因为 bug 和 debug 已经属于 IT 领域专有名词,错误和除错这种词义宽泛的词语不足以准确描述其特指软件相关的含义,中文译名也「专有」一下未必… 比较典型的不同分辨率双屏导致的bug,修改下分辨率就好: 第一步,右键点击CS,选属性。 第二步,通用的启动项,输入以下代码。 - windowed -w 1920 -h 1080 之后游戏会以1080P分辨率的窗口模式运行,进游戏再调整下游戏内分辨率就好了。 基本没几个回答正确的,微信「最小化」状态,不处于前台,但是你在不操作的情况下,自动弹出界面,不管有无消息,不过好像微信使用「置顶」后会有bug,取消「置顶」后就会频繁促发,只是根据之前操作回忆分析,不确定是由「置顶」触发,建议重新「置顶」一次然后再取消试试。 有几个网友反馈弹弹jj也有效。 最近很多朋友小米手机音量键失灵,音量自动最大或者最小,不受控制。 网上有很多解决办法,都是假的! 包括小米社区很多人问,都没个正确答案。 有说可能是短路了,去店里维修35块? 根本就不是! 哪有那么容易短路, 系统 ... 通过本次投稿总结出以下三个结论供各位道友参考: 网传 CMT 的 bug 是千真万确靠谱的,前期卡 bug 的结果和最终录用结果完全一致 ICASSP 的认可度不高,在 ZJU 和一些学校甚至已经不作为毕业认可了,但是这不能改变它越来越卷的事实。接触这个会议大概有四年的时间,亲眼见证了投稿量从 4000- 飙升 ... win10的微软拼音按 shift键 进行 中英文切换,标点符号会自动切换中英文的。 但更新win11后,标点符号不会附带自动切换。可能是个小bug,需要单独切换中英文标点符号, 按“ctrl”+“.”切换到中文标点符号。 之后按shift键也能同步切换语言和标点符号,不影响使用。 关于切换后还打不出顿号的情况 ... 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 这不是个Bug,这(他XXXXX的)是个Feature。 骂完了。 简单点说,就是微软拼音会根据当前应用和输入焦点来自动切换中英文输入状态,在某些地方——如Word文档里,又是个中国用户,开着输入法,它就默认你下面要打中文了,就自动切换中文输入状态。 如果以上二种方法都不能查就到电池健康,那使用以下终极方法。 方法三:在拨号界面,输入 *#*#284#*#* 字符,手机会生成Bug检测报告。 ICC2024的edas系统是否存在bug?
2025.01.30 22:01 hoopsdude01 What bug is this?
Found this bug close to or in my cats throw up today.. can anyone identify? submitted by hoopsdude01 to whatsthisbug [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 22:01 PrudentPotential729 Alot of us are time billionaires
What age you decide that time is running out is up to you
But in general it's when most get to near the end of their lives that time matters because its limited.
So up until then regardless of what u do with it your a time billionaire.
So we spend so much time in our phones having opinions on dumb shit comparing ourselves to others judging others n the rest.
Yet none of these things have impact on our lives
So we could say we are wasting a amazing amount of calculated time on zero meaning.
submitted by PrudentPotential729 to Life [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 Chilling2001 DIALGA WEATHER BOOSTED 871104179919
submitted by Chilling2001 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 mzbrink JJHO Seattle 1/30 - 2 FREE TIX
Howdy y'all! Unfortunately, my partner and I can no longer attend the 1/30 show in Seattle tonight. I'd love to give these 2 tickets (C9 & C10) to some local maxfunsters, so please DM me if you're interested!
Two dogs for your time and attention:
submitted by mzbrink to maximumfun [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: सामन
सामन translates to salmon
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/form
submitted by sharewithme to HindiFeed [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 Tonio_LTB In 20 years of playing, this is the first time I've bought myself new cymbals. And by bought myself I mean gifted via vouchers etc.
