I just wanted a milkshake

正義與和平的化身2025-01-26 00:31:27 再唔換走巴丁 永遠攻力都唔會有改善 波又唔識傳 0足球智商 扭又唔識扭 次次都拖泥帶水 睇到好燥 今森茉耶2025-01-26 00:31:31 屌你個老母見親巴丁啲波亂鳩咁推就火屎咁滾 Vega2025-01-26 00:31:38 咪一鳩樣 唔怕老婆打我2025-01-26 00:31:42 我早就買狼隊讓1/1.5 唔知點輸 華氏4512025 ... 我日常就係睇同事啲code, A.I gen 99% over engineered / over complicated, 明明一句SQL, praser 改小小就可以commit 佢老母可以gen ORM, 又services, 又api, 又alter table, 10號2025-01-13 00:55:11 其實幾有隊形,反擊又執行得好 大波唔係大晒架2025-01-13 00:55:12 日任=飛機 呢球算唔錯 【傷兵滿營】阿仙奴24-25 球迷討論區 MMMCDXXI 【在長途旅行中可以知道馬的實力】阿仙奴24-25 球迷討論區 MMMCDXXVIII 華氏451 dklm下次砌機一定買2000w 【不能不熬夜的阿迷】阿仙奴24-25 球迷討論區 MMMCDXXXX 【不能不熬夜的阿迷】阿仙奴24-25 球迷討論區 MMMCDXXXX派又強人 Ginlau2025-01-26 00:02:35 係同一場對手做完全無事 其實真係唔使玩,以後對手一開罰球就踢個波去我地度又屈一張黃 又搞乜呀2025-01-26 00:02:38 張紅都真係好黑哨 不過講真 一日仲有夏維斯呢d質素前鋒打正選其實都唔洗唸奪冠 旺洋達2025-01-26 00:02:46 日你媽奧利華 CHEAP_LAM2025-01-26 00:02:48 已經睇唔到 不能熬夜 ... 歌住サクラコ 2025-01-08 10:55:55

2025.02.01 19:01 ghendler I just wanted a milkshake

I just wanted a milkshake I had a really nice blender that broke so I decided to go with a budget one this time. Sometimes you get what you pay for. I picked it up after storing the ingredients in the bottom just fell out.
submitted by ghendler to Wellthatsucks [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Strong_Wall1595 WB Dialga. 918918766725

WB Dialga. 918918766725 submitted by Strong_Wall1595 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Wooden-Chapter-5126 Nvm. Dan gave up on the paint by number. It was too hard lmao

submitted by Wooden-Chapter-5126 to DRAMATWINS31 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 tOSdude What is necessary to make p0insettia/p0insettia-plus work on a 5c?

What is necessary to make p0insettia/p0insettia-plus work on a 5c? Would I need to find offsets or something, should it just install as-is? Just looking at the GitHub page it looks like the compatibility list has been slowly shrinking as we go.
submitted by tOSdude to LegacyJailbreak [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Roman-Empire_net A beautiful Roman mosaic floor discovered in Verona, Italy.

A beautiful Roman mosaic floor discovered in Verona, Italy. submitted by Roman-Empire_net to ancientroma [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Kitty-cat-fox Nintendo's Forgotten Mobile Game - DR Mario world retrospective by Carlito

Nintendo's Forgotten Mobile Game - DR Mario world retrospective by Carlito submitted by Kitty-cat-fox to DrMario [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 BeautifulChaos_4318 Is there much need for land surveyors?

I know there’s a housing crisis, but was curious if this would be a decently easy job to find? My husband and I are discussing moving abroad for a few years and Ireland is on the list.
submitted by BeautifulChaos_4318 to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Commercial-Yak6655 Need advice on my monitors/setup

