2025.02.02 00:35 Preamblist Greensboro Sit-ins Begin Feb 1, 1960
February 1, 1960- On this day, four black college freshmen in Greensboro, North Carolina started perhaps the most famous and influential sit-ins of the civil rights movement. Inspired by previous non-violent protests, the four men sat at a Woolworth’s ‘whites only’ lunch counter and ordered coffee and donuts. As they expected, the staff did not serve them and then the store manager asked them to leave but they stayed until the store closed that night. The next day more than twenty black students requested and were denied service at the same counter and were harassed by other customers, but they stayed for four hours doing homework. That night students organized the Student Executive Committee for Justice and sent a letter to the president of Woolworth stating, “…Time and time again we have gone into Woolworth stores in Greensboro. We have bought thousands of items at the hundreds of counters in your stores. Our money was accepted without rancor or discrimination, and with politeness towards us, when at a long counter just three feet away our money is not acceptable because of the colour of our skins...... We are asking your company to take a firm stand to eliminate discrimination.” The next day, over sixty students including from a high school and women’s college were refused service at the same lunch counter and were heckled. The next day on February 4th, around 300 students showed up and expanded the protest to the lunch counter at another store, S.H. Kress & Co. Day after day, students continued showing up and after forty-five were arrested for trespassing, they launched a boycott of multiple Greensboro stores with segregated lunch counters driving their sales down by a third. On July 25, 1960 the Greensboro Woolworth finally did the right thing and served four of their black employees to mark the desegregation of the lunch counter. Then management of the larger company desegregated most of its stores. During and after the Greensboro sit-ins, the movement spread to other cities mostly in the South with an estimated 70,000 participants. During the Greensboro sit-ins, President Eisenhower stated, that he was “deeply sympathetic with the efforts of any group to enjoy the rights of equality that they are guaranteed by the Constitution.” These rights are also stated in the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
For sources go to www.preamblist.org/timeline (February 1, 1960)
submitted by Preamblist to USHistory [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:35 Masturbiene_ 6 Hour run
I might need psychlogical help after this submitted by Masturbiene_ to slaythespire [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:35 FuzzyAttitude_ How easily do you get bored once you reach your dream build and can clear pit 150? Is it then that you wait for the next season?
Just curious of all people have the exact same purpose as mine, farm fairly ideal build, play few more days with it, ditch the game until next season, rinse and repeat. Like, what other purpose can you have in the game?
submitted by FuzzyAttitude_ to diablo4 [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:35 Consistent-Brick5762 Please help
I've tried my best to use trace references, (Reference panel) but I can never get it right. Particularly the position of the thumb and wrinkles. (Slide one is the reference, slide 2 is my drawing. submitted by Consistent-Brick5762 to Ibispaintx [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:35 Ok-Object5647 1 LEFT B4B $Dmudd1959
Send to receive $Dmudd1959
submitted by Ok-Object5647 to chimeboost [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:35 Unusual-Ladder1188 Turkish Special Forces wearing traditional Kurdish attire in Northern Iraq, c. 1993-1995
submitted by Unusual-Ladder1188 to SpecOpsArchive [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:35 I_found_the_cure Women
I have decided to stay away from women. I just saw a video of a guy doing literally nothing and a women beating him up horribly and the comments were cheering the women on. Not to mention you can't even catcall women anymore. So why do they exist if we can't catcall them? Also women fill themselves up with starbucks chemicals and SHIEN chemicals to the point we can't even go near them without being contaminated. I think I will be staying away from women for a while, they're not worth it.
submitted by I_found_the_cure to Vent [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:35 Alfredvalentina A kitten meets a new friend
submitted by Alfredvalentina to IllegallySmolCats [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:35 Flat_North_1878 The Voice
submitted by Flat_North_1878 to steveperry [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:35 Ok_Check8394 How Do I remove the backup option for apps to require Face ID
So if you enable a app with require Face ID, if you let it idle for like 5 seconds it shows you a password method but how do I remove that option since Repair Shops force you to put down your password since I don’t want them to snoop with messages to my girlfriend. Since I caught them last time opening my Snapchat and contacts
submitted by Ok_Check8394 to iphone [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:35 huopak hmmm
submitted by huopak to hmmm [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:35 Sharp-Ad8493 Excessive Knock retard after motor swap
So the anxiety port is stressin me out rn lmao. I just did a 2.5 duratec/2.3 mzr head swap for my gen2 and recently it’s been showing knock retard up to 3-5 degrees on like 60-80% throttle. I haven’t even been WOT because im so worried about it. Im currently on my base map from freektune and wondering if maybe its completely normal for there to be significantly more KR while on a base map?
Compression test was perfect and haven’t burned a drop of oil since doing the swap 700 miles ago so Im thinking the motor is solid. No other codes except an occasional misfire code (it comes and goes) when it cold starts and when driving after it sits for hours.
What are your guys thoughts?
submitted by Sharp-Ad8493 to mazdaspeed3 [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:35 Muted-Maintenance218 TW Overdose
3-4 days ago I took around 12-15ish Wellbutrin XL. Before you say anything i know it was wrong and i should have gone to the hospital but I was terrified my family would get involved. Yesterday i didn’t throw up as much and today i was able to hold food down. I haven’t really told a lot of people what happened but im worried about side effects. I feel like my stomach has been aching a lot and i feel like my breathing is just a little short. Should i be worried something is wrong long term despite it being 3-4 days ago. I’m 18 and i’m just scared and i can’t find clear answers about if i should be okay. I hear stories of liver and kidney damage and it scares me a lot.
