2025.02.01 19:30 The-real-mmc I think I'm too good
submitted by The-real-mmc to MyTeardrop [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:30 TriadBasher New pick up. Thoughts?
Picked up this morning. fresh out the package. submitted by TriadBasher to robinsjean [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:30 Fearless-Distance119 Mechanic recommendations.
I need a pretty easy job done on my 2015 Silverado. I just need to have my thermostat and cts sensor replaced. I usually use Complete Auto Repair Service (C.A.R.S) and they are great but they typically need at least a week lead time and I don't have that much time to wait in this. Any recommendations are appreciated. I'm in the Bel Air but am willing to travel.
submitted by Fearless-Distance119 to harfordcountymd [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:30 Taco_Teen69 Is the app down rn?
No messages i
submitted by Taco_Teen69 to Wizz_App_Unofficial [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:30 DiceRollMods Shadowrun Rome: The New Matrix
In Shadowrun Rome, the Matrix will be completely different from the base game. The player will have to solve a series of puzzles in order to achieve his/her goal. There will be some fighting but only in case of failure. https://youtu.be/Yc-hY6xi0v0?si=y71fAhNC8R2HiYRp
submitted by DiceRollMods to Shadowrun [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:30 Commercial_Mind4003 Is the Thames hate warranted?
submitted by Commercial_Mind4003 to Spiderman [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:30 Sir_Dankalot_1582 So this Veterans reward event?
This is definitely late to the party.. But I have a really bad taste in my mouth, as someone who played Division 1 at launch day.. Hell I remember building and having bought a brand new pc to max it. Same went for division 2 launch, sat there at day 1. And have spend hours upon hours on both games. I did however not play during a certain period where "The Lexington" was given out, if you logged on during a specific period...Why oh why was this not just given out based on playtime.. Or as literally anyone could log on during the period, given to everyone when they logged in following the event -_-
A question to go along with frustration, has anyone actually gotten any help getting the gun, if they had a full inventory or otherwise missed the oppertunity?
submitted by Sir_Dankalot_1582 to thedivision [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:30 Hour-Key-4670 Borky cleans her freezer.
submitted by Hour-Key-4670 to AcreHomestead_OhBecky [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:30 indomitablegaul Old Yamaha setup advice needed
Advice please! I’ve picked up a Yamaha rx-v1600 cheaply and thought I’d set it up as a home cinema attached to my LG TV. Speakers are fine, but my source is slightly unusual. My tv comes via Ethernet straight to the TV. All streamed either from the smart apps in the tv or my NAS media server. Initially thought I could use the eARC output from the TV to connect to the receiver but it’s too old for that. As a complete novice I don’t know what to do instead. Should I use the digital output from the TV? Can the receiver cope with that?
submitted by indomitablegaul to hometheater [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:30 RelevantBreath2352 tiny wasp ant thing
i killed it with perfume bc it looked like it would sting me and i think ive been stung by one before submitted by RelevantBreath2352 to whatisthisbug [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:30 Severe_Application17 Is there any chance of doing AGL vegitos SEZA
The only usable unit I have is teq broly. Since I tried to build my team around the new teq vegito and teq broly. I tried to use units who can tank or dodge. I use AGL ui goku, eza AGL vegeta (the one with 40% chance to evolve), teq goku/vegeta, teq broly and my issue begins here. I have 0 units to fill the team. Is it impossible for me? Are there some f2p or any kind of unit that can do this. And lastly is the mission to complete the run under 4:50 required for SEZA or is it extra since this is my first time SEZA-ing a unit.
submitted by Severe_Application17 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:30 Snake-creature Gimme some silly goofy flair ideas. I'm thinking bout changing mine but don't have ideas.
submitted by Snake-creature to teenarazzi [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:30 Miserable_Initial732 A diferença que faz uma boa redação: Eu genuinamente gostei de como trabalharam esses personagens na série. Fez sentido e se encaixou na temática geral, não foi forçado. E vocês? O que acharam?
