Did I ovulate this early?

2025.01.31 02:31 jackattackdat Did I ovulate this early?

Did I ovulate this early? My hormones are never this low when I ovulate and this would be the earliest I ever ovulated. Did I really ovulate on day 9? (Currently day 11).
submitted by jackattackdat to Inito [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Plenty_Painter4063 Att. sagsbehanlere og kollegaer i samme branche.........hvor griber jeg det an.

Hmm, sidder midt i en sag... Kort fortalt: Arbejde... sygemelding... bistandshjælp... Jeg blev tilknyttet en mentor. Første gang takkede jeg ja, men med forbehold. Jeg kunne se meningen med det, men jeg pleaser jo og tænkte, at de nok havde styr på det.
Jeg bad ham om hjælp til en fortidspension... Så gik der to år, frem og tilbage, dit og dat... Det endte med, at jeg tog et regulært job. Men så blev jeg sygemeldt, og nu er jeg tilbage i systemet igen.
Efter at have bedt min læge skrive et notat om traumer fra min preteen-alder, gav det pote, og nu er jeg i den afdeling, der har med folk i min kategori at gøre.
Men jeg overvejer at klage over mentorordningen. Ordret fortalte jeg min daværende sagsbehandler og mentor (der sad sammen), at jeg følte det som et overgreb med referencer til tidligere seksuelle overgreb og diverse senfølger. De kiggede bare hinanden an og sagde: "Ja, men så fortsætter vi forløbet med mentor." De talte lige hen over hovedet på mig. Jeg tænkte: To professionelle, uddannede ansatte kan give sådan et svar? Totalt hen over hovedet på mig...
Senere, i en aftrampningsstatusrapport, stod der, at jeg havde været glad for mit job indtil sygemeldingen, at jeg havde været kaffeopfylder for Dørre DK Virksomhed, serviceret maskinerne og haft en lille hygge-snak med kunderne, når kaffeautomaten ikke virkede... Hmm, jeg har aldrig arbejdet med det, men det lyder da hyggeligt. Kaffepause-snak er jo vigtigt i den danske arbejdskultur...
Nå, men jeg gider ikke rigtig kaste folk under bussen. Men de bliver nødt til at blive bedre til deres arbejde, især når de har med mennesker at gøre.
Så spørgsmålet er: Hvordan klager jeg på en pæn og sober måde?
Forslag til en pæn og sober klage "Kære [modtager, f.eks. sagsbehandler, afdelingsleder eller klageafdeling],
Jeg skriver for at udtrykke mine bekymringer over forløbet med mentorordningen. Selvom jeg oprindeligt takkede ja til mentorstøtten med forbehold, har jeg oplevet situationer, hvor mine grænser og behov ikke blev respekteret.
Under et møde med min daværende sagsbehandler og mentor udtrykte jeg tydeligt, at jeg ønskede at aftrampe mentorforløbet, da det triggerede ubehagelige minder og følelser relateret til tidligere seksuelle overgreb og senfølger. Trods dette blev min henvendelse ignoreret, og det blev betrampet, at forløbet skulle fortsætte uden yderligere dialog. Dette fik mig til at føle mig overset og ikke taget alvorligt.
Jeg håber, at I vil tage min klage alvorligt og genoverveje, hvordan mentorordningen implementeres, så andre ikke oplever det samme. Jeg ønsker også en undskyldning for den måde, min sag blev håndteret på, og en garanti for, at mine grænser og behov vil blive respekteret i fremtiden.
Jeg sætter stor pris på den hjælp og støtte, jeg har modtaget gennem systemet, og jeg håber, at vi sammen kan finde en løsning, der sikrer, at fremtidige forløb bliver mere hensigtsmæssige og respektfulde over for deltagerne.....tak for læsning........ og nyd det begyndende forår...ps.overvejer privat sagkosulent.....men afprøver en klage sag.... og cc er den hr, ledere m.m.... samt kantine....så kan de få alacarte severet....flået borgerplatte, med dårlig samvittighed.......og klappe hindenpå skuldrene.......god fornåjelse og go arbejdslyst....velbekommen..........ps----har mødt masser goe menneskelige sag kumunaltansatte behandlere,,,,,,men osse en del der trænger til genskoling...... nå nok brok og bræk herfra....... håber på svar asap---- eller måjeg søge mælrettet rådgivning, jurist osv....maske some og folkedomstol.... vh ps jeg gladfor Dk,men der noget der halter lidt....... men deter værdsat.
submitted by Plenty_Painter4063 to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 MistakenArrest CxG ended in 2019. Death Let Me Do My Special was made in 2024. Rachel looks like she's aged 20 years even though it was only 5.

