2025.02.01 21:52 VexsinLL No Cards, but found this!
submitted by VexsinLL to pokemoncards [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 CellistSpiritual258 Not doing well with recently poly wife. Seeking advice.
My wife (38F) and I (34M) have been together for 16 years and got married a few years ago. Together we have a two years old daughter.
I'd really like to hear your insights on my situation (apologies in advance for the long story. I made it as concise as I could):
Last August my wife told me that she has decided that she wants to be poly. She prefers it that we would "open up" together. I told her that I was hesitant but that I would think about it. Last September she told me that she'd been having a particular person in mind (a colleague, let's call him M) that she would like to have a poly relationship with. She didn't want to tell me at first because she wanted me to make up my mind without any pressure, but had come to the realisation that complete transparency is best (which I agree with). She told me that they'd been holding off a relationship and had been waiting till I had made up my mind. We then decided that I'd continue thinking about "opening up together".
She continued to repeatedly ask about my thoughts. After a while she made it clear that she was unhappy with my progress ("you're not doing the work"). Eventually this came to a boiling point: in an emotional state she made it clear that she considers our (family) life very restrictive (I knew she'd been struggling with the restrictions of parenthood) and that she can't go on in a monogamous relationship. If I couldn't accept her polyamorous orientation, divorce would be on the table. This hit me hard for two reasons: (1) I realised how unhappy she has been and that polyamory is apparently an absolute necessity for her. (2) I wish to avoid divorce at all cost. I still love my wife and I absolutely want to keep our family together. The idea of not seeing my daughter every day kills me and I don't want to her to grow up in two separate households (I know that there are plenty of good examples of healthy co-parenting situations but it's not something I desire). So, at that stage I agreed to her opening up to M. I told her I was not very happy with the situation but that I would tolerate it, given reasons (1) and (2).
Since then she has been exploring her polyamourous relationship with M. It's been progressing rather quickly: they are now even planning on a week long trip to M's home country in South America (we live in Europe).
The last few months have been very hard for me. There are a lot of emotions going on, of which jealousy and anger are the most prevalent. (I) Jealousy: I notice that I am very jealous. The idea of her being with another man romantically makes me feel very icky, to say the least. It has become clear that they are also engaging in sexual activities (or at least are planning to in the near future), which makes my skin crawl and makes me feel literally sick to the stomach. (II) Anger: I am angry that the choice she gives me is between polyamory and divorce. It makes me livid that she would break up our family for the sake of polyamory.
My wife believes that these are "only emotions" that can be tamed by "doing the work", which in her view means reading books on poly, listening to podcasts and reading threads on polyamory. I have been reading and listening to her suggestions, but I can't say I've made much progress. On top of that: her saying that I should "do the work" feeds into my anger, because I'm like: you cause all this emotional backlash on me, and it's me who has to work on it?!
We have been having a lot of fights. She resents me for being grumpy about her poly relationship (see (I) and (II)) and stresses that I need to make a definitive choice: agreeing to poly 100% or splitting up. I resent her for reasons listed under (II).
Final point: I do need to admit that she has been trying to help by sharing sources and talking. But a lot of the times the talking ends up in a full blown fight. And despite reading the sources I still can't seem to get over my anger and jealousy. In the end I wish that things would go back to before all the poly stuff.
How can I best navigate this situation? Any advice or insight would be highly appreciated!
