
2025.02.01 22:03 Ok-Emu-2394 Help

I’m not a gun guy and know very little about handguns, but I wanted to know if it was reasonable or even possible to restore this Colt Challenger.
It has some rust, the slide stop doesn’t move, and the overall finish is very dull.
Could anyone provide me a ballpark estimate of what it would cost to be cleaned up and refinished? I’m concerned it would cost more than buying one in better condition.
submitted by Ok-Emu-2394 to gunsmithing [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 art_by_emmo RoboBee

RoboBee submitted by art_by_emmo to ALL_Wallpapers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 rosarioreality Rec under 300

Does anyone have any solid recs for Bluetooth over ear headphones that are true to sound and have a long battery life? I would prefer sound isolation as well. Not super keen on noise cancelling but if the headphones themselves dampen sound that would be good
Under 300 Accuracy of sound I have used the direct sound etxw37 before and liked them
submitted by rosarioreality to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 Mdrod89 I posted here over a month ago…

I posted here over a month ago… I got some great feedback and apparently green is my color! I’ve been growing it since 2020. Trim and clean every couple of months. I’ve been getting a ton of compliments this whole week about my beard. It’s my favorite physical feature!
submitted by Mdrod89 to beards [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 AdRepresentative7718 Identify that jacket

Identify that jacket Can someone help identify that jacket? I know it’s a wool pea coat, but not sure where it’s sold. Thank you!
submitted by AdRepresentative7718 to identifyThisForMe [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 No_Swing_833 Pat Boone - Beyond The Sunset - 1959

Pat Boone - Beyond The Sunset - 1959 submitted by No_Swing_833 to rockabilly [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 Cautious_Swing_4363 What makes an Commissioner so much different than an Elite Soldier?

I've been climbing up in Arena for a while and its been steady until I fought against 3 Comissioners and they whopped our asses. What makes their build so much different than ours, I mean you can only cap so much in PVP. Was it class mechanics? I mean I know how to play small scale in my build. The only difference I saw with how they played was how strong, fast, and crit dmg they did to us and it wasn't even close.
submitted by Cautious_Swing_4363 to throneandliberty [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 NoAccountant4461 Wanting to get more veggies can I come to your island?

submitted by NoAccountant4461 to Dodocodes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 josylad Hiring: Lønn under vidareutdanning i operasjonssjukepleie 2025-2026 at Helse Fonna

Helse Fonna is hiring a Lønn under vidareutdanning i operasjonssjukepleie 2025-2026
Location: Haugesund, Norway
Om stillinga Helse Fonna tilbyr økonomisk støtte til studentar under utdanning til Master i klinisk sjukepleie - operasjonssjukepleie fra hausten 2026. Denne utdanninga er eit masterløp over 4 semestre, men me gjer merksam på at me berre gir lønn til fullført kvalifikasjon som operasjonssjukepleiar (3 semestre). Dersom du har søkt studieplass til Master i klinisk sjukepleie - operasjonssjukepleie, kan du søke på desse utdanningsstillingane.
For å få støtte må du: Ha studieplass ved aktuell utdanning.Stå til disposisjon for føretaket som ferievikar i 4 veker sommaren 2026 i 100 % stilling. Avlønning som sjukepleiar.Arbeide 10% stilling i føretaket under utdanninga, knytt til helg. Avlønning som sjukepleiar.Sjukehuserfaring og eit tilse
Learn More and Apply:
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 Nakao_Toshio Trident code

I have all 100% bestiary and ik where all the bricks is. but when i open the trident door, this is what i see “?!”💀. is this my code or im thinking too hard.
pls help
submitted by Nakao_Toshio to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 Otherwise-Baker-2648 Shoul I give up?

Shoul I give up? Since the chinease New year event strated I've captured a lot of Dratini bc I want a shiny Dragonite so bad. I'm almost at 500 candiles an no shinies (not even ekans or any other pokemon). Should I continue my searching for my pink snake looking dragon or should I give up? 🥲
submitted by Otherwise-Baker-2648 to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 FoxWhole552 Micro cement

Anyone recommend a contractor in CR that’s good with micro cement in residential interiors? Looking to do a bathroom renovation.
submitted by FoxWhole552 to cedarrapids [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 HairyRoofus Has anyone successfully 'split' their physical and online business?