CxG ended in 2019. Death Let Me Do My Special was made in 2024. Rachel looks like she's aged 20 years even though it was only 5. Seriously. She looks like she's in her 50s. I guess becoming a mother and losing Adam aged her rapidly.
submitted by MistakenArrest to crazyexgirlfriend [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 flacidfeline MPD traffic control on Reserve Street

Cops are out heavy trying to make their end of month quotas. Pulling people over right and left. Primarily in the WinCo / Cabelas area.
submitted by flacidfeline to missoula [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Relative_Ad8430 How is Carnival for seniors?

submitted by Relative_Ad8430 to CarnivalCruiseFans [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 JPrycer Help with main team

Help with main team I don’t know too much about team building in this game; looking to make it better. I wanna swap vishuvac for sure out for a better melee but I don’t know who would work well. Suggestions for melees I could work on getting would be much appreciated along with any other advice.
submitted by JPrycer to GuardianTales [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Positive_Al022 250131 Jennie Instagram update

250131 Jennie Instagram update submitted by Positive_Al022 to jennie [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 khnhk Wow!

Wow! 1 Stanwood Cres, North York, Ontario M9M1Z8 For Sale | HouseSigma https://housesigma.com/on/north-york-real-estate/1-stanwood-cres/home/0MWBVyZLPa43Kemj?id_listing=10Qqyp544qm7LGlV&utm_campaign=listing&utm_source=user-share&utm_medium=android&ign=
submitted by khnhk to HouseSigmaBlunders [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 danfenlon Intergalactic swingers

Intergalactic swingers Max tennyson (ben 10) Commander Sheppard (mass effect)
submitted by danfenlon to TopCharacterTropes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Flateye Has anyone tried using AI voice callers in the operations?

It seems that AI callers and appointment setters are popping up all over the place. Has anyone actually implemetned these, or are they too good to be true?
submitted by Flateye to RealEstateAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 MoooMooooMooooo what about my hand??

what about my hand?? submitted by MoooMooooMooooo to ismyhandgay [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Even_Glass_3912 Dahlia Beauty 🌸💕

Dahlia Beauty 🌸💕 submitted by Even_Glass_3912 to flowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 DanielG165 Is anyone else having issues on Series X after the latest update?

Before tonight, I hadn’t personally ever experience any performance issues with Stalker 2 on console, even day 1, nor bugs. In fact, I actually praised the game for being in such a stable state on the Series X, despite it being this enormous UE5 open world game with nanite and lumen featured, and it running at an upscaled 4K resolution in Quality Mode. However, tonight, I booted the game up for the first time after the latest update, and my experience so far hasn’t been great.
What used to be pretty smooth and stable asset streaming when walking into another area, has turned into a hard freeze for 2-3 seconds before the game catches up and allows me to walk 10 feet, before the same thing happens. If I try to pause the game, it’ll merely hang there and allow me to move Skiv freely. Or, if I open my map, my gun will disappear, and I’ll be able to move freely, until the game catches up once more, several seconds later, and the action is registered.
I’m going to see if doing a hard close will fix things, but I just wanted to see if anyone else that is playing on console were experiencing their own issues.
submitted by DanielG165 to stalker [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 d-eity There’s no way right?!

I set an alarm for 9:45 tonight because I read that Popmart restocks at 10pm EST. I got an email just now at 9:18 that it was restocked and I went to click on it and it’s already sold out?! Does this really sell out in a matter of 10 minutes every time?! I’m brand new to blind boxes and have been obsessing over wanting Labubu so I’m not sure at all how the restocks work. This is my first time waiting for one.
submitted by d-eity to labubu [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 chimichangatrain This is my friends contact name and we had this exchange

Marked NSFW because of vulgar language!
submitted by chimichangatrain to texts [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 hist_buff_69 How to trade OTC stocks on wealthsimple?

