Does everything look good and healthy?

2025.02.01 21:52 Appropriate_Tune1822 Does everything look good and healthy?

Does everything look good and healthy? This is my first grow and I just wanted to make sure everything looked good and healthy. Any signs of contamination I’m not seeing?
submitted by Appropriate_Tune1822 to unclebens [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 Livid_Leadership7141 Bulova c875370

Bulova c875370 I’ve replaced the battery and manually rewound it about 50 times and haven’t felt any resistance, I refuse to send it to bulova repair until I have no other options because I’m cheap and if I can do it myself I will. The watch came from my late grandfather and any help would be much appreciated!!
submitted by Livid_Leadership7141 to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 TheLunarVaux Lux not looking right... Any ideas why?

Lux not looking right... Any ideas why? I recently had to redo my LO, and I thought I recreated it nearly identically for the most part. But the interior lighting from Lux doesn't look the same. I much prefer the darker, moodier look I had before, which I believe is how it's supposed to look. Any ideas why it may not be working properly? It looks much brighter now.
May be worth noting, if I go into certain rooms, the in-game eye adaption darkens it much closer to what it should be... but then I walk out of the room and it gets a lot brighter again.
(Side note: if you look in the distance, you can see a random gray pile on the stairs, along with some purple chains on the dragon that seem to be missing texture. If you all are aware of fixes for those too, I'd love to hear!)
Here is my load order for Series S:
|| || |MASTER FILES| |USSEP| |Creation Club patch| |Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes| |Simple Workaround Framework| |Sensible Survival Mode| |Busty Skeevers| |Display Enhancements| |It's Just Time — Dynamic Timescale Mod| |Lux Resources 2024| |Lux 6.8 Master File| |Lux Via 2.2 master| |Lux orbis 4.5 master| |USER INTERFACE| |Untarnished UI (Devils Edit 2)| |Dialogue Interface Reshaped| |Dark & Arcane Main Menu Replacer| |Smoke-Free Loading Screens| |Starlit Lakes Loading Screens| |YOT - Your Own Thoughts| |GAME MECHANICS| |Mundus - A Standing Stone Overhaul| |Apothecary - An Alchemy Overhaul| |Apothecary - AE Patch| |Apothecary - Food add-on| |Apothecary - Food AE Patch| |PERKS OVERHAULS| |Adamant - A Perk Overhaul| |MAGIC ADDITIONS AND OVERHAULS| |Mysticism - A Magic Overhaul| |Mysticism - AE Patch| |LEVELED LISTS| |Thaumaturgy - An Enchanting Overhaul| |Thaumaturgy AE Patch| |Arena - An Encounter Zone Overhaul| |AUDIO| |Immersive Sound Compendium 3.0| |Immersive Sound Compendium - CC AE| |Immersive Sound Compendium - Drinking Sound Fix| |Immersive Sound Compendium - Mysticism Patch| |Immersive Sound Compendium - Adamant Patch| |The Sounds of Dawn| |Pentapox Combat Sound Library| |A New Chapter - UI Sound Replacer| |Rustic UI Sounds| |2021 Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul| |DIALOGUE| |Immersive Speech Dialogues| |Misc DIalogue Edits & More Dialogue| |Realistic Conversations| |GRASS, FLORA| |Northern Grass| |Northern Grass - Fix for Whiterun| |Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods| |Grass Fixes for Creation Club Mods| |No grassias| |My INI Performance| |AI EDITS| |AI Overhaul| |Less Aggressive Animals| |NEW LOCATIONS| |Granite Hill| |EXTERIOR LOCATION EDITS| |Ancient Roads and Ruins Deluxe| |Ancient Roads and Ruins Deluxe patch| |JK