Hey guys, I'm new to this sub but hoping someone here has some input/advice on my current desk setup and answer some questions on what I plan to do.
I currently have one Dell S2722QC (Link) and one ASUS VG248QG (Link), both plugged into my new M4 Pro MacBook Pro. Both are plugged in directly to the MacBook (no external dock). I absolutely hate looking at the 24" 1080p monitor next to the 27" 4k and the scaling is very different, so I'm planning on buying another Dell S2722QC but have a few questions/issues that I would like some tips/advice on:
1. Gaming setup integration: I have my xbox series x plugged into the ASUS monitor as well; I originally bought it just for gaming. I like the xbox integration in my desk setup, but hate using the monitor for productivity stuff. I can't afford a 27" 4K monitor with the same 165Hz refresh rate, so I would like to keep the gaming monitor on the desk to use when I want to game, but I'm not sure how I would do this. I have a cheap desk from Amazon (Link) that is very skinny so a third monitor would probably be hard to fit. I was thinking of getting some kind of arm that would allow me to have the ASUS monitor positioned vertically as a third monitor for my Mac but it would need to have the capabilities to easily rotate horizontally and a long enough arm to move it from being all the way to the left on my desk to being in the center when I want to game. or a 3-arm mount that would allow me to easily move the monitors around for when I switch from using the Mac to gaming. Not sure if such thing exists. Another idea would be to get a single arm mount and put the monitor above the two Dells, but I think it would be too high. Please share suggestions.
2. Downstream poweMacBook battery health: Since the Dell monitor is providing power to my MacBook, I'm worried that buying a second one and using the same USB-C connection will double the amount of power going to the laptop and harm the battery. Is this a valid concern, or will the Mac only take the power that it needs? I know you shouldn't use a laptop battery to charge a phone because it's too strong of a power source and can harm the phone battery; I'm using the same logic here with the monitors/macbook. Will the double downstream power harm the battery? Is it harmful to have the macbook plugged in 24/7 at my desk to begin with? Do I need a docking station to distribute power correctly?
Also curious to hear if/why a dock would be useful in my setup given the dell monitors already essentially have mini docks built in. I've seen people with similar setups using docks and always wonder why. I also want to upgrade my desk at some point for more space and get a standing desk, but replacing the 1080p with more 4k is higher priority. Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions.
submitted by Commercial-Yak6655 to Monitors [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 RealityUnification ‘25 - 4 player local coop 11v11

I am looking at getting EA FIFA ‘25 to play with my family. We would want to play local coop with 3-4 player multiplayer 11v11 soccer in some kind of on going season or similar experience that we could return to each time. Does this game offer that option or something that would fit that need? Thank you!
submitted by RealityUnification to EA_FIFA [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 throwaway490215 I don't think `X much money for Y years < billion $` messaging really drives home the danger of billionaires

Given a certain level of wealth, the investment opportunities you have are greater, you diversify, and you'll run no risk and always keep on getting richer. Forever.
Pickety wrote a the book on this, but having money gets you more money, at a rate that everybody who knows their own taxes just can't really imagine.
The doctor earning 400.000 per year is very wealthy, but at some point in the tens of millions (in today's money) it becomes a singular hereditary title, given from parent to 1 child. Perpetual wealth for doing nothing at all.
At a billion an entire army of smoshers will cater at the back and call of every grand child in perpetuity. The amount of money you have is "creating" so much more money that you're "creating" hereditary titles in perpetuity.
Are these children - "old money" - owed their role as stewards of human civilizations?
The french revolution had a dozen complex causes, and one of them was the cancer of hereditary nobility - entirely self assured of their ordained status as betters - growing out of control.
Democracy is the way people take power and tax the fuck out of a nobility that destroys itself and the world around them, and a proper justice system puts some balance between classes.
If both fail than things go from bad to worse one way or another.
Taxes used to be progressive - higher % tax at higher incomes - for a good reason.
Any politician or apologists that does not want to talk about new kinds of taxes and closing loopholes, is letting cancer spread another day in their willful ignorance.
That wealthy doctor doesn't really understand billionaire wealth.
They might understand you don't let an ever-accelerating growth convince you that "we should take the time to do it right", "We can solve this peacefully", or that we should be open minded about what the cancer has to say.
You stop it from growing one way or another it will - without intent or malice - grow to destroy you.
submitted by throwaway490215 to economicCollapse [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 i_73 Type 'im not racist but' then let autocorrect finish the sentence

I'll start:
I'm not racist but I do eat elbows
submitted by i_73 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Onion778899 Need bigger kitchen trash can ideas!

