2025.02.01 22:41 Real-Requirement-677 박은정 "기소청으로 전락한 거죠, 사실상"
'법원, 검찰이 신청한 윤석열 구속연장 불허'의 의미
<공수처에서 수사한 것을 검찰이 좌우할 수 있는 여지 차단>
◉박은정 : 감사합니다. 그 검찰은 구속기간 연장 신청을 하면 당연히 받아줄 거라고 생각했던 게 뭐냐 하면 과거에 이제 조희연 교육감 사건 때 불구속으로 송치 받아가지고, 이첩 받아가지고 보완수사해서 기소했거든요. 그런데 계속 법원 때리기를 했잖아요, 국민의힘, 윤석열 측에서. 그러니까 법원은 그런 보완수사 건에 관한 공수처법 규정이 명확히 없기 때문에 나중에 이 법원의 연장 결정이 그 재판에서 논란이 될 것을 아예 차단시킨 겁니다.
▶김어준 : 아, 법원의 입장에서는?
◉박은정 : 사실상 수사도 또 거의 다 마무리됐고, 내란과 관련해서는. 그래서 연장 신청을 불허한 거예요.
<검찰이 윤석열 구속연장 시도했던 이유>
검찰 '수사'의 당위성 주장 : '공수처는 무능, 겸찰은 유능' 보여주려
▶김어준 : 그런데 애초에 연장을 시키려고 했던 이유는 뭡니까?
◉박은정 : 그냥 검찰은 윤석열 우리도 수사 잘할 수 있어, 공수처보다는 우리가 더 잘해.
▷김기표 : 소환해서 조사를 하고 싶었겠죠, 윤석열을.
◉박은정 : 네. 김건희 불기소 해 줄 테니까 좀 조사 좀 받아봐, 뭐 이런 식으로 거래할 수 있잖아요, 검찰은.
▶김어준 : 공수처 그 빈손이야, 사실은. 윤석열 수사 못 했잖아.
▷김기표 : 그렇죠.
◉박은정 : 그렇죠.
▶김어준 : 우리가 제대로 하는 거 보여줄 테니까 우리 해체하면 안 돼.
<법원의 수사기간 연장 불허 이유>
2025.02.01 22:41 Ill-Row-4551 Can I merge accounts?
I'm on ps5 and in short, I have an account with the iron spider skin and my main account doesn't, as to why I didn't buy the skin on my main well it's complicated, so is there anyway to merge the 2 accounts?
submitted by Ill-Row-4551 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 catlover34 Dividend ETF strategy
Looking for some feedback. Around 40 years old and I have $1M in a taxable brokerage and another $600K in a Roth IRA. Mostly in short term treasuries at the moment.
I currently work full-time with a low six figures job. I don’t know exactly when I will look to cut back on hours or leave my job altogether, but I would like to have a passive income stream set up to give me flexibility and options should I wish to pursue passions or hobbies more extensively.
I like the idea of etf’s such as SCHD, DGRO, VYM, VIG, VTI, etc. decent yield and good Appreciation and dividend growth. The covered call ETF’s like JEPI, JEPQ, GPIX, etc have a little appeal as well, but not sure I want to allocate much to those.
I have already started to buy shares in some of the above ETFs, but I’m still early enough where I can relocate in any way I want as desired. Planning to keep averaging in for both accounts. Probably looking to be fully invested in the taxable brokerage account by the end of this year, while the Roth IRA may be similar or a little bit longer timeline.
Looking for any feedback or thoughts that come to mind, thank you very much!
submitted by catlover34 to dividends [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 wtfover I'm making a fragrance for introverts called Leave Me The Fu Cologne
submitted by wtfover to oneliners [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 NectarineNegative769 Rocket at 100% but launch greyed out?
submitted by NectarineNegative769 to factorio [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 Similar-Set2517 DESTROY ALL HUMANS!
YES OR NO? YOUTUBE https://youtu.be/aoPtacj7Wus?si=X0BMqJ3TDcxFRCJG submitted by Similar-Set2517 to streamers_squad [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:41 milkjee Question for Atheists
Not at all trying to convince you to join Christianity, but why not? It comes with little cost to believe in God and if by chance he is real, then you get to spend eternity in paradise. It sounds like the American Dream. Even if you don't believe in God, why not do it just for the off chance that he is real?
submitted by milkjee to atheism [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 freakstate [GTM] Checkmate
submitted by freakstate to GuessTheMovie [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:41 No_Imagination5590 When do you expect Stolas & Octavia's reconciliation to happen?
