Is there anything wrong with my pan?

2025.01.30 22:09 OGMemecenterDweller Is there anything wrong with my pan?

Is there anything wrong with my pan? This is a ceramic pan I bought a little over a year ago. Generally, I'm very happy with the quality and the PFOA and PRFE-free rating helps. However, over the course of using it, these stains started showing up. They can't be washed, neither with soap, nor with vinegar and baking soda, or with other chemical reactions I tried. There is no chipping or anything, just a darker unwashable stain. Is that pan good to use?
submitted by OGMemecenterDweller to cookware [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 Able-Measurement2693 F 23 PST looking for gaming and yapping buddies

Hi :) 23 F looking for some cool people to chat with. Ideally friends! Some stuff about me, I love music. Every kind. I love tarot and spiritual stuff, it’s a big part of myself. I loooove gaming, I have a ps5 and a computer so I’d love to play sometime! My personality is pretty banter heavy, but don’t let that scare you away lol. Im mean with love. I can also be ADHD as shit and loud, so be warned. 🫶🏻 420 friendly and lgbtq friendly of course, and I’m always in need of girl friends! Im overall so chill, would never pressure into showing yourself or anything. Im just here for the vibes you bring. If it sounds like something you’d be interested in, shoot me a dm 🤍 Also please be okay with moving to discord!
submitted by Able-Measurement2693 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 SuEllenMischke I’m an atheist but…

Ok so here’s the story. I was redecorating a room for my mother in her house, which she often asked me to do. There was a little figurine of Jesus that I found super creepy so I put it away in a drawer and replaced it with some other random decor, thinking nothing of it.
A few days later, the chaos ensues. My mom receives a call from our very witchy grandmother. (She often would have premonitions that came true, strange visions, etc). She frantically shared with my mom that she was having a recurring nightmare that Jesus was locked away in a box and he needed to come out. She told my mom that I was the only person who could help save him.
I immediately took out the statue and put it back where it was.
submitted by SuEllenMischke to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 Charming-Web9692 Help

Help submitted by Charming-Web9692 to lexapro [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 Aqua491 No Teams for Multiplayer is CRAZY

I am a huge pro Civ guy, thousands of hours in civ6 and civ5, loved playing multiplayer with friends and teaming up against the AI. It is extremely dissapointing to me that not only is civ7 not launching with teams for multiplayer, there is also no date for the feature to be added. I loved civ, and will still gladly be buying civ7, but my favorite moments in civ6 were 2v2s between friends. Free for all would be completely unbalanced for us to due to differing playlevels and experience, and its extremely frustrating that they delayed telling us this until this close to release.
submitted by Aqua491 to civ [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 Galileos_grandson York unveils M-Class satellite for 1,000-kilogram payloads

York unveils M-Class satellite for 1,000-kilogram payloads submitted by Galileos_grandson to satellites [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 wooder22 Ozempic for Weight and Medical

I know similar questions have been asked, but mine is specifically this:
I already have a medical and want to take semiglutide for a while. Do I have to go to an AME to get it and them do paperwork and whatnot, or can I get it prescribed on my own and not fly for two weeks? If I stop using it before my next medical I don't see anywhere to report that on the MedXpress. I want to make sure that I'm not doing anything wrong, but also would rather use a telehealth provider (for cost) instead of going with my AME.
I know about this form as well already
submitted by wooder22 to flying [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 Phillyfuk I think I've stepped back in time.

I think I've stepped back in time. submitted by Phillyfuk to CasualUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 Glacial_Shield_W Damnation

Hello, how are you?
Please, tell me, what has this world put you through?
Where was your lover, when you needed him most?
When did you feel like you were the visitor, when you were the host?
What signifies, to you, the darkened alley?
How do you tick off another day, with a worn tally?
Do you feel imprisoned?
Do you feel drawn and quartered, just to be christened?
Tell me what ails you.
Is it the friend that fails you, after all that they have been through?
Where was the miracle pill?
Why can't your beating heart just be still?
Talk to me, weep upon my shoulder.
These secrets, I will keep. I can be your boulder.
I will not budge.
I will not hold a grudge.
Neither your sin, nor your rage,
Will make my walls give in and cave.
Pile these weary tidings on, brick by brick,
I will let you go on hiding, make the morter thick.
In me, you will find the blackest chasm,
An abyss in which you may bleed yourself to orgasm.
The hole inside of me cannot be filled,
What was once hope has already been forever killed.
So, give me your pain,
Come onto my shores like the torrential rain.
Unabowed and disavowed,
In my embrace, any solace is allowed.
A cacophony of agony,
Your broken promises cannot antagonize me.
One who expects the worst,
One who understands, each and everyone of us is cursed.
The world would be better without me having been sown,
These are the realities of which I own.
The only thing left is to give,
On and on, it is not to live.
No need for redemption in a statue,
Just another pillar that you have become attached to.
Weather worn,
But a shelter untorn.
Silent and steady,
Always at the ready.
It is all that I can provide,
So that, in the end, I can say that I tried.
submitted by Glacial_Shield_W to justpoetry [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 ExercisesForInjuries Harnessing the Power Within: The Transformative Benefits of Energy Healing

Harnessing the Power Within: The Transformative Benefits of Energy Healing Feeling drained, tense, or out of balance? Energy healing can help you restore harmony, release negativity, and awaken your inner vitality! click here<<<
submitted by ExercisesForInjuries to ExercisesForInjuries [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 Dade-Baby786 Them fucking phones dawg

Them fucking phones dawg submitted by Dade-Baby786 to Miraq [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 created_w_creativity Keeping it simple...

