatcha but never received the soulstones 😭

I pulled this cookie in the gatcha but never received the soulstones 😭 I pulled Dark Cacao Cookie in the anniversary gatcha but when I went to look at my cookies (I wouldn’t have been able to ascend him anyway but I wanted to look at it) they never showed up at all. Just wondering if this has ever happened to anyone else and what they did to fix it.
submitted by LargeandClumsy to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]