All the rainbows, never the braincell

2025.02.01 20:31 aDyslexicPanda All the rainbows, never the braincell

All the rainbows, never the braincell Hello from Cheddar the chonk. Wife asked me to post these.
submitted by aDyslexicPanda to OneOrangeBraincell [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 caiomusse Dicas para um retorno ás aulas de Geografia (E.F)

Sei que isso pode ser antiético, mas a realidade se impõe, bate na porta e há coisas que não se podem negar.
Fui chamado para dar aula de Geografia para o E.F., no município que atualmente moro, mas não concluir o curso, e tem uns 6/7 anos que tranquei ele por questão de depressão e problemas pessoais, e desde então, não voltei mais. Aqui no meu município, tem muito professor que continua dando aula, sem ter terminado a graduação. Durante o curso tive experiência em assumir sala de aula(porém, não fazia o planejamento), ao ocupar a vaga de uma professora que entrou de licença por duas vezes, no que daria pouco mais de um ano de experiência (pouca eu sei). Eu não me lembro mais de muita coisa, terei que retornar aos estudos e a uma faculdade, que agora vai ter que ser EAD, já que aqui no município não tem Geografia e uma presencial fica muito distante. Porém, encontro-me em situação de desespero, sem grana, com um relacionamento sendo abalado por isso, não pude negar ao convite.
Então gostaria de pedir dicas a vocês, como planejar aulas, fazer o planejamento(pois esse, a professora da qual assumia, fazia). Usar o livro didático e ir me aprofundando é uma boa opção? Como me preparar diante de muitos assuntos que não vou lembrar mais? Sei que será um primeiro ano desafiador, mas vou me esforçar ao máximo para não ser medíocre.
Muito obrigado🫂 (espero que não me julguem, pois, minha cabeça já faz isso de sobra todo santo dia)
submitted by caiomusse to ProfessoresBR [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Practical-Energy7383 No title.

No title. submitted by Practical-Energy7383 to NHLMemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 nyyankeegal 29F SB seeking SD in North Jersey

Petite (4'11", 130 lbs) African American woman seeking a genuine connection. Animal lover with a full-time dog-friendly job. I enjoy beach days, baseball games (and other sports), Beers and positive vibes. Looking for someone like-minded, emotionally and/or physically connect with each other. Good energy and good looks are a plus! DM for a pic swap and let's chat.
What I like: I am a sucker for bearded white males who I can only describe as "Nerdy Athletes" as that is something I would call myself. If this sounds like you, and you're interested please inquire :) <3
submitted by nyyankeegal to SLFmeetups [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Extension-Flow-198 Tonight i ate honey glazed salmon with edamame beans and rice :)

Tonight i ate honey glazed salmon with edamame beans and rice :) For two : Two pieces of salmon Two cups of sushi rice 250g of edamame beans Crushed peanuts Crushed Nori sheets Cane sugar Rice vinegar Honey Dark soy sauce Oyster sauce Lemon juice A clove of garlic Olive oil Salt
1 - Mix together the garlic, the dark soy sauce, the oyster sauce, the honey and some lemon juice. Use the mixture to marinate your salmon. It will also be used as a sauce.
2 - cook the rice. When it’s cooked, a tablespoon of cane sugar and some rice venigar to your rice.
3 - cook the edamame in some olive oil with a bit of lemon juice and some sea salt.
4 - cook your salmon. When it’s fully cooked but some more of the marinade on it.
5 - dress your plate with the crushed peanuts and crushed nori sheets and bon appétit !
I’m 17 and i loveeee to cook. The recipe is really simple but i’m so proud of me 🤭
submitted by Extension-Flow-198 to FoodPorn [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Known_Drop5903 Any changes I should make or does this look good
submitted by Known_Drop5903 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Healthy_Incident9522 create a language the letters are a. aa. b. c. ch. d. e. ee. é. éé. g. h. i. ii. k. l. m. n. o. oo. p. r. s. t. u. uu and v.

submitted by Healthy_Incident9522 to conlangs [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 RubyH91 Lush Deodorant

Is it possible to buy the Lush Deodorant in Australia?
submitted by RubyH91 to LushCosmetics [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 canzosis “My Biggest Fear Was That It Was Gonna Be Annoying and Woke”: ‘Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’ Star Shares His Praise for the Series

“My Biggest Fear Was That It Was Gonna Be Annoying and Woke”: ‘Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’ Star Shares His Praise for the Series submitted by canzosis to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Redxluckyxcharms Anyone buy from MightyMainecoons in Ohio?