Help! We’ve got a big family and I end up taking the trash out from the kitchen multiple times a day. It drives me nuts. We have 2x35 quart trash bins in a pullout kitchen cabinet but it’s not enough. We are redoing our kitchen and looking for ideas - is there a bigger size pullout cabinet we should factor in? What’s the next standard size up? Anyone else have a great solution? Or, should we go with a compactor? Help!
submitted by Onion778899 to kitchenremodel [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Choso27 Ya terminó el primer mes de 2025, como van con sus metas de este año?

El 31 todo mundo estaba pensando en sus metas de 2025 y como siempre, terminan siendo solo palabras, no acciones, así que para el 3 de enero ya se olvidaron de todo
Pero ¿que pasó con los que si están cumpliendo con sus objetivos? ¿Cuales eran y como van?
Yo me propuse 4 objetivos, entre ellos aprender inglés, y ese es el único que he estado cumpliendo
Y ustedes?
submitted by Choso27 to Ticos [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 BGdu29 I'm just missing Rapunzel to have the full roster.

I'm just missing Rapunzel to have the full roster. submitted by BGdu29 to NikkeMobile [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 PaySmart9578 Whats your checklist to decide a break up?

If a therapist asked you to write out a list of things you need to weigh in on, or consider, before breaking up with someone- what would those things be?
submitted by PaySmart9578 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 DefinitelyCanadian3 Martin wins chair election

Yeah can’t WAIT for mediocrity
submitted by DefinitelyCanadian3 to CreamTrees [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Ill-Ad2282 Can I run FL on my HP Chromebook

I'm considering buying FL and was checking out the website and the download options are for windows and mac but I don't see an option for HP or chromebook. I'm not very experienced with laptops so idk what I should look into or do
submitted by Ill-Ad2282 to FL_Studio [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 dvizzyzone Dialga 438026627198

submitted by dvizzyzone to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 RevolutionaryLow2258 How do you guys pee ?

How do you guys pee ? submitted by RevolutionaryLow2258 to notinteresting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 cosmiccmermaid please help me pick 1 brown for my first HT order 😭 feel free to reply with pics if you’ve worn any of them before!!

please help me pick 1 brown for my first HT order 😭 feel free to reply with pics if you’ve worn any of them before!! leaning towards inkwell but they’re all so pretty, i’m too indecisive
submitted by cosmiccmermaid to RedditLaqueristas [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 bokaaOk-Instance7187 Koi xa mero didi ko imagine garera sex story banaune

submitted by bokaaOk-Instance7187 to NepaliThot [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 T-nash I noticed 2000+ read errors after hitting the case accidentally, shut down, replugged sata cable, now parity is disabled.

submitted by T-nash to unRAID [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Hero-Firefighter-24 Y’all need to vote blue in the 2026 midterms

I’m sorry, but the next midterms are gonna the most important in this decade. If you look around, Trump has already done A LOT of damage. Let’s not forget that it’s his last term, so he doesn’t give a single fuck about public opinion. In fact, it’s because of this that he’s trying to do the most of it.
Like I said, there is one way to keep him in check and prevent him from doing more damage. That way is the 2026 midterms. Vote blue there, and the Democrats will get a majority in the White House. And if the Democrats get a majority in the White House, most of the things Trump wants to do won’t happen. Sure, some things will never happen because of the constitution (example: ending birthright citizenship, which a Seattle judge already contested), but there are other awful things that can happen. You can limit the latter by voting blue in the midterms.
Also, needless to say, but to unfuck everything Trump has fucked, voting blue in 2028 will also be necessary.
submitted by Hero-Firefighter-24 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Titu_Badmosh Caught her cheating with him 😱😱😱

Go and checkout giggit.in !!
submitted by Titu_Badmosh to vitap [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 tearsricoche May listahan na ba kayo ng mga iboboto niyong senador?

May listahan na ba kayo ng mga iboboto niyong senador? My Top 5 candidates are already secured. I just want to know your thoughts on the other senatorial candidates, such as:
• Ka Danino Ramos • Congw. France Castro • Atty. Sonny Matula • Ka Leody De Guzman • Teddy Casiño • Ariel Querobin 
I’m still evaluating my choices. The senatorial interview by GMA earlier was very helpful! It’s just sad that Bam and Kiko weren’t there. What are your thoughts on that?
submitted by tearsricoche to pinoy [link] [comments]