Skyrim AiO| |Cities of the North AiO| |JK's Skyrim / AI Overhaul patch| |JK's Skyrim / Fishing CC Patch| |Cities of the North AiO / AI Overhaul patch| |Cities of the North AiO / JK's Skyrim patch| |Cities of the North AiO / CC Patch| |Blubbo's Whiterun Trees for JK's Skyrim| |Blubbo's Riften Trees for JK's Skyrim| |Blubbo's Solitude Trees for JK's Skyrim| |Blubbo's Markarth Trees for JK's Skyrim| |Blubbo's Riverwood 2023| |Unique Bridges of Skyrim| |MAIN TEXTURE AND MESHES| |SMIM Chains + Ropes Only| |ElSopa Potions Redone| |Detailed rugs| |Divergence - The Philosopher´s Property| |Skyking Signs| |Skyking Unique Signs| |Daedric Shrines AIO 1K| |JS Shrines of the Divines| |Witcher Decor In High Definition 1K| |Stockades of Skyrim 3D| |Sigils of Skyrim - Banners and Shields| |Divergence Culinary Catalogue| |Divergence Brilliant Bijouterie| |Skyking Shalidor Textures| |Dwemer Pipework Reworked v4 1k| |SD Horn Candles 1k| |LANDSCAPE AND BUILDING| |Skyland AiO| |Skyland Dwemer Pipework Reworked| |Better Dynamic Snow SE Extra| |Better Dynamic Ash SE| |Icy Windhelm - Newest Version| |Icy Windhelm - JK's Skyrim Patch| |Bronsolo's Snow Tweaks| |Ice Cave Parallax Improved| |INTERIORS| |JK's Interiors AiO| |JK's Interiors AiO / CC Fishing Patch| |JK's Interiors AiO / Alternate Start Patch| |JK's Interiors AiO / USSEP Patch| |JK's Interiors AiO / AI Overhaul Patch| |JK's Interiors AiO / CC Patch| |JK's Interiors AiO / JK's Skyrim patch| |WEATHER| |Picta Series - Improved Sky Meshes| |Rustic Weather and Fog| |Improved Shadows and Volumetric Light| |Volumetric Mists| |Realistic Clouds - Immersive Edition| |LH's Natural Sun and Sunglare| |VISUAL EFFECTS| |VFX Edit AiO| |Skyking Ash and Dust Piles| |Enhanced Blood Textures Lite| |Enhanced Blood Textures Darker Addon| |Embers HD| |ANIMALS AND CREATURES| |Divergence Compendium of Beasts Complete AiO (No Dragons)| |Fluffworks Medium 1k| |GOT & HOTD Dragons| |BEAUTY| |Bella's Beauty and the Beasts| |RS Children Optimized| |BODY SKELETON| |Realistic Ragdolls| |ANIMATIONS, BEHAVIOUR, KILLMOVES| |Verolevi AiO| |360 Walk and Run Standalone| |Pretty Jump Animations| |Comprehensive First Person Animation Overhaul| |RBE'S Enhances 1st Person Camera Bob| |DAR NPC & Player Animations Remix| |CLOTHING, ARMORS, WEAPONS| |Divergence Vanilla + CC AiO| |Lolligaggin 512| |Cloaks of Skyrim| |Cloaks of Skyrim - Survival Mode patch| |JK's Interiors AiO / Cloaks of Skyrin Patch| |Quality Cubemaps| |LOD| |Darker distant LOD Lite| |Skyland LODS| |FLORA and TREES| |Dark & Arcane Flora Collection 1k| |Happy Little Aspens Ablaze| |Skyland HLT Bark| |Less Trees 33% Reduction| |VISUAL EFFECTS| |R.A.S.S| |Subsurface Scattering| |INTERIOR - LIGHTS AND LIGHTING| |Lux Orbis 4.5 Plugin| |Lux Orbis / USSEP Patch| |JK's Interiors / Lux Orbis patch| |Lux Orbis / Saints and Seducers patch| |Lux Orbis / Cities of the North patch| |Lux Orbis / JK's Skyrim AiO Patch| |Lux 6.8 Plugin| |Lux / JK's Skyrim AiO Patch| |JK's Interiors / Lux patch| |Lux / Cities of the North patch| |Lux 6.7 Optimized SMIM Meshes| |Lux 6.8 Updated USSEP Patch| |Lux Series Brighter Torch| |Luminous Atronaches| |Immersive Spell Effects Emit Light| |ALTERNATE START| |Alternate Start - Live Another Life| |JK Interuir / Alternate Start patch| |WATER| |Cathedral Water - Updated| |Natural Waterfalls| |BOTTOM| |Insignificant Object Remover| |No screen blood|
submitted by TheLunarVaux to SkyrimModsXbox [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 David4521op 2 Jordan 1 x Off white Real or Fake?