submitted by CellistSpiritual258 to monodatingpoly [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 Blondepopstar Dream Besties in box pictures
I just want to know who thought it was a great idea to give Renee a bag shaped like a slice of cheese..... I mean, first the toast with egg and now this?? 😂 The boxes look very cute though submitted by Blondepopstar to Barbie [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 joanje22 Mi novio comparte cosas
Hace poco formalicé una relación con un chico (yo también soy chico) y a veces comparte cosas que me ponen a pensar. El caso es que siempre ha tenido una relación muy cercana con su mejor amigo que es gay. Cada vez que pelean el me deja de hablar y se desaparece submitted by joanje22 to ayudamexico [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 Other_Ostrich_6053 Bought my second car after 7 years
140k (of the 280k on the meter) kilometers in 7 years. I squeezed every mile out of my Opel Corsa D, with so much fun. But I started to get so many issues, with the main issue being the timing chain which is rambling now, even when the engine is warmed up. SO. I replaced my first love with the next car I fell in love with, a Giulietta. A 2012 automatic model in off-white, red leather interior, 170hp. I have only driven 200km with it today but I absolutely love the Dynamic mode, the stability, my interior, panoramic roof and rims. I can’t wait for the next day to start so I can get out and drive again :’) submitted by Other_Ostrich_6053 to AlfaRomeo [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 kraykray1345 Idk
submitted by kraykray1345 to peopletime [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 Alexis_Haven Was It Ok For This Stranger To Feel Up My Warm Silky Nylon Crotch? I Admit, It Was a Turn-On & Ended Up Fucking Him
submitted by Alexis_Haven to Pantyhose_Daily [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 East-Republic-5919 Kids father owes 30k back child support, I know where he lives and what illegal activity he is doing
OK so I have two 14 year old boys I love very much. I raise them on my own, and their father is only expected to pay $300/month in child support. He does not pay this. From a legal standpoint there is a warrant for his arrest. In addition he does not make any attempts to see his children, who are great kids that I am proud of, and he is by all accounts just a bad guy.
I am friends with his step brother and step brothers wife. I saw her yesterday. She informed me that children's father is living with his parents, and selling a drug that rhymes with Beth out of their home.
What should I do with this information? Should I call child support enforcement and tell them "Hey I spoke with a relative of his who has seen him and he is living at xyz address and selling bloop to support himself"
His mother and step father are aware of his activities, and do not care. His mother is an active addict and both mother and father are 'active church members' so as long as the public persona is good they let this garbage continue.
submitted by East-Republic-5919 to whatdoIdo [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 thebigesstegg How would you show the differences between the different kingdoms.
So I am planning on making a post-WOFK and long night era history book about the future of The seven Kingdoms (/Westeros).
One of the big plot points will be about how Seven kingdoms get dived into central Westeros (which are Westerlands, Reach, Riverlands and the crownlands (the Stromland and Crownland merge after the Long Night)) and outer Westeros (name in progress) Vale, the north, iron islands and Dorne). Due to many different civil war happing after the long night due to many noble family's dying out/going extinct even lord paramount's . but because of the central kingdom being close to the Crown the Crown is able to stop any civil wars but as the outer kingdoms are separated the crown was not able to hold it authority over these lands causing them to go into bloody civil wars making them poor and underpopulated.
The central Kingdoms became very wealthy and urbanised due to there lack of civil wars and culturally similar due to them being geographically close to one and each other.
While the outer kingdoms get poorer and more focused on agriculture due to there civil wars and becoming much more culturally different from the other other kingdoms because of natural borders (like the red mountains, the Neck, the mountains of the moon and the sea) so they develop vastly different cultures to the rest of the Seven kingdoms especially central Westeros.
But I don't really know how to show that expect from having them have different accents and have them be ether poor or wealthy.
I do got a few ideas like the outer kingdoms having different holidays than to the other kingdoms or having the outer kingdoms having independence wars from time to time only to be crushed by the central kingdoms.
Another thing is going to be The long Night is going to kill a lot of people (Like half or 1/3 of people) causing a renaissance like even to happen to Westeros in a few generations casing even more cultural differences to happen.
submitted by thebigesstegg to TheCitadel [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 bunniexd11037 Achei ele
submitted by bunniexd11037 to AcheiOPedidorDeAjudas [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 Reasonable-Detail152 New Members Intro
If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by Reasonable-Detail152 to pointplay [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 kisseshax Hello
submitted by kisseshax to AvatarMemebending [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 ShawnFZR Up Close & Personal..!! • With a 2020 Spyder RTL! | TheSmoaks Vlog_3365
submitted by ShawnFZR to TheSmoaksVlogs [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 Shaky-TheMohel A keep or sell question.