Also if you are ever in a situation where you think youre going to try to do that reach out to someone. whatever is wrong isn’t worth your life. Help is available. It genuinely was one of the most painful nights of my life. I think i threw up for 24+ hours and i became very paranoid and started shaking and hallucinating and all of it could have genuinely been avoided if i had tried to tell someone what i was going through.
submitted by Muted-Maintenance218 to Wellbutrin_Bupropion [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:35 Illustrious-Egg-5768 Bent over
submitted by Illustrious-Egg-5768 to UpskirtTwerk [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:35 CMC_444 Why do I only feel comfortable opening up to women? Context in post
Hi everyone, I’m 21M and I’ve just been going through it for a while now. A lot of people tell me they’d love to be in my situation; I graduated college a year early with very minimal debt and have a good job with tons of opportunities for career and salary growth. My mom is great and I live with her at home so I’m able to save money. It should all be good right?
Well since losing my girlfriend almost 7 months ago my life has been in a tailspin. I don’t know how my life could’ve been any worse over that time span. I was blindsided over TEXT and I’m still heartbroken. I do think I’ve made some progress on that front, although I still yearn for her, but I’m very depressed. The depression has led to physical symptoms too, I’m sore almost constantly and I sleep way too much. Sometimes I have panic attacks although the frequency of those have decreased. I get chest pains that I never used to get. No idea why.
I’m sorry for the sidetrack but I’ll get to the point of the post. None of my close friends know just how badly I’ve been doing since losing my ex. They’re all guys and I just can’t be emotional or say anything about how I’m feeling. With girls though I feel more comfortable to say what’s actually on my mind and I can share anything. But I often overshare because it feels like I’m getting all of my emotions out and I say too much. I also just generally trust women more.
This isn’t something new though because the first person I was ever emotionally vulnerable with was my ex. She showed me so much care and love and made me feel so safe… so I think that’s where all of this comes from… but I’m seeking other’s opinions and perspectives on this.
Thank you
submitted by CMC_444 to AskWomenNoCensor [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:35 No-Cat8294 rental car 40$ credit
how will I get the 40$ to get to the rental place submitted by No-Cat8294 to uberdrivers [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:35 JTRILL24 EVE - Tempest
submitted by JTRILL24 to stellarblade [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:35 Albioa I miss the mints
I remember being given these soft peppermint candies during standardized testing days throughout elementary and middle school. (I did find them, these are the red bird peppermint puffs) Did anyone else often have these during test days? If you didn’t, were you given something else? I’m so curious! submitted by Albioa to GenZ [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:35 Odd_Abbreviations712 New Merch Alert Service!!
hi swifties, today I’d like to introduce you to a new service for merch notifications. We’re perfectionists dedicated to providing quality software services and have launched our new service for music fans.
We offer: - restock alerts - Direct checkout links with multiple quantities - Item stock counts - Hidden item collection counts - And more for over 130 artists!
We also allow you to add any store you want (as long as it’s hosted on Shopify)
We are working diligently to bring you new features to give you the best advantage when it comes to scoring highly sought after merch such as signed CDs, limited production cardigans, and more.
We hope you check us out at: https://discord.gg/BG7cBgwR3Z
submitted by Odd_Abbreviations712 to TaylorSwiftMerch [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:35 Resident-Average8368 Birth certificate Help
I am trying to get a copy of my original birth certificate before my step-father adopted me.
Around 1979, my step-father legally adopted me. My bio father was fine with giving up rights- no drama- wasn’t a part of his life- he’s deceased- not an issue for me or part of the problem
I am trying to get an original copy of my birth certificate before my name was changed. Many years ago, I went downtown/county; and they those records were old and they no longer had them - My adoption wasn’t closed- no secrecy . No one has any copies to show what my original name was.
Where can I get the origin birth certificate or even better adoption papers that show my birth name??
I was around 11 years old, and I remember going in front of a judge downtown for the adoption. So, I obviously know what my original name was, lol- but looking for paperwork
submitted by Resident-Average8368 to dayton [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:35 RimLeech dropping a $10,000 skin to a teammate in cs2
submitted by RimLeech to ohnePixel [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:35 dancarmar Woke up with this after feeling something zapped me
I woke up (well i'm not sure if i'm awake) with what felt like something zapped my chin. I really don't know how to explain it but when you're being cauterized, that's it what felt. It was painful but i didn't really wake up, but I think I was dreaming and when i woke up in the morning, i checked all over my bed and pillow, no chargers, no pins or needles anywhere. It was just my phone and i'm wearing my apple watch. But not anything sharp with those either.
submitted by dancarmar to Weird [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:35 sbtdesu Say Hello to Amay, she loves MTG :D
submitted by sbtdesu to SupportingArtist [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:35 SweetieKittyHeart my favorite pencil skirt
submitted by SweetieKittyHeart to skirt [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:35 Doodlebob694200 Arid, Georgia
submitted by Doodlebob694200 to freights [link] [comments]