2025.01.30 18:29 RationalPragmatist Kemalizm’in Doğru Yorumlanması
Kemalizm’in en doğru yorumu, onun tarihsel bağlamını, temel ilkelerini ve dinamik yapısını göz önünde bulundurarak yapılabilir. Kemalizm, sadece bir döneme ait bir ideoloji değil, modernleşmeyi esas alan, zamanın gereklerine göre kendini yenileyebilen bir düşünce sistemidir. Atatürk’ün hedeflediği çağdaşlaşma yolunda, altı temel ilke üzerine inşa edilmiştir:
1) Cumhuriyetçilik -Cumhuriyetçilik, halkın egemenliğini esas alan yönetim biçimini savunur. Saltanat ve hilafetin kaldırılması, halkın iradesinin ön plana çıkarılması bu ilkenin temel taşlarıdır. Ancak cumhuriyetçilik sadece bir yönetim biçimi değil, aynı zamanda halkın özgür bireyler olarak demokratik süreçlere katılmasını sağlayan bir zihniyeti de içerir.
2) Milliyetçilik -Kemalist milliyetçilik, ırk ya da din temelli bir anlayışa değil, kültürel ve vatandaşlık bağına dayanır. Atatürk'ün "Ne mutlu Türk'üm diyene!" sözü, etnik kökeni ne olursa olsun Türkiye Cumhuriyeti vatandaşı olan herkesin bu kimlik altında birleşmesini ifade eder. Bu anlayış, dışlayıcı değil, kapsayıcı bir milliyetçiliktir.
3) Halkçılık -Halkçılık, toplumdaki sınıf ayrımlarını reddederek halkın çıkarlarını ön planda tutan bir ilkedir. Temelinde sosyal adalet, fırsat eşitliği ve dayanışma bulunur. Atatürk, Türkiye'de sınıfsız, kaynaşmış bir toplum hedeflemiştir. Günümüzde bu ilke, sosyal devlet anlayışı çerçevesinde yorumlanmalıdır.
4) Laiklik -Laiklik, devlet işlerinin din işlerinden ayrılmasını ve bireylerin dini inançlarını özgürce yaşamasını öngörür. Ancak laiklik, sadece din ve devlet işlerinin ayrılması anlamına gelmez, aynı zamanda akıl ve bilimi esas alan bir yönetim anlayışını da içerir. Günümüzde laiklik, bireysel özgürlüklerin korunması ve inanç temelli ayrımcılığın önlenmesi açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır.
5) Devletçilik -Devletçilik, özel teşebbüsü reddetmeyen, ancak ekonomik kalkınmada devletin düzenleyici ve öncü bir rol üstlenmesini öngören bir ilkedir. Atatürk döneminde uygulanan devletçilik, o dönemdeki ekonomik koşullar göz önüne alındığında, Türkiye’nin sanayileşmesi ve ekonomik bağımsızlığını kazanması için bir zorunluluktu. Günümüzde bu ilke, piyasa ekonomisi ile uyumlu bir şekilde, devletin sosyal refahı sağlaması ve stratejik alanlarda düzenleyici bir rol oynaması şeklinde yorumlanmalıdır.
6) Devrimcilik -Devrimcilik, Atatürk'ün gerçekleştirdiği reformların sadece geçmişte kalmaması, çağın gereksinimlerine göre sürekli yenilenmesi gerektiğini ifade eder. Statik bir yapıya sahip değildir; aksine, ilerleme ve modernleşmeyi esas alır. Günümüzde devrimcilik, teknolojik gelişmelerin takip edilmesi, eğitim reformlarının yapılması ve demokratik süreçlerin güçlendirilmesi anlamına gelmelidir.