Anyone buy from MightyMainecoons in Ohio? Hello, I’m trying to understand if this breeder is a scam or not.
I am interested in one of their cats and actually went to go put a deposit on it today, and when she gave me her Zelle payment , chase basically said there was something off about it. So then she said to Apple Pay her the deposit of 540 in 2 payments . 250 and 290. When I went to do that, a message popped up saying it could be a scam (which may be a normal message Apple does) .
The website seems fine and they even have a section about scams and being registered with TICA. The cat is $1800 which feels normal.
Any thoughts or other ways I can determine if it’s a scam or not. Really had my heart set on this cat but not on being scammed . Thanks!
submitted by Redxluckyxcharms to mainecoons [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 NashvilleHotTakes Tapatío Beef Enchiladas - 8/10

Tapatío Beef Enchiladas - 8/10 submitted by NashvilleHotTakes to frozendinners [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 weirdorajat Karakus Marakus,India Feb 2025

Hello everyone I am visiting Karakus Marakus,india Anyone from here going? What are your plans? Stays?stuffs? Best play?
submitted by weirdorajat to HitechTrance [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 pootluv Is my dog partially blind?

Is my dog partially blind? My dog has this light mark in the middle of both her eyes. Is it a sign of blindness? My parents are the ones that take her to the vet but they told me the vet has never mentioned it.
submitted by pootluv to DOG [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Mysterious_Affect_99 I think ash has the suds

I think ash has the suds 😭😭😭 I got in her live and instantly gagged 😂
submitted by Mysterious_Affect_99 to inmatehopper [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 AgreeableFarm8087 Comparsa, Sociedad anónima - Preliminares

submitted by AgreeableFarm8087 to coac [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Zolko96 Ninja Gaiden Sigma chapter 18: exploration

So, I've just finished sigma, but I saw that I did not find all Scarabs, skipped intentionally some fiend challenges, and there are a few portals that I have skipped that takes me to an arena fight. My question is, can I explore the whole game (army station, the place where you kill Doku's physical form, sewers, tombs too) at this point, or are there some restrictions? I already defeated Marbus, so those portals are still available? I know its a weird thing to ask, but still, there are no better place to ask
submitted by Zolko96 to ninjagaiden [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 MatureSuzyCheesecake A slice of Moon at Sunset 🌙

A slice of Moon at Sunset 🌙 submitted by MatureSuzyCheesecake to moon [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Idkmaths T R A P S O U L elimination game

Saw this in the Kehlani sub, vote to save a song for the next round, downvote to eliminate, song with most downvotes after 24 hrs is out
submitted by Idkmaths to brysontiller [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Pale_Radio_8597 Ayuda Gymrats, Que debería comer?

Hace poco me inicie en el mundo del gym y busco una dieta o que debería comer para subir de peso, mido 1.56 y peso 40kg, no voy al gym tan seguido, Pero entreno voley y natación todos los días, y me da miedo hacer un volumen sucio y subir el porcentaje de grasa corporal y que no lo pueda eliminar por no ir al gym. Pero hacer los deportes que mencioné anteriormente evitarían eso?, que debería comer para mí volumen? (pdt: Soy ectomorfa, y se me dificulta mucho subir de peso) AYUDAAAA
submitted by Pale_Radio_8597 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Alternative-Map-7719 I’m not going outside

I’m not going outside submitted by Alternative-Map-7719 to ItalianGreyhounds [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 legiraphe Calculatrice de RRQ de PWL Capital

J'ai essayé la calculatrice de PWL Capital (Ben Felix y travaille) pour calculer le montant que je pourrais recevoir en RRQ avec différents scénario.
Voici la calculatrice:
Pour tester, j'ai mis ces info:

Ça dit qu'a 72 ans, il aurait 2 369$ par mois.
Or, ici, on dit que le montant maximum serait 26 004 $ par année, soit 2 167$.
Si je met l'inflation à 0, ça augmente le montant à 2 424$ par mois.. ?
Si je fais une simulation avec une date dans le futur avec inflation à 0, ça me donne aussi des montants plus élevés que les maximum.
Bref, je ne comprend pas trop... Quelqu'un a une idée?
Si je regarde plutôt la pension du Canada avec la calculatrice, on dirait que le montant est plus proche des maximums d'aujourd'hui.
submitted by legiraphe to QuebecFinance [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 GHOUL_GH0UL B4b 3 left $teratsdf

$teratsdf will boost back immediately 3 left
submitted by GHOUL_GH0UL to chimeboost [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:30 SickleClaw Used bookstore was having a buy one get one sale, dvds included so got these for 2 dollars total. (DVDs are normally a dollar each)

Used bookstore was having a buy one get one sale, dvds included so got these for 2 dollars total. (DVDs are normally a dollar each) submitted by SickleClaw to dvdcollection [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:30 ZythyTheRealOne This banner sucks

I’ve done the math and I’ve drawn a total of 342 characters and of those 342 one 5 have been 4* HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE THE ODDS FOR 4* ARE 7% SO THAT MEANS I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN 21 I hate this stupid banner
All my rds and money spent went to waste 😞
submitted by ZythyTheRealOne to OPBR [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:30 Mikkelet Please allow us to change ascendency

I'd rather want to spend my extra time playing other classes, trying out what else the game has to offer. I dont feel like re-doing a character of a class that I already mastered just to get to play the build want
submitted by Mikkelet to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]