submitted by Miserable_Initial732 to videogamesbrasil [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:30 Soft_Helicopter2470 Ho bisogno di consigli poiché ho problemi sul lavoro
Problemi sul lavoro
Buonasera a tutti, la sicurezza sui cantieri in cui lavoro non è fatta a dovere, ma tramite contratti fatti con chi ci subappalta i lavori fanno dei compromessi, ma alla fin fine ci smeniamo noi lavoratori. Altra cosa, mi fanno andare in giro con un escavatore su un furgone non a norma per questi spostamenti, essendo fuori peso e non a norma per il trasporto io rischio la patente. Il padrone però è salvo, siccome ci fa fare i corsi e siamo tutti preposti, il problema che c'è oltre a questo che il capo e chi gestisce la cosa lo sa bene e io come semplice operaio nonostante ho fatto notare a chi di dovere della ditta. C'è il rischio che me la facciano passare male. Il capo non vuole sindacati nella ditta e tutto è gestito da persone fidate dal capo, anche quello dove mandare i problemi della ditta è gestito dalla figlia. Per farvi capire il tutto. Inoltre da quando sono entrato in questa ditta, sin dal primo giorno ho notato tossicità tra i dipendenti, che si parano il culo dando la colpa agli altri e sparlando male degli altri. Non tutti ma la maggior parte.. Io non c'è la faccio più per vari episodi, ora sono in malattia per curare una depressione. Siccome è un lavoro che parto con il buio e torno con il buio, non ho tempo per le attività sportive che vorrei fare per potermi sfogare, al sabato e la domenica ho la fortuna di avere una casa grande con giardino per cui li tengo per tenere pulito e fare i lavoretti qua curare l'orto il giardino e taglio piante per la legna. Tornando al lavoro, quando sono venuti a fare i controlli ha fatto sparire timbratrici, sistemato il capannone e ci ha dato dei fogli con domande e risposte da dare in caso ci avrebbero domandato qualcosa. Quel foglio dovrei averlo ancora, purtroppo gli altri credo di non averli più. Ora l mia domanda è: posso licenziarmi per giusta causa per evitare di fare il periodo di preavviso? Non è per ricevere la naspi, non è quello il mio intento, ma è perché io non voglio tornare lì per tutti questi motivi, e rischiare di passarla malissimo sia dal capo che dai colleghi durante il periodo di preavviso. Perché aggiungo un altra cosa: tempo fa prima che arrivavo, mi hanno raccontato, che un'operario aveva chiamato i sindacati e alla riunione si sono presentati solo due operai, poiché detta loro il capo ha detto: non osare presentarvi se no Ve la faccio passare brutta a tutti quanti.
submitted by Soft_Helicopter2470 to CasualIT [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:30 kellen9754 3ds crashed after failing to download large game, now all my games are gone.
I tried to download Monster Hunter 4 from the Hshop, but after it finished it gave a error then crashed. Once I turned it back on all my games and themes were gone. Can I get my games back? If not, how can I avoid this again in the future?
submitted by kellen9754 to 3dspiracy [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:30 FreedomVast6417 Whats your proudest Calling Card achievement?
These gotta be it for me, but im interested in what you guys are holding on. submitted by FreedomVast6417 to BO6 [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:30 NoEstablishment1559 Hotwheels wall so far
submitted by NoEstablishment1559 to HotWheels [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:30 Future_Flight5840 Need help
I had two edibles on the 10th and the 11th and then I smoked two joints on the 23rd and I have been testing myself for the last 3 days and I can getting one dark line and one faint line. Does that mean I am negative ?
submitted by Future_Flight5840 to drugtesthelp [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:30 CrispyMcNuggNuggz this the people I go against
submitted by CrispyMcNuggNuggz to PTCGP [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:30 DavidC_is_me I'm mainly into electronic music and I didn't get the fuss around The Beatles until I saw this video.
Before that I thought they were okay, some good rock n roll songs, but of a different generation where I (patronisingly) thought things were tamer and a bit lame. Then I saw this video. They virtually blew the roof off the Washington Coliseum, girls going into hysterics, and the music was so intense you kinda get why. Also Ringo nearly destroyed his own drum kit lol submitted by DavidC_is_me to beatles [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:30 bidaaa [WTS] Price drops! FCD RHF4 & Eagle Industries
Timestamps: https://imgur.com/a/Yr3uMhb
More Pics: https://imgur.com/a/vQm2iRU
New year, new unload. Pretty straightforward. Prices are all shipped via Friends and Family. Add 3.5% for Goods and Service. Calls dibs and DM me. I will not message you. First come first serve. Feel free to make an offer on anything but please don’t call dibs and then ask if I’ll take a lower price. Items should go out Monday (1/27). Anyways the items are below:
Forward Controls RHF4 11.5” - $200 OBO
FDE. Practically brand new. Mounted, fired for a few hundred rounds and removed. All mounting screws included but does not come with TDP Barrel Nut!