Günümüzde Kemalizm’in Yanlış Yorumlanması -Bazı kesimler Kemalizm’i ya aşırı katı ve değişmez bir dogma olarak görmekte ya da yalnızca belirli ilkelerle sınırlı bir şekilde ele almaktadır: a) Sadece laiklik ile özdeşleştirilmesi: Kemalizm, laiklik ilkesini içerir ancak bundan ibaret değildir. Tüm ilkeleri bir bütün olarak ele alınmalıdır. b) Katı ve değişmez bir ideoloji gibi görülmesi: Kemalizm, devrimcilik ilkesi gereği kendini yenileyebilen bir düşünce sistemidir. Atatürk’ün mantığına uygun şekilde, günün koşullarına göre çağdaş yorumlar geliştirilmelidir. c) Milliyetçiliğin dar ve dışlayıcı bir anlayışa indirgenmesi: Atatürk’ün milliyetçiliği, kapsayıcı ve bütünleştirici bir yaklaşımdır. Etnik kimliği esas almak yerine ortak vatandaşlık bağı üzerine kurulmuştur. d) Devletçiliğin tamamen sosyalizm veya katı devlet kontrolü olarak yorumlanması: Kemalist devletçilik, özel sektörle rekabet eden değil, onu destekleyen bir ekonomik anlayıştır. Devletin stratejik alanlarda öncü olması gerektiği fikrini barındırır.
submitted by RationalPragmatist to SivilMilliyetcilik [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:29 AestheticG01 The Art of the GOD
submitted by AestheticG01 to SouthIndianAngels [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:29 oushhie getting my second piercing today!
i’m 22 and got my ears pierced at 13, and haven’t been able to get other piercings i want until now. so, i’ve decided on dolphin bites, and wanted to know if there’s anything i can/should do to prepare for that? i have my appointment later on this evening :)
submitted by oushhie to piercing [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:29 B0SS_Zombie A (Probably) Complete List of Crown Crate Release/Return Dates (V.4)
It's that time again, the previous post was archived, so here's the new one for your commenting pleasure.
The purpose of this list is to act as a resource for information regarding Crown Crate release History.
2025.01.30 18:29 -Ranker- Paying $50 for each Acorns Referral + $5 Acorns Welcome Bonus [Limited Time & Slots]
Paying $50 each to 2 more people to sign up for Acorns. Requirements: U.S. Only, 18+ years old, valid ID, active bank account, and $5 to invest! DM me if you're interested! Payment proofs here: Paypal & Cashapp https://preview.redd.it/vvexxwkdc6ge1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6eec17627edc7c1a7a4f8ea7f89cef5a37256e2 submitted by -Ranker- to referralcodes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:29 Stock-Hippo-8517 Anyone has good tune for EG6 civic for otsuki?
submitted by Stock-Hippo-8517 to MidnightRacingTokyo [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:29 Zoyalai22 Up for sale or trading for micromallows!
Open to looking at any micros available. I prefer the ones with tags :) submitted by Zoyalai22 to BSTsquishmallow [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:29 Outrageous-Cut-9243 Is it possible to work through it?
I (28F) have been with my boyfriend (28M) for 6 years. The last 2.5 years of the relationship have been very difficult because my boyfriend is struggling to find a job and it is taking a toll on him. Due to this, he started transferring his frustration to me and making me lose any kind of romantic feelings I have for him. Recently, he went into a depressive mode and everything is getting too much for me. I feel suffocated and I feel I need to get out of the relationship but I have spent so much time in the relationship and also feel it is unfair to ask for a break while he’s in a difficult place. Do I wait a bit?
submitted by Outrageous-Cut-9243 to Adulting [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:29 metkvn Shifting from Video Editing to Motion Design – Advice Needed!
Hi everyone,
I’ve been working as a video editor for the past four years, but now I want to gradually transition into motion design. I have basic knowledge of After Effects, but I’m looking to seriously improve and get into the industry.
For those of you who are experienced in the field, what’s the best learning path for someone starting from scratch? Are there any resources, courses, or materials you’d recommend? Also, is there a specific approach or method that helped you the most during your learning process?
I’d really appreciate any advice—thanks in advance!
submitted by metkvn to MotionDesign [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:29 Mrstony420 I love this piece💓
submitted by Mrstony420 to CadmiumGlass [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:29 Mr_Industrial Im feelin' lucky at level 1. If I pay no heed to danger, whats the most profitable thing I can do out the gate?
I figure visiting the Rainbow forest must be a valuble endeavor, but im open to other suggestions.
submitted by Mr_Industrial to cavesofqud [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:29 starlightskater Is my cladogram for frogs correct?
