be made of和be made from有什么区别?“be made of”和“be made from”的使用对象不同:1、“be made of”表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材料是什么,保留原材料的质和形状,制作过程仅发生物理变化。 be like是什么梗?这个梗最早源自于African ,Americanvernacular也就是我们说的黑人英语,本来在语法上是不正确的,但由于在网上的广泛使用,慢慢也被大家接受。 HE,BE,TE,NE是什么意思所谓HE,BE,TE,NE都是对galgame里不同结局的称呼。HE=Happy Ending 意思是一个好的结局,一个圆满的结局。 正在写SCI的小伙伴看到这篇回答有福了!作为一个在硕士阶段发表了4篇SCI(一区×2,二区×2)的人,本回答就好好给你唠唠究竟该如何撰写Declaration of interest利益声明部分。 subject to 的 subject 没有变形,所以这个 subject 是形容词,它的读音是ˈsʌbdʒɪkt,subject to是指「可能受到…影响」(likely to be affected by something, especially something bad),一般都是不好的影响,可以是人为因素或无法控制的天然因素,而且所指的事还未发生,所以是一种假设或预测,例如: 电缆敷设方式ct、 ce、 we、 wc、 cc各表示什么?如图,代表电缆敷设方式。ct:电缆桥架敷设;ce:沿天棚顶敷设;we:沿墙明敷;wc:沿墙暗敷设;cc:沿顶板暗敷 be/get used to doing sth.表示习惯于做某事或习惯于某事,to是介词,后面要跟名词、代词或动名词。 be subject to和be subjected to的区别在英语中,"be subject to";和"be subjected to"虽然看似相似,但含义和用法上有所区别。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 结局中的he、be和oe,是描述故事情节走向的常用术语。 he,即幸福结局,表示故事的最后,主角或主要人物得到了幸福,问题得到了解决,是一个圆满的结局。
2025.02.01 18:42 getoutyourbanjo Should I be worried?
There are a ton of little white dots in the soil of my pothos. I’m terrified they might be eggs… I bottom water when the soil is dry up to the first knuckle, and it is right by a big sliding door and gets tons of light. submitted by getoutyourbanjo to plantclinic [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 18:42 InfamousArteaga Izzy’s Fashion Shop.
Hands down least ugly and best thing I’ve gotten from the shop, everything else always ends up being 🚮 just wanted to show it off, the dress is 👩🏼🍳💋 submitted by InfamousArteaga to SimsMobile [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 18:42 mtrulapereira No crank no start 3.8ljk
Hey guys, I could use some advice. I just changed all the o2 sensors and map sensor in my jeep jk 3.8 liter. When I went to start the jeep, it did a crank but no start. Any ideas what it is?
submitted by mtrulapereira to JeepDIY [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 18:42 beeemkcl Live Updates: Democrats Elect Ken Martin, a Party Insider, to Lead the D.N.C. (NYT)
Late Friday, Mr. Wikler disclosed that his financial backers had included the billionaire Reid Hoffman and George Soros’s political action committee, both of which gave him $250,000.I was relatively ambivalent regarding whether Ken Martin or Ben Wikler would be better to the lead the DNC. Both had pros and cons. I was focused on ensuring that someone more conservative or corporate than those 2 didn't become the new DNC Chair.
2025.02.01 18:42 RandomCrapToLookat Danny’s old videos ( question )
I have a question for you guys. Does anyone know why at the end of Danny's older videos, he puts that upbeat circus music? I want to know what Danny is saying, it's been driving me crazy for years.
submitted by RandomCrapToLookat to DannyGonzalez [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 18:42 FacrumBe Canon EOS700D trait sur l'écran
je viens de sortir mon appareil pour faire une photo de la lune, et voici ce que l'écran m'affiche, en sachant qu'il y a 1 mois rien du tout et qu'il n'y a pas de coup sur l'écran il est intact.
Une piste ou quoi?
submitted by FacrumBe to CanonCamera [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 18:42 Tough_Collection_682 What went wrong here?
A combination of Tru god and tough god. Or truffle god? submitted by Tough_Collection_682 to LICENSEPLATES [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 18:42 21BRArt Uma sugestão de Trilha de Adestrador de Animais
Bem, isso é só uma coisa que eu pensei durante um banho e fiquei um pouco triste de não ter uma trilha específica sobre isso tanto no livro base quanto no suplemento. Uma trilha especializada em usar animais, eu sinceramente não sei qual classe se encaixaria bem para isso, mas tive algumas ideias.
Como o Especialista, que poderia ter tipo aqueles animais treinados, podendo ajudar em investigações ou em combates, ajudando no suporte, distraindo o inimigo ou até mesmo atacando.
Ou o Ocultista (talvez isso seja exagerar um pouco, mas mesmo assim eu acharia legal ter alguém na minha mesa assim), usando meio que o mesmo esquema do combatente monstruoso, a aparti de um nível de NEX, você pode transcender com o seu "bichinho de estimação" e escolher um elemento para ele, então quanto mais exposição ele vai tendo, mais forte ele vai ficar (Quase um Pokémon demoníaco kk).