I know they're not top of the range, but after establishing a budget and watching video reviews on YouTube I figured £380 was the best I was going to get. Going to give them a whirl Sunday, I'm excited! submitted by Tonio_LTB to Drumming [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 22:01 josylad Hiring: Accountant (m/f/d) at B Medical Systems
B Medical Systems is hiring a Accountant (m/f/d)
Location: Hosingen, Luxembourg
Accountant (m/f/d)R20250055Hosingen, LuxembourgAt Azenta Life Sciences, a global leader in the life sciences space with headquarters in Burlington, MA, and offices and operations worldwide, new ideas, new technologies and new ways of thinking are driving our future. Our customer-focused culture encourages employees to embrace innovation and challenge the status quo with novel thinking and collaborative work relationships. We provide unparalleled capabilities with our lab analysis, sample management and storage services, informatics software, and consumables, with the largest installed base managing over 1 billion samples globally.B Medical Systems, an Azenta Life Sciences company, was founded in 1979 when Electrolux partnered with the World Health Organization to create a solution for the safe storage and transport of vaccines around the world. Since that time, B Medical has become a global leader in vaccine cold chain. For over 35 years, we’
Learn More and Apply: https://app.resumeset.com/jobs/accountant-mfd-59608/
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 Real_Park_6529 IWNDWYT
My brain is feeling twitchy and I kinda know why. Twitchy is not a good thing.
Today started strong. Then I got pushed on to the side track for a bit, but still mostly functional.
Then on the way to Lowes some strange lady was flying into the intersection where I was making a left turn. She stopped about a third of the way into the intersection, then made faces and gestures at me, like I had done something wrong. For some reason, it brought back all those feelings of unfairness from middle school (I'm nearly 60 years old...do I really still need to be haunted by prepubescent emotional hell?).
And I still feel off-kilter. Probably because that lady scared the hell out of me. She was driving too fast, she almost hit me, and then her taunting was so strange that it had an eery feeling to it. Like I was in one of those nightmares that starts out as a normal dream but just keeps getting stranger and stranger until you are filled with dread.
Just because I feel jangled doesn't mean I ought to drink.
Just because I feel twitchy doesn't mean I should reach for alcohol.
Just because I have anxiety and something triggered it into overdrive doesn't mean I need to self medicated with poison.
We live in an amazing world. I am writing on the phone in the library parking lot and this check-in will help me drive home rather than drive to the liquor store.
Thank you for being here.
submitted by Real_Park_6529 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 Anhanguerabandeira Turistas malucos
Simplesmente eu estava sentado na pracinha da cidade (bem turística, não vou revelar qual é) e do nada uma mulher que estava na minha frente com o marido e os filhos levou a perna e soltou um peido no meio de todo mundo e agiu como se nada estivesse acontecendo. Para adicionar injúria ao insulto, ela fez a mesma coisa 5 minutos depois.
Isso quando os porcalhões não saem jogando lixo pela cidade.
Sua cidade também tem problemas com turistas loucos?
submitted by Anhanguerabandeira to SantaCatarina [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 novacaineforsouls I really regret losing my virginity
hi. I’m a 20-year-old woman, and I often feel alone in this thought, but I wish I could regain my innocence. I regret losing my virginity, kissing people, participating in drugs, drinking and even being in a relationship. I think a lot of this feeling comes from the trauma I’ve experienced over the past two years.
I lost my virginity at 18 during my first year of college to a guy I met on Bumble. We hooked up for a few weeks, and looking back, I suspect he had a fetish for Black women. A few months later, I got involved with a 54-year-old man and had sex with him in exchange for money a few times. Around that same time, I started dating my now-ex-boyfriend and stopped seeing the older man once we officially became a couple.
A few months into our relationship, I told my boyfriend about the older man, and he was supportive. However, our relationship had its struggles, especially because of my mental health. I often had anxiety attacks when I saw the older man in public since he lived near my school, which made me feel trapped and afraid to go outside.
Things became even more complicated when I found out I was pregnant in March of last year. I had an abortion, but a week later, I ended up in the emergency room because I still had an ectopic pregnancy. My right fallopian tube had ruptured, and I had to undergo surgery. That experience had a huge impact on my mental health, my relationship with my boyfriend, and my relationship with my parents. It also played a big role in why my boyfriend and I eventually broke up.
Bringing it back to my original thought—I deeply regret my past choices and wish I could go back to being the shy, innocent person I used to be. Growing up, I was quiet, unpopular, and eager to fit in. I felt like I had missed out on a lot, so when I got the chance, I acted recklessly without thinking. Now, I compare myself to my friends, many of whom are still virgins or have never been in a relationship, and I envy them. In a way, they seem “cleaner” than me, and less of a disappointment to their parents than I feel like I am to mine.