I noticed I had been making a lot of "white space" cards lately, so my attempt at a simple scene for a change of pace.
submitted by created_w_creativity to cardmaking [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 SaintedDemon69 Relatable

Relatable submitted by SaintedDemon69 to Lackadaisy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 GnomeGoddess join the discord plz

submitted by GnomeGoddess to GnomeFiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 jujata_x Why am i self sabotaging in relationships?

Why am i self sabotaging in relationships? submitted by jujata_x to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 BananaInMelody Destinato a star solo

Sono un ragazzo di 26 anni, e sento che in me c'è qualcosa che non va, è da una vita che inseguo l'amore ed è da una vita che questi mi sfugge. Ho avuto delle relazioni, ma sono tutte finite male, quali in maniera soft, quali con rottura cruda e conseguente non volerci vedere mai più. Da quando ero giovane, fin dalle medie, ho sempre pensato che anche se non mi fossi fidanzato allora ci sarebbe stato tempo per queste cose, dopotutto avevo ancora tanto tempo, ma adesso ho 26 anni, e quando dico che sono destinato a stare solo, non lo dico per vittimismo, ma perché tutti questi anni della mia vita parlano chiaramente: io non riesco a trovare una persona con cui riesca a stare bene. Sono stato con altre ragazze, come detto prima, ma in ogni relazione non mi sentivo mai appagato, non sentivo mai quell'amore di cui si parla nelle storie romantiche, che a mio parere esiste, e ho amici in cui lo vedo. C'è persino una ragazza che mi è venuta dietro per una vita, ora fidanzata, alla quale ho sempre detto di no visto che, semplicemente, non mi piaceva. Ormai non so cosa pensare, se sono arrivato a quell'età in cui devo accettare una ragazza che non mi piace pur di sistemarmi, o stare da solo e credere che un giorno le cose cambieranno, già non ho tutto questo successo con le ragazze, se poi mi metto a fare lo schizzinoso mi sa che è davvero la fine. Qui vi chiedo, per chi ha almeno 25 anni, siete mai arrivati a pensare ciò? Pensare "se è andata male tutta la vita, un motivo ci sarà"? Se vi chiedere come sono, sarò schietto: non mi reputo un bellissimo ragazzo, ma ho visto persone molto peggio di me riuscire comunque a fidanzarsi e sistemarsi.
submitted by BananaInMelody to psicologia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 Vexra If Carl had successfully marked and killed [MAJOR SPOILERS] what would he have got?

This question spoils a major plot reveal toward the end of Book 7. I’m spoiler tagging it so read on at own risk
Carl came this close to murdering Lucia Mar with the ring in this book. He cancels it moments before the mark solidifies. Shortly after it’s revealed Lucia isn’t just one crawler but over 100,000 sharing one head. If Carl had marked her how would the AI have adjudicated that? Would he just get the standard reward for a single kill or would he have received the payout(and possibly a celestial “You Monster” box) for murdering all 100,000 innocent children?
submitted by Vexra to DungeonCrawlerCarl [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 Dramatic-Ear9636 will spencer and liv appear together in any episode?

submitted by Dramatic-Ear9636 to AllAmericanTV [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 AmJustLee My DevEx didnt want to go through despite meeting the requirements, i emailed them twice but got ignored, its been a week.

My DevEx didnt want to go through despite meeting the requirements, i emailed them twice but got ignored, its been a week. submitted by AmJustLee to RobloxHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 superhentaiaddict Holyy that art is 🔥

Holyy that art is 🔥 submitted by superhentaiaddict to PokemonTGCP [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 Dakattack421 Kim Castro 🔥Amazing !!🔥June 19, 2024

Kim Castro 🔥Amazing !!🔥June 19, 2024 submitted by Dakattack421 to hotweathergirls [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 aarbear23 $5 Auction! Funky Rooted TPMC 🧬

$5 Auction! Funky Rooted TPMC 🧬 Crested Trichocereus Pachanoi Monstrose (TPM) up for auction! New growth is coming in really cool, almost booby cactus vibes 😎 Rooted, about 6 inches from soil line. Some corking and growth marks but overall very healthy and pushing. Has been watered recently so will need some time for roots to dry.
Auction starts at $5! $5+ increments please. 5-min no snipe. Winner pays 🚢 Calculated by location. Lower 48 preferred. Heat pack available for $5. Auction ends Jan 31 at 2:00 PM MST!
submitted by aarbear23 to sanpedrocactusforsale [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 natalielaylaa Can I become a kpop idol if I’m not Korean?

So, I know this is pretty unlikely but I still want to ask. I'm not Asian, I'm from Poland. I started learning Korean a few years ago and I'd say I can speak it, I've had Korean lessons etc. I can dance but I can't sing super good. I think I can sing okay just not very good but I think if I practice more I’ll be better. I really love dancing and singing and Korea in general and Korean culture and I really like K-pop so I thought maybe there's a chance I could become a K-pop idol. I really wanted to try and audition so is that possible?
submitted by natalielaylaa to kpophelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 TheGirlwThePinkHair ‘16 CRZ 19k miles

‘16 CRZ 19k miles I know this is way too $$$. But what do you think it is worth? And mostly why does it have such low miles. Is that a red flag? Thx
submitted by TheGirlwThePinkHair to crz [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:09 LeoOfSiwa First pack magic

First pack magic First pack magic is really real
submitted by LeoOfSiwa to PTCGP [link] [comments]