VAT is killing me!! I am a solo artist. I started with making personalised map prints. I eventually rented a shop, and put all my artwork on merchandise. So my shop relies on the summer cruise ships. they eat up the stickers, coasters an merch. I am a shopkeeper in summer.
through the winter the shop is dead. I switch to personalised prints for christmas. it's all shipping online. I also ship my merchandise. I also do some graphic design jobs. I post a lot on social media, but it's all the personal prints that people eat up.
do you think I can legally 'split' the online and physical?
I can change my shops name to a simple 'giftshop', and create another website, branding, accounting.
I could even charge studio rent to my self to use if I do any prints in my shop?
but both business' would still have the same artwork/maps... I would try put more landscape painting in the gift shop... but it's all my art.
my personal prints require so much time and I get like £2 of VAT back on the paper I use.. its crazy.
Am I clutching at straws?
submitted by HairyRoofus to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 Mike1701D Master Sarek felt a great disturbance in the Space-Time Continuum. It's as if millions of fans suddenly cried out in anguish, and were suddenly silenced.

Master Sarek felt a great disturbance in the Space-Time Continuum. It's as if millions of fans suddenly cried out in anguish, and were suddenly silenced. submitted by Mike1701D to startrekmemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 Then-Product628 Mafia 3 FitGirl not working

Mafia 3 FitGirl not working Mafia 3 FitGirl repack i5-4590 16GB ram win 10 Given permissions, exclusion from av Reinstalling multiple times very files after installation
I’m new and this is my first pc I switched from PlayStation I’m clueless on what to I’m clueless what to do cause this error occurs with multiple pirated games I have but some just work and most don’t with the same errors I’m considering re-downloading again but the when the file checker runs it says there are no bad or missing files for any of the games any ideas?
submitted by Then-Product628 to PiratedGames [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 mangchin Will Jelly Star with Xfinity mobile sim since it runs on Verizons network?

submitted by mangchin to unihertz [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 thythr Surprising comment by Sam Altman: "now that we have enabled search this matters much less--in my own use, i never think about the knowledge cutoff anymore."

This is just . . . obviously not true, right? If we are limiting AI's knowledge to what can easily be found in a web search, it's just not going to be all that useful on non-coding tasks. What, other than larger context windows, is coming to make AI more knowledgeable?
submitted by thythr to OpenAI [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 Subject-Surround1361 How are you finding this group?

Is it.
View Poll
submitted by Subject-Surround1361 to phobiaPseudodysphagia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 Amazing_Cicada_3523 80crV2*(61HRC)/Micarta handles...What do you think?

80crV2*(61HRC)/Micarta handles...What do you think? submitted by Amazing_Cicada_3523 to knifemaking [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 Own-Raccoon-4295 Help for Help (Add your username so I can confirm you helped)

Can't do it without You! Just a click to accept my invitation! Your Friend Are Grabbing a Free Gift - You Both Deserve Too! Don't Miss Out, Click to Get Your Freebie
submitted by Own-Raccoon-4295 to Shein [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 RendezvousWithFaye Clothing mod in progress

Clothing mod in progress submitted by RendezvousWithFaye to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 lovyouall Anybody seen this before with the x4 tuners?

Anybody seen this before with the x4 tuners? Tried uploading a new tune but the device and the application are absolutely tweaking
submitted by lovyouall to NewedgeMustang [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 Flaccid-Bic-099 Concerning dungeons...

I've tried to find the handgun in 5 different worlds and all of them were small, is there a connection to the amount of chest within dungeons and world size or is this just RNG? I've found between 2-4 in every dungeon.
submitted by Flaccid-Bic-099 to Terraria [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 Actual_Homework_6438 My first gt liquid culture pull from spore😄

My first gt liquid culture pull from spore😄 Happy with how it all went and still have plenty more syringes to fill. Also dropped a few agar plates and excited to see how those turn out.
submitted by Actual_Homework_6438 to COpsychonauts [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:03 esg1057 Newbie

I have used a kindle for years. Just signed up for Libby. I’m a smart enough human being but can’t for the life of me figure out how get Libby books onto my kindle. Any tips or tricks…or favorite tutorial?
submitted by esg1057 to LibbyApp [link] [comments]