I’ve never shared my full story with anyone except one friend and my ex because I fear judgment. Coming from a Nigerian immigrant household, I hid as much as I could from my parents, but after my surgery, I had to tell them some of it. Even then, I couldn’t be fully honest because of the shame I felt. I hate that I lost my virginity to a random guy from Bumble, slept with a much older man for money, and got pregnant by my boyfriend, developed a nicotine addiction because of anxiety all within the span of two years. I feel like I made so many careless decisions, and now I’m living with the consequences.
People who haven’t had their first kiss, relationship, sexual experience , never been to a party yet don’t realize how valuable that innocence is. Once you cross those lines, you can’t go back, and I would do anything to have that back. I recently opened up to my mom about a lot of this and decided to take a gap year to focus on my mental health . I moved back home, left college, started therapy, and have been exploring celibacy as a way to heal.
submitted by novacaineforsouls to Advice [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 portraykarma Stamford-based Patriot Bank is in 'troubled condition' federal regulator says
Anyone customers of Patriot Bank? With all the stories in the media lately about Patriot, are you concerned about the bank’s future? I’m debating if I should switch my checking and savings to another local bank. submitted by portraykarma to Connecticut [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 22:01 Kosmikdebrie Bro you gotta de-escalate
You think I'm not also constantly filled with rage and dread? You think you are the only one who can hear the void singing siren songs?
You gotta stop that ish before it's bigger than you. Watch the way I breathe deeply and take a beat before I continue. In and out.
submitted by Kosmikdebrie to PointlessStories [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 TheMeatWoman7 Dialga on me 7234 2166 0625
Need 2 more
submitted by TheMeatWoman7 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 Tobi-cast WIP, Captain Dane by me.
submitted by Tobi-cast to ImaginaryMarvel [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 22:01 SeaweedTeaPot Help! Skyline Ice Cream on West Side?
I've sent my family on the hunt but they're sold out where they checked. Is there any left anywhere?
submitted by SeaweedTeaPot to cincinnati [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 Mob3liskArt سؤال للي عندهم صفحة ع انستا وعرفوا يكبرونا
خصوصا المحتوي اللي له علاقة بالرسم او الجرافيك
بحاول اكبر صفحتي ع انستا بس الدنيا ماشية بطيء فشخ وحاجة توجع انزل حاجة ومتجبش تفاعل
ف الطبيعي بنزل الرسم علي ريديت و كذا مكان تاني عشان حد يدخل ع الانستا و يعمل فولو بس قليل اوي
ف حد عنده نصايح بخصوص الموضوع ده؟
submitted by Mob3liskArt to CAIRO [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Sports] - Five-star Chatsworth guard Alijah Arenas commits to Eric Musselman and USC | LA Times
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 22:01 hinata-1975 Dialga 072387293838
submitted by hinata-1975 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 hethatisintheknow What happens when 2 AI's start to fight each other?
This video started as a thought experiment and turned out to be a enjoyable sci fi story: https://youtu.be/NZ1su2p8wgI
submitted by hethatisintheknow to ArtificialInteligence [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: salm(on)o
salm(on)o translates to salmon
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/form
submitted by sharewithme to EsperantoFeed [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 Fus_Ro_Ha Creation Kit Crashes
Anyone experiencing crashes/freezes during to upload process (final step)?
Im using pre-packaged ba2’s. I don’t believe there has been another update to the creation kit since the last one in 2024. This just started happening.
submitted by Fus_Ro_Ha to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 AutoModerator Temu coupon for existing customers
Save up to 60% with the last Temu coupon for existing customers. 30% Off orders above $39, 10% Off, 90% Sitewide and 15% Students Discount.
submitted by AutoModerator to promocodeshk [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 Suthuria Who were you raised by?
submitted by Suthuria to fixedbytheduets [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 HeathenPriest14 The Keough push
submitted by HeathenPriest14 to 22ndHellsRaiders [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:01 GoldblumIsland 5 Americans Advancing in Europa League
America owns EUROPE!
Brandon Austin - Tottenham
Tim Chandler, Nathaniel Brown - Eintracht Frankfurt
Tanner Tessman - Lyon
submitted by GoldblumIsland to ussoccer [link] [comments]