É só uma ideia besta que eu tive, já que eu vi que usam pouquíssimo a perícia de adestramento sem ter uma campanha com um player com um cachorro ou um periquito... Além de dar uma utilidade maior para os bichinhos mecanicamente falando.
submitted by 21BRArt to OrdemParanormalRPG [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 18:42 Frikassensee Painting my converse rn
Got new ones since i can't wear the old ones anymore and i can't go outside without personal drip😙🤞🏻 Imma show the results in the morning🎀✨
submitted by Frikassensee to gravityfalls [link] [comments]
submitted by ilikefridayss to Panathinaikos [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 18:42 LittyBoi306 The Broken and Glitched Downward Spiral
Rare 1994 NIN ‘Glitch Downward Spiral’ on top of 1997 NIN ‘Broken’ Blacklight Poster
I’ve been collecting crazy since last year and I lucked out to get these both from OG owners this year. almost done with my spiral collection and just in time for tour 🙂
PSA: I’m not a reseller, just an obsessed NIN collector, so please do not messsge me unless YOU want to SELL to me.
I still have a few pieces I need left for my “Spiral”. 13/24 pieces exact, so if you guys need money and want your tees to go to a good home.
Hit my inbox/Comment below and i’ll make your moneys worth🤘🏻(XL/2XL ONLY - only sizes i fit in lol)
submitted by LittyBoi306 to nin [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 18:42 More_Job219 Roast My Startup: Prospectoo - AI Hyper-personalisation at Scale and B2B Contact Data
I'm the Founder of Prospectoo, a tool that helps sales and marketing folks actually connect with prospects instead of blasting out robotic emails that get ignored. But I know every founder thinks their product is amazing - so I’m here to get some real, unfiltered feedback.
Here’s what we’re solving: 🧠 Making cold outreach sound human – We pull in real-time insights from leads LinkedIn profile or Google latest news (funding, hiring trends, role changes) to help teams craft emails, LinkedIn messages, and call scripts that don’t scream "Hi {First Name}, let’s connect!"
📞 Finding the right people, with the right data – No more bounced emails or dialing random numbers. We provide verified B2B emails and mobile numbers so SDRs aren’t just shouting into the void.
I’d truly appreciate your honest feedback—good, bad, or brutal. If this sucks, tell me why. If something’s missing, I want to know. Check it out here →
🔥 Roast away, and thanks in advance for taking the time! 🙌
submitted by More_Job219 to LeadGeneration [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 18:42 bathwaterpantaloon Gonna start watching Better Call Saul! Are there any other episodes I should add to the list?
submitted by bathwaterpantaloon to okbuddychicanery [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 18:42 thatonegingerwoman They can never make me like you.
I don't understand the March hype, but to each their own.
submitted by thatonegingerwoman to FieldsOfMistriaGame [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 18:42 RaulTiru We Found Some Surprise Garlic!
submitted by RaulTiru to HealthyGardening [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 18:42 dee_westie Safe/reliable landlords?
I want to move next year(FT student currently) as my apartment is too small, has cockroaches, constant plumbing (and laundry) issues, etc. The landlords won't do anything and continue to raise the rent.
What are some reliable management companies? Keeping in mind I have two indoor cats and two kids. I keep hearing horror stories of people renting from private landlords and then getting screwed over or harassed so I've given up on the idea of a basement suite.
submitted by dee_westie to abbotsford [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 18:42 ResearcherAsleep968 1098-T
Has anyone received their 1098-T yet?
submitted by ResearcherAsleep968 to Drexel [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 18:42 Hot-Rock-1948 I thought the joke wasn’t satire.
I was right - although instead, it was THE CREATURE (scary!!)
submitted by Hot-Rock-1948 to 2sentence2horror [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 18:42 thatguyfrfryouknowit I have my raisins so now I'm happy
Urgh ah gurga
submitted by thatguyfrfryouknowit to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 18:42 GinKenshin Rina & Ellen Cosplay
submitted by GinKenshin to ZZZ_Official [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 18:42 Particular-Visit5098 What makes you indian?
1- birth in the country 2- birth on the planet 3- your love for the country 4- culture 5- great history of India 6- hate 7- your sacrifice for country 8- government party 9- marriage 10- your actions for the country.
submitted by Particular-Visit5098 to AskIndia [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 18:42 TurtleChargedAnus Delete if not allowed - Remove 47
submitted by TurtleChargedAnus to anchorage [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 18:42 LessTraining1985 best all mountain skis
was wondering good all mountain/park skis you guys would recommend. i live in van so i would go up to the local mountains along with W/B and sun peaks. i’m 5’11 150.
i rly like the fischer night stick 97 and the enforcer 94. any other recommendations?
submitted by LessTraining1985 to Skigear [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 18:42 No_Bend6313 I Don’t Know If I Should Continue To Try And Get My CPA. Please Help.
I'm a 22-year-old who just started working at an accounting firm. During college, I graduated with a 3.8 GPA, so I know I have the academic skills, but when I took the CPA exam, I couldn't score above a 50 on any of the sections. It's been tough, and honestly, my motivation is at an all-time low. I know passing the CPA exam would be crucial for my career down the road, but I’m starting to question whether I can even do it. I’ve never been great at test-taking, but failing to pass any of the sections feels like a huge blow to my confidence. I’m wondering if I should just start looking for other career opportunities, even though I’ve only just begun my job. What do you think I should do?
submitted by No_Bend6313 to Accounting [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 18:42 Petewakeup_ Just fell asleep
That Pavlovich fight was fucking boring my god
submitted by Petewakeup_ to MMAbetting [link] [comments]