View Poll
submitted by No_Imagination5590 to hazbin [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 eldrich1423 [suggestion] my friend has a 1300 dollar budget and is wanting to buy a prebuild.
so me and my friend have been discussing buying a pc for a year or so, i decided to build one but my friend doesnt have time and is planning to buy a prebuilt. he needs help figuring his options so i figured id ask here.
submitted by eldrich1423 to suggestapc [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 No-Muffin9605 Set times
What time do they come on?
submitted by No-Muffin9605 to HippoCampusBand [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 abjinternational Kylie Jenner puts on a busty display in a pink sports bra while showing off her enviable abs
submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:41 eshkereshkin CPU
If my RDP wrapper works very poorly, does that mean the CPU is weak?
submitted by eshkereshkin to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 WilliamS2230 New camera suggestions
so i’m in middle school and i just got a camera for Christmas. It was the Canon eos r100 but it wasn’t giving me the shots i wanted and i couldn’t go to high shutter speed without it being really dark (even on highest iso and lowest aperture) so i ended up returning it. now im willing to put $1000 to a camera + lens. any suggestions?
submitted by WilliamS2230 to sportsphotography [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 ILuvOtto how much do you get every cashout ?
im curious to see everyones conversion rate , and their coin earnings .
on treasure master i get around 2-3k per level .. ive done 400k which gave me around .50c
let me know yours .. !!
submitted by ILuvOtto to JustPlay [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 delucyah Looking for this! (Set 2)
submitted by delucyah to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:41 GandalfDerFuatz Crazy delusional lilibs auf dem sub
submitted by GandalfDerFuatz to Kommunismus [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 quecoux [PSX] W: Duelist set H: Karma, Anything, Just ask
submitted by quecoux to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 ArtFraga Dimitris Mitropanos ROZA Chords - Guitar Tabs - 2Nixtes by 2Nixtes
Dimitris Mitropanos ROZA guitar tabs download as PDF on: https://paidtabs.com/search/pmQ37HYDlNQ
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
This score has 2 PDF pages
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @mikacwd
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at PaidTabs.com to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 Charlxss23 Dialga raid three local add 673548388835
submitted by Charlxss23 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 NowSnow7 23f does anything stand out to you? I’m so lost and deep in thought these days
submitted by NowSnow7 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:41 G3DD0N Chonker disagrees with diet; opens Surefeed of other cat
Hello everyone, My partner dropped of her kitty with me back in december bc we are going to have an international move and wanted to make sure that the cat can enter the country. Everything went well and the little champ was back to normal just hours after the long flight and almost as long of a drive.
We introduced him to my Coony (the problem kitty here) who is the little guy times three. And unfortunately he doesn't really agree with his diet. He is getting the Royal Canin Hypoallergenic due to food alergies which doesn't appear to filling for him. We previously tryed to add cellulose and psyllium husks to his diet but unfortunately he keept throwing up while he was getting those.
After I introduced them full time I noticed that the little guy keep leaving food behind (due to bad eating habits in his previous homes) and that the big guy was basically inhaling said leftovers. In order to stop that from happening I bought one of these Surefeed microchip feeders. The little guy, like the champ he is, didn't even need the training mode so iIthought that's it. Today however I came home to an empty but most importantly stuck open feeder. I fixed the flap and refilled. Half an hour later I hear plastic noises and could watch the chonker "bite" open the feeder by putting his teeth underneath and prying upwards.
I honestly don't know what to do here, he is definitely getting enough food, but he won't stop pestering me or trying to open the feeder (which he is now able to). I honestly don't know what to do with him. Any advice or ideas?
submitted by G3DD0N to CatTraining [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 oyvinol Can't dweomer spell trigger
I found an early Spell Trigger scroll and learned it. It is im my spell book. But when I cast Nahal's Reckless Dweomer it does not show up in the list. Any ideas?
According to the wiki it seems like it should work.
submitted by oyvinol to baldursgate [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 DuppyLoLo A question for the community
Hey everyone! I’ve noticed that all posts that link out to YouTube perform poorly, but it’s the only practical way to post long form projects with audio. How should a creator post short films in a way that promotes engagement?
submitted by DuppyLoLo to stopmotion [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 Rough_Rich_687 Slightly modified blade.
submitted by Rough_Rich_687 to knifeclub [link] [comments] |