Eagle Industries Hand Warmer Sleeve - $80
FDE. Brand new, got for Christmas but never used.
That’s it folks. Oh! Not interested in any trades at this time, sorry. If you’d like more pictures of anything feel free to ask
submitted by bidaaa to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:30 Fluffy-Ad-9309 Anyone else feel my pain?
I just got depressed fromFake feedback from emails, disorganized spreadsheets...it was a nightmare. I felt like I was building blind. So, I finally built https://feedback-flow.com/ It's a simple tool that lets you create feedback portals, and users can upvote/downvote suggestions. Anyone else been through this?
submitted by Fluffy-Ad-9309 to SaaS [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:30 Japanook Possible cash app and discord scam
Hello, my cousin is doing something shady but I can’t find anything related to it. He asks his friends/family to open a cash app and he’ll give them $200-500 USD. Pretty absurd, what’s more absurd is that he flexes his income which is a couple thousand per account that he uses. I see that he’s in a discord server (im not sure what he’s doing in that server because he always closes it when I’m near.) i only caught a glimpse of what seemed to be transactions/trades of different currencies. Any idea what this might be? If he’s scamming then I want to make sure he returns this money.
submitted by Japanook to Scams [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:30 Fancy_Click_3048 $PEPE IS READY, ARE YOU!?🫵🐸
Nobody is ready for $PEPE.
submitted by Fancy_Click_3048 to Pepecryptocurrency [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:30 PuzzleheadedApple472 I (M16) asked my best friend to send me n*des of his girlfriend...
This whole thing happened almost 6 months ago but I'd first like to say this: My best friend (M16) who for privacy reasons I will call 1 and his girlfriend (F18) who I will be calling 2, have now been dating long distance for almost 6 months... She's changed him a lot, but not in a bad way as any people our age might think.... He still spends his time online with the boys, or rides bike's in our group all the time.. but every time we stop for a break, he's on his phone texting her.. and when we're playing he's often muted and talking to his girlfriend. But we understand since dude is in a relationship and we're just thankful she hasn't completely stolen his every breathing second for herself and he's still doing stuff with us... They're into some freaky shit I won't further describe, and she's actually driven over 400 kilometers just to see him a couple of times now since she's got her license.. it's great and I couldn't be happier for him sine he's been going through a specially dark part of life now and has struggled mentally for around 5 years now even attempting suecide Wich I'm proud to say I saved him from 2 times myself. So I'm happy she's in his life and somehow manages to put a smile on his face and helps him get trough this dark part of life in ways the boys just can't.
Now back to the incident of 6 months ago, 1 sent me a photo of 2 with the text "what do you think??" Attached. She was drop dead gorgeous, and me beeing the constantly horny 16 year old I am, asked if he had any nudes of her.. 1 responded with "maybe" and I asked him to send them to me.. he then told me that 2 has actually DM'd him on Instagram after seeing a photo he posted of himself once cause he got bored of how boring his profile was without any posts.. anyway.. she liked him and they started a relationship about 3 weeks later. He hasn't told her about me asking for the nudes up until then.. and about a week into their relationship, Which I have to admit didn't think would last long because of the distance, he sent her the screenshot of me asking for those nudes, along a photo of me with the text "this is me best friend btw 😂" attached then sent a screenshot of this texting that to her, to me. I didn't check my phone because we've been out on bikes at that time and I didn't care for his text message at that time. Then 2 started roasting the fuck out of me and 1 couldn't stop laughing as he gave me his phone to read what she said.. it's only then I found out he was dating her.. it's been almost 6 months and they both still mock me about it occasionally and 2 still hasn't forgiven me for it...
submitted by PuzzleheadedApple472 to loveconfession [link] [comments]