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2025.02.01 20:31 Nonprofitcareer Want to get Volunteer Alerts?

Then sign up FREE to our Volunteer email list and an email sent to you when a New Volunteer position gets uploaded! There is no spam and no other email to bother you, Just Opportunities.
Sign up here: https://nonprofitcareer.us21.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=b304b01306d5f8571012198ba&id=922b325b21
submitted by Nonprofitcareer to Jobseekerswanted [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Ok-Assistance-2189 CUTENESS TIERLIST

CUTENESS TIERLIST i put this in left (above) right (below)
here's some cute images of the very cuteseys babies
submitted by Ok-Assistance-2189 to DanganAndChaos [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Sufficient_Bottle_67 Commerzbank - Werbecode/Empfehlungslink

Sichere dir jetzt 2,5 % Zinsen auf das Tagesgeld und 50 € Startguthaben für die Eröffnung eines Girokontos bei der Commerzbank. Das Girokonto ist kostenlos bei monatlichen Geldeingängen von mind. 700€.
Nutze einfach den Werbecode: A15WQE oder melde Dich direkt über den Link an.
Commerzbank #Einladungscode #Freunde_werben_Freunde #Mastercard #Gehaltskonto #Bankkonto #Tagesgeldkonto #Finanzen #Kontowechsel #Empfehlungslink #Einladungslink #Echtzeit-Überweisung #Cashback #Kontoeröffnung #BestesGirokonto #Finanzen #Geldsparen #OnlineBanking #Bankwechsel #Sparzinsen #50€_Prämie #Commerzbank_FreundeWerben #Promocode #referral_link #referral_code #Werbecode #Startguthaben #Promo-Link #50€_Gutschein-Link #Weiterempfehlung #Kontoumzug #Gutschrift #Deals #Top_Empfehlung submitted by Sufficient_Bottle_67 to Einladungslinks [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Adventurous-Crew9008 Testing apps

Testing apps submitted by Adventurous-Crew9008 to AndroidClosedTesting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Appropriate-Tone-510 Account

Can I sell my account? Is that something that’s okay? Just curious
submitted by Appropriate-Tone-510 to RaidShadowLegends [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 dalepgray Helo - Please get your Priorities straight

Thank you for the latest update.
The bugs:
* Materials disappearing from freighter refiners
* Plants and rocks growing through buildings
* The overfamiliar Minator kicking you around, standing inside you and generally designed to be in the way
These remain undealt with.
Your priorities appear to be stopping players getting too much free stuff from Space Stations and stopping the people that like to stack greenhouses.
I think your priorities are misplaced.
The first one on the list has just cost me so many materials, that I am going to take a break from your game for now, I am uninterested in spending my time watching paint dry
submitted by dalepgray to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Resident-Reporter-48 Thanks to everyone for their kindness after I said I felt dumb after my lap. Pathology came back.

I appreciate your encouragement and affirmation.
For those who said to wait for the lab results/pathology, here they are.
So no endometriosis after all. The final diagnosis “pelvic pain syndrome.”
I’m curious as to what my doctor is going to say regarding the “disordered proliferative endometrium” and “rare dilated glands.”
Has anyone else had this? Wondering if this means adenomyosis is more likely? Thoughts?
I’ll discuss at my post op next week but hmmm.
submitted by Resident-Reporter-48 to Endo [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 TriggerLibHunter In high school I got my friends mom pregnant part 2

Ok, so my phone is exploding, part 2 as requested. First for everyone saying it’s a fake story, it’s not lol. It happened in the 90’s. I can’t post in /sluttyconfessions because I didn’t follow the “rules” and got kicked.
Part 2
After being pushed and laid on my back on the bed, her name is Cheryl, started trying unbuckle my belt. I remember her struggling with it and me nervous as hell. I helped undo it, and she zipped down my jeans and starts sucking me. I honestly remember this being the best bj I have ever gotten in my life. Probably because she was like 40 and had lots of experience lol.
I was hard quickly and she removed her bottoms and sat on me. Keep in mind not one word was spoken during this time. She rode me slow at first then rough with the rocking.
I know I didn’t last long, but It was the onsite extreme sex I ever had up to that point in life. When I started to cum in her, she knew and pushed all her weigh down on me when I was cumming.
When we were finished she got up put her pants back on, then told me to be quiet and took me the couch to sleep lol.
I didn’t sleep much that night but in the morning I had a friend pick me up. I didn’t speak of it to anyone. Not even my guy friends.
If interested there is a part 3 let me know if you want to hear out the end.
submitted by TriggerLibHunter to confession [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Business-Budget6849 Apple Look Around

Bei der Adresse «Kieler Straße 161» kann man bei Apple Look Around den Dreh von «Die Discounter» sehen.
submitted by Business-Budget6849 to DieDiscounter [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 camlugnut 9.95 Boeing Super 27

9.95 Boeing Super 27 Just taking off from GSP and making it's way to Southwest towards SLW 🇲🇽
submitted by camlugnut to SkyCards [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Electrical-Aspect-13 High school student on the corridor of her home taking a photo before prom, circa mid 1940s. colour by Kodachrome..

submitted by Electrical-Aspect-13 to 1940s [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 death1828 Bloody Monster Trollge

Bloody Monster Trollge I made this for absolutely no reason (I'm being serious, I was just bored)
submitted by death1828 to trollge [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 HelloFabulous Life insurance

So I signed up for the Metlife insurance and I selected and was approved for 10x my salary. Last year the policy was exactly 10xs my salary. Today I received a letter from Metlife with the new policy value. There was a significant bump. I know comp. statements are finished, I just haven't had my review. Is it safe to say I got a raise? From my understanding life insurance is based off of base salary, so it wouldn't include Team GM. Any thoughts?
submitted by HelloFabulous to GMemployees [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 CarefulInteraction73 Why wasn’t I enough?

submitted by CarefulInteraction73 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Wonderful-Flan-4286 Before and after

Before and after submitted by Wonderful-Flan-4286 to simsfreeplay [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Ok_External8093 Alocasia not an ally

Alocasia not an ally Alright, I bought this alocasia and it’s first spot was under a grow light near a window, with a humidifier. It started getting some spots, so I thought I was burning it, and took away from the grow lights. It continued decline.
I’ve looked for pests (thrips), and found nothing. I repotted to clean soil. It drains well, and I have tried watering only when dry, and then when it continued to decline keeping watering to when it was almost dry.
Nothing is working. It is a slow decline, so it’s not like other plants that you just don’t “match” with.
What oh what are my next steps?
FYI - pics on a rainy day.
submitted by Ok_External8093 to houseplants [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 DrBucket Join us on the 5th! A strong turnout is coming together, and we’d love to see you there. Let’s make our voices heard. Check out the Subreddit r/50501 for more information on start times and locations.

Join us on the 5th! A strong turnout is coming together, and we’d love to see you there. Let’s make our voices heard. Check out the Subreddit 50501 for more information on start times and locations. submitted by DrBucket to liberalgunowners [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Tezozomoctli I am train a character LORA based on 1024 x 1024 images(20-25). Am I wasting my time inpainting these images (i.e skin, hair, hands) before I train? How many of you guys inpaint your images before training them to get higher quality? Does it really make a difference?

Because I could always just inpaint the images after the generations anyways. Or do hires fix etc.
submitted by Tezozomoctli to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 NoTop2053 Bought some more 😬

Really pushing my limits now, but that dip was too good to pass up. Probably time to put the phone down before I spend more than I can afford to
submitted by NoTop2053 to toshicoin [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 DreamPirates Sai Tamhankar Marathi Actress #SaiTamhankar

Sai Tamhankar Marathi Actress #SaiTamhankar submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 EveningGrapefruit638 Damn wall of luck!!

Why even though I'm at level 26 the game still hasn't unlocked the wall of luck for me? a friend of mine has had it since level 15 in addition to the roll of luck
submitted by EveningGrapefruit638 to GolfBattle [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 Character_Rise9227 Best Character Fr Fr.

submitted by Character_Rise9227 to DisventureCamp [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 MikeLitoris-88 23 years old update. My Risk account and my Roth.

The first three pictures is my risk account and the last three are my Roth. How am I doing? I have another post just talking about my risk if yall want to see on my account. I try to post monthly updates.
submitted by MikeLitoris-88 to dividends [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 RRe36 A random Feathers McGraw 3D sculpt i did today

submitted by RRe36 to wallaceandgromit [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:31 lVlKUltra My biggest high roll ever!

My biggest high roll ever! Excuse the photos, playing on mobile! Could definitely have went whatever composition and won this game, and could have played bettefaster but the game was incredibly laggy and I had to close and restart a few times (on turn 6 when I got the golden brann I lost my turn due to having to reconnect)
Sometimes Bob wants you to win!
Turn 5 tripled into brann, turn 6 Reno hero power, the rest is history.
submitted by lVlKUltra to BobsTavern [link] [comments]