Specifically, OXE Marine? I'm surpsied that I can't find it, but maybe I'm missing it somewhere. Has anyone traded this ticket before?
submitted by hist_buff_69 to Wealthsimple_Penny [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Sure_Group7471 It’s done! MAGAts finally found a “DEI” hire to blame Trump’s deadly failure on.

It’s done! MAGAts finally found a “DEI” hire to blame Trump’s deadly failure on. submitted by Sure_Group7471 to WhitePeopleTwitter [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 dyvonca [POSITIVE]%20for%20/u/Novel_Feedback3053%20[buyer]

submitted by dyvonca to PMsFeedback [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Living_Ad_8674 Hemodialysis Post Grad Course for NON-Nephro POD

Ask ko lang kung sino nakapagtraining na nito?
Kamusta po siya?
Baka may mga reading materials kayo na pwede ishare po para makapagbasa na in advance.
submitted by Living_Ad_8674 to pinoymed [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 LuxioValasiLuiende All aboard The ♈️3️⃣2️⃣Express 🚌🚂🚁🛩️⛵️🚢🚀🛸

All aboard The ♈️3️⃣2️⃣Express 🚌🚂🚁🛩️⛵️🚢🚀🛸 And have all your Wildest Fantasies Cum to Life 🕺🏻✨
submitted by LuxioValasiLuiende to V32Express [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Honest-Mission-1425 Quality time with friends

Quality time with friends Chicken microni & Potato cutlets
submitted by Honest-Mission-1425 to PakistaniFood [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 BrainstormWasteland Inflammation

Inflammation Experimenting with mixed media. It starts as an itch….
submitted by BrainstormWasteland to Artisticallyill [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 dinbrcaz Looking for Laptop

Looking to buy a laptop for my dad and considering a few Lenovo and Asus models. Budget is around 1000 USD (excluding delivery/import costs).
A few key points: - My dad has eye issues, so screen quality is very important as he frequently enlarges/magnifies applications. - This will be his main workstation for at least 5 years. - A numpad would be useful for his work. - He works from home, always plugged into a charger. - He doesn’t use an external monitor. - He always connects an external mouse. - I sometimes use his laptop for programming and might play some old, non-demanding games. - Must be available on Amazon for shipping to my country. - 16GB RAM is the minimum; upgradeability is preferred but not a dealbreaker. - Looking for good build quality.
Brand preference based on experience: Lenovo seems reliable, HP has been bad, Asus sometimes feels cheap, Acer is okay but not a top choice.
Laptops I’m considering:

  1. Lenovo ThinkPad P14s Gen 5 Pros: Good value, great screen Cons: Possible AMD overheating issues, only 14 inches, no numpad https://a.co/d/bIQmXjw
  2. Lenovo ThinkPad P16s Gen 2 Pros: 16-inch screen Cons: More expensive than Lenovo LOQ, previous-gen model, 64GB RAM overkill but this version ships to my country https://a.co/d/5blONlE
  3. Lenovo LOQ 15 Pros: Good price-to-performance, 15.5-inch display Cons: Screen quality unclear (NTSC? sRGB?), only 16GB RAM, FHD only, no iGPU = bad battery life https://a.co/d/caX2pxc
  4. Lenovo Legion 5i Pros: Known for good build quality, Intel-based https://a.co/d/iM7HjzB
  5. Asus TUF A15 Pros: Well-rounded, looks like a good fit Cons: Possible build quality issues, previous-gen model https://a.co/d/04rw9wb
Would love recommendations!
submitted by dinbrcaz to laptops [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Strawberryjam33 How much water for my money tree + plant combo

How much water for my money tree + plant combo Title. The plants look okay but a bit worse than when I got them so I think I might be doing something wrong. I bought them from a plant seller on IG and they said to water it when the top soil is dry and to check it by just sticking my finger in. If I did it this way, it would mean watering around every 3-4 days. I checked elsewhere in the internet and it said every 8-10 days which is what I’ve been going with. As for sunlight, they said indirect is fine so I’ve placed them next to my window on my desk.
Anybody with more experience can tell me what, if anything, is wrong with my approach?
submitted by Strawberryjam33 to houseplants [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Over-Walk-6152 Update Issues. Stranded at space station.

I've read that there are a lot of issues with the update. After the update I was put at a space station. No need for me spawn here. How to leave station and get back to trying to complete my 6 month quest Awakenings?
submitted by Over-Walk-6152 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]