Do I have Lissamphibia and Batrachia in the correct places? (Less worried about contested placement after that). Thank you!
submitted by starlightskater to evolution [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:29 reddit_lss_2 Crosspost image test for 2025-01-30 18:28:54
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to qa_automation_posts [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:29 Kyokono1896 On January 29, 1947, David Byron Of Uriah Heep Was Born
I meant to post this on his birthday but i forgot. One of the lesser known great singers of classic rock, David Byron is sadly often forgotten. He had a brilliant voice and was by all accounts a larger than life figure. Sadly he lost his way to alcoholism, and this led to his dismissal from the band and eventual death in 1985. A very flawed but remarkable individual, David Byron is one of my favorite singers and a true staple of progressive rock. submitted by Kyokono1896 to ClassicRock [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:29 Alive_Equivalent6657 test
submitted by Alive_Equivalent6657 to cqs [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:29 DoctorWorm25 Blueprint Balance idea
"On leaving the shop, copy the abilities of the joker to the right"
This would be indicated by BP visually transforming into the copied joker, like some mods do. You would still have flexibility without being as overpowered. I have no clue how brainstorm could be similarly balanced. What do you think?
submitted by DoctorWorm25 to balatro [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:29 xatfi Vieläkö hallitus leikkaa? A-studion vieraana Riikka Purra – katso suorana
submitted by xatfi to xatfi [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:29 kobouailles What if Britain was Nordic?
submitted by kobouailles to vexillology [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:29 Ol_Muskey What is the Becker bump?
I keep hearing how people get a 63 on a simulated exam and then pass their first attempt. How does this work? I'm currently in the process of studying for FAR and do not feel like I get it and my exam is on March 27.
submitted by Ol_Muskey to CPA [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:29 Foreign_Shop_2332 Dweller Hp bar [Question]
So far i have been messing around with dweller using E+7 suit and testing out HP differences, i wanted to ask how much HP does a dweller at max level have and if they would lose those additional health if i unequipped their E+7 suit?
submitted by Foreign_Shop_2332 to falloutshelter [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:29 LittleMissyGalPal Last 5 cards
Looking to trade so I can finally complete everything UID is 656153327248593024 (Bella) submitted by LittleMissyGalPal to Projectmakeover [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:29 Wild_Seaweed3495 Is this safe to use for cleaning?
Hey I’m fairly new to the meta quest. I’ve been using this to clean the inside and out side. And also a wipe on the mask bit to clean the grease/sweat from my face after playing. Please let me know if I should stop using this or if it’s okay. Thanks
submitted by Wild_Seaweed3495 to MetaQuestVR [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:29 Akechi_Touma GUYS ITS HERE!!!!!!!
saiki k on 3ds 😼😼😼😼😼😼😼 submitted by Akechi_Touma to SaikiK [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:29 elegantwombatt Doesn't want anymore kids;
Hi - I've (31F) recently starting dating a guy (41m). I really like him and want to see where this will go but he's made it clear he doesn't want anymore children and had a vasectomy last year.
I have not made that choice for myself yet. It's not that I've decided not to have children or that I've decided I definitely want children but I do know ONE thing - something inside me wants a child. I don't know if it's a "real" want or if it's just an urge you get at a certain age, but the thought of having to make the choice now, for the rest of my life, is freaking me out a little. It's not something I wanted to "explore" right now. I know I'm already considered "older" at this age but because of having surgery last year, I would have had to wait anyway so it's just not something that was on my mind as a choice I'd have to make in the next year; rather or not I'm going to have any children for the rest of my life.
I respect his decision to not have anymore children, I do. More men should have vasectomies - I'm an advocated. This is honestly more about me than it is about him but it feels truly unfair that he got to make the choice to have children with 2 different women, 4 times, just to ask me to decide to not have any at 31 - because if we are together even for the next 3 years and it doesn't work out, I would be too old (realistically) to choose to have children.
I'm looking for people in similar scenarios to share some advice? Step parents with no kids with your partner maybe? I'm not looking for the "you want different things, not compatible" type of advice because I'm not saying I wouldn't be willing to not have children for him - I'm just struggling to understand how to navigate these emotions as they're all quite new.
TL;DR - guy I'm dating doesn't want anymore kids but I'm not sure how to make the decision at 31 to never have kids of my own - or if that's truly even what I want.
submitted by elegantwombatt to dating_advice [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:29 STEELCITY1989 ITS OVER 8,000!
Loving this game but after all DLC and the main game/External Data File it must be the largest Vita game. About twice what I've ever seen! submitted by STEELCITY1989 to PSVita [link] [comments] |