I just pulled a 91 Punter from the Autograph pack. This is overkill for my team because I started playing just a few days ago. I’m only half way through tier 9 but have been grinding and have rapidly built a F2P team with an overall of 78.3. 2 League games and 50+ quick games played with only 1 loss, my team had been more than enough for current competition. Being new, I’m unaware of future events or trading challenges that I might need this card for. The lowest price on Market is $430,000. Is there any reason I should hang onto this card or should I attempt to sell it?
submitted by Shaky-TheMohel to Football_Head_Coach [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 Born-Many-8250 Looking for fanfiction…
I'm looking for fanfics where Kara and Lena's children travel through time?
submitted by Born-Many-8250 to SuperCorp [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 ChristalMethany123 So this is why the store smells like cat piss
submitted by ChristalMethany123 to sherwinwilliams [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 JayJayFlip Design vs Lore The White Scars
submitted by JayJayFlip to WhiteScars40K [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 liekoji One Technique I feel like sharing
I feel like shortly talking about a technique I developed to achieve the vibration state for AP much faster. Check it out and telll me what you think ;)
I call it Death Breaths.
Basically, you slow your breaths whilst focusing on certain agitations in your body enticing you to move. As you focus on these agitations, aim to tell them to "let go" while intentionally lowering your breaths (although not too roughly). This is to get them to slow their movements, ideally leading to a state of as little movement as possible.
Once you slow down movement, now comes the fun part. And by "fun", I mean horrifyingly painful part.
Why horrifying? Well, because you'll have to intentionally suffocate yourself, thus holding your breath and observing your body while still aiming to relax.
What you are trying to do here is notice a certain "blockage" causing that suffocation, hence preventing your breathing. This blockage will feel like a wall that you keep getting slammed into every time you hold your breath and the suffocation sensation arise.
The objective is to stay in this suffocation state for as long as possible whilst trying to, shall I say, breath through that blockage/wall feeling. Even though you are holding your breath, you will still be trying to breath.
All this is meant to force your body to relax itself and achieve a deepened state conducive for AP. The forced suffocation allows airflow into certain parts of the body under unorthodox means. The flowing of air into these parts naturally relaxes your body and gets you into a deepened trance-like state, which is a good set up for AP transitioning!
submitted by liekoji to AstralProjection [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 Tbuddy1997 Who’s the best underrated card to you? IMO it’s either between antimatter Brandon Roy and agate Keagan Murray,both with the right or decent gear are crazy good
submitted by Tbuddy1997 to NBA2KMOBILE_ [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 Itsbrndo What are your Realistic AND Unrealistic Hot Toys wants?
Captain America from the First Avenger will inevitably get a 2.0 fingers crossed. My more unrealistic wants are the 2005 F4 cast, Scott Pilgrim and Romona which I don’t think would ever ever happen, and a good Comic based Nightwing since they’ve been expanding with more comic book figures. What are yours? submitted by Itsbrndo to hottoys [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 elicitsequences I think Devilgotchi is my new favorite…
I love how mischievous he is, and his little voice is so buzzy and cute! I did have to put him in my closet during the night, though, because he wouldn’t stop making noise in his sleep lol. Tempted to collect all four color ways 😅 submitted by elicitsequences to tamagotchi [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 FemDream25 Looking back on the sword rework concepts, which do you like the most? Which do you want to be added that hasn’t be an added already?
submitted by FemDream25 to bloxfruits [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 RubOk6547 Best budget DJI goggles & Radio
Heyo! Have been enjoying my tinywhoop for a few weeks, after playing some hours in a SIM.
I do want to upgrade to an O3 budget build eventually, maybe even the Avata.
What goggles do you recommend and do they work with usb over pc?
Same question for the controlleradio :)
Thanks so much in advance!
submitted by RubOk6547 to fpv [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 vault0dweller 34 Found Alive When Plane Successfully Lands At JFK; Trump Launches Investigation
"We're not sure how this happened, but Trump has a plan to keep this from happening again!" Trump spokesman says.
submitted by vault0dweller to onionheadlines [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 No_Cycle4088 NY official servers down?
Is it down for everyone?
submitted by No_Cycle4088 to dayz [link] [comments]