This isn’t Man

2025.01.31 02:52 Old_Ad_2603 This isn’t Man

This isn’t Man submitted by Old_Ad_2603 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 South_Ladder_2747 You gotta feel sad for sequel fans. Not cause of the constant bullying but cause they didn't grow up with masterpieces like the prequels

submitted by South_Ladder_2747 to StarWarsCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 Substantial-Law-5946 Harry comments on Charlotte's pointless Welsh accent lie

submitted by Substantial-Law-5946 to TheTraitors [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 Level-Juice-723 Trades? 1:1 Any star number

Trades? 1:1 Any star number submitted by Level-Juice-723 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 ShuperCami [For Hire] Furry & Human Commissions Open! Chibi Promos and YCH valentine´s day for $30 USD. Payment by Paypal or Vgen. You can DM here or Disc0rd (Shupercami). Thank you!

[For Hire] Furry & Human Commissions Open! Chibi Promos and YCH valentine´s day for $30 USD. Payment by Paypal or Vgen. You can DM here or Disc0rd (Shupercami). Thank you! submitted by ShuperCami to anthro [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 Lardyawn New Federal Laws Affecting Trans people

Basically, I’m a ftm transgender person. I am passing as a man, and very few people I have met since having surgery know that I am trans. I got a passport with the “correct” gender marker of male the day after the election, just in case I would need to leave the country. However, I have yet to go to the DMV to update the marker on my driver’s license. I’m worried that if I go, they may take my passport from me for being “wrong” and then (if I try to leave) I would be flagged in some form or another. Would it be safe to try to go, or would it get held up in paperwork? The federal law is pretty clear that I wouldn’t be able to put an “M” on the gender marker anymore, but would Kentucky licenses be under the same law at this moment?
submitted by Lardyawn to Louisville [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 Carlos_Armando28Red ¿? Que debo hacer en esta situación?

Pues la situación a la que me refiero es que actualmente he estado teniendo malos días,he estado perdiendo amigos,me han estado lastimando,me han estado excluyendo,me han estado criticando,me han estado ignorando,me ha estado pasando de todo y no me siento cómodo, ya que nadie me quiere,y no tengo amigos reales,y si los tengo me agradecen algo mal o me cambian por otros como me está pasando con una chica que conocí que ya la estoy perdiendo,y la verdad se me hace todo esto injusto porque soy tan buena gente que siempre soporto todo lo que me hacen algunos de molestarme y más cosas sin decirles nada,e incluso también tengo problemas familiares y pues .... Me gustaría que alguien me pudiese decir que hacer o me den un consejo les agradecería mucho su ayuda ;(.
submitted by Carlos_Armando28Red to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 Cultural-Jacket-4100 I think I (27F) might have feelings for my fwb (27M)?

Okay, this is going to sound insane but I have had the same fwb for 15 years. He (27M) and I (27F) and have been messing around since middle school (obviously didn’t have sex til much older). Our relationship has always been fwb and nothing more. I’ve always thought he was cute and funny but never really let myself get to know him past the bedroom (I tend to fall easily). We’ve seen each other go through relationships over the years and have always fallen back into each other’s beds when we are both single. We have always kept in touch and supported one another. It’s been like a really long, long distance friendship with sex sometimes. Sex with him has never been consistent until recently. A couple months ago he asked me to dinner because he wanted to catch up and he “missed me”. I thought this was odd of him to ask me to go somewhere because we’ve never hung out like that before. We went, we had a great time and agreed not to have sex that night because we just wanted to chat. What I came to find out is he has the cutest personality and I loved talking to him. I had butterflies around him that I never had before and saw him in a completely different light. We went against our plans and had sex anyways and have been continuing to have sex since our little “date”. It’s different now though, we lay there and talk and kiss which we never did before. He’s on my mind constantly and idk if he’s feeling the same as me but I really don’t want to freak him out and lose him. I’d rather have him in my life as a fwb than not at all. This is new to me and I don’t know what to do. Any advice?
submitted by Cultural-Jacket-4100 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 m8n9 C'mon Mayne

C'mon Mayne submitted by m8n9 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 irrelative_irregular how do i look like a different person every day

which one am i⁉️⁉️
submitted by irrelative_irregular to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 Buschfan08 This is the greatest insult ive ever gotten

This is the greatest insult ive ever gotten submitted by Buschfan08 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 roblesjx b4b?