submitted by David4521op to LegitCheck [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 Sufficient-Town-8289 Final results

When did you see final results of your surgery? After swelling and all that. Trying to figure out if I still have swelling or if its tissue.. i am 10 days post op
submitted by Sufficient-Town-8289 to Top_Surgery_Peri [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 gugatraum Paris Fashion Week 2025: datas e programação da semana de moda

Paris Fashion Week 2025: datas e programação da semana de moda submitted by gugatraum to Traum [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 Kindly_Bluejay_4059 Problem with Grindr hookup (top) sextapes of me (bottom)

Follow-up of these posts:
It’s been a few days and still nothing… He didn’t block me anywhere or anything, but won’t answer to me asking for the vids NOR proposing me a new hookup so wtf??
Can you please help me and tell what should I do? Block him? Thanks. 🙏
submitted by Kindly_Bluejay_4059 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 nadal0221 Does Grabo have the best performance within electric vacuum lifters?

They boast a lifting capacity of 170kg, are there others which outperform it?
submitted by nadal0221 to Tools [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 Xinfinte Is the revenue from posting youtube shorts good?

I've been thinking about starting a YT shorts channel for a minute but I'm not sure if the pay would be good at all. I've heard some people made very little cheap change from the yt partner program ( I think that's what it's called, where they pay you for posting content ) when they started doing shorts. I mean there's obviously sponsorships that you can also get money from but idk what else there is. Is the revenue good if you manage to gain followers and build a loyal audience?
submitted by Xinfinte to EntrepreneurRideAlong [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 Able_Example6174 Hey guys, can someone post that picture of Spy saying “Pornography.”? I want to use it somewhere else, but I don’t want to have to explain why “tf2 pornography” is in my search history again. Thanks.

submitted by Able_Example6174 to tf2shitposterclub [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 jutesnake I deleted instagram and facebook today, but find it hard to get off of whatsapp

So, after giving myself two weeks, and giving myself some time to do scientific research, reading books and educating myself, that i no longer want to use Meta or other brolarchy related apps. I finally went through with it today, it feels very strange. It feels very radical to do this. I want to also get rid off whatsapp now, considering it is owned by meta, but the social ties i have there feel very strong. I am in the EU and everyone uses whatsapp here. It feels kind of useless to remove my facebook and instagram if i do not remove it, yet it feels like i'd give myself social pariah status if i would remove whatsapp. Please, if you can help me weigh rationally and scientifically based, the pro's and cons of taking this step, it would help me.
submitted by jutesnake to nosurf [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 stalematedizzy Demens-studie: En porsjon bacon er nok

submitted by stalematedizzy to norske [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 Femboy-Airstrike Don't let my friendly demeanor fool ANY of you 😡

Don't let my friendly demeanor fool ANY of you 😡 submitted by Femboy-Airstrike to okbuddyvowsh [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 BLQMGS Yumi Matsutoya’s “Man in the Moon”

I really enjoy Yumi’s music and have several of her albums. There are so many songs of hers that I listen to repeatedly/regularly but nothing beats “Man in the Moon”!! I listen to it so much that I can repeat it verbatim without even know meaning/translation or the romaji!
Is anyone else crazy about Yumi and/or this song?
submitted by BLQMGS to citypop [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 Tug-the-Destroyer First time tear apart