Can anyone in the EarnIn Community help me boost my Max? 🙂
submitted by roblesjx to EarninB4B [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 Visible_Today_7862 Help, freaking out! 8 weeks pregnant

Help, freaking out! 8 weeks pregnant Are these numbers good in pregnancy with pre existing diabetes?
submitted by Visible_Today_7862 to BumpersWhoBolus [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 phobiahelp is it bad to be quiet?

my mom and dad always get mad at me for being quiet, esp compared to my twin sister who is very outgoing. I feel like there's something wrong with me sometimes.
submitted by phobiahelp to introvert [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 lilmeowcats Need help for our research paper

Need improvement for our specific problem/ objective of our research
Hi! I'm a Filipino high school student and currently my group is working on chapter 1 of our research paper. During our online class, we have presented the whole paf file to our professor, however he doesn't seem to like the specific problems we have chosen. Here is what we inputted:
Research Title: "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning on Students' Academic Skills and Growth"
General Problem: This research aims to assess the Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning on Students' Academic Skills and Growth.
Specific Problem: 1. How does PBL influence students' academic skills and growth?

  1. Why is it important for students to engage in the modern way of learning?
  2. What recommendations can be proposed to improve the effectiveness of PBL on the student's academic skills and growth? Can you help us improve our specific problem?
submitted by lilmeowcats to research [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 OGMattster9000 Is anyone else’s store this dysfunctional??!!

The first month of the year kicked off wonderful (sarcasm) a full timer just quit and another just got fired so now the store is extremely understaffed. Every shift I have worked has been alone (I’ve worked 15 shifts since the start of the year) Today my SM worked until 7pm leaving me to close the store by myself. On his way out he gave me a task list of shit to do on top of the closing tasks. What does this include? The ENTIRE morning checklist which had 55 cycle counts and 33 Outdates. We also still have 8 warehouse totes left (a mix of OTC, Hair and COS) and he really fucking expects me to get that all done by 10pm tonight. We get our warehouse in at 3am tomorrow morning and he is coming in then. On top of all that customers are coming in waves at a time (which is unusual for this hour) Is anyone else experiencing this frustration and aggravation
submitted by OGMattster9000 to CVS [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 One-Test3947 Best place to find rental

My rent just got raised and I’m trying to look at my options. I currently living in playhouse district and walkable to Colorado. I absolutely love the walkability. Where have you found success in hidden affordable gems or even just finding solid places to rent outside of Zillow/
submitted by One-Test3947 to pasadena [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 slvrcrystalc Has it always been possible to see double rainbows?

Has it always been possible to see double rainbows? submitted by slvrcrystalc to Genshin_Photography [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 rockeye44 That Naughty Librarian

That Naughty Librarian submitted by rockeye44 to CayleeCowanBeauty [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 r34babyzilla Is it male? Breeder said female.

Is it male? Breeder said female. I just picked this cute whiteface baby for my male cockatiel. Breeder said it's a female (not dna tested) but the way it whistle i'm confused if it's a female or male. Age is 3-4 months.
submitted by r34babyzilla to cockatiel [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 VarietySubstantial76 🐸7,900,000 to 73m anyone else believe this is going to end on this hard cap # ?

🐸7,900,000 to 73m anyone else believe this is going to end on this hard cap # ? submitted by VarietySubstantial76 to WallStreetPepe [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 No_Map7606 when will poppy playtime chapter 4 be cracked?

i cant fokin run spider man 2 so im looking forward to play poppy playtime ch 4. when will it be cracked guys? any idea?
submitted by No_Map7606 to PiratedGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 Morg1603 People were asking how I cleaned my boot. (More pics)

People were asking how I cleaned my boot. (More pics) Take the lining out but make sure to remove the pegs properly and carefully cause most of mine were cracked and just exploded
For the mould, scrub with a brush that has plastic or some sort of hard bristle. Could probably just put them on the ground and do it with an outside brush honestly.
Then just vacuum them and put them back in.
Also check underneath the lining as mine had a bit of a buildup of dirt and grime. For this just use a slightly damp sponge or anything really to rub the grimy areas (probably all of it) and then use like a microfiber cloth to dry it.
Did the whole thing in about 40 minutes. Cleaning the grime underneath took the longest and cleaning the lining took like 10 minutes.
submitted by Morg1603 to Miata [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 FactorPutrid1 AITA 34f and 29m

We have been together for three years now. He was so upset with me he berated me through the entire store. By the time we got home he grabbed everything he bought packed it in his. Car and left me. Background information he was angry with me for not wanting to talk because he was so angry. I shut down. I could t open up to him. I told him that and why. He didn’t care. He grabbed the wipes laundry detergent and everything g he got for me and our 1 year old and left us. He said he’s not coming back. What should I do in this situation? I am very sad and heartbroken. All I want is to make it all go away and things be normal. I’m afraid it never was or will be.
submitted by FactorPutrid1 to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:52 sumpuertoricanguy I'M DONE

I'M DONE 16 is the most I'll collect from now on.
submitted by sumpuertoricanguy to Colognes [link] [comments]