My first time taking apart a watch and excited to put it all back together again! Just wish I had more light :(
submitted by Tug-the-Destroyer to watchrepair [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 FitCard8809 Starting a collection

submitted by FitCard8809 to CitizenWatches [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 Other-Pitch-4987 EMS/Police/Firetruck at the 4800 block of Mortensen Rd every day

I live in West Ames, and it seems like every day now, sometimes multiple times a day, there is an ambulance, police car, or firetruck barreling west down Mortensen Road toward the apartments/businesses in the 4800 block.
Does anyone know why this is so frequent? Are they training or something? Or maybe there's just a lot of people that live over there and things happen?
submitted by Other-Pitch-4987 to ames [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 NebulaArctic Koliki vam je maximalni broj runda?

Ispričavam se na ovakvom neugodnom pitanju,no koji vam je najveći broj runda u sexu tj. snošaj ili koitus u jednome danu? Ili par sati?
Hvala vam na informaciji i nemojte lagati!
submitted by NebulaArctic to askcroatia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 Royal-Record794 Looking for friends

Hey moved back to the Albany area year ago and I’ve struggled to make friends here. I’m gay (25m) looking preferably for lgbtq+ and women friends
submitted by Royal-Record794 to Albany [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 IronWolf_100 Which character out of these 3 has the WORST offstage recovery? (Sonic and Meta Knight were eliminated)

Which character out of these 3 has the WORST offstage recovery? (Sonic and Meta Knight were eliminated) submitted by IronWolf_100 to SmashBrosUltimate [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 Dex0801 Slice of heaven in Marsa Alam

Slice of heaven in Marsa Alam submitted by Dex0801 to travel [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 the___duke Solana Repo archived and moved to ana?

Why was the solana GitHub repo archived andoved to a company?
submitted by the___duke to solana [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 OTC-E [US-MD] [W] Legacy Scraphook [H] PayPal G&S

Looking for a complete Legacy Scraphook for my Junkion display. New or used in good condition are both okay. Please PM me with pics and a price if interested in selling. Thanks and have a good day!
submitted by OTC-E to TransformersTrading [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 Pharsti01 The game is borderline unplayable unless you go BM

That's it.
Finally had to go BM.
Because it's the only way to have a fighting chance against people.
Hate having to join the assholes -_-
submitted by Pharsti01 to Synduality [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:52 temp4life Any Other Federal Workers/Contractors Cutting Back on Spending?

With all this uncertainty around work and impending price increases with the new tariffs, is anyone else changing how they live/spend? Here are some of my new rules:

  1. No spending on non-essentials. As much as I love retail therapy and a sweet treat, in this uncertainty it’s not worth it to me.
  2. Canceling vacations. You get paid out for unused vacation time. If I get cut, I will need every dollar I can get.
  3. Saving as much sick time as possible. Sick time counts towards time in service. Going to be using my flexible schedule as much as possible.
  4. Use your insurance! Okay this is more advice here. Go to the doctor, dentist, get new glasses if needed, stock up on prescriptions. Tip for prescriptions: Some doctors are willing to prescribe a higher dose of a prescription to give some extra wiggle room in between refills. See if this is an option for you.
  5. Canceling/lowering subscriptions. While I won’t cancel my class pass membership (decided my physical and mental health is worth the cost), I went to a lower package. But bye-bye Amazon Prime and HBO.
  6. Change the way I grocery shop and cook. I’m always excited to try new things at the grocery store, but now, it’s essentials only and I focus more on frozen vegetables, sale items, and bulking items like rice and potatoes. Missing my flavored seltzer already :-(
  7. Cut my reoccurring donations to charities. This one hurt a lot, but I decided it was essential.
  8. Stoped contributing to my kids college fund. Another one that hurt, but growing an immediate savings account is more important right now.
  9. Instead of going out, I’m staying in and doing free activities! Potluck parties and game nights with friends. Parks and bike rides when the weather is warmer. Free museums and events. There is lots of stuff to do which costs little or no money.
submitted by temp4life to